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MarkBerman -- TJ Yates suffered an AC joint separation in his left shoulder

He said it is his left shoulder and he doesn't need it.

Although a non-dominant shoulder injury isn't serious like one to the dominant one, it can possibly still significantly affect leverage and accuracy since it affect counterbalance. Hopefully, it is such that it will not. Try throwing with your non-throwing arm by your side instead of out to the side and up.
Bum said on the post game show it was a separated shoulder. He used some initials like CH or something. CND - any insight?
MarkBermanFox26 Mark Berman
Texans QB TJ Yates suffered an AC joint separation in his left shoulder against the Titans. Texans have not confirmed specifics of injury.
MarkBermanFox26 Mark Berman
Texans QB TJ Yates suffered an AC joint separation in his left shoulder against the Titans. Texans have not confirmed specifics of injury.
16 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Uhhh, Dr. CND ..... a little help here??? :headhurts:
MarkBermanFox26 Mark Berman
Texans QB TJ Yates suffered an AC joint separation in his left shoulder against the Titans. Texans have not confirmed specifics of injury.
16 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Uhhh, Dr. CND ..... ??? :headhurts:

He can play through that if needed. They will put a shoulder brace and shorten the pad shelf on the left side to make it tighter. I thought it was just bruised?
He can play through that if needed. They will put a shoulder brace and shorten the pad shelf on the left side to make it tighter. I thought it was just bruised?

Is a banged up Yates better than a healthy Delhomme? Thats what we need to figure out....
Is a banged up Yates better than a healthy Delhomme? Thats what we need to figure out....

Don't be surprised if Delhomme starts. Just saying. And between the two, I'm not sure it matters. Either has his good and bad points.
He can play through that if needed. They will put a shoulder brace and shorten the pad shelf on the left side to make it tighter. I thought it was just bruised?

If they have not accurately characterized his separation, he should be in a sling/brace until the MRI. He was on the sideline unsupported. They are taking for granted that it is probably a Type I (see my above post for diagrams in post #7). There would be little or no immobilization and the player should be entirely healed by 2 weeks. This would have little implications to his throwing arm except as he may be affected by that noted in my previous post (#3). He should return next week.

If it is a type II, he may be immobilized for a few days to a week, and should be healed in 2-3 weeks. Return to play still probably next week with the possible limitations noted in my initial post.

Type III, is trickier and is sometimes further subcategorized to worse variants of IV, V, and VI. Type III may require surgery, but even without surgery return to play normally can be around a 1-3 months with full healing not for 3-6 months. Again, in a non-dominant arm, its whatever will be as soon as tolerated by pain and the limitations aforementioned, probably not less than 1 month. The surgical type III, IV,V and VI will all keep the player out more time than what we need to discuss here.
If TJ can't play, that very well could be a blessing in disguise.

After watching today's game, I thought Delhomme played a decent game today, all things considered, all things considered. So I don't think it matters one iota whether TJ plays or Jake plays.
Don't be surprised if Delhomme starts. Just saying. And between the two, I'm not sure it matters. Either has his good and bad points.

I agree that it's pretty much six of one, half a dozen of the other.

While Yates' upside may be higher, he's still very raw after just five NFL starts. At this stage of his career he's no better or worse than the veteran Delhomme.
I realize there are details (or maybe more than details) that we don't currently know, and might not ever really know. However, on the "This could be a non-event" side of the argument, I give you Matt Schaub in Dec. 2009.

Matt separated his left shoulder in the 12th game of the season (a loss to Jacksonville). He started all 4 remaining games, had 3 games over 300 yards, 3 games with a passer rating of over 100, and the Texans went 4-0 over those last 4 games.

I am absolutely not suggesting this injury means T.J. will lead us on a 4 game winning streak (although that would be nice), nor am I implying that he will have even one 300 yard game or any game with a passer rating over 100 from here on out (that is to say I am not suggesting this will improve his play). I'm only saying that depending on the severity and other things we may never know, it could very well change nothing.

If you want to cheer that as good news, or curse it as horrible news, feel free - just pointing out one possible way this could play out.
Don't be surprised if Delhomme starts. Just saying. And between the two, I'm not sure it matters. Either has his good and bad points.

Delhome sucks. He sucks so bad the Browns dumped his ass and he was pig farming a few weeks ago.

Was Reliant built on an ancient Indian burial ground? This is insane that year in and year out we have so many injuries. I think the curse lies next door. It's time to blow up the Astrodome.
If TJ can't play, that very well could be a blessing in disguise.

After watching today's game, I thought Delhomme played a decent game today, all things considered, all things considered. So I don't think it matters one iota whether TJ plays or Jake plays.

Delhomme hung in a pocket unlike the old Delhomme would. My memories of old Delhomme was a guy always running around and getting into trouble with bad decisions. Erratic.

I saw a Delhomme today who looked pretty dang good all things considered. Most of his throws were tight and in the right spot, a few were high, but overall he made all throws...something Leinart was NOT doing.

Would Kubiak consider yanking Yates if he's struggling in the playoff game? I would heavily consider it based on TODAY'S Delhomme. Not stirring a pot, just saying today's Delhomme was adequate enough to be an option if Yates bogs down bad enough to warrant a switch.
Is a banged up Yates better than a healthy Delhomme? Thats what we need to figure out....

The great thing about the Titans game was that we got to actually see Jake as opposed to just wondering what could do.

I can safely say - no, an injured rookie is not a better bet than this healthy, experienced for Super Bowl QB.
Delhomme hung in a pocket unlike the old Delhomme would. My memories of old Delhomme was a guy always running around and getting into trouble with bad decisions. Erratic.

