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I think the Texans are turning the corner


I am so frigging happy with today's win. We ****ing outplayed Green Bay all f'ing day long on offense and defense. But for the turnovers we would have won this game by 21 points.

We deserved the win today and I am glad we got it. Schaub was great today and he is a keeper. I have a HUGE mancrush on Slaton. Let's draft a bruiser like Glen Coffee from Bama and we will have an incredible running game.

Our offense looks very good. Our D played smart all day. Still fire Dick Smith because this D should have been playing like this all season long. With a new D coordinator and add a safety and we will win 11 games next year.
I am so frigging happy with today's win. We ****ing outplayed Green Bay all f'ing day long on offense and defense. But for the turnovers we would have won this game by 21 points.

We deserved the win today and I am glad we got it. Schaub was great today and he is a keeper. I have a HUGE mancrush on Slaton. Let's draft a bruiser like Glen Coffee from Bama and we will have an incredible running game.

Our offense looks very good. Our D played smart all day. Still fire Dick Smith because this D should have been playing like this all season long. With a new D coordinator and add a safety and we will win 11 games next year.

I've been telling my friends that all season long, but I don't think he'll fall as far as I'd hoped.

As for turning the corner .... well, I'll buy that when they stop turning the ball over so damn much. At least today it wasn't the QB killing us. All the players that had been so sure-handed up to this point were the ones. So maybe they'll put it all together against the Tacks.
They need to get a handle on the turnover problem, but this team does look like it's growing up -- and learning how to find ways to win.
I remain a skeptic.

Don't get mad at me for raining on the parade! This was a great game. No, this was the BEST game all season long. I am putting this win in my back pocket and will carry it with me all week long.

I didn't do that with the Dolphins/Lions/Bengals wins.

This was a fun day.
I remain a skeptic.

Don't get mad at me for raining on the parade! This was a great game. No, this was the BEST game all season long. I am putting this win in my back pocket and will carry it with me all week long.

I didn't do that with the Dolphins/Lions/Bengals wins.

This was a fun day.

I agree completly. But honestly, the D is holding teams under 30+. That's been the diffrence Finally! We we so :dangit: with our DC Smith because we didn't even give our offense a chance to win. Today is a perfext example of that chance that hadn't been there in our other "close" losses.

I fear that with Smith changing the D this late in the season, and us playing like ourselves he might keep his job here. I still want him gone next season. I know we're going to here the "if it aint broke don't fix it" goofs come out, but I still say it's to little , to late for Smith.

" nanana na ... nanana na...hey hey hey, goodbye! " :texflag:
Iam skeptic has well good win nahhh dirty win 4 turnovers on the road that=LOse 95% of the time

turnovers costed us playoffs
it's a hell of a corner we've gotta turn... dunno if we're there yet, but we are certainly on our way. just get the bruising back, get someone other than mario and bulman to rush the passer, and grab a really good CB and maybe the corner'll be turned.
Iam skeptic has well good win nahhh dirty win 4 turnovers on the road that=LOse 95% of the time
I don't disagree with that, but one of the marks that a team is making progress is that they learn how to win games like these.

The top teams aren't always the best team on the field and they don't always play mistake-free football. What they *do*, on the other hand, is not let their mistakes take them out of their game (contrast Schaub and Sage here), stay close and manage to pull a rabbit out of their hat in the 59th minute. And at the end of the game, you ask: "How could they win that game?"

When you start saying that a lot about a team, that team is a winner. It knows how to win when they didn't bring their A-game.

It's way early to pronounce this team has definitively "turned the corner," but it's showing some signs of it that we're not used to seeing in Texans football.
4 turn over's and we still come out with a win at Lambeau in that kind of weather... I'm pretty impressed with the game plan Kubiak and Co. put together to be able to overcome those types of obstacles and win a game on the road.
I hope we are, but until that corner is actually turned I will remain skeptical along with many others.

And if we want to become a good team, Kubiak needs to stop taking stupid timeouts like the one where he went for 2. You shouldn't need to call a time out on an extra point...
I seriously think the play-calling and defense responsibilities were stripped from Smith for awhile now. It would explain oh so much of how they were playing since the Brown game. Didn't Kubiak said he was being more 'involved' with the D now?

