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No national press?


Let me start by stating that until we beat _______ or win ____ number of games or make it to the playoffs etc., but the Patriots practically got their own national holiday for beating the Phins last week. Why are we such an afterthought? I'm glad I can get Houston media through my smart phone, because I would never know about the Texans otherwise. Unless they lose that is, then the media is all over them.
Because the handful of plays that led us to being utter failures for the past like, four years have burned them too many times.

How much press could a team that's done nothing for years get, anyway? Shouldn't we be satisfied that people are picking us to win the division?
Because the handful of plays that led us to being utter failures for the past like, four years have burned them too many times.

How much press could a team that's done nothing for years get, anyway? Shouldn't we be satisfied that people are picking us to win the division?

What about Detroit or Buffalo? E-spin can't get enough of them.
Detroit is flashy and they haven't burned them as much as we have. Buffalo is a nice surprise who played in a fantastic game yesterday.
I beg to differ....

They did a whole segment on ESPN pregame talking about the Texans with Bill Parcells....he had some good things to say. ESPN as a whole has had some positive things to say about the Texans this year....

As far as yesterday.....they are always going to look at the "dramatic" the Atlanta vs Eagles....or Oakland vs Buffalo games and spend the most time because those were so back and forth.....

Drama will always get more tv time than one like ours yesterday.......
I beg to differ....

They did a whole segment on ESPN pregame talking about the Texans with Bill Parcells....he had some good things to say. ESPN as a whole has had some positive things to say about the Texans this year....

As far as yesterday.....they are always going to look at the "dramatic" the Atlanta vs Eagles....or Oakland vs Buffalo games and spend the most time because those were so back and forth.....

Drama will always get more tv time than one like ours yesterday.......

I didn't see that. I was watching the CBS pregame. Good to know. I guess I'll take this over the drama we had last year. All of last years drama was bad other than the Finnigan whooping.
Be patient. We were 2-0 last year, remember?

We beat the Saints and go 3-0, people will start talking. But if they don't, you'll know why they weren't.

Does it really matter?

In fact I'd go so far as to say its probably a good thing. The Texans are still (after all these years) a growing team that hasn't actually achieved anything. Better to be creeping up on the inside rail unnoticed than having everyone piling pressure on a group that has yet to achieve its potential.
Be patient. We were 2-0 last year, remember?

We beat the Saints and go 3-0, people will start talking. But if they don't, you'll know why they weren't.


If we win, I can almost bet the tag will read, "What's wrong with the Saints?" or something which implies it as a Saints loss vice Texan's win. I'm not sure we win this game though. I like our odds, but this is a good match-up and should favor the home team. We're not going to sneak into anymore wins. Even if the press ignores us, opposing teams will not. This should be a really good game
I hope the Texans are doubted, and shown no respect all the way to the playoffs. This is a young team, and I don't want them starting to believe good press. I'd rather have them with the feeling that they have something to prove all season.

Because Matt Schaub isnt sexy enough.
I hope the Texans are doubted, and shown no respect all the way to the playoffs. This is a young team, and I don't want them starting to believe good press. I'd rather have them with the feeling that they have something to prove all season.

I'm not sure if it's a bad thing to have confidence and believe you're the best. I agree that some teams/player let things go to their heads, but it beats them going into games thinking they will blow the lead and lose.
When did football fans become a bunch of whiny bitches?? I think this seriously says something about the parenting ability of most of the parents that raised kids in the 80's and 90's. WE'VE ONLY PLAYED 2....T W O regular season games this year with a history of let downs and sloppy play. If I were the media, I'm looking the other way till about week 16 and Texans already have a playoff spot locked up. I can't believe how whiny some of you are. Have you ever had to earn anything?? Or did you grow up in The Woodlands or the Bellaire area?

I am a HUGE Texans fan, but still skeptical. It won't be until about week 6 and if we come out of there 5-1 that I'll start saying...hmm, maybe the Texans got it going on this year. I still wear my jerseys, still fly my flags from my car, but there's no way I'm going to seriously buy in on this teams new winning ways until they actually do some real winning. We are basically the Saints prior to 5 or so years ago right now. Have patience and have your mommy change your diaper and make you a nice bah bah for crying out loud!

During the ESPN pregame show they had Parcels and 1 other guy (I can't remember who) talk a moment about our team. Overall, like others said, it was pretty positive. The general reaction was that we were a good team, but the D was still a work in progress. Said to give it till December or so and you will see a much more formidable team.
If we win, I can almost bet the tag will read, "What's wrong with the Saints?" or something which implies it as a Saints loss vice Texan's win. I'm not sure we win this game though. I like our odds, but this is a good match-up and should favor the home team. We're not going to sneak into anymore wins. Even if the press ignores us, opposing teams will not. This should be a really good game

I don't think we've snuck into any wins this season at all. Probably not last year, either.
The only time I want to hear about the Texans in International media (I'm not from around there) is when it's announced that we secured a playoff spot :)
When they started playing Madden and fantasy football.

