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Jacoby Jones #2 WR?


Free Agent
We're all aware of 'coach speak' and Kubes could very likely be saying these things to boost his confidence...

However, how many of you think this is a likely scenario?
JJ is not Walter, they need a route runner with good hands as the number 2 reciever. If JJ is really that improved, he will get more plays, but he wouldn't be number 2. Not in Kubiac's offense.
I think JJ serves one more year as the number 3. Walter is getting paid like a 2, and he is a very reliable 2. Until J proves to me his hands and route running ability, he stays number 3.
I'm not saying they're going to be interchangeable but, it wouldn't surprise me to see them more in a 2a and 2b sort of situation if Jones can continue to make big plays in the passing game. Other than AJ we don't have speed in our top 4 that plays consistently.
I think JJ serves one more year as the number 3. Walter is getting paid like a 2, and he is a very reliable 2. Until J proves to me his hands and route running ability, he stays number 3.

I definitely think he has something to prove before we start talking about him as unseating Walter as a starter. He has started to show the potential to do it though. JJ was 5th in the NFL among WRs catching 77.1% of all passes targeted at him. He's right behind Walter at 77.9%.

For reference David Anderson was 12th @ 73.1% and AJ was 28th at 66.4%(to be fair he also drew more double teams and had more bad passes forced to him).
I think if Jacoby really puts it all together, the team will run three wideouts more often than not. KW's blocking is pretty invaluable.
You know, I do think it's a realistic possibility that JJ takes the next step sooner than many of us thought. He's looked really good in the practices I've seen.
during the actual season injurys seem to dictate starting reps more than anything, if Jacoby can stay healthy I would say he has an excellent chance to make the transition to becoming the #2.
I think if Jacoby really puts it all together, the team will run three wideouts more often than not. KW's blocking is pretty invaluable.

This! KW is asked to block down on DE's a lot. Don't know if JJ can handle that part of it nearly as well.
I think Jacoby is a play-maker, and KDub is not. I'd like to get as many play-makers on the field as possible at all times. But KDub is dependable, and clutch, so I don't know if I would want to take him off the field too often. I'm thinking JJ will be our new slot reciever, and like mentioned earlier it would be more of a 2a 2b thing.
We use three wideouts a lot...

I'm not really worried about who the #2 receiver is. Both Jacoby and Walter will get a bunch of tick and will probably be played in differnt sets depending on the situations and match-ups.
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One of the things I thought was interesting last year was when they showed the SF Niner's Defensive Coordinator's wrist band where he had notes written and different receiver numbers and packages and things. He had 12 written very large with a circle around it.

JJ is turning into a playmaker. If he can keep his head on straight, he's going to have a lot more balls thrown his way this season.

But I can't see him unseating KW as #2 until he gets down and dirty with the blocking like KW does. I think KW is just too reliable working underneath for him to lose his spot.


I could be wrong.
How well does JJ perform as a second level blocker? Walter has been described as almost being a second tight end in the running game.

Kubiak wants to run the ball 30 times a game; this year it looks like we will have the personnel to finally see the full scope of Kubiak's offense.

So, what is JJ's value in this scheme?

edit: I see that Pencil Neck made the same analysis at the same time I was writing my comments.
How well does JJ perform as a second level blocker? Walter has been described as almost being a second tight end in the running game.

Kubiak wants to run the ball 30 times a game; this year it looks like we will have the personnel to finally see the full scope of Kubiak's offense.

So, what is JJ's value in this scheme?

to get the dogs off Andre, Jacoby will be facing less than double or top cb
Depends on what Kubes wants. If he wants reliable KW is his man. If he wants explosive JJ is his man.

The run blocking thing is a little overrated. KW is a great run blocker. But JJ isn't a bad run blocker. Plus with JJ in the game defenses are more spread out because they have to account for the speed of both AJ and JJ. Thereby opening up more running lanes for the RB's. IMHO
Jacoby reminds me of an '84 Alvin Harper with greater upside and better speed.
Compare Michael Irvin w/ Alvin Harper to Andre Johnson w/ Jacoby Jones.