I think he means that he made some switch with the Defensive coordinator behind the scene, giving the responsibilities to Frank Bush. This might be his trial period, in which he is being tested as DC... so far he is passing with flying colors, if it is indeed true. I mean the packs for freakin 0/8 at one point in the game for third down conversion.

If this is truly Frank Bush doing on D in the last 3 or weeks, then I would have no complaints whatsoever if he is name our DC at the end of the season.
I seriously think the play-calling and defense responsibilities were stripped from Smith for awhile now. It would explain oh so much of how they were playing since the Brown game. Didn't Kubiak said he was being more 'involved' with the D now?

I think he means that he made some switch with the Defensive coordinator behind the scene, giving the responsibilities to Frank Bush. This might be his trial period, in which he is being tested as DC... so far he is passing with flying colors, if it is indeed true. I mean the packs for freakin 0/8 at one point in the game for third down conversion.

If this is truly Frank Bush doing on D in the last 3 or weeks, then I would have no complaints whatsoever if he is name our DC at the end of the season.

I hope that's all true. Hopefully someone from the media asks Kubiak about it tomorrow in the 3:30 press conference
, Kubiak needs to stop taking stupid timeouts like the one where he went for 2. You shouldn't need to call a time out on an extra point...
I have no problem with him making sure everyone is on the same page. It was a huge conversion, if we didn't convert that then they would have had the lead with under 2 minutes to
Turnovers happen. But excessive turnovers are the signs of poor coaching.

Put the pads on those guys in practice and maybe they will learn how to hang onto the ball when they get hit.
We won a road game where we were favored to lose by over a touchdown. Let the complaining commence!!

*oh brother*
We won a road game where we were favored to lose by over a touchdown. Let the complaining commence!!

*oh brother*

Everybody is happy with this win.

But only the Texans could dominate an entire game and still come out on the losing end in that fashion.

Just because we are happy doesn't mean we have to be satisfied.

We really really need to cut down on the turnovers if we want this to be a winning team any time soon.
I posted this in another thread.....

The win today was great, no question. But the turnovers have been a problem since Kubiak took over. This team will not take the next step until the turnovers are corrected.

If it's not corrected, it could cost Kubiak his job.
I almost hate to break it to y'all, but our D didn't actually do that well. They gave up over 5 yards a carry to Grant and Rodgers had almost 300 yards passing. What kept their team from scoring too much was mostly all our offense's long drives. A long drive with a fumble at the 1 yd. line is like a stupendous punt, except that it burns a LOT of time off the clock. It's like kicking a punt that soars for 8 freaking minutes and is caught at the 3 by a defender, lol.

Even with those long drives by our O, the D (again) gave up over 5 yds. a carry and 295 passing yards. Did the D suck? No, I'd have to say they did sort of alright, but not that good. Best thing the D did was the 3 and out before JJ pulled a....well, JJ on the miffed punt, and of course the sack by Ryans to put them out of field-goal range. THAT was huge!!! :fans:
I posted this in another thread.....

The win today was great, no question. But the turnovers have been a problem since Kubiak took over. This team will not take the next step until the turnovers are corrected.

If it's not corrected, it could cost Kubiak his job.

The turnovers today were not on Kubiak, IMO.
Owen "Ironhands" Daniels puts the ball on the ground?
Steve "Glue" Slaton puts it down?

Schaub just returned from being out a few weeks, and he only had the one INT. The other two were flukes that we usually do not see.

All in all, they looked pretty composed and careful out there with the football. There weren't nearly as many "closecalls" as we're used to with Rosenchopper
Yeah, I think the fumbles were mostly a result of frozen footballs. The commentator even said that the Texans weren't giving them away; the Packers were forcing them.
The turnovers today were not on Kubiak, IMO.
Owen "Ironhands" Daniels puts the ball on the ground?
Steve "Glue" Slaton puts it down?

Schaub just returned from being out a few weeks, and he only had the one INT. The other two were flukes that we usually do not see.

All in all, they looked pretty composed and careful out there with the football. There weren't nearly as many "closecalls" as we're used to with Rosenchopper

These aren't flukes.