I really blame Fantasy... It's polluting the screen during games these days too, too much fantasy crap and less actual results of other games.. pisses me off...
I really blame Fantasy... It's polluting the screen during games these days too, too much fantasy crap and less actual results of other games.. pisses me off...

It's crap like I'm starting to see on this board that made me look for other forums than clutchfans. I swear it seems I never run across people in the sports bar or at work who whine like some of the kids on these boards. It's ridiculous. Probably becasue people like that are at home on their respective gaming system playing madden online and talking trash and checking their fantasy updates on their laptops.

"oh buh buh boo, my vagina hurts"


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 7-3 win or a 55-10 win. In the NFL, the real one that comes on TV where realistic trades and what nots have to go down and you can actually go to the game in person, There's this thing (well, most of the time) called defense where, (shocker alert) the other team is supposed to be trying their best to prevent the other team from scoring. I know, sounds crazy to you video game heads out there.

Anyway, get real people. I don't even want to hear much of a mention of us until we get to the playoffs. PERIOD.
When did football fans become a bunch of whiny bitches?? I think this seriously says something about the parenting ability of most of the parents that raised kids in the 80's and 90's. WE'VE ONLY PLAYED 2....T W O regular season games this year with a history of let downs and sloppy play. If I were the media, I'm looking the other way till about week 16 and Texans already have a playoff spot locked up. I can't believe how whiny some of you are. Have you ever had to earn anything?? Or did you grow up in The Woodlands or the Bellaire area?

I am a HUGE Texans fan, but still skeptical. It won't be until about week 6 and if we come out of there 5-1 that I'll start saying...hmm, maybe the Texans got it going on this year. I still wear my jerseys, still fly my flags from my car, but there's no way I'm going to seriously buy in on this teams new winning ways until they actually do some real winning. We are basically the Saints prior to 5 or so years ago right now. Have patience and have your mommy change your diaper and make you a nice bah bah for crying out loud!


I'm not trying to be a whiny *****. This started when I watched ESPN this morning before work and saw highlights from every game and then they casually mentioned that the Phins lost without showing any clips and that was it. I could care less where we end up on power rankings, but we should at least get play regardless of the history, mannings injury, or anything else. right now we are in first place and the fact that the game highlights are not covered pisses me off. If I lived in Houston, this wouldn't matter, but I'm stationed far away from the great state of TEXAS, so I live by the snippets of coverage I get through the national media. I'll stop whining now.
When they started playing Madden and fantasy football.

Madden has only been around since 1988, old man. :rolleyes:

If anything, Madden has educated the average football fan for the past two generations.

People have been bitching about football and lack of coverage for local teams since I was a kid (and probably well before that point). Bitching is what sports fans do, because they have absolutely no impact on the outcomes of games.

euro-Texan, can you get NFLN? They have a much better post-game coverage than ESPN. All football, all the time at NFLN!
That is sooooo gay! LOL....seriously GAY. Like he'll give you a reach-around GAY. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just sayin'.

Dude, be careful what you say. The guy is a pro QB and future HOFer married to Giselle. By definition he is more masculine than pretty much anyone. Headband or no headband.

You're implying that the majority of us (anyone who is not a pro football player married to supermodel) are likely ... as well...
Dude, be careful what you say. The guy is a pro QB and future HOFer married to Giselle. By definition he is more masculine than pretty much anyone. Headband or no headband.

You're implying that the majority of us (anyone who is not a pro football player married to supermodel) are likely ... as well...

Brady could wear a dress, paint his nails, and put his hair in pony-tails and still be more manly than most with his resume and wifey. :shades:

Haters gotta' hate...
euro-Texan, can you get NFLN? They have a much better post-game coverage than ESPN. All football, all the time at NFLN![/QUOTE]

Yes I get it, but for some reason they have been running a bunch of those "top ten head coaches who wear hoodies" or other crappy shows they play to showcase someone who needs no more press. Their news show is good but is on a loop for a day. I swear last week they were no better than ESPN. I watched five days of how great the Patriots were because they beat the Fins.
Fixed it for ya. :neener:

Nice....except for, you know, science and all...

Madden Football IQ Study At University Of Oregon

This year’s study, which examined how fans of Madden NFL also interact with the sport of football, determined that fans who play the Madden NFL video game series are not only more knowledgeable about the game of football, but are also more avid, devoted fans.

