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IF we only addressed the lines this offseason


For the sake of this thread Vince and Bush Do not exist!

If we were to only address the lines this off season,What positions/ players would you change on:

#1 O-line
#2 D-line

What effect do you think it would have:

#3 on the Running game?
#4 on the passing game?
#5 on Win/loss next year?

On Davids health insurance...jk,...well

I am including TE as line
I would start with a true 4-3 defensive end in round 1.
Next I would take the highest rated OT in round 2. We could keep Pitts at LT and start our rookie at the other end. We'll be keeping Wade so we could move him inside to guard. Weigert or McKinney would play the left guard and Hogdon could hold down the center spot.
Getting a balanced TE in the third round would be ideal.
Hopefully younger free agent Offensive and defensive linemen will be available but if we build strickly through the draft the 4th - 7th rounds should rotate with D Line and O Line.

The one thing that every playoff team had in common this year was a good to great offensive line. Our running game would drastically improve because teams wouldnt be able to put 8 in the box. Our passing game and big play ability would sky rocket because we could sell play action and screens much more often.
In another post, "3 Things I would Change This Year" I mention that I would swap R1 picks twice. If Bently is the man then I would trade NO our R1 pick this year, which by my other post could be a #6, 9 or 10. Could we get a better OL in the draft at any one of those three picks or an earlier pick??? Not sure but I will come back to this thread and add more after some research.
TEXANFAN23435 said:
In another post, "3 Things I would Change This Year" I mention that I would swap R1 picks twice. If Bently is the man then I would trade NO our R1 pick this year, which by my other post could be a #6, 9 or 10. Could we get a better OL in the draft at any one of those three picks or an earlier pick??? Not sure but I will come back to this thread and add more after some research.

Bently is a freeagent so we wouldnt need to trade for him.. just make the pot look sweet enough from him to come to Houston... unless they franchise him.. then there's no hope.
TEXANFAN23435 said:
If they Franchise Him, can N.O. sign and trade him?????

They could but it would be a huge mistake cap wise to take that kinnda hit. Once Franchised he'll make what the top 5 players at center make in the league. I dont know if the Texans are willing to add that much money to an overpaid offensive line.
Getting bentley in FA and D'brick in the draft would be nice, especially if hogdon turns out to be as good as some hope. filling in pitts and wand and we could have something.and we havent even gotten to round two where we will have picked up more picks for trading down to get brick.
BRICK- great name
Not sure if NO will franchise Bentley. He has said he is interested in going to Cleveland, but he wants to do what is best for his family. Usually that means whoever is going to offer the fattest contract.

As far as the trenches. Bentley would be a huge step in the right direction. Tom Nalen coming in at a cheap 2 year deal to teach Hodgon and Mangold(draft) and we are looking better. McKinney has to restructure or he is gone as does Wade or I would just eat his contract and try and move him. I look for Mario Williams in the 1st and then Eric Winston in the second or trade back in and get him, I would settle for Jon Scott eventhough he has not looked very good but he can play RT. I take a TE in the 4th and add a LB and CB/FS before that. Another DE in the late rounds possibly a sleeper favorite of mine Chris Gocong from CalPolySci who reminds me of Kyle Vanden Boch or Jared Allen. At that point I am looking at OLINE of Pitts, Bentley, Nalen, Weigert/Mangold, Winston/Scott. DLINE of Babin/Peek, Walker, Smith, Mario Williams. We are in decent shape at that point.
BTW if Bentley is franchised he will make the average of the top 5 linemen not just centers. I think that is correct, but I will have to ask around to check.
cadahnic said:
BTW if Bentley is franchised he will make the average of the top 5 linemen not just centers. I think that is correct, but I will have to ask around to check.

I am almost positive it is the average of the top 5 centers.
thanks kaiser that means his agent, who i have to believe is a good one will argue for the average of guards not centers, because that would be higher.
What do yall think we could reasonably expect to get THIS YEAR (in picks) from the jets for switching places?
jmerog said:
What do yall think we could reasonably expect to get THIS YEAR (in picks) from the jets for switching places?

If they're high on Bush, then trading this year's first round picks + their next year's first round pick, reasonably.

I'd PREFER to get their first round pick next year AS WELL AS their 3rd or 4th this year, plus a conditional third rounder next year (based on playing time for whomever they pick).

But realistically, we're either looking at getting their second this year or else their first next year.
jmerog said:
What do yall think we could reasonably expect to get THIS YEAR (in picks) from the jets for switching places?

If we trade with the Jets (unlikely), I think all we can hope to gain in this year's draft is an additional second rounder...We'll probably get their first next year too...
The TE market is not bad, more young talent with some athletic guys but no real big names other than Randy McMichael if he gets free. I personally like Teyo Johnson and think we should sign him that gives us the ability to not draft a TE till the second day.
cadahnic said:
The TE market is not bad, more young talent with some athletic guys but no real big names other than Randy McMichael if he gets free. I personally like Teyo Johnson and think we should sign him that gives us the ability to not draft a TE till the second day.