We are dead last in the NFL in turnover margin. That is not a fluke.

Turnovers are coachable. You can't teach speed and you can't make every player a pro bowler.

But you can correct mistakes. You can teach the guys not to drop the ball. That's coaching.
Best thing the D did was the 3 and out before JJ pulled a....well, JJ on the miffed punt, and of course the sack by Ryans to put them out of field-goal range. THAT was huge!!! :fans:
That's exactly it. Coming up big in the clutch can nullify a lot of bad play earlier on. I'd rather have a team that makes mistakes early and comes through big time in the clutch than one that plays well for three quarters and then chokes at the end.

That's the difference between watching today's game (a win) and the infamous Rosencopter game against Indy (a loss). The Indy game was 50+ minutes of good football, mostly, followed by an unclutch finish. This one was sloppy, ugly and all of that for 58 minutes, and then pure clutch in the last two.

Yes, it's better to play 60 minutes of great football, but absent that I'd much rather have the big performance in the clutch. Both the D's last stand and Schaub's coolness marching Houston down the field were clutch.

So I'd say that's progress. Not enough to declare them playoff contenders next year, let alone world beaters, but it IS progress. It's a sign that you're learning how to win.
Dude wtf, I was adding some more to my post when all of a sudden it said I was log off. I wrote so much too. UGHHH.

Anyways, basically I look back at past games and tally up all the points score in quarters 1-3. In the first ten games our D allowed 186 points, which is a 18.6 average from quarter 1-3. The last three weeks we allowed 16 points, which is a average of 5.3 over three games.

In the first ten games we allowed 7 teams to score a TD or more in the first quarter, with two other teams scoring a FG in the 1st. That's 9/10 teams scoring on us in the 1st quarter, the only team that wasn't successful in doing so was the lowly Detroit Lions.

In the last three games, we have NOT allow a team to score on us in the 1st quarter. Our D have shut out/ not allow a TD in the last three game, with two of those games being away.

I refuse to believe that this is Richard Smith doing, I refuse to believe that after ten games.. no 3 years that he all of a sudden "gets it" towards the last month of the season in his third year.

It ain't no coincidence that when Kubiak said he's more "involved" in the defense that all of a sudden the defense is playing like a dominant defense in this league. I really don't think it's the opponent either, Cleveland was coming off a 25+ pts win against the Bills(I forgot the score) when we played them and the Packs offense were suppose to be explosive as well. These two games were away, so they had an advantage, since we suck on the road.
Was it pretty? Nope

Was it a win? Yup

A win against the Packers at Lambeau in Dec with a frozen field and 4 deg.

A lot of fumbles - yes - but you try hanging on the ball in that kind of weather.
I won't comment on Jones, but Slayon and Daniels have been pretty solid this year.
Not a chance I put any of the turn over's on the coaches today. Slaton and Daniels have rarely fumbled this season. If the coaches are responsible for whether or not a player fumbles, I'd say they've done pretty well with said players so far this year.
We will have turned the corner when Jacoby learns how to field punts in bad weather conditions.

I recall that he did the same thing in Tacksville last year.

He fumbled 2 punts today & got lucky to recover one.

Those are the things that cost teams games. I dont care how great of a returner he is. You have to be able to field a punt before you can return one.
Not a chance I put any of the turn over's on the coaches today. Slaton and Daniels have rarely fumbled this season. If the coaches are responsible for whether or not a player fumbles, I'd say they've done pretty well with said players so far this year.

I don't know about that... gotta question the discipline that the players lack. Jacoby for example has had fumbling problems since his rookie year, I thought he was over it... until he made a stupid, costly fumble on PR, trying to catch it with his hands while running towards the ball. My God, that was idiotic. Did you guys see how pissed off DeMeco was coming back on the field, going past Jacoby? I wish DeMeco would've chewed Jacoby out the way KG chewed out Glenn "Big Baby" Davis this past week.
Was it pretty? Nope

Was it a win? Yup

A win against the Packers at Lambeau in Dec with a frozen field and 4 deg.

