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NFL reaches agreement with L.A. Coliseum


shiny happy fan
NFL reaches agreement with L.A. Coliseum wire reports

LOS ANGELES (Nov. 10, 2005) -- The NFL and city officials have reached a preliminary agreement on terms to bring a team back to the Los Angeles Coliseum...

...Tentative plans call for the NFL to finance construction of a $500 million stadium inside the Coliseum, home to the Rams from 1946-79 and the Raiders from 1982-94.

City Councilman Bernard Parks said after listening to Tagliabue that he believes the Coliseum will eventually get an existing team rather than an expansion team. "The NFL is going to have a say on who's going to come here. The Coliseum has no role in selecting a team," Parks said.
Wow, while I realize there are practical concerns about TV revenue, etc. I would think a lot of cities could be po'd about paying for stadiums to get or keep teams and then having the NFL pay for LA to take someone else's team. Like $500 mil wouldn't make the Saints happy in NO. People can talk down on Benson wanting to move after Katrina, but he said it before--this should be a bigger slap in the face to them.
I don't think the NFL should be financing a stadium. If Los Angeles wants a team, they can upgrade the stadium themselves. Last time I checked Los Angeles is not a poor city.
Yeah, I think Jax got their issue figured out. Saints or Vikes maybe? Maybe I'm off, but wasn't there also a mention back when Houston got theirs from Tags that he noted that there may be one more expansion but it was to be much later?

I think Cards, Colts got their new stadium. Jets didn't... wait, I think they and the Giants are getting a new one to share.
A4toZ said:
Yeah, I think Jax got their issue figured out. Saints or Vikes maybe? Maybe I'm off, but wasn't there also a mention back when Houston got theirs from Tags that he noted that there may be one more expansion but it was to be much later?

I think Cards, Colts got their new stadium. Jets didn't... wait, I think they and the Giants are getting a new one to share.

No possible way its Minnesota.
Man, I hope it's not the Saints. I understand from a purely business perspective, but that just sucks to lose a team due to a natural disaster.

Why not the Vikings? Did they get a stadium deal, yet?

tulexan said:
I don't think the NFL should be financing a stadium. If Los Angeles wants a team, they can upgrade the stadium themselves. Last time I checked Los Angeles is not a poor city.

I agree 100%. I hate all the fawning that LA gets by the NFL. The city seems to care less, but the movement persists regardless.

I'm sure my dislike is leftover residue from the games the NFL played before Houston was awarded a team, but still, LA DOES NOT CARE!!!...

1st the Lakers now the Vikings, Ive believed this for a couple of years. I think the Saints will relocate (hopefully to San Antonio) and New Orleans will get one of the expansion teams in a few years once it rebuilds.
San Antonio is not getting a team. Paul Tagliabue has repeatedly said that they do not want to add another small market team.
I think it probably will be the Saints but I wouldn't say that it sucks to lose a team to a natural disaster. Katrina just accelerated what was already in progress. A few years ago after Houston got the Texans and the NFL started talking about moving a team to L.A. we all began hearing about the likely franchises to move. The Jags were mentioned and the Colts were talked about. The Vikings got some attention and the Saints did too. I'm probably leaving somebody out (didn't they talk about the Chargers moving up there at one time when they wanted improvements to their house?) but basically there were a bunch of teams that "could" move to L.A.

One by one they all got their deals done in their home towns. The Saints didn't get a deal done with New Orleans. It was just a matter of time after those other teams came off the table.

Katrina won't be what cost New Orleans the Saints. If anything it makes it tougher to move them out of New Orleans but the NFL was probably going to do it anyway and, after a suitable amount of time talking about how bad a situation this is they'll probably still do it. In the end the Saints fans will get the same treatment that Baltimore, Oakland, Cleveland, Saint Louis, L.A., and Houston fans got before them. Katrina won't take their team, the owners will.
tulexan said:
what about the chargers?

tulexan may be have a new job in predicting the future

Do or open for Chargers — Cash-strapped San Diego doesn't have the money to help the Chargers build a new stadium, mayor Jerry Sanders said, opening the door for Southern California's only NFL team to leave the city it has called home for 45 years.
If the team fails to find a new home in the county before Jan. 1, the Chargers would be free to negotiate a deal anywhere in the country.

Not saying a definite... but I think someone may be moving to a new frontrunner.
i believe san diego will be the team moved to L.A. because we all know that l.a. is a city that will not support a losing team...the chargers are a competitive team and will be better once they get a big-time reciever there...which will happen probably in next years draft...moving the saints would make sense money-wise but it would only be a matter of time before new orleans is demanding another team called the saints...i personally do not believe you can move the saints from new orleans...they're the only town that the saints make sense...the team fits that city's personality
keyfro said:
i believe san diego will be the team moved to L.A. because we all know that l.a. is a city that will not support a losing team...the chargers are a competitive team and will be better once they get a big-time reciever there...which will happen probably in next years draft...moving the saints would make sense money-wise but it would only be a matter of time before new orleans is demanding another team called the saints...i personally do not believe you can move the saints from new orleans...they're the only town that the saints make sense...the team fits that city's personality