In single coverage, the only question has been "is the play long enough" for him to get deep.
Jacoby reminds me of an '84 Alvin Harper with greater upside and better speed.
Compare Michael Irvin w/ Alvin Harper to Andre Johnson w/ Jacoby Jones.

In single coverage, the only question has been "is the play long enough" for him to get deep.

Only problem with this is.. MS dosent have the cannon to bomb it super deep. Only knocks on him, durability and not a rocket. More than breaks even with the accuracy and decision making
The wide receiver position is more than just a hierarchy of 1-5, each wide out position has a specific role and specific duties to fulfill. Special skill-sets are required for each wide out spot.

Our receiving core has settled into its specific roles very well and I don't think they're going to mess up the good thing we have going here just to force feed Jacoby as a #2 receiver. Its fine the way it is now.
One of the things I thought was interesting last year was when they showed the SF Niner's Defensive Coordinator's wrist band where he had notes written and different receiver numbers and packages and things. He had 12 written very large with a circle around it.

JJ is turning into a playmaker. If he can keep his head on straight, he's going to have a lot more balls thrown his way this season.

But I can't see him unseating KW as #2 until he gets down and dirty with the blocking like KW does. I think KW is just too reliable working underneath for him to lose his spot.


I could be wrong.

Dadgum, PN, do you have bionics or something?

It's an interesting observation though. I went back and looked at previous games to that one and found he was only thrown 8 balls. But, what I did find is that 3 out of those 8 were TD's and 1 was a 44 yard reception. So yeah, I'd say he's a playmaker and we probably should find more ways to get him involved.
Bump JJ up to #2, let him show his stuff and rack up 700-1000 yards opposite of AJ, then watch him leave in free agency next year for big money from a WR needy team. Seems like a great plan.
... KW is a great run blocker. But JJ isn't a bad run blocker. Plus with JJ in the game defenses are more spread out because they have to account for the speed of both AJ and JJ. Thereby opening up more running lanes for the RB's. IMHO
Precisely; what's there not to like about our receivers; top to bottom we have some great talent.

I just haven't read any comments on JJ's blocking ( this is the first ). At about 214 lbs, I'd like to see a mental and physical toughness to go along with his receiving skills.
Only problem with this is.. MS dosent have the cannon to bomb it super deep. Only knocks on him, durability and not a rocket. More than breaks even with the accuracy and decision making

IMO, that's bull-butter. He might not have an arm that dislocates fingers, but he's got plenty to get it down field. He had 15 passes that went for over 40, which is good for 4th best in the league.

A rifle for an arm is like the 40 yards dash at the Combine.....overrated
I think if Jacoby really puts it all together, the team will run three wideouts more often than not. KW's blocking is pretty invaluable.

Except when it was called offensive PI in the Cards gams....that was a freaking bs call....

KW is by far the most underrated and underappreciated receiver in the league and its something I prefer. Teams spend a majority of the week preparing for AJ and OD and now preparing for the speed of JJ and that allows for Kevin and his back up DA to roam free

and last year they came up with some big catches....I agree they should run three wide and maybe 4 wide there is not a team that has enough defenders to cover them...pass first...ask questions later..imo.
IMO, that's bull-butter. He might not have an arm that dislocates fingers, but he's got plenty to get it down field. He had 15 passes that went for over 40, which is good for 4th best in the league.

A rifle for an arm is like the 40 yards dash at the Combine.....overrated

Hey, I'm not knockin on him for it, Its just what it is. How many of those were middle range throws for long yardage? How many times does he have completely over-the-top throws..

I know Seattle game and Tennessee game off the top of my head, both blown coverages..
Bump JJ up to #2, let him show his stuff and rack up 700-1000 yards opposite of AJ, then watch him leave in free agency next year for big money from a WR needy team. Seems like a great plan.
So we discourage productivity? I think McNair has shown he will step up and pay good players. I think both AJ and Demeco found that out recently.
So we discourage productivity? I think McNair has shown he will step up and pay good players. I think both AJ and Demeco found that out recently.

