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For those who attended the game...


What was the atmosphere like after we took it to the Chiefs? What was the fan reaction outside Reliant during the post game? Man I wish I was there!
All I heard was a here and there one person yelled HOUSTON and then a bunch of people yelled TEXANS was great:fans:
It was loud, but the fans seemed tentative at first. It seemed like people were unsure what to expect. After we went up by 10, people around me really started getting into it. I had a blast!
It was very loud going down the ramps, lots of Houston, Texans chants. IMO the crowd gets credit for one charged time out for KC and one motion penalty for their offense. They were near our endzone, and we were LOUD!! The stadium had white reliant towels taped in a bag on each seat in the stadium. Between the white shirts, towels and NOISE the energy level at the game was great.

Did have one guy behind me who was incredibly negative. Kept saying Schuab was just like Carr. Even towards the end of the game, he was finding neg. things to say. Why in the world would you spend money on going to the game if you feel that negative about the team. He had on Texans gear, so he wasn't a KC fan. But other than that small annoyance, it was a great day to be a Texans fan. Chants of Mar-i-o even got started after the TD and sacks.:fans:
That is great! I can only imagine the optomism pouring out of Reliant after the victory. Both sides of the ball played great, the fans looked sweet wearing white on the tube, and it felt good to see TJ finally playing like a 1st Rounder. Oh, and the Mario Williams guy.....he had a good game
What was the atmosphere like after we took it to the Chiefs? What was the fan reaction outside Reliant during the post game? Man I wish I was there!

LOUD! The atmosphere inside the stadium was fantastic. Very loud, great cheering, lots of fans pumped up.

After the game I'm not sure. Saw a lot of happy people though. Lots getting ready to tailgate for the rest of the day.
Two guys behind me were talking about video games almost the entire game. WTF is up with that?!?! Other than that, it was rockin!
Two guys behind me were talking about video games almost the entire game. WTF is up with that?!?! Other than that, it was rockin!

I'll never understand that... but what's worse is when I see kids at a Texans game or Stros and they are PLAYING video games.. .I'm like your parents paid $50 for you to come to a game and they let you play video games... unreal
Great atmosphere. Great game. The only complaint I had was the stubhub ticket folks behind me whining to each other about me standing up...
Great atmosphere. Great game. The only complaint I had was the stubhub ticket folks behind me whining to each other about me standing up...

Yeah there were a few whiners today... had some guys whining about how loud the cannon was... I was thinking 'have you ever been to a game before?'
Well, I'm completely tuckered out!!:) BUT, oh, what a great feeling!!!

I thought the gametime atmosphere was very good, but, nothing compared to that Dallas game. Fans were loud, I do believe they are learning to shut up when our O is on the field, but, there were several times when the D was waving their arms like 'angels in the outfield' and Texans fans remained relatively quiet. I did notice that a lot more fans stayed in their seats to the very end!! No mass exodus with 3-4 min left on the clock.

I'm still wondering what happened to the pregame team announcement. They called out MARIO, the fans repled WILLIANS, and the entire D ran out on the field and that was the end of that! ODD, to say the least.

After five hours on a HOT parking lot, a very exciting game, and walking out into a freaking sauna from hell, I am completely wiped!! Might not function for three days! lol BUT, who cares! Our TEXANS have a winning streak going!!
I'm still wondering what happened to the pregame team announcement. They called out MARIO, the fans repled WILLIANS, and the entire D ran out on the field and that was the end of that! ODD, to say the least.

NO ONE knew what was going on LOL... what I heard was that the team decided that they wanted to come out as a team... I'm not sure if this is because they took too much time pre-game and I know they have to start the game at a certain time or get fined (which i doubt) or if they just wanted to show team sportsmanship ala the New England Patriots... what ever the case they didn't tell anyone until about two seconds before they came out onto the field so none of the pre-game crew knew what was going on.
The noise level was okay, but nothing like the Dallas game.

People were kinda sitting on their hands not knowing what to expect. Even when we went up by 17 I think that some expecting the old Texans to return.

If they come home from Carolina 2-0 I would expect it to be a lot louder.
The noise level was okay, but nothing like the Dallas game.

People were kinda sitting on their hands not knowing what to expect. Even when we went up by 17 I think that some expecting the old Texans to return.

If they come home from Carolina 2-0 I would expect it to be a lot louder.

I know that it will be a whole lot louder.

I'm a gonna be there.