Moving the Chargers to L.A. would also keep teams in the right divisions geographically, whereas moving the Saints would change that a bit. The Saints could end up moving to San Antonio if the league decides that San Antonio is worthy of a team, and I think the league will end up moving the Saints as New Orleans realistically cannot support a team now and probably not in the near future either, just the timing of moving a team away from them this year would not be right.
Vinny said:
San Antonio is larger than Dallas and is probably on par with New Orleans in mean income.

yes true as far as city size go, but when you look at their meto area its not even close. its like 5 million people for the D/FW area to like 1.5 for SA. Dallas' media market is in the top 7 in the country. even larger than Houston's (10th). SA's is ranked 37th. and if you say SA has the same economic impact as NO, thats not helping your case, because thats actually their problem there. corporate sponsers are the biggest problem, and SA will have the same issue.
here is a link to the largest media markets in the country...
California is anything but a football state, though I'm told USC has a strong
following. We pick up a lot of Pacific Coast Time Zone fans in the event Reggie comes here.
Vinny said:
New local ownership has vowed to keep the team in Minnesota since he bought it from McCombs and is moving to construct a new open air stadium. No way they move.

As far as "new local ownership," Wilf is from New Jersey. He's as much of a local as Red McCombs was. There's nothing local about him, although he has talked a good game about commitment to the community in his first year of ownership whereas Red was more of a threatening bully-type right off the bat.

Wilf is a real estate developer first and a football fan second, or third, or....

His vision is a billion plus development in the northern burbs of Mpls. He is also getting pressure to help re-develop the waterfront area after the Metrodome is torn down. His Blaine, MN vision is a huge mofo, way beyond a stadium.

His lease on the Metrodome runs through 2011. He has said he will keep the Vikings in Minnesota "forever." He has also said that he will not play in the Metrodome beyond 2011.

He is asking for as much as 600 million in public money from an extremely stingy state legislature at the same time the Minnesota Twins of MLB and the University of Minnesota are asking for new stadiums.

I'd never say "no way" the Vikings move when you have to deal with a legislature tighter than CA with public money subsidies of pro sports owners.

San Diego's announcement yesterday combined with the LA news is compelling.

I don't think the NFL would ever put Tom Benson in LA. Maybe his successors but I don't know how they are viewed among the elite. The Saints lease runs through 2010.

I would think SD and New Orleans are candidates with Minnesota, Buffalo. Jacksonville and Oakland in the second tier...
HardCoreTxn said:
1st the Lakers now the Vikings, Ive believed this for a couple of years. I think the Saints will relocate (hopefully to San Antonio) and New Orleans will get one of the expansion teams in a few years once it rebuilds.

No Expansion Teams. Please! NFL can still have the Super Bowl in Nawlins.
sounds like the NFL wants to put a team in L.A. more then L.A. wants a team put in L.A.

hasn't it always been that way?? and they dont even have to pay for their stadium??? what in the hell is that about??? someones got to raise the red bs flag on that one...:challenge
dhaNim said:
yes true as far as city size go, but when you look at their meto area its not even close. its like 5 million people for the D/FW area to like 1.5 for SA. Dallas' media market is in the top 7 in the country. even larger than Houston's (10th). SA's is ranked 37th. and if you say SA has the same economic impact as NO, thats not helping your case, because thats actually their problem there. corporate sponsers are the biggest problem, and SA will have the same issue.
here is a link to the largest media markets in the country...

I've tried telling people for sooo long that san antonio couldnt handle the market....I'm glad someone put the numbers out there. I've been saying it about the saints and the possibility of the florida marlins moving down there...not only is the market not big enough but the fan base has long been established. san antonio is cowgirl country and that will NEVER change...moving a team other than the cowgirls would have no effect on the nfl market.
sounds like the NFL wants to put a team in L.A. more then L.A. wants a team put in L.A.

There is a good reason for it though... I suppose. I think the TV revenue is shared with all 32 teams.
i either wasnt around, or wasnt watching the last two times we went through this. can someone explain to me what happened to the los angeles rams & the los angeles raiders?
nunusguy said:
California is anything but a football state, though I'm told USC has a strong
following. We pick up a lot of Pacific Coast Time Zone fans in the event Reggie comes here.

dont say whay you dont no were huge on football here, practilly the whole state is raiders fans
I would guess the Saints or Chargers. The Chargers are going to look around in San Diego County, but that may fall through. The Saints moving would shake things up a bit, but could be a possiblity. The Hornets need to go ahead and move to Oklahoma and I could see OK City getting a team before San Antonio. I am gonna say the Chargers, but hell any small market team could be relocated. I know the Texans, Redskins, Patriots, Cowboys, Falcons, and 49ers will not be moving neither will any of the New York City teams.
Coach C. said:
I would guess the Saints or Chargers. The Chargers are going to look around in San Diego County, but that may fall through. The Saints moving would shake things up a bit, but could be a possiblity. The Hornets need to go ahead and move to Oklahoma and I could see OK City getting a team before San Antonio. I am gonna say the Chargers, but hell any small market team could be relocated. I know the Texans, Redskins, Patriots, Cowboys, Falcons, and 49ers will not be moving neither will any of the New York City teams.