A lot of fumbles - yes - but you try hanging on the ball in that kind of weather.
I won't comment on Jones, but Slayon and Daniels have been pretty solid this year.

I lived near Chi-Town and been to a game with a windchill of neg -20 below zero. You cant explain you can only experience it.

Jones lost his spot on the roster today, period!
These aren't flukes.

We are dead last in the NFL in turnover margin. That is not a fluke.

Turnovers are coachable. You can't teach speed and you can't make every player a pro bowler.

But you can correct mistakes. You can teach the guys not to drop the ball. That's coaching.

And how many of those TOs in the past are on the QB? 80%? More?

TOs from Schaub and Sage are maybe a result of poor coaching.

Fumbles from Daniels and Slaton are just odds. Everyone puts the ball on the ground at some point, and today happened to be their days. Not on the coaches at all
I lived near Chi-Town and been to a game with a windchill of neg -20 below zero. You cant explain you can only experience it.

Jones lost his spot on the roster today, period!

I was at Houston - ND. Cotton Bowl. Nuff said for a Houstonian. Don't tell me who won, I was there.
And how many of those TOs in the past are on the QB? 80%? More?

TOs from Schaub and Sage are maybe a result of poor coaching.

Fumbles from Daniels and Slaton are just odds. Everyone puts the ball on the ground at some point, and today happened to be their days. Not on the coaches at all

Of course. Didn't say otherwise.
I am so frigging happy with today's win. We ****ing outplayed Green Bay all f'ing day long on offense and defense. But for the turnovers we would have won this game by 21 points.

We deserved the win today and I am glad we got it. Schaub was great today and he is a keeper. I have a HUGE mancrush on Slaton. Let's draft a bruiser like Glen Coffee from Bama and we will have an incredible running game.

Our offense looks very good. Our D played smart all day. Still fire Dick Smith because this D should have been playing like this all season long. With a new D coordinator and add a safety and we will win 11 games next year.

This next camp I'd be looking for Jacoby Jones replacement and I'd be looking hard. He's a liability and has been all season. Every time he drops back to receive a punt he could go all the way. Unfortunately he could also drop it like it's on fire and there's no way to tell which one you're going to get until it happens. He doesn't give me the impression of someone who is deeply worried about this and working hard to improve. He gives me the impression that he's going to do this for as long as he's returning punts for us.

I just keep walking around thinking "Imagine how good we would be if we'd stop giving our opponents the ball 2-3 times a game for no apparent reason."

This team with only half the turnovers it's committed might have already won 8 games this season. Maybe even 9 games. The turnovers are brutal.
I don't like seeing all those turnovers either, but I still think there is something extremely positive in this game above and beyond just being a win.

It was a win despite adversity that would historically cause this team to fold.

It was a win in lousy conditions in a hostile environment, one of the toughest for road teams to play in.

It was a win where both offense and defense turned in ridiculously clutch plays in the final two minutes which turned what looked like it would be another gut-wrenching loss into a WIN.

Despite the turnovers, this team appears to be making important progress in other areas. I'm used to watching Texans football where, on the final Packers drive, the inevitable "here it comes again" mentality would have allowed a Green Bay score against a seemingly demoralized deer-in-the-headlights defense that just knew it was doomed; they just wouldn't know how it would happen. But *this time*, the Texans defense pinned its ears back at a time when it *had* to make a big stand... and did.

I'm used to watching Texans football where a final potential game-winning drive is stopped by a fumble or an interception, or on downs.

Based on history, this is the type of game the Texans *lose* in a heartbreaker. But this time, the tables were turned and with huge clutch efforts in the final two minutes, they *won* in a manner that was heartbreaking for the opponent.

Turnovers are still a big problem and to fully get to the next level they need to be addressed. But one of the aspects of a team with a winning tradition is simply that they "know how to win." There are signs that this year's Texans are *finally* learning how to "know how to win," even when they make a lot of mistakes. And that is a promising development.

I just really, really, *really* want to stick it to the Tacks.
I look at it this way. We HAVE to turn the ball over or it just wouldn't be fair. We would dominate every team we played.

So, I think this is actually a rule laid down by Goodell to keep us from being way too good for the other teams in the league and making them feel bad.

