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KILTs N.D. Kalu with some very candid comments in wake of Texans/Eagles DeMeco Trade


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Former Eagles and Houston Texans defensive end N.D. Kalu has a sports radio talk show in Houston now, on KILT. Like many Houstonians, Kalu was surprised by the departure of middle linebacker DeMeco Ryans to the Eagles; unlike most Houstonians, Kalu still pulls passionately for the Birds, so he isn't too grief-stricken.
Talk radio in Houston, Kalu said, "is very different. The fans in Philadelphia are very knowledgeable ... there's no filter on the Philadelphia fans. Here, things are a little bit more laid-back.
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"It's all about football here, but it's about football at all levels," Kalu said. "In Philadelphia, there's no place like it, when you talk about how passionate the fans are, the city is, for the Eagles. I think he's already noticed that just from the one or two days he's been there."
"The main reason for that trade was, they didn't want to trade him in the division," Kalu said. "Jacksonville, Tennessee, Indianapolis - they'd love to have DeMeco Ryans, and they probably would have given up more to give him, but they didn't want him in the division, and they wanted to make sure he went to a place he would fit in. I think they were trying to look out for him, because they have that much respect for him."
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Kalu said when he heard of the deal, he texted Ryans: "YES!!!!" Kalu hasn't played for the Birds since 2005, but "whenever the Eagles play, if they lose, it just ruins my whole day. If they win, I feel good all day ... That only happens with the Philadelphia Eagles" although Kalu also played for the Redskins and Texans.

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I hope everyone understands that Kalu has no more insight to the FO than I do, so when he says something like:
"The main reason for that trade was, they didn't want to trade him in the division," Kalu said. "Jacksonville, Tennessee, Indianapolis - they'd love to have DeMeco Ryans, and they probably would have given up more to give him, but they didn't want him in the division, and they wanted to make sure he went to a place he would fit in. I think they were trying to look out for him, because they have that much respect for him."

It is understood as nothing more than his opinion. I do believe he speaks with the players & that is something most of us don't have. But I don't think he has any more of an idea as to "why" or "how" this trade went down than any of us.
FYI, Kalu doesn't think you're very knowledgeable about the game.

Talk radio in Houston, Kalu said, "is very different. The fans in Philadelphia are very knowledgeable ... there's no filter on the Philadelphia fans. Here, things are a little bit more laid-back. If they're upset with the team, upset with the coaches, it's not quite as intense. They still want to protect the team. Even when the Texans were bad, if you had a host that would continue to berate the Texans, people would call in and say, 'Hey, give 'em another chance, we haven't had football since the Oilers left' ... People in Philly are going to let you know right away when they're not happy with you."

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Definitely is the best option for Demeco, both scheme and need. Little Matthews wasn't getting it done. Philly fan will love on Demeco.

I read the Cowboys were ready with a 3rd before their doctors put them off Ryans. I could see the Texans FO making a player & team decision for Demeco here, and I'm okay with that. Unlike Broncos & what they did to Tebow.
He must get that impression from the dopes around him at the radio show and the dopes who call in to talk to their fellow dopes.

He doesn't spend much time here, or he'd think otherwise.

Kalu really not making any fans with that sort of angle there. LOL.
He must get that impression from the dopes around him at the radio show and the dopes who call in to talk to their fellow dopes.

He doesn't spend much time here, or he'd think otherwise.

Kalu really not making any fans with that sort of angle there. LOL.

Kalu hasn't played for the Birds since 2005, but "whenever the Eagles play, if they lose, it just ruins my whole day. If they win, I feel good all day ... That only happens with the Philadelphia Eagles" although Kalu also played for the Redskins and Texans.

Nice, just have to suffer through getting paid for covering the Texans........nice, ND.
I read the Cowboys were ready with a 3rd before their doctors put them off Ryans.
I read the same thing, but how would they have known for sure without bringing in Ryans for a physical? That didn't happen, as Ryans was surprised that he was dealt.

What were the candid comments from Kalu? That Philly fans are knowledgeable? I'm sure some of them are. There are knowledgeable fans in every city (even Nashville). So what?
So knowlegable = vocing displeasure (per NDK)? Maybe Houstonian's worlds dont revolve around sports like they do in Philly?

