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Raider fan with a question about Carr...


Practice Squad
There have been rumors we would trade for Carr and I remember that he was due a $4 mil bonus on March 15th according to the link below. Has he in fact received that bonus? Just curious because I'm thinking that if he has we can put that rumor to rest...
the second of which is due to be given to him on March 15, 2007. If another team is willing to give Carr the $4 million he is owed in a trade scenario
In what was considered the 2005 league year, the Texans exercised a 3 year buy back option (he had satisfied a performance option to void the last 3 years of the deal) by paying him an $8 mil bonus. By exercising it when they did, they were able to prorate it over the 2005-2008 seasons at $2 mil per year. In other words, he has received everything, but the Texans still have to account for $4 mil of signing bonus if he is traded or cut.
not everyone hates...i personally think he has been dealt such a bad hand here in houston that the decent thing to do is to trade him to a team that can give him a fresh start...i think the sooner we do that the better...and if we can trade him to a team with a decent o-line the better his chances are of rebounding his career
i know. casserly and capers pretty much ruined him, and now he's gonna go for a low price to someone else and shine like he did at fresno state
Despite all the negatives you will here about Carr on this message board, he is still better than any QB the raiders currently have on their roster. He would be a good QB with a better O line - I just don't think the Raiders line is any better than the Texans. However, it's kind of hard to tell what kind of talent the Raiders really had last year since your O coordinator was awful.
In what was considered the 2005 league year, the Texans exercised a 3 year buy back option (he had satisfied a performance option to void the last 3 years of the deal) by paying him an $8 mil bonus. By exercising it when they did, they were able to prorate it over the 2005-2008 seasons at $2 mil per year. In other words, he has received everything, but the Texans still have to account for $4 mil of signing bonus if he is traded or cut.
How can they prorate a portion over 2005 when he didn't sign the extension until 2006?
How can they prorate a portion over 2005 when he didn't sign the extension until 2006?

The league year doesn't follow the calendar year--something like March 1 is the start of the league year. They exercised the option in 2006 but because it was still during the 2005 league year they were able to put $2 mil on that cap. Pretty slick actually.
Arguably Casserly and Ferens' only wise cap move in 5 years.

I was thinking that as I typed it. Henson was almost a slick move until Casserly went with the--well now, see, we got that 3rd with a 6th so it was basically free--and used it on P-Buc. Actually, tying up Pitts was probably a good move given the $49 mil contracts for non-probowl G's this year.
I'm all for recapturing my Collegiate glory years.

Andre Ware

I met Andre Ware at a business conference. I got to talking to him because my uncle was the defensive coordinator at a school that played him every year. My uncle would talk about next week's opponent and the quality of the players. Andre's name came up a few times several years in a row.

Anyway, I got to talking to Andre about his days as a Houston Cougar and just about life in general. He was a really cool guy, actually just a regular guy that you can kick back a drink a beer with.

I was very impressed.
I met Andre Ware at a business conference. I got to talking to him because my uncle was the defensive coordinator at a school that played him every year. My uncle would talk about next week's opponent and the quality of the players. Andre's name came up a few times several years in a row.

Anyway, I got to talking to Andre about his days as a Houston Cougar and just about life in general. He was a really cool guy, actually just a regular guy that you can kick back a drink a beer with.

I was very impressed.
He does a good job as the color commentator with the Texans radio network.
Watch him go another team and excel. It happens. Then Texan fans will hate him even more.

Or watch him go to another team and be just as bad. That happens even more often. Then the Texan fans will look back at these days with a certain wistfulness.

Guys like Plunkett, Steve Young, Brad Johnson, Gannon, and Trent Green are pretty rare. Most guys end up like Ryan Leaf, Tim Couch, and all those nameless guys that bounce around all over the place.
Watch him go another team and excel. It happens. Then Texan fans will hate him even more.

The only thing that worries me about carr on another team is his sack history. I'm afraid that he's been hit so many times that he's pretty much expecting it every play and if it doesn't happen, he's confused.

I thing he could really excel on a different team. Raiders unfortunately don't have a great o-line though. Give him some time to throw and let him get used to that time and he'll be great. I'd personally like to see him on the Bears.
In what was considered the 2005 league year, the Texans exercised a 3 year buy back option (he had satisfied a performance option to void the last 3 years of the deal) by paying him an $8 mil bonus. By exercising it when they did, they were able to prorate it over the 2005-2008 seasons at $2 mil per year. In other words, he has received everything, but the Texans still have to account for $4 mil of signing bonus if he is traded or cut.

So the article was wrong?
Then the haters will get what they deserve.

What about the non-haters who simply want good QB play for less than 7 million per year and without the 'if he only had anything around him' excuses?

Is that a Verizon commercial shoot in your avatar?
I was under the assumption that if traded..the new team would incur the $4 mill signing bonus that is left. That is part of the trouble in a trade + his salary...i could be way off though so sorry if i'm of no help.

from a texans perspective...we've already taken $4million of his $8million bonus on our cap. We still have $4 million left and can take that off $2 mill each year. but that is of little significance to another team.
I was under the assumption that if traded..the new team would incur the $4 mill signing bonus that is left. That is part of the trouble in a trade + his salary...i could be way off though so sorry if i'm of no help.

The Texans incur the remainder of the s/b in what's called a cap acceleration. It's not real money, just cap accounting.

The new team assumes the remainder of the contract (the base) and they can redo it to make it more cap friendly, if they feel the player is worth it. For example, the new team could take a player's remaining 12 million over two years and turn it into a new 4 year deal with a 2 mill s/b and the remaining 10 spread over 4 years and heavily backloaded.
So the article was wrong?
Not wrong, just unrealistic. The second half of the $8 MM signing bonus was due to Carr yesterday (3/15) of which, he probably got paid (I can't verify this but if its in the contract, it happened). The article paints a picture that another team would either pay the Texans $4MM to make up for the signing bonus or pay $4MM to Carr and Carr (out of the graciousness of his heart) would then pay back the Texans their loss of $4MM. Either way, its not a likely scenario. First, a team willing to trade for Carr is not paying $4MM signing bonus to him or the Texans, when they don't owe it. That pill belongs to the Texans and the Texans alone. See below:
Carr has yet to actually receive the entire $8 million bonus the team opted to give him last year. It was scheduled to be paid in two equal installments, the second of which is due to be given to him on March 15, 2007. If another team is willing to give Carr the $4 million he is owed in a trade scenario, Carr can actually give back (or, more specifically, forfeit) the $4 million he is about to receive from the Texans so long as he does it before the new league year begins in March, thereby saving the Texans that dead money altogether.
It doesn't surprise me that David hasn't moved yet. The more I look at extending David's option, the dumber the decision.
We did such a great job at recapturing our Glory days didn't we Andre. Call me and we'll meet up for lunch....your treat.

David Klingler

Can we go too?


Tim Couch
Joey Harrington
Akili Smith
Ryan Leaf
Heath Shuler
Rick Mirer