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NFL considering proposal to abolish/modify extra points


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Is the extra point about to go the way of the dinosaur?

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told NFL Network's Rich Eisen on Monday that the league's Competition Committee might eventually abolish the time-tested point after touchdown in favor of a brand-new scoring system.

"The extra point is almost automatic," Goodell said. "I believe we had five missed extra points this year out of 1,200 some odd. So it's a very small fraction of the play, and you want to add excitement with every play.

"There's one proposal in particular that I've heard about. It's automatic that you get seven points when you score a touchdown, but you could potentially go for an eighth point, either by running or passing the ball, so if you fail, you go back to six."
Ohhhhh Roger! Why don't you worry about how to fix that mess that almost happened in the biggest game of the year last night? For a smart dude he can come off as really dumb sometimes.
I don't even see how this will hurt kickers (last sentence in article). Taking away that kick doesn't lessen their value at all. It's the 3-pointers that they get all their value from.
Just make them kick the extra point from the 20 yard line so it's not so automatic.
Ohhhhh Roger! Why don't you worry about how to fix that mess that almost happened in the biggest game of the year last night? For a smart dude he can come off as really dumb sometimes.

It isn't either or. They are going to look at a bunch of issues including the fumble from last night.

Just make them kick the extra point from the 20 yard line so it's not so automatic.

Would be kind of cool if made the points vary by distance.

40+ 1 pt
50+ 2 pts
60+ 3 pts
What they should do is narrow the uprights. Field goals have become almost automatic, even from well over 40 yards.
Ohhhhh Roger! Why don't you worry about how to fix that mess that almost happened in the biggest game of the year last night? For a smart dude he can come off as really dumb sometimes.

Because only one problem can be addressed during the offseason?
What they should do is narrow the uprights. Field goals have become almost automatic, even from well over 40 yards.

Have you been watching our kickers? Automatic from 40??...I would suggest ours should be just a little wider...
Would be kind of cool if made the points vary by distance.

40+ 1 pt
50+ 2 pts
60+ 3 pts

I like that idea! Introduces some strategic depth into the game while still maintaining ties to the old 'three downs and a cloud of dust' heritage. :thumbup
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What they should do is narrow the uprights. Field goals have become almost automatic, even from well over 40 yards.

86% for all kicks this year, shows how bad 72 percent from Bullock is in modern standards.


86.5: That was the average field goal success percentage, league-wide, which was actually up 2.6 points from last season. There were only six misses on 242 attempts inside 30 yards, and kickers hit 93 percent of their kicks inside 40 yards. It's not even a challenge anymore. In fact, they hit 67 percent of their field goals from beyond 50 yards. That's a mark that had never been reached on field goals of any length until the 1981 season. A record 99.6 extra points were converted this year.
Gimme 7 or option for 2/6 is one thing...

Moving kick back is another...

But the option to put the ball up at the 2 yard line would materially change the game. I hope that one is off the table.
Actual fg kickers aside if you had an option when going for two of a pass/run play or fg kick how far of a kick would it have to be for the two options to be roughly even?
Actual fg kickers aside if you had an option when going for two of a pass/run play or fg kick how far of a kick would it have to be for the two options to be roughly even?

Over the years, the average success rate of two point conversions in the NFL has been around 50% (compared to a near 100% conversion on the single extra point).

Currently, kickers make 67% of kicks beyond 50 yards (see previous post of mine), so a rough estimate would be 55-60 yards out.
I think they should just have the players roll out onto the field and have the coaches pick teams.
86% for all kicks this year, shows how bad 72 percent from Bullock is in modern standards.

Exactly. 72% would have been Canton material 40-50 years ago.

Lou Groza made 54.9%.
Jan Stenerud made 66.8%, and was only 17-64 from 50+.

Morten Andersen -- long the "gold standard" for automatic kickers -- made 79.7%, and the telling thing about the evolution of the game is that he NEVER made less than 80% in his seven seasons after turning 40.

Our current kicking woes aside, field goals have become way too easy in the NFL.
Would be kind of cool if made the points vary by distance.