Or not.
This next camp I'd be looking for Jacoby Jones replacement and I'd be looking hard. He's a liability and has been all season. Every time he drops back to receive a punt he could go all the way. Unfortunately he could also drop it like it's on fire and there's no way to tell which one you're going to get until it happens. He doesn't give me the impression of someone who is deeply worried about this and working hard to improve. He gives me the impression that he's going to do this for as long as he's returning punts for us.

I just keep walking around thinking "Imagine how good we would be if we'd stop giving our opponents the ball 2-3 times a game for no apparent reason."

This team with only half the turnovers it's committed might have already won 8 games this season. Maybe even 9 games. The turnovers are brutal.

I agree. Jacoby Jones is talented, but too often he plays like a guy who's just there for the ride. He's too lazy in what he does and I guess he doesn't try to improve. If he had, he probably would get some playing time aside from special teams.
We are dead last in the NFL in turnover margin. That is not a fluke.

The Defense, for the first 10 games or so, had been playing PREVENT
for 4 quarters. The scheme was so conservative, that it didn't give up
the "big play," but it also gave away EVERYTHING underneath (10-yard
cushions on 3rd and 5) and forced LESS THAN A TURNOVER A GAME!!!!

Please look into the numbers, and quit repeating Squeaky Matt Jackson
in regards to our young team. They made mistakes, like they do every
week, but our quarterback led the troops down the field for a WIN.

EVERY team makes mistakes in games, FEW of them win in SPITE of those
The Defense, for the first 10 games or so, had been playing PREVENT
for 4 quarters. The scheme was so conservative, that it didn't give up
the "big play," but it also gave away EVERYTHING underneath (10-yard
cushions on 3rd and 5) and forced LESS THAN A TURNOVER A GAME!!!!

Please look into the numbers, and quit repeating Squeaky Matt Jackson
in regards to our young team. They made mistakes, like they do every
week, but our quarterback led the troops down the field for a WIN.

EVERY team makes mistakes in games, FEW of them win in SPITE of those

LOL. Wow.

We lead the league in interceptions thrown and giveaways.

Give me a break. I'm not gonna pretend like our defense excels at creating turnovers.

But our offense has been pretty efficient at giving them away.

As I said earlier, I am most definitely happy with the victory. Green Bay is a decent team and we beat them in the toughest places to play road games in December.

But we can be happy and not be satisfied. Fix the turnover problem and we have a playoff team here.
As I recall the Texans turned the corner to "elite" with their three game winning steak earlier this year, or so it was declared. I disagreed.

However, I think this was a quality win against a team with weapons. Their penalties countered the Texans turnovers and the team didn't fold.

I would say they've turned the corner to get back to average. IMO, to be any better than that they have to make noise in the first half of the season, not after they are all but eliminated from the play-offs.
This team is finally at a point where they are winning the games they should win. Now they need to start beating the teams that are as good as them or better than them.

On the season the teams the Texans have lost to are 61-30 (57-21) if you subtract the Jags. That's a tough nut to crack.

The teams the Texans have beaten are 22-55-1. Not exactly dominating. Only Miami has a winning record and they only had 1 win last season.

Winning the games you should win and competing in others isn't going to get this team to the playoffs. They need to learn how to beat the Colts when they have them on the ropes and they are struggling. They need to beat a team like Minnesota when they have good red zone opportunities. Turnovers continue to kill this team. Kubiak made a big show of putting Protect the Ball on the backside of the offensive player's shorts during training camp. Maybe something a little more serious might get the message.
This team is finally at a point where they are winning the games they should win. Now they need to start beating the teams that are as good as them or better than them.

So, in other words, they're making progress, right? They're heading in the right direction, right? No, they are not a "good" team yet, but they are not a bad one anymore, and they are in the transition of becoming one.

But no, that's not good enough. Fire them all, go back to the drawing board, and start from scratch.

I want a good team, a playoff team, right now.

(Don't they have a "knee-jerk" smilie around here?) :tiptoe:
So, in other words, they're making progress, right? They're heading in the right direction, right? No, they are not a "good" team yet, but they are not a bad one anymore, and they are in the transition of becoming one.