:wild: :fans: :whip:
before the opening kickoff, the crowd was very loud, you could feel the emotion... the players had to feel it too. The crowd was making a lot of noise earlier than usual for a kickoff. Looking at the stands there was a sea of white jerseys waving white towels, cheering very loud. The stadium was pretty full too. It was a fun day to be at Reliant. :)

Even the people in the suites almost cheered.
I personally witnessed a very interesting, good nature ribbing given to a nice pair of KC fans by a Texan fan wearing a leather aviator helmet you know the kind
I guess it was around the middle of the 4th qt. & he was swinging his arms around motioning to them that the game was over, directing them to the exits. mind you these where front row field tickets, I'm sure they paid a pretty penny for them & like true fans they had no intention of leaving their beloved Chiefs. but the bantering continued & caught the attention of secuity so the fan was told to stay in his seat, nothing more happened.

it was funny, good natured & for once nice to be sitting on the winning side it felt good :)

so heres to you Texan avaitor dude very funny stuff all in good fun/taste :beerfunnel:
:texflag: I got scorned leaving the game for not yelling "Houston/Texans." I said look, I left it on the field. Apparently you guys weren't cheering hard enough during the game, lol.

To sum up the game inside, God it feels good to winMy only gripe is that there was booing, either had to do with Schaub or play calling. Give me a break.
I personally witnessed a very interesting, good nature ribbing given to a nice pair of KC fans by a Texan fan wearing a leather aviator helmet you know the kind
I guess it was around the middle of the 4th qt. & he was swinging his arms around motioning to them that the game was over, directing them to the exits. mind you these where front row field tickets, I'm sure they paid a pretty penny for them & like true fans they had no intention of leaving their beloved Chiefs. but the bantering continued & caught the attention of secuity so the fan was told to stay in his seat, nothing more happened.

it was funny, good natured & for once nice to be sitting on the winning side it felt good :)

so heres to you Texan avaitor dude very funny stuff all in good fun/taste :beerfunnel:

I think I saw that...was the aviator dude wearing a Johnson Pro Bowl jersey?
Great fan if it's the same guy I'm talking about.

BTW, where was Texans Chick today? Stephanie?
I had a couple minor complaints with the usual things -

1.) Fans not only not wearing white (OK, not everyone has a white jersey, I know), but then wearing RED, so as to be confused for Chefs fans. Ugh! On top of that, during one of the timeouts, there was a give-away by some sponsor, and they handed out RED t-shirts! WTF, over?

2.) Offense at work, STFU please.

3.) Sound system needs work, really. I haven't heard anything besides a 100-decibel muffled roar since the season started (sec 323, in case you're wondering).

4.) THAT'S our new "fight" song? Ugh. Appalachian St. probably has a better fight song.

Anyway, none of that really mattered, because the team kicked ass on the field. I am so looking forward to having a team that makes all the petty nuisances go away.
I'll never understand that... but what's worse is when I see kids at a Texans game or Stros and they are PLAYING video games.. .I'm like your parents paid $50 for you to come to a game and they let you play video games... unreal

No, that's a parent that let's the kid bring the video game so that when the kid gets tired of watching the game they can play the video game and not beg to go get a drink or go walk around. It's called gap filler. If you have kids you know exactly what things like that are's not for the kids, it's so the parents or adults can spend a little more time watching the game and less being the babysitter.
I just got home...I'm wiped out. The fans were great, the team was great and the people working up at the stadium were great….Even the new tuba concerto didn’t sound as bad as the recording on their website does. Nothing for me to complain about today really.
BTW, where was Texans Chick today? Stephanie?
Steph is not on the North American Continent today....She can tell you guys on her blog when she gets back.
I'm really glad that the Texan fan base had a lot of cheering to do after the game was over. I'll be in Reliant when the tacs come to town, so expect the noise level to raise a little haha....Go Texans!

Also, if we pull off the upset in Carolina it's going to be ridiculously loud!
The only complaint I really have is all the people sitting when our defense is on the field. I think while our defense is on the field we should be the loudest stadium in the NFL.

I sit in section 114 and I know that our endzone stands pretty much the whole time our defense is on the field. I have had people yell at me the 1st 5 years to sit down but I guess they have learned after 5 years to either stop yelling at me or just to stand up.

My complaint is the other endzone, "The Shady Side" as you call yourselves. I know on atleast 4 different times when the Chiefs had the ball on your side of the field and close to your endzone that people were not standing.

People with all the Aggies that are in the stadium, you would figure that you know better than anybody what the 12th man is about. Get off you azz during the game and scream your azz off for our defense and lets help them win!!
me and cabbageferguson/powerfuldragon were sitting in 116, and i can vouch that we only sat down during commercial breaks and quarterbreaks...and i can also guarantee we have no voices. It was loud.
I just got home...I'm wiped out. The fans were great, the team was great and the people working up at the stadium were great….Even the new tuba concerto didn’t sound as bad as the recording on their website does. Nothing for me to complain about today really.