Nah, it's just a shame that it has taken them 4 years to figure out that Jacoby can be a good #2, even if he is mostly a one-trick-pony that stretches the field on deep routes. It worked for the Saints and Robert Meecham, so why not use JJ that way? Especially with AJ on the other side, JJ would be seeing one on one coverage most of the game.
Hey, I'm not knockin on him for it, Its just what it is. How many of those were middle range throws for long yardage? How many times does he have completely over-the-top throws..

I know Seattle game and Tennessee game off the top of my head, both blown coverages..

I don't understand what blown covg has to do with the ability to throw the ball deep?

I think he has plenty arm strength to hit the home run though...
The run blocking thing is a little overrated.

This is a ridiculous statement. Actually receivers as blockers is a very UNDERRATED aspect of the game. Any guesses on who Ronnie Lott, in his book Total Impact called the toughest receiver he ever had to face? Anthony Carter? Cris Carter? Michael Irvin? Henry Ellard? None of the above. A guy named Weegie Thompson. A receiver for the Steelers. The reason being is Lott said Thompson was so physical with his blocking that it had an impact on Lott's ability to cover because he said his head was constantly on a swievel looking for Thompson. For an offensive coordinator, a receiver who can really block is like gold. Yet casual fans could hardly give a damn because its not flashy and unless its Hines Ward laying out Ed Reed it wont be featured on Sports Center.
Absolutely Jacoby is more explosive than Kevin Walter - not that Kevin is exactly a plodder - and JJ is obviously the more talented of the two. However Kevin brings more of the intangibles and is one of the better blocking receivers in the league. If you think that is "overrated" you are simply showing your ignorance of the game. Also Kevin is less likely to put the ball on the ground. Thats not overrated either.
Hey, I'm not knockin on him for it, Its just what it is. How many of those were middle range throws for long yardage? How many times does he have completely over-the-top throws..

I know Seattle game and Tennessee game off the top of my head, both blown coverages..

What difference does it make it they were blown coverages? The ball still has to get there. The deep ball to Andre to open the SeaHawk game was not a blown coverage. The corner was nearly step for step with AJ but Schaub threw a great ball and few DB have the ability to go up and get a ball over 80
Nah, it's just a shame that it has taken them 4 years to figure out that Jacoby can be a good #2, even if he is mostly a one-trick-pony that stretches the field on deep routes. It worked for the Saints and Robert Meecham, so why not use JJ that way? Especially with AJ on the other side, JJ would be seeing one on one coverage most of the game.
I don't necessarily think that time was them "figuring out" that he coould be a decent #2/3, but rather it took JJ that long to mature enough to work in Kubiak's offense. The Kid's got talent, but he also needed to grow up some.
Hey, I'm not knockin on him for it, Its just what it is. How many of those were middle range throws for long yardage? How many times does he have completely over-the-top throws..

I know Seattle game and Tennessee game off the top of my head, both blown coverages..

When people talk about arm strength normally they are really talking about how a QB makes those short and intermediate throws. How much Zip is on the ball and such...You know..Like the ability to jam the ball into tight spaces so when it hits the receivers hands it stings a little...

I will admit that Matt doesn't throw too many zingers, but what he lacks in that area he makes up for it with accuracy, touch and his reads..

Deep balls are more about touch and accuracy than it is about arm strength though
Hey, I'm not knockin on him for it, Its just what it is. How many of those were middle range throws for long yardage? How many times does he have completely over-the-top throws..

I know Seattle game and Tennessee game off the top of my head, both blown coverages..

And then there was the Cincy game where A.J. broke a screen for 59 yds.