'Hey, give 'em another chance, we haven't had football since the Oilers left'
Haven't heard that one in a while, NDK must be out of touch.
I don't know what makes Philly fans more knowledgeable. I don't know if they all go to school to become more knowledgeable fans of sports. It's a sport and at the end of the day it's not rocket science. I think they may be more passionate and vocal about their teams, but that doesn't mean they know more than us or any other fan bases. It's a silly statement people make and holds no merit whatsoever.
FYI, Kalu doesn't think you're very knowledgeable about the game.

The guys who call in are totally different from this board . Here's a sample of the ones who crack me up .

1. Wayne from Spring .... yea I played junior high ball and I think that the Texans need to add talent to be a better defensive team . ND ... they were # 2 IN THE LEAGUE WHAT ELSE YOU WANT .

2.Trey from the northside .... if the Texans would have drafted VY , they would have had two SBs by now . Schaub cain't run , that's the problem .
I hope everyone understands that Kalu has no more insight to the FO than I do, so when he says something like:

It is understood as nothing more than his opinion. I do believe he speaks with the players & that is something most of us don't have. But I don't think he has any more of an idea as to "why" or "how" this trade went down than any of us.

You think you have as much insight into the organization as kalu?

Come on tk. He played for kubiak, is a former NFL player, probably still has multiple contacts within the organization. Hell, Demeco himself could have told him that.

Seriously, why do you think you are as connected to the texans or even the NFL as much as kalu is?
Meh, i like ND and all, but please spare me the tough Philly fan crap...
"the fans in Philly wouldn't put up with this/that rah blah rah!" Yah, it's true, yet they put up with out of control government a lot more than we do... Maybe it's not something to brag about afterall... I actually pitty them...
ND is legit, he is the best guy on that station. He still carries relationships with guys he played with, he even said recently Demeco came in and shadowed him for a day at his business.
Are y'all really upset because he said the fans in Philly are knowledgeable and are quick to voice displeasure?

Inferiority complex?

I think my family is the best family in the world. Does that offend you?
What were the candid comments from Kalu? That Philly fans are knowledgeable? I'm sure some of them are. There are knowledgeable fans in every city (even Nashville). So what?
But he ommitted saying that Houston also had knowledgelable fans, and right or wrong people often draw conclusions and get their noses bent out of shape in with such omissions. Just like his biggest downer on Sunday was an Eagles loss and not a loss by the hometown Texans. I get that because the brunt of his career was with the Eagles, but once again some people are very sensitive.
I also thought his remarks about the Texans passing on potentially better deals with intra-Division rivals so they wouldn't have to play DeMeco on a regular basis was very interesting.
FYI, Kalu doesn't think you're very knowledgeable about the game.

I dont think he's saying the fans in Texans aren't knowledgeable. When he said "its different" and the "fans in Philly are knowledgeable" it was a lead in to him talking about how brutal the fans can get up there.
I also thought his remarks about the Texans passing on potentially better deals with intra-Division rivals so they wouldn't have to play DeMeco on a regular basis was very interesting.
That was once a given that you wouldn't trade a top player inter-division. The Pats broke that mold with the Bledsoe to Bills deal, and the Eagle followed suit sending McNabb to the Skins.
Are y'all really upset because he said the fans in Philly are knowledgeable and are quick to voice displeasure?

Inferiority complex?

I think my family is the best family in the world. Does that offend you?

NOt at all. But just as ND, I'd like to submit my opinion as well. When the Texans lose, it ruins my WEEK, we the Texans win it makes my WEEK. Not day.....week. And we are not knowledgable? Why even make that comment. Generalize entire fan bases much? Two can play that game, all Eagles fans are A-holes! See it works both ways.

Did just call ND an ahole? Oops......:kitten:

Candid comments my ass.
Meh, i like ND and all, but please spare me the tough Philly fan crap...
"the fans in Philly wouldn't put up with this/that rah blah rah!" Yah, it's true, yet they put up with out of control government a lot more than we do... Maybe it's not something to brag about afterall... I actually pitty them...