40+ 1 pt
50+ 2 pts
60+ 3 pts

I don't know about the concept of "longer is more points". I hate the concept of penalizing good defense, even though I recognize a PAT isn't a field goal. That's why I hate the three point shot in basketball. Too often I see a team play lock down defense on an opponent trying to penetrate and get in for a good shot, only to kick it out to some three-point specialist with 5 seconds on the shot clock and drain a three-pointer. The defense gives up one point more than they would have if they didn't play such good interior defense.
It isn't either or. They are going to look at a bunch of issues including the fumble from last night.

Would be kind of cool if made the points vary by distance.

40+ 1 pt
50+ 2 pts
60+ 3 pts

Kinda defeats the purpose of getting the extra yards in certain situations, though.

I think they should just have the automatic extra point or go for 2 choice and/or consider making the goal posts closer together. Probably both. The extra point play is bathroom break time.
I don't know about the concept of "longer is more points". I hate the concept of penalizing good defense, even though I recognize a PAT isn't a field goal. That's why I hate the three point shot in basketball. Too often I see a team play lock down defense on an opponent trying to penetrate and get in for a good shot, only to kick it out to some three-point specialist with 5 seconds on the shot clock and drain a three-pointer. The defense gives up one point more than they would have if they didn't play such good interior defense.

If your entire defense is collapsing on the paint and leaves someone open for a free look 3 you aren't playing lock down defense. You do understand it's harder to hit 3s in general right? That's why it's worth more points
Kinda defeats the purpose of getting the extra yards in certain situations, though.

I think they should just have the automatic extra point or go for 2 choice and/or consider making the goal posts closer together. Probably both. The extra point play is bathroom break time.

How would the optional pat distances for more points defeat getting extra yardage in certain sitautions ?
Just make them kick the extra point from the 20 yard line so it's not so automatic.

With teams making the 2-point conversion 50% of the time, I wonder how many would choose that a lot more.

Not a bad idea, though. I do wish they would start trying something. They could try one idea or the other for a year and asses the next offseason, as long as they go with one of the more popular ideas and not something off-the-wall--and I don't think they will anyway.

BTW, I wonder if we'll still have the same kicker next year.
With teams making the 2-point conversion 50% of the time, I wonder how many would choose that a lot more.

Actually, any time you make a 2-point conversion more than about 49.8% of the time (with the 99.6% PAT conversion rate this year), mathematically you are better off going for 2 every time. Of course, there are other variables involved, but none more than a coach's desire to not be second-guessed for not going by the book.
Dear Roger,

Please save all of your "great" ideas for your future job as the president of the National Flag Football Association.
The NFL starting to think outside the box, getting a little imaginative ?
Wow, this ain't grandpa's NFL.
Blake ‏@TwoForBlake Protected Tweets 25 Aug 2011
Extra point solution. If you want 1 point, put the offense 1 yard out and run a play. 2 points: 5 yards out. Run a play.

About damn time.
NFL is failing so clearly it needs to be made more gimmicky....... I think when baseball players hit home runs they shouldn't have to bother running around the bases.... I mean, clearly whats the point? They could twist an ankle or something stepping on the base.
NFL is failing so clearly it needs to be made more gimmicky....... I think when baseball players hit home runs they shouldn't have to bother running around the bases.... I mean, clearly whats the point? They could twist an ankle or something stepping on the base.

I give the NFL credit in that it does look to make changes and does make them at times whereas baseball is slow as dirt at making changes to much of anything. Look at instant replay in baseball and how long that took. That may be part of the problem with baseball's popularity. Taking the PAT kick away from the game would leave it little changed except for speeding it up
Anyone else starting to feel like Goodell cares less about the game and more about making his mark on it?..
I say dump the extra point. I dont know what system makes the most sense in replacement, but its a pointless play at current.

Whats really annoying is the extra point combined with review of all TDs. Then you sometimes end up with...

Touchdown -> Questionable, so extended review
(Commercial break)
Touchdown upheald!
Extra Point
(Commercial break)
(Maybe more commercials if we need to cram some in!)
Play resumes.