(interestingly, we failed to score on that drive because we couldn't punch it in from the 11 and Cincy blocked the FG:headhurts: )
This is a ridiculous statement. Actually receivers as blockers is a very UNDERRATED aspect of the game. Any guesses on who Ronnie Lott, in his book Total Impact called the toughest receiver he ever had to face? Anthony Carter? Cris Carter? Michael Irvin? Henry Ellard? None of the above. A guy named Weegie Thompson. A receiver for the Steelers. The reason being is Lott said Thompson was so physical with his blocking that it had an impact on Lott's ability to cover because he said his head was constantly on a swievel looking for Thompson. For an offensive coordinator, a receiver who can really block is like gold. Yet casual fans could hardly give a damn because its not flashy and unless its Hines Ward laying out Ed Reed it wont be featured on Sports Center.
Absolutely Jacoby is more explosive than Kevin Walter - not that Kevin is exactly a plodder - and JJ is obviously the more talented of the two. However Kevin brings more of the intangibles and is one of the better blocking receivers in the league. If you think that is "overrated" you are simply showing your ignorance of the game. Also Kevin is less likely to put the ball on the ground. Thats not overrated either.
Great follow-up response. Another under appreciated aspect of the position is the "possession" receiver - the go-to guy when a first down is needed - the one who runs a short precision route and never drops the ball. The Texans have one of these also.
When people talk about arm strength normally they are really talking about how a QB makes those short and intermediate throws. How much Zip is on the ball and such...You know..Like the ability to jam the ball into tight spaces so when it hits the receivers hands it stings a little...

I will admit that Matt doesn't throw too many zingers, but what he lacks in that area he makes up for it with accuracy, touch and his reads..

Deep balls are more about touch and accuracy than it is about arm strength though

If you want an ultra cannon arm with laser guidance system, but without a brain attached, I hear Jeff George is still available.:spin:
JJ could still do it, I think, but he really needs to work on his hands. Just today I was rewatching that last game against the Pats. We had the ball in the red zone, Schaub makes a short, quick pass to JJ, whose hands its bounces up out of, and one of the DBs gets it and takes it to the house--probably a 14 point swing. You have to do a LOT of good to make up for things like that.

Based on everything up to this point, I'd have to say that KW is still the starter.
JJ could still do it, I think, but he really needs to work on his hands. Just today I was rewatching that last game against the Pats. We had the ball in the red zone, Schaub makes a short, quick pass to JJ, whose hands its bounces up out of, and one of the DBs gets it and takes it to the house--probably a 14 point swing. You have to do a LOT of good to make up for things like that.

Based on everything up to this point, I'd have to say that KW is still the starter.

Funny, I just watched that game yesterday. What a comeback.

JJ's making some doubious catches in that game, there's the one for the INT, but also at least one more that he actually catches and holds onto. It looks like he's catching the ball with his pads rather than with his hands. I hope he stops that, because it'll eventually end up in more INTs. I'll be looking for that in the pre-season games specifically, that is, if I have access to the games :)
well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT
well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT

Cool story bro.
well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT

Big talk from someone who admittedly has such a small nizzle.

Just saying.

well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT

What if... what if... what if... You're living in a fantasy where you're a supersmart FO executive. You aren't. Deal with it. You've got great hindsight but hindsight arguments are null.

Our FO has done a great job in the draft since Kubiak came here.

Chris Johnson wasn't very highly touted and a lot of people had him as a 2nd or 3rd rounder. A bunch of teams passed on him and probably didn't even consider him for their first round pick. And no matter how you spin it, LT was a huge need for us and Duane Brown is growing into being a very good LT. That wasn't a bad pick.
well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT
Dude, just like in the training camp thread you have no idea what you're talking about you probably have not even been there like many of us have.
well this whole argument is null.

they should be talking dez bryant instead of overpaid walter and terrible kareem.

just imagine when dez lights up molden in september, with kareem on the bench "learning"..

what a waste of a pick. #20 for a bench warming cb?

andre johnson/dez bryant/jacoby jones = scary

dez has the chance to be the best wr in the league,while kareems peak at best is an average cb....texans always go for "need" instead of best player.

im convinced if chris johnson was on the board,the texans would draft kareem jackson instead because we have foster. wait,that happened...they picked duane brown instead of chris johnson because of the "need" for a LT

To the thread-
I see JJ as a weapon, not a full time receiver. On 3rd and longs maybe you sub in JJ for KW. On reverses (for the love of reverses, please sub JJ in for KW). KW also doesn't ask for a lot of balls, JJ will. There are a lot of options already and there is no doubt that I would like to see them lean on JJ's ability a little more but not as the outright #2.

To the TROLL-Dez Bryant? Who is that? Oh yeah, the guy on the team with plenty of proven, legitimate passing options who hasn't played a single down of football in 2 years! HOFer!!!