But no, that's not good enough. Fire them all, go back to the drawing board, and start from scratch.

I want a good team, a playoff team, right now.

(Don't they have a "knee-jerk" smilie around here?) :tiptoe:

Where in my post did I say I want them all fired? I don't want anyone fired. Well, I think Richard Smith's ship should sail. I do think the team needs to add some players, though. Of course they are making progress. I'm happy for that. They are headed in the right direction. All I was trying to say is this team isn't there yet and its mostly because of the turnovers.

I also think during the offseason someone needs to send Kubiak to a clock management/time out seminar. Does he not know the score during the game? I think you should know before you score a TD that you want to go for 2. Don't wait until then to change your mind and waste (yes it is a waste) a timeout. I didn't hurt them, but it has cost and will cost this team games. It isn't the first time this season he hasn't been aware of the situation and needed to make quick adjustments.
....turned a corner??

I know its just my opinion, but I believe when we stop turning the ball over 3-4 times a game and force T/Os from the other guys at that rate, then we'll have turned THE corner.
I don't think they "turned" anything....this has been a pretty good team all year.

Last week ESPN kept saying that Houston was a good 4-7 team. They're right. Take away a lost coin flip against Jacksonville and a Roto-Sage play against Indy and this is an 8-5 team.

This is a good, not great team. I don't know how people could have expected more.
not sure whether this is worthy of its own thread or not but I have a question:

There were those among us who thought our first three-game winning streak in team history was kind of a "so-what".
It was agin the NFL "Little Sisters of the Poor" you said.
We didn't win "convincingly" you said.

Well what about THIS 3-game winning streak?
Are ya impressed with this one?

no "Little Sisters of the Poor" this time....
1) The Browns, IN Cleveland, and with Mel Kiper's (and some of y'all's) fair-haired boy, Brady Quinn, under center - who we mistreated so badly he was yanked.

2) The Jaguars, a team some talking heads had usurping the Colts and going to the Super Bowl this year. And we did it on MNF with the whole football universe watching. Perfect time for our younguns to choke yet we didn't just beat them, we embarrassed them. (and I'm still looking for whoever sold Mr. Tony "those red unis look stupid" Kornheiser the cowboy hat he wore on PTI - you don't sell yankees cowboy hats!)

3) Green Bay. We took on a team fighting for their playoff lives and we beat them in their own fabled Lambeau backyard and in sub-freezing weather.
Wait. We're a "dome team". We can't function outside ...below 50 degrees, right?

Oh and did I mention 2 of the 3 were on the road?
But that can't be right! Everyone knows that the Texans "can't win on the road" right?

Okay, enough of my ranting:
Two 3-game winning streaks... whoda thunkit
not sure whether this is worthy of its own thread or not but I have a question:

There were those among us who thought our first three-game winning streak in team history was kind of a "so-what".
It was agin the NFL "Little Sisters of the Poor" you said.
We didn't win "convincingly" you said.

Well what about THIS 3-game winning streak?
Are ya impressed with this one?

no "Little Sisters of the Poor" this time...

Okay, enough of my ranting:
Two 3-game winning streaks... whoda thunkit

Pre-seaon projections aside, the combined records of our last three opponents is 13-23. The Texans contributed 1-3 to that, so that helps out the Texans cause.

For whatever reason, the reality is these teams have a winning percentage of 36%. Not great, but just above horrible. However, these teams have legitimate weapons along with their flaws. Winning on the road was also a positive change. Stiil, at most this streak solidifies the Texans as average. They are at the same corner they were last year.

To be better than average they must continue beating these teams and start splitting against teams with winning records. That will be a step forward.
I'm hoping the emotion and good feeling from this game carries over to the players and makes some of our free agents more likely to resign with the team. There have been various rumors and thread started about players like Andre Johnson and Dunta not wanting to continue with the Texans. This is as important reason as any, since the playoffs are out of the picture, for continuing out winning ways for the rest of the season.

I have read arguments about wanting a better draft position, but I think it is more important to give our current players a desire to stay here. Everyone wants to play for a winner, and I sincerely hope we are heading in the right direction.