It is the slowest part of the game, and can't be good for the momentum of the scoring team.
What I want more than anything is for Roger Goodell to get a damned hobby or something and quit "tweaking" the rules of the best damn game in the history of games.

By the time he's done I'm going to be watching the London Silly Nannies run around in circles with streamers getting points for who can pirouette best and who can sing Gilbert and Sullivan while balancing a ball on their nose. This **** does not have to change every year. It just doesn't. Leave it alone and stop ****ing up a good thing Roger.
What I want more than anything is for Roger Goodell to get a damned hobby or something and quit "tweaking" the rules of the best damn game in the history of games.

By the time he's done I'm going to be watching the London Silly Nannies run around in circles with streamers getting points for who can pirouette best and who can sing Gilbert and Sullivan while balancing a ball on their nose. This **** does not have to change every year. It just doesn't. Leave it alone and stop ****ing up a good thing Roger.

how much would this change the game?
It isn't either or. They are going to look at a bunch of issues including the fumble from last night.

Would be kind of cool if made the points vary by distance.

40+ 1 pt
50+ 2 pts
60+ 3 pts

I would also add this to the field goal rule book:

Attempt a field goal and hit the 8" wide upright receive an extra 5 points. You know how hard it is to hit an 8" wide object by kicking a football at it? Much harder than kicking it through that Giant open space between them!
It's not a necessary change so why change it?

Only change the things that need to be changed, like the instant replay procedure on fumble recoveries.

I find that a rather odd way to look at a business. You should always look at ways you can improve how things are done.
Goodell has also mentioned eliminating kickoffs........ I agree with others that sometimes he just likes bringing up this crap to drum up attention.
Just make them kick the extra point from the 20 yard line so it's not so automatic.

I would not like that. I hate the fact that kickers already have such a huge impact on a game. Look at how many SB winners we view and great teams we forget about all because some kicker couldn't go in there and ice the winning shot at the end of the game when so many other teams have their kicker seal it. It changes history and the way we view teams historically. And this is all behind some guy who really has nothing to do with how each team played and he skips out there to determine who wins or loses in so many instances. I'd much rather the game get determined by the guys in the trenches and the guys who are out there on almost every play instead of some kicker. But that's just me.
How does taking away the extra point improve the game? It's simply change for the sake of change.

Im not saying it improves the game, Im saying your response is an odd way to look at or run a business. Taking the PAT kick away would speed the game up though
Im not saying it improves the game, Im saying your response is an odd way to look at or run a business. Taking the PAT kick away would speed the game up though

Maybe I worded it incorrectly. My point is that there is no sense in changing things that don't need to be changed. Change for the sake of change is not an improvement.
Maybe I worded it incorrectly. My point is that there is no sense in changing things that don't need to be changed. Change for the sake of change is not an improvement.

Improving the speed of the game/watchability to me would be an improvement. Considering the success rate of PAT kicks is so high it would have very limited impact on the game other than to make them shorter
Improving the speed of the game/watchability to me would be an improvement. Considering the success rate of PAT kicks is so high it would have very limited impact on the game other than to make them shorter

I am in complete agreement with this. When I'm at home watching a game, with the exception of 2 point attempts, I seldom see the extra points, as combined with the TV timeout immediately preceding and following them, they are the perfect time to run to the kitchen or bathroom.

I can't complain about eliminating something I don't bother to watch anyway.

Change it Roger! (but leave the kickoffs alone)
Improving the speed of the game/watchability to me would be an improvement. Considering the success rate of PAT kicks is so high it would have very limited impact on the game other than to make them shorter

It's also an extremely important strategic part of the game. The ease of the 1 point play is what makes the decision to go for 2 so difficult. How many times have we seen a team go for 2 early and miss it only to end up losing the game by 1 point?

The speed of the game wouldn't change any. Whatever play replaced the extra point would still be followed by commercials and thus would take just as long. Your issue doesn't seem to be so much with the play itself as it is with the station bordering it with commercial breaks.