I've always thought that right to work states are much more laid back as sports fans compared to the big union states . I think it's a culture of non confrontation . The east coast folks are also in a more densely populated area which I think makes you more aggressive .
Are y'all really upset because he said the fans in Philly are knowledgeable and are quick to voice displeasure?

Inferiority complex?

I think my family is the best family in the world. Does that offend you?

No. It does not offend me. You're just wrong. My family is the best family in the world.:D
I know this about Eagles fans...they have something in common with Texan fans.....they can not stand the Cowboys...they hate that team.

I take what ND Kalu says as pretty much true. He always tells it like it is and is not going to tell you a load of bs.....
Seems to have come from Kalu:

from an eagles message board through another message board (FWIW)

Just listening to the local radio show here in san antonio and they had ND Kalu (from san antonio) on air. He said he spoke with a some of the guys from the Texans via text and phone. He said that guys was very upset to see him go because he was a leader. He also said that they knew he wasn't the same player, that the injury he suffered was very severe. He also stated that the Texans felt he was shell of his former self therefore only getting a 4th rounder for him.

Last thing is that a few teams was in on the trade bid for D.Ryans according to Kalu, with the Cowboys having the best offer (3rd rounder). Dallas pulled out when advised by their team doctors to do so. Other teams were offering 5th and 6th rounders.
I know this about Eagles fans...they have something in common with Texan fans.....they can not stand the Cowboys...they hate that team.

I take what ND Kalu says as pretty much true. He always tells it like it is and is not going to tell you a load of bs.....

No doubt, I can readily say that I have enjoyed ND's non-biased, non-BS Texans takes during the season also. In fact, moreso than any other Houston sports commentator.
That was once a given that you wouldn't trade a top player inter-division. The Pats broke that mold with the Bledsoe to Bills deal, and the Eagle followed suit sending McNabb to the Skins.
But apparently it does still remain a taboo for atleast one NFL team ?
Oh, yeah, Philadelphia has the best fans!

"During Bounty Bowl II at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia Eagles fans threw snowballs, chunks of ice, and various other objects at Dallas Cowboys players and officials as revenge against accusations by Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson that Eagles coach Buddy Ryan had placed a "bounty" on the head of Cowboys placekicker Luis Zendejas during the teams' previous meeting. Back judge Al Jury and Cowboys punter Mike Saxon were both knocked to the ground by a barrage of snowballs, CBS broadcasters Verne Lundquist and Terry Bradshaw had to dodge snowballs aimed at the broadcast booth (at one point, with the cameras focused on them, Bradshaw took one and threw it against the wall so viewers could see just how dangerous the snowballs were, while at the end of the game Lundquist claimed on-air that a recent root canal surgery had been less unpleasant than broadcasting the Eagles, and Johnson was booed, pelted with various objects and subject to beer pouring as he was escorted from the field by Philadelphia Police officers as the game ended. - wikipedia
Oh, yeah, Philadelphia has the best fans!

"During Bounty Bowl II at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia Eagles fans threw snowballs, chunks of ice, and various other objects at Dallas Cowboys players and officials as revenge against accusations by Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson that Eagles coach Buddy Ryan had placed a "bounty" on the head of Cowboys placekicker Luis Zendejas during the teams' previous meeting. Back judge Al Jury and Cowboys punter Mike Saxon were both knocked to the ground by a barrage of snowballs, CBS broadcasters Verne Lundquist and Terry Bradshaw had to dodge snowballs aimed at the broadcast booth (at one point, with the cameras focused on them, Bradshaw took one and threw it against the wall so viewers could see just how dangerous the snowballs were, while at the end of the game Lundquist claimed on-air that a recent root canal surgery had been less unpleasant than broadcasting the Eagles, and Johnson was booed, pelted with various objects and subject to beer pouring as he was escorted from the field by Philadelphia Police officers as the game ended. - wikipedia

Exactly... I'm glad we're not Philly fan... I hate when people hold them so high... They're scum...
Hope I don't have to get the approval of a call in talk show host to sustain my self esteem. Wonder if ND was considered for the position with Texans that Vandermeer got? Does that mean he is a worse sports announcer?
I occasionally stream some sports talk shows out of Houston and I cringe sometimes when I hear people call in. Its like, do they have screeners for these people? Questions and comments that are just like, seriously, wtf?
Oh, yeah, Philadelphia has the best fans!

