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My Public Apology to Eric Metcalf

Hookem Horns

Texans Talk Bartender
Staff member
I used to say that Reggie Bush would be the next Eric Metcalf, not the next Gayle Sayers. I now realize that was a huge insult to Eric Metcalf. Metcalf had a fine career and always made me nervous (as a Brown vs the Oilers) when he had the ball. The same cannot be said about Reggie Bush. As a running back I am now thinking Bush might be the next Jonathon Wells.
I wouldn't do that to Wells, he could run between the tackles a little and fell forward.......I'm thinking of Tony Hollings......the guy was supposed to be a speedster that just sucked at every aspect in running the ball. Bush is a more durable Tony Hollings who was drafted #2 ovrl, so they have to keep him in the lineup.
Just wanted to point out that Reggie had another awesome day today:

9 for 32 yd rushing


3 for 30 receiving

for a grand total of 62 all purpose yards.
The only highlight I saw today of that game is Carr getting sacked while the broadcaster is saying that he is holding the ball too long.
The other team had to account for the threat Reggie may break the prettiest 2 yard gain you'll ever see. This is why they got blown out and is common football knowledge :splits:
Just wanted to point out that Reggie had another awesome day today:

9 for 32 yd rushing


3 for 30 receiving

for a grand total of 62 all purpose yards.

so did you watch the entire game?

no? Because I did...

he did not play in much of the game and didn't get many touches because of the injury - it was a combined rushing effort between Bush, Stecker, and Thomas - Stecker looks to be the strongest runner of the 3.

I am far from a Reggie apologist and I've said on these boards plenty of times that I am very disappointed in his performance this season and lack of focus - on a dropped pass, Brees was very disappointed and mimicked the "catch it with your hands in front of you" motion to him.

And Payton and Brees were on him on the sidelines.

So his teammates see it. Most Saints fans I know see it. We are disappointed.

But this kind of post - dogging on an injured player is even low for these boards.

I remember when everyone got upset with Sports Illustrated listing Cadillac Williams as one of the most disappointing backs when he couldn't help his injury and the consensus seemed to be that if you are injured, then sub-par play shouldn't be held against you.

But that doesn't apply to Reggie?

There are a ton of performances you can dog him for - and we Saints fans are critical of him for - but today? He played through some substantial pain and had a couple of nice runs.

Does this speak to his durability?

I think so.

But I'm not gonna pile on a guy who suffered the same injury as Steve Smith and played through the pain.
actually Cadillac was pretty miserable before his injury this year. same with Bush.

that's not germane to my point

you can argue the merits of his inclusion on the list based on his performance prior to the injury - that's one thing....

that's not what I am talking about here

Plenty of people in that thread believed that to judge him prior to the injury is one thing, but the lack of performance due to the injury was something else

that's what I was trying to point out

Posters have plenty - and I mean PLENTY - of reasons, all justified, to dog Bush. And that's fine.

I've done it. Plenty of other Saints fans have done it. His teammates have done it.

But to pick out a performance when he's injured and still playing just seems sort of a callous reach is all....
Actually, people were criticizing Cadillac being on the list of disappointing backs because he had a season ending injury and only played a few games. That is why his performance is disappointing compared to the last few seasons. Reggie has not had a season ending injury and while he may be in pain, what running back isn't at this point in the season?
Actually, people were criticizing Cadillac being on the list of disappointing backs because he had a season ending injury and only played a few games. That is why his performance is disappointing compared to the last few seasons. Reggie has not had a season ending injury and while he may be in pain, what running back isn't at this point in the season?

I guess I am not making myself clear.

The posts I was talking about I've cited below. All of them indicate at least a mild disdain for holding poor performances against an injured player.

As far as all running backs playing in pain... I said I think this is a mark against his durability. So I don't understand what you're trying to say. And there are varying degrees of injuries.

Playing with a sprained thumb on your opposite hand is quite different from playing with a concussion. Not all injuries are created equal.

Steve Smith played with the same injury and everyone talked about what a warrior he was and such a competitor, etc... And I would agree. Most others did too, or would. And I would admire any player who does play regardless of significant pain.

So "playing hurt" is a very, very relative term.

Reggie Bush is a disappointment. He is overrated. I have never denied that - but to take shots at a performance when he's hurt?

Anyway, these are the posts I was talking about - including one of your own. Your post points out that it's unfair to put someone on a "disappointment" list when he has had "some sort of injury" - well, Reggie had "some sort of injury" today, but the same qualifications don't apply to him?

I don't understand the discrepancy.

Because when someone breaks their leg it is more disappointing no matter how well they were running at the time. I am sure Williams ment to break his leg, he did it on purpose.

I like how pretty much everyone on the list has had some sort of injury and still have comparable stats to Reggie, yet he is not disappointing even though he is healthy

excellent point, as tulexan noted the common denominator is injury :ouch:

seems conterproductive to create such negative lists, like they wished injurys on themselves or something :devilpig:

That is easy Carnell Williams. He got hurt so early on right as he was starting to produce, so since he has not played I would have taken him off the list.

Cadillac - he was injured.
Thomas Jones - he's had 2 100 yard games this season. 2 more than Bush has had this year.

The reason I would take him off is because of when he suffered the injury. The body of work is not there to say one way or the other. Your trying to project what he would have or would not have done up to this point and I have never liked that because that never comes true either for the good or the bad of any player.
The difference is that all of the other players on the disappointing running backs list missed a couple of games due to some sort of injury (Thomas Jones is the exception). Reggie has not missed any time so far this season. That is great that he is playing in pain, but these other backs had injuries that were severe enough to prevent them from playing.

Reggie has been banged up this season with a few minor injuries, but those haven't caused him to drop passes, not run up the middle, or be indecisive with the ball. If the mild concussion that he had a few weeks ago is still affecting his play then the Saints training staff should be fired for letting him play with a concussion so bad that it is still bothering him two weeks later.
so did you watch the entire game?

no? Because I did...

he did not play in much of the game and didn't get many touches because of the injury - it was a combined rushing effort between Bush, Stecker, and Thomas - Stecker looks to be the strongest runner of the 3.

I am far from a Reggie apologist and I've said on these boards plenty of times that I am very disappointed in his performance this season and lack of focus - on a dropped pass, Brees was very disappointed and mimicked the "catch it with your hands in front of you" motion to him.

And Payton and Brees were on him on the sidelines.

So his teammates see it. Most Saints fans I know see it. We are disappointed.

But this kind of post - dogging on an injured player is even low for these boards.

I remember when everyone got upset with Sports Illustrated listing Cadillac Williams as one of the most disappointing backs when he couldn't help his injury and the consensus seemed to be that if you are injured, then sub-par play shouldn't be held against you.

But that doesn't apply to Reggie?

There are a ton of performances you can dog him for - and we Saints fans are critical of him for - but today? He played through some substantial pain and had a couple of nice runs.

Does this speak to his durability?

I think so.

But I'm not gonna pile on a guy who suffered the same injury as Steve Smith and played through the pain.

Why dont you go tell the entire nation this. Mario Williams was hurt all last year and everybody holds his performance against him.