Probably, Chargers is the best team to move to LA market,kinda like the Clippers.

I wouldn't mind seeing a NFL team in Las Vegas....probably won't happen because of all the betting there.

It is unfortunate what happen in NO because of Katrina with losing 30 -40 % of your population. There is another hurricane season coming....pray another hurricane doesn't hit that area.
tulexan said:
I don't think the NFL should be financing a stadium. If Los Angeles wants a team, they can upgrade the stadium themselves. Last time I checked Los Angeles is not a poor city.

Co-signing w/ you on this one.
I think it will be between the chargers and the saints. Dont forget the Chargers started out in LA and moved to San Diego.
Didn't think for one minute that the NFL would have an expansion team as it upsets the 4 team division balance.

Realistically how many markets are left to support an NFL franchise?
I thought San Antonio would be, Las Vegas maybe, LA? where else?
I like the Las Vegas idea as well.

And if the Bills move, would that open up a Canadien expansion team?
texman8 said:
There is another hurricane season coming....pray another hurricane doesn't hit that area.

I'm sorry, but a hurricane can hit ANYWHERE.

Houston is NOT exempt from being struck by a hurricane either.
The rumour is for two NFL teams to be placed in LA.

"With a showdown looming over whether professional football returns to Los Angeles, the National Football League has quietly raised the prospect of bringing not just one but two teams to a rebuilt Memorial Coliseum, the Daily News has learned."
LikeABoss said:
I'm sorry, but a hurricane can hit ANYWHERE.

Houston is NOT exempt from being struck by a hurricane either.

Houston is actually safe from a hurricane. So is Oklahoma, and so is Kentucky. There are only certain areas that can be affected by hurricanes, because hurricanes are a direct result of climate/conflicting wind schemes. Thats why most hurricanes that happen do so in the Florida and gulf region.

As for moving a team to LA, it sounds good...and the LA Chargers doensn't sound too bad either. I also think that, while betting may not be ethical, its real and it happens in Vegas anyways. LV is a growing (rapidly) city and would certainly be able to support an NFL franchise.
Ironist said:
Houston is actually safe from a hurricane. So is Oklahoma, and so is Kentucky. There are only certain areas that can be affected by hurricanes, because hurricanes are a direct result of climate/conflicting wind schemes. Thats why most hurricanes that happen do so in the Florida and gulf region.

As for moving a team to LA, it sounds good...and the LA Chargers doensn't sound too bad either. I also think that, while betting may not be ethical, its real and it happens in Vegas anyways. LV is a growing (rapidly) city and would certainly be able to support an NFL franchise.

What was that thing that hit Galveston in 1900? Big thunderstorm?
mexican_texan said:
Galveston is not Houston, but we still get hurricanes.

My point is if it can hit gut instinct says it can hit Houston. If he's from anywhere close to this area he should have heard of it.

I know my location says San Marcos but that's just for school - I'm really from Spring too.
LikeABoss said:
I'm sorry, but a hurricane can hit ANYWHERE.

Houston is NOT exempt from being struck by a hurricane either.

I know hurricanes can hit anywhere....I'm been living here for 40 years. The New Orleans area is barely recovering from Katrina...just hoping another one doesn't hit the area. Maybe that moron mayor will have learn something from our Mayor White.

man you fellas argue over some of the craziest stuff sometimes. :) Yes, there are hurricanes that blow up from the Gulf. Most of Houston is not below sea level... however if disaster probability had anything to do with NFL team locations, California wouldn't get a team. People are pretty much deadened to the idea of major earthquakes, but that doesn't move the fault line.

I don't think the Rams are going to move or the Cardinals, simply because they have new stadiums.

I bet Benson has a Baltimore Raven type of deal in the works to move his franchise to LA. The NFL will work out some type of expansion package for the Saints, like they did with Cleveland. The Saints would stay in New Orleans , but a new stadium would have to be built ( or the Superdome revamped ). To soften up the blow, the NFL could foot part of the bill.

The Chargers would get the other slot in the LA deal. One from the AFC, One from the NFC.

Birmingham would be the next hottest football market for an expansion team.
BUT Atlanta, Tennessee, and Jacksonville would moan. ( Alabama football hates all three places though... and Bear Bryant country would finally have an NFL team )

I also agree that I don't think Vegas would ever get a professional team, esp in the NFL. If Janet Jackson is still too much for the suits, certainly Vegas is.

So Benson to LA = NFC WEST
Chargers to LA = same

New club Birmingham AFC South, New Orleans NFC South

that's my guess
Ironist said:
Houston is actually safe from a hurricane.
Quite true.
Houston, Alaska
Houston, Arkansas
Houston, Colorado
Houston, Illinois
Houston, Minnesota
Houston, Missouri
Houston, Ohio
Houston, South Dakota
and even
Houston, British Columbia
are all safe from hurricanes.

Houston, TEXAS however, is not.