"During Bounty Bowl II at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia Eagles fans threw snowballs, chunks of ice, and various other objects at Dallas Cowboys players and officials as revenge against accusations by Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson that Eagles coach Buddy Ryan had placed a "bounty" on the head of Cowboys placekicker Luis Zendejas during the teams' previous meeting. Back judge Al Jury and Cowboys punter Mike Saxon were both knocked to the ground by a barrage of snowballs, CBS broadcasters Verne Lundquist and Terry Bradshaw had to dodge snowballs aimed at the broadcast booth (at one point, with the cameras focused on them, Bradshaw took one and threw it against the wall so viewers could see just how dangerous the snowballs were, while at the end of the game Lundquist claimed on-air that a recent root canal surgery had been less unpleasant than broadcasting the Eagles, and Johnson was booed, pelted with various objects and subject to beer pouring as he was escorted from the field by Philadelphia Police officers as the game ended. - wikipedia


I occasionally stream some sports talk shows out of Houston and I cringe sometimes when I hear people call in. Its like, do they have screeners for these people? Questions and comments that are just like, seriously, wtf?

While I understand what you are saying, at least our fans don't act like the post above. And that' s not an isolated incident. Anyone with a brain, like ND, should know just because dillweeds call into the show that is not a good cross section of representation for our fan base. While on the other Philly fans our notorious for acting like asses. It's an opinon by ND and that's it, opinion. He's got loyalty to the eagles.....BFD.
Some of the comments is some funny stuff. Most of us complain about Vandy and the gang being homers and here you got this guy saying he is a Philly fan first and y'all are ready to run him out of town on rails.
Some of the comments is some funny stuff. Most of us complain about Vandy and the gang being homers and here you got this guy saying he is a Philly fan first and y'all are ready to run him out of town on rails.

I think the distinction being made is one of polar opposites:

One on hand, there's the Texans fan who calls into the show and says stuff that is weak and maybe even bordering on uneducated....and on the other hand, you have the Philly fan who might or might know much either but he's loud and obnoxious and passionate so he's considered a more hardcore fan.

Both of them are not indicative of the overall "knowledge level" of either sports fans but they both get noticed on radio. I think probably the more educated sports fans choose to not even bother calling into a radio show because they know the whole premise of the show is laughable to begin, why waste time participating in a farce to begin with? Instead, go to a message board and have like-minded conversation with other fans of the team. That's my theory.

It's like bikers. You guys who are legit, you know where to hang out for beers and good conversation...but up the street is a fancy place where all the geek noobie bikers hang out. Because that place is flashy and well-advertised, people assume THAT is where to go if you want to be a biker and talk shop with others. It's the same with any hobby. I rodeo (used to, actually) and I always found it funny how you'd go to a western bar or even a good western clothing store...and you'd see dude'd up people in clothes and stuff that they thought made them look like a cowboy or cowgirl. You can spot 'em a mile away. But to everyone else, they APPEAR to be the genuine article.
Some of the comments is some funny stuff. Most of us complain about Vandy and the gang being homers and here you got this guy saying he is a Philly fan first and y'all are ready to run him out of town on rails.

Nah, not trying to run him out of town. Could care less actually, but why doesn't he move to Philly and broadcast for the eagles if it's the bee's knees? It doesn't mean I don't think he has good insight or can't appreciate his comments on other topics. And it doesn't mean I think less of him as a person. But his opinion is no more important than yours are mine. I just take issue with him elevating eagles fans over Texans fans. I know many rabid Texans fans that disprove his theory.

Let me ask you this, can you walk up at tailgate in Philly wearing opposing team's colors and get red carpet treatment? That happens every home game in Houston. I think our priorities are in the right place, it's called sportsmanship. And they boo Santa......'nuff said.
People are taking his Philly comments too seriously. For one, philly fans have had the reputation for being "football knowledgable" for years. Its a common statement made by people when talking about the fans in philly.