I saw a Delhomme today who looked pretty dang good all things considered. Most of his throws were tight and in the right spot, a few were high, but overall he made all throws...something Leinart was NOT doing.

Would Kubiak consider yanking Yates if he's struggling in the playoff game? I would heavily consider it based on TODAY'S Delhomme. Not stirring a pot, just saying today's Delhomme was adequate enough to be an option if Yates bogs down bad enough to warrant a switch.

I will have to disagree with this.

The old saying is true, if your stupid today you will be stupid tomorrow, meaning you are who you are. He is a turnover waiting to happen. He is in talks with Hostess about rolling out his own line of turnovers with his name on it.

He is so bad he makes Rosencopter look like the pinnacle for ball security.
I'm more worried about the Bengals pass rush than I was about the Titans pass rush. Yates has turtled some, but Delhomme has a history of becoming erratic in the playoffs. Yates probably doesn't have the accuracy that Delhomme has on the deep ball, but Yates has proven he can beat the Bengals.

I agree that it's a toss up, but I say you start Yates, and if things aren't looking good, you bring in Delhomme, but Yates has more time in the system
I will have to disagree with this.

The old saying is true, if your stupid today you will be stupid tomorrow, meaning you are who you are. He is a turnover waiting to happen. He is in talks with Hostess about rolling out his own line of turnovers with his name on it.

He is so bad he makes Rosencopter look like the pinnacle for ball security.

So there's no point in the school system?
Yates was on the sideline moving around freely with no restraint on his non throwing arm congratulating people when plays were made etc/etc.. I think this is much to do about nothing.
I will have to disagree with this.

The old saying is true, if your stupid today you will be stupid tomorrow, meaning you are who you are. He is a turnover waiting to happen. He is in talks with Hostess about rolling out his own line of turnovers with his name on it.

He is so bad he makes Rosencopter look like the pinnacle for ball security.

I really have a hard time with this assumption. Are you comparing the 2011 Texans to the 2010 Browns?

Are you saying that someone who throws many INT's behind a line that was one of the worst in the league would also throw the same INT's behind one of the best lines in the league?

The situation, personnel, etc were all different and to say Delhomme is what he was when he played for the Browns is a bit unfair and biased.

I like Yates and commend him for what he has accomplished, but on a treacherous mountain road, (the playoffs) I would rather have an experienced bus driver who knows the route inside and out, even if he does have a few fender benders, than a wounded rookie on his first trip.

If you take the wait and see approach, the bus may already be off the cliff.
Hey TJ you have a tear...go into the locker room and then come out looking like something is wrong with your shoulder still. We're gonna let Jake play out the game to get some snaps. This way whoever we plays has to watch film on him and you. Good job today kid.
The great thing about the Titans game was that we got to actually see Jake as opposed to just wondering what could do.

I can safely say - no, an injured rookie is not a better bet than this healthy, experienced for Super Bowl QB.

Don't forget how good Yates looked on that 1st drive.

Did you notice the rather exotic play selection of the 1st drive? I think the biggest issue is that the Texans offense can do much more with Yates because he has been in the system much longer. If you noticed, the running game got simpler when Delhomme entered the game. Also, I think simply managing a huddle is difficult for Delhomme because of his unfamiliarity with the West Coast language.
Hey TJ you have a tear...go into the locker room and then come out looking like something is wrong with your shoulder still. We're gonna let Jake play out the game to get some snaps. This way whoever we plays has to watch film on him and you. Good job today kid.

I was coming here to post something similar to this. I think it was just a perfect excuse to give Jake some reps in a real game without taking away from TJ's confidence on Saturday.
I saw TJ throwing warmups prior to the 2nd half. He had a lot of steam on the ball. I think he'll be fine and should get the start. I think Delhomme is still rusty, inaccurate, and possibly less athletic than Schaub. Gotta go with the kid.
Delhome sucks. He sucks so bad the Browns dumped his ass and he was pig farming a few weeks ago.

Was Reliant built on an ancient Indian burial ground? This is insane that year in and year out we have so many injuries. I think the curse lies next door. It's time to blow up the Astrodome.

I agree. Level the Dome. Let the spirits return to rest next to, not under us.
I saw TJ throwing warmups prior to the 2nd half. He had a lot of steam on the ball. I think he'll be fine and should get the start. I think Delhomme is still rusty, inaccurate, and possibly less athletic than Schaub. Gotta go with the kid.

And besides, it gives you another bullet in your gun in the event Yates is having an off day. Vet to the rescue. Unless the opponent is just rolling in which case it's vet to the sacrifice.
NickScurfield Nick Scurfield
Kubiak on TJ Yates: "He’s feeling pretty good today. He’s sore... All indications are that he’ll be ready to go next weekend." #Texans
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Hey TJ you have a tear...go into the locker room and then come out looking like something is wrong with your shoulder still. We're gonna let Jake play out the game to get some snaps. This way whoever we plays has to watch film on him and you. Good job today kid.

Most likely scenario, IMO.

Good job of summarizing/describing.
NickScurfield Nick Scurfield
Kubiak on TJ Yates: "He’s feeling pretty good today. He’s sore... All indications are that he’ll be ready to go next weekend." #Texans
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

HT Twitter:

HoustonTexans Houston Texans
Kubiak: Yates good at preparation. Gampelan knowledge is good, quick thinker on field, sharp on gameday, handles the group well.
6 minutes ago

Houston Texans
HoustonTexans Houston Texans
Kubiak: If Yates can play, he's going to play. Was sharp yesterday. He's best QB for our football team.
7 minutes ago
Houston Texans
HoustonTexans Houston Texans
Kubiak: If Yates can play, he's going to play. Was sharp yesterday. He's best QB for our football team.
7 minutes ago

Well, that settles that.