Teyo Johnson ???? You don't want Teyo Johnson.
TheOgre said:
I am almost positive it is the average of the top 5 centers.

Interesting question. The rule says top 5 at their position. On the other hand, when you find franchise tag lists they do not break apart the OL at all--in contrast they do break down DT's and DE's. I remember they used to have OT's and interior OL. Needs investigation.

As much as I'd like to get Mario Williams for our new 4-3, I'd have to go with D'brick in the first round. Protecting the pocket has to be our chief concern if we ever plan on having an offense that can do anything consistently positive.

I know they won't, but man do I wish the FO would throw mad money at Bentley. Make the deal to sweet to pass up.
infantrycak said:
Interesting question. The rule says top 5 at their position. On the other hand, when you find franchise tag lists they do not break apart the OL at all--in contrast they do break down DT's and DE's. I remember they used to have OT's and interior OL. Needs investigation.


I don't see how they can break down the line by position. What was Pitts last year - a guard or a tackle? McKinney - center or guard? Weigert - guard or tackle? I understand the high dollar players usually stick to one position, but it still could cause problems - Bentley has been to the pro-bowl at 2 positions (right?) - what is he?
I have heard with certanty that it is OL, meaning he is going to be getting money like a LT-not happening. Bently will be a free agent, its up to us to make the deal sweet enough if we really want him.
My thought is that we need to pick up a Center in Free Agency. Whether that is Nalen, Bentley, or another rock-solid center, that is for better people than me to decide. With a second round pick, if he is available, I hope the Texans take Dave Thomas. Of the Longhorns out there on the free market, he is the one who has impressed me most over the past year. Plus, he is not ranked as high, so I think there is a good chance he will be available in Round 2. This is the upgrade needed at TE. Then, if another player is available in the third round, take Eric Winston. Put Eric on IR for this year to let him heal, the way Buffalo did McGahee. I am betting the future on this one. It means this year we have the upgrade at Center that is the lodestone/linchpin in this line, and next year I can move Eric in at RT as our right side is showing its age.

Assuming we are going to a 4-3, we need an upgrade at LB. That is where I am out of ideas. To be honest, I have not kept up on this position as well as I have the offensive line. Is the linebacker position very deep this year? I don't know, but I would put money into a second rounder.

A lot of people want to do a major overhaul on the defense, and I can appreciate that sentiment. The loss of key veteran players like Sharper really showed last year. However, I think that unless we are bringing some guys in via free agency, we are not going to get the immediate upgrade we all want. Second, the defense was green last year. Really, really green. It was hard to find somebody who had played more than two years for the Texans (on last year's D). So I think this is where I would look to coaching to improve the game. Give some people in secondary and on the line that second chance to show what they can do with a new scheme and new coaching.

That is all I have. Basically, two new faces on the O-line next year, Eric the year after that, and one new face on the defensive front four.

If it was me I would probably retool the whole damn thing. This is what I would do, I know some of this stuff might sound crazy, but bear with me. In the FA I would go after Schaffer, He's the starting LT for the falcons. Why, because he has experience in the system this would knock Pitts to the RT position and a solid tackle backup in Wand. Guard I would keep Weary and Weigart and have them compete for the starting spot, or just keep Weary and cut Weigart to free up cap space to make getting Schaffer feasable. Then I would draft Setterstorm, Mckinney would stay and serve as backup to Hodgdon and the guards. I would probably pick up Mangold or Enslayer in the fourth to groom as McKinney's replacement and or starting guard, depending on Hodgdon's performance.

On the defensive side, I would put Smith and Johnson at tackles and see how they do. Solid backups in Walker and Payne. Move Babin to DE and draft Darril Tapp to compete with Peek for the other DE position, I'd try to bring in Weaver from Baltimore if he's not too expensive and see how our new line plays.

Overall I think these moves would bring some measure of respectability to our franchise. Now that I go back and read 'em they aint as crazy as I thought. lol.
dat_boy_yec said:
If it was me I would probably retool the whole damn thing. This is what I would do, I know some of this stuff might sound crazy, but bear with me. In the FA I would go after Schaffer, He's the starting LT for the falcons. Why, because he has experience in the system this would knock Pitts to the RT position and a solid tackle backup in Wand. Guard I would keep Weary and Weigart and have them compete for the starting spot, or just keep Weary and cut Weigart to free up cap space to make getting Schaffer feasable. Then I would draft Setterstorm, Mckinney would stay and serve as backup to Hodgdon and the guards. I would probably pick up Mangold or Enslayer in the fourth to groom as McKinney's replacement and or starting guard, depending on Hodgdon's performance.

that sounds alot like what we've done in the past to 'fix' our line problems. i think if we want to see a dramatic improvement,we'll have to pay for it-a couple of high draft picks and a good young FA(Bentley). In the draft if we could trade with the jets i would pick pick D'brick obviously at 4. then with 33 id pick whichever 1 of the 4 quality te that should still be there(pope,davis,lewis and byrd). then with 36 pick mangold instead os bentley or 1 of the good gaurds