For two.. Kalu is obviously an eagle fan, so its safe to say that he is closer to the eagle football community, and therefore less likely to see their faults.

For three.. the time ive seen in the Houston football community, especially in our less successfull seasons, leads me to believe that we probably DO have a higher concentration ignorant fans than some other cities. Just keep in mind that no matter what percentage of Texan fans are blathering morons, that doesnt mean that you are any more, or less, knowledgable about the game.

Let it go people. Kalu may have played for us before, but he obviously isnt a Texan fan. What if it had been...i dunno.. Kevin Kolb or Brian Westbrook that made these comments? You would immediately identify them as biased. Kalu is no different.

Whatever the case though.. he is probably right about them being more knowledgable (or more specifically, having a lower percentage of ignorant fans). Big deal. I am obviously biased as well, but if I had to identify the best traits about the Texan fans.. it would be passionate and friendly.

Also..yeah...I doubt Kalu knew the details of what our divisional rivals offered, if anything. He is making an assumption there. It MAY be a correct assumption, but without actual knowledge of what offers were made...we cant really say that there was a different team he could go to that would have been better than the iggles.
I wouldn't read too much into Kalu's comments. He's a smart guy (Rice U.) and knows that they're are very knowledgable fans - everywhere, even in places that don't have an NFL team...
Are y'all really upset because he said the fans in Philly are knowledgeable and are quick to voice displeasure?

Inferiority complex?

I think my family is the best family in the world. Does that offend you?

No. It does not offend me. You're just wrong. My family is the best family in the world.:D
Oh crap!!! If Thorn sees this, you guys are in big trouble!!! He thinks he's right about everything!!!
:spy: j/k know where this is coming from. :lol:

As far as ND on Philly fans, I didn't read that and think he meant Texan fans aren't knowledgeable. When I read it, my 1st thought was that Texan fans have a filter and took it as a compliment. Philly fans tend to be obnoxious with minds that are made up and won't be confused by facts. :twocents:
Some of the comments is some funny stuff. Most of us complain about Vandy and the gang being homers and here you got this guy saying he is a Philly fan first and y'all are ready to run him out of town on rails.

Sorry if I take offense to ND saying Philly fans are more knowledgeable than you are. The same fans that booed a damn fine QB that led them to more NFC Championship games than I can shake a stick at.
He didn't say more knowledgeable he said very knowledgeable.

When stating the difference between the fans in Philly & the fans in Houston, saying the fans in Philly are "very knowledgeable" infers that the fans in Houston are not.
When stating the difference between the fans in Philly & the fans in Houston, saying the fans in Philly are "very knowledgeable" infers that the fans in Houston are not.

First off, they cut off the beginning of his 1st sentence. He then goes on to a much longer explanation which has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do with Philly fans essentially being less forgiving. I think cutting that snippet out of context and blowing into an issue is silly.
Cheese and rice people... N.D. Kalu was NOT taking "a shot" Houston fans!! This guy is smart enough to know that ther'ye is "knowledgabe fans" everywhere!!

He was NOT suggesting that Philly fan is any more smarter and/or sophisticated than any fans here in H-Town...

By the same token, if that's what he is suggesting, @Texan_Bill on twitter..... bring it *****
First off, they cut off the beginning of his 1st sentence. He then goes on to a much longer explanation which has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do with Philly fans essentially being less forgiving. I think cutting that snippet out of context and blowing into an issue is silly.

Well, I am just reacting to the snippet, and i get defensive...:)
I treasure loyalty, he is an Eagle through & through. That's OK with me, but if Philadelphia was such a nice place to live he would still be there & not in Houston so there :vincepalm:
ND is truly a man's man and tells it the way he sees it. He wasn't in the least bit intimidated from recently revealing on 610 that he used a "special" soap.

No. It does not offend me. You're just wrong. My family is the best family in the world.:D

He's misinformed. I never get angry at people who are misinformed. They're mistaken, could happen to anyone.

You're misinformed too. My family is the best family in the world. Everyone (in my family) knows that.