“For the second year, we delved into the relationship that the Madden NFL game forges with real football, and the study proved that it runs very deep. Madden NFL fans are not only extremely knowledgeable about the game of football, they are equally as passionate,” said Paul Swangard, Managing Director of the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the University of Oregon. “Twenty-one years of the Madden NFL franchise has created a smarter and more devoted football fan

Madden NFL Players More Knowledgeable About Nuances of Football

In this year's study, the Madden NFL Football IQ survey found that Madden NFL players continue to be more knowledgeable about the game of football than non-Madden players. Out of a total of 25 questions, Madden NFL players scored higher in all five survey categories. Categories where Madden NFL players scored significantly better were Game Situations and General Knowledge categories, where Madden NFL players scored 19 and 12 percent higher, respectively.

Questions where Madden NFL players scored particular higher indicated intricate knowledge of not only football mechanics, but also nuanced knowledge of football terminology. Examples included:

* 67 percent of Madden NFL players correctly identified specific passing routes versus 48 percent of non-Madden NFL players.

* Madden NFL players also know their defensive schemes, with 81 percent correctly identifying formations compared to 67 percent of non-Madden respondents.

* Madden NFL players get inside the game of football as well, demonstrated as they correctly defined injury classification terms more often than non-Madden NFL players. For example, 63 percent of Madden NFL players correctly defined "Injured Reserve" versus 48 percent of non-Madden NFL players.

So...yeah. :fingergun:
Nice....except for, you know, science and all...

So...yeah. :fingergun:

I'll never forget a couple of years ago, while listening to Kubiak's radio show. A caller asked him why he wasn't running a certain offensive play, and before he could answer him, the caller says, "It worked last night when I was playing Madden"!

That's the issue DB. It gives fans the idea that they are smarter than the coaches.

Makes them "more knowledgeable"? I couldn't possibly disagree more.
National media slobbered all over the Texans the past few years only to have them explode into a mushroom cloud of mediocrity. Can't blame them for being cautious
I'll never forget a couple of years ago, while listening to Kubiak's radio show. A caller asked him why he wasn't running a certain offensive play, and before he could answer him, the caller says, "It worked last night when I was playing Madden"!

That's the issue DB. It gives fans the idea that they are smarter than the coaches.

Makes them "more knowledgeable"? I couldn't possibly disagree more.

Well, one dumbass doesn't represent an entire group, y'know?

I agree that it's a really stupid question. But, that goes back to my other point that talk radio and forums provide avenues for broadcasting stupid takes. These dummies existed decades ago, but they were unable to spew their nonsense because no avenue existed for them to do so.

As far as disagreeing with scientific research...well, maybe you can go spew that opinion on talk radio now. :shades:

Honestly, though, this isn't a pissing match. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Madden game, but John Madden has done an excellent job over the past couple of decades of ensuring that his product is authentic as it can be with regards to the fundamentals. His name is more than just an endorsement. He's a teacher in many ways, and as the above research reveals, it's been a pretty good tool in that regard.

But, it cannot keep morons from confusing a video game with reality as it pertains to the business of the front office. That should be the job of a talk radio producer who answers the phones and fields the calls.
National media slobbered all over the Texans the past few years only to have them explode into a mushroom cloud of mediocrity. Can't blame them for being cautious

I guess I should clarify my original point. I could care less about national media hype. I don't care who the talking heads pick with their meaningless predictions or power rankings. I also could care less about the little interviews washed up athletes who pretend to be journalist interview about some emotional garbade which has nothing to do with X's and O's. The point of this post was to ask why the hell we are ignored from the national media highlight reel? I understand the FF thing it serves the national media to push FF as it forces fans to look outside of local coverage to check on there players from different teams, but when they spend countless time showing an injury to Big Ben that really didn't result in an injury at all and fail to show any highlights of a game which included an undefeated division leading team. What pisses meoff is that I suffered through five solid days of thier praise of the Patriots for beating the same team a weel earlier. I just wanted to see some damn highlights Okay i'm climbing down fro the soapbox now
ESPN is gravitating toward the social media network more than actual football analysis and coverage.

Remember NFL Matchup. Used to be one of the best pure Xs and Os shows on that network.
Well, it's gone now.
The only thing close to it is on NFLN with Sharpe and Baldinger.

Instead we get things like SportsNation (which serves no useful function as far as I can see) and NFL32 where the Tweeter universe gets to pick the topic as the show progresses instead of stepping thru each game and breaking it down. And one guess which area of the country does the most tweeting

It's sad really.
I will care about a fawning press when the NFL switches to the BCS.