Exactly, great day as far as the atmosphere is concerned. I am reading alot of nitpicking in this thread. I remember seeing a sea of white, a loud stadium, and everyone having a good time. Also, for the most part, we have some classy fans. Chiefs fans took some, but nothing really over the line that I saw. Except one drunken jackass in my section where other Texans fans did some vigilante justice to quiet him. Not punches or anything, just some verbal instruction about not being a jackass.

BTW, here is a video of the scene after the game:
I thought the crowd was somewhat subdued and listless because we did exactly what we should do to an inferior team....

NOT!!! The crowd rocked. I have no voice.
The place rocked yesterday for sure.....gave myself a headache a few times.

Was nice to see the defense call for it to be even louder even when it was..

My throat is a little scratchy this AM..

What a way to start off a week !! :texflag:
most stirring moment of the whole afternoon...well, maybe just a notch above Mario's fumble return.


I loved it when they made the flag wave.

When they were unfurling the flag, a guy on the lead corner fell and ended up rolling under the flag. He must have be pretty embarrassed. :shades:
Iwas in sec. 326. I got everybody going with the houston - texans chant the atmosphere was great.
That was a great sight, excellent picture Silver Oak !! And Clay Walker did a FANTASTIC job with the anthem !! I wouldn't mind seeing that at every home game ...
Chants of Mar-i-o even got started after the TD and sacks.:fans:
yup. that was heartening.

me and cabbageferguson/powerfuldragon were sitting in 116, and i can vouch that we only sat down during commercial breaks and quarterbreaks...and i can also guarantee we have no voices. It was loud.
yeah, i was trying to talk to a girl in my government class, you know trying to be all suave and stuff, but my voice sounded as though i'd just hit puberty. embarassing.
Up in the 600's, we were surrounded by quite a few Chiefs fans that were doing a lot of jabbering before the game and early on...needless to say that didn't last too long. I'm still kinda hoarse today, myself and the rest of the Texans fans in our section made sure to drown them out.
What was the atmosphere like after we took it to the Chiefs? What was the fan reaction outside Reliant during the post game? Man I wish I was there!

It was much fun. We hosted some friends from KC that huddled around our fan, 'cause it was so hot, but they had fun. Some other KC fans walked by and when we told them in a nice way that we thought we'd win, they said that was a bold statement! They did not come by after the game.
It was loud up in 636, and after the game on the ramps. Lots of happy Texans fans tailgating after the game. We stayed til the ran us out at 5pm.
Much music and revelry.
Good times.
When they were unfurling the flag, a guy on the lead corner fell and ended up rolling under the flag. He must have be pretty embarrassed. :shades:

LOL It was a girl. And yes, she did look extremely embarassed!

I thought the atmosphere was great in the stadium yesterday. Everyone in our area was behaving themselves, but that could be because we are all buddies. I didn't notice as many opposing fans sitting in the BP -- was I just not paying attention, or was it really mostly Texans fans?

Side Note: To the phantom farter in section 116 rows A-H area, I beg you to take some Beano before each game. I think I have you figured out, and don't think I won't call you out next time. We are tired of it. Thank you.
Side Note: To the phantom farter in section 116 rows A-H area, I beg you to take some Beano before each game. I think I have you figured out, and don't think I won't call you out next time. We are tired of it. Thank you.

Phantom Farter in the Bullpen? Too freaking funny!!! :whip:
Even the new tuba concerto didn’t sound as bad as the recording on their website does.

Yup. thought I saw ya bust a move or two during it. Great polka dip with the side shing-a-ling by the way. See, that German comes out when the tubas blare!:)
as for only announcing mario's name during the introduction, i'm all for it if he keeps playing like that.

But the atmosphere was awesome, everyone seemed really into it from the get go, and it helped give the texans added spark.
Best crowd I have seen in a few years, maybe since the Packers game in '04. People were really pumped!
We moved over to Sec 636 this year and I like the enthusiasm up there, we're getting a pretty good group going up there, it's fun!

The player intros were the way they were, because the Defense decided to come out as one complete unit, a show of unity, right at the last minute.
I liked that, they just need to let the PA guy know, so we can all go crazy when they run out.

Each seat had a plastic bag taped to it with a Liberty WHite towel and some coupons, which really helped it look nice and white.

Now, we all get ready for home game #2, and beat the hell out of the colts.