Which is never.

This sort of thread deserves more kitten.

I love to read all you know it alls that can decipher exactly why BSPN gives us no look when we Manhandle the colts but they do put a video of reggie wayne catching a td in garbage time on the top ten something or other. Since the Colts played so much better than us and because they were down a half of th first team or might I say Manning. That throw from Wannabe Manning was such the throw that it needed recognition on a top ten program. That was absolutely pathetic and now we go into Miami and man handle the Dollfans and not a word. It makes me reallize that BSPN is exactly that BULLSHITPARTYNETWORK and all the announcers are scared to say anything about the Texans. At least Bill Parcells knows football and is not afraid to say it.
I don't know how long, or how many hours my television has been on ESPN since the end of the game, but it has been quite a few. I work at my computer as well as come here and while I do that it's NFLN and ESPN a pretty good portion of that time.

I have yet to see the Houston/Miami highlights aside from watching them on my computer. Not once, nada. Yet I have seen seven or eight games' (you know which games) highlights more than seven or eight times and then some.

As I type I am watching NFL Primetime, three quarters into the show, and still nothing.

Maybe I get busier than I think and don't even know the highlights are being shown, but I doubt it. *oh goody, it's the Carolina/Pack highlights........again*
Maybe this will help.

I don't know if you were talking to me, but if so I said I got highlights on my computer, I was really bitching about ESPN and NFLN. I finally saw the NFL Primetime highlights and I now understand why I haven't seen them because if I had blinked I would have missed it. Three plays, they showed. Three. One look at Arian and his angry look on the sidelines and three plays. I guess they want to be technically honest when they say "we'll take you all around the day in the NFL." :D

I do, though, appeciate that link very much! :smiliedance:
I don't know if you were talking to me, but if so I said I got highlights on my computer, I was really bitching about ESPN and NFLN. I finally saw the NFL Primetime highlights and I now understand why I haven't seen them because if I had blinked I would have missed it. Three plays, they showed. Three. One look at Arian and his angry look on the sidelines and three plays. I guess they want to be technically honest when they say "we'll take you all around the day in the NFL." :D

I do, though, appeciate that link very much! :smiliedance:
No, I wasn't directing this at you. This is just an instance of some national press coverage and this seemed like as good a place as any to share it.
And you're quite welcome. :)
When did football fans become a bunch of whiny bitches?? I think this seriously says something about the parenting ability of most of the parents that raised kids in the 80's and 90's. WE'VE ONLY PLAYED 2....T W O regular season games this year with a history of let downs and sloppy play. If I were the media, I'm looking the other way till about week 16 and Texans already have a playoff spot locked up. I can't believe how whiny some of you are. Have you ever had to earn anything?? Or did you grow up in The Woodlands or the Bellaire area?

I am a HUGE Texans fan, but still skeptical. It won't be until about week 6 and if we come out of there 5-1 that I'll start saying...hmm, maybe the Texans got it going on this year. I still wear my jerseys, still fly my flags from my car, but there's no way I'm going to seriously buy in on this teams new winning ways until they actually do some real winning. We are basically the Saints prior to 5 or so years ago right now. Have patience and have your mommy change your diaper and make you a nice bah bah for crying out loud!


I'll bet there are a ton of people that grew up in the woodlands and bellaire that can whoop your ass.
I watched around the league on NFLN yesterday for a whole entire hour because i saw Ben Tate was going to be on. It said Ben Tate interview next going to the commercial, and then coming back, the interview was behind some Romo BS and some more Jets coverage and Brady worshipping, and then it said next again, and then it was behind Giants pre-game coverage and Cam Newton leg humping.

This continued for an hour and i ended up missing the interview. And the same thing happened today when they were going to talk about the matchup vs. the Saints and it didn't even come on till 35 minutes into the next program, and lasted 45 seconds.

And NFLN is usually better about it then ESPN.
Well if its any consolation to the lack of highlights shown nationally, ESPN has us moved up in the rankings to 5th, which is higher than I can ever remember them being ranked before. I don't put much stock in rankings but its something for those who need it.

Kuharsky even sounded optimistic about them. When he jumps firmly on the bandwagon you'll know they arrived.
Well if its any consolation to the lack of highlights shown nationally, ESPN has us moved up in the rankings to 5th, which is higher than I can ever remember them being ranked before. I don't put much stock in rankings but its something for those who need it.

Kuharsky even sounded optimistic about them. When he jumps firmly on the bandwagon you'll know they arrived.

I give a damn about the "Rat's Ass!!!"""
Who cares what the media think about Houston, Texans or us (fans)? Take your best shot. Respect is earned and we have not done that yet.