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Curious:Anyone have a problem just handing the keys over to Schaub?

Any problems?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 110 70.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 21 13.5%

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100% Texan
Yes, he got a big contract, but how do you feel (as people complained about Carr getting the keys handed to him) about Schaub named starter?

Would you rather see Sage and him fight it out?
No problem at all. The Texans decided to move in this direction and they should go all the way with it. We'll see what happens.

Sage has been a career back up.
No problem at all. The Texans decided to move in this direction and they should go all the way with it.

Sage has been a career back up.

for conversation sake, that isn't saying much due to someone else is/was a career backup

*edit* I am not comparing Vick with Carr I almost feel that the situation with Carr and his extention ..Kubiak had to play him full time even if Sage was better (in Kubiaks eyes) get a full look at what he had to work with.. I will eat crow on this, I said last season that Kubiak would replace Carr with Sage if he thought Sage was better.. hindsight is 20/20 I guess and now I admit I changed my viewpoint now..
No problem!! We need to trust the powers that be. I have faith in what Kubes and Smith are doing. They need to follow through with the decision they have made.
I think our team just made the point that if the QB isn't getting it done then they're going to make a change. The previous regime made a point of never questioning the notion that Carr was the QB and would continue to be the QB. In one year Kubiak benched Carr in favor of his backup (once) and then opted to go get somebody else once the season was over.

I have no problem with them handing the keys to Schaub because I'm certain that they'll yank them right out of his hands if he flops. No, that won't help them keep their jobs but then sticking with "The Chosen One" didn't do much for Smith and Kubiaks predecessors job security either.
With the duckies hes being paid, he BETTER blow Sage & everyone else that even resembles a QB away in OTAs & TC. If his contract were for less $$ I could see lettin'em duke it out but for $46 mil there should be zero question who the starter is.
None. In the past, we were too affraid to make any moves because we were content with our mediocrity. As much as some people might not understand or want the massive formations of change to happen, they are and were necessary to take ourselves out of the mediocrity circle. We needed drastic changes to become a winner and Im glad Kubiak is not affraid to make those changes.
Like some pointed out after last years draft Coach Kubiak has a pair of Brass ones, for getting Mario not Bush. Well he still has them takes a leader to make big changes and thats what he is doing. IMO players will understand full well now if you dont help this team your gone PERIOD. There are some players on our team right now sweating bullets.

As to your question no I have no problem giving the job to Matt, he knows the system, and he seems movated, he wants his chance, let him keep it or lose it but let him play and see if he is the leader of men.
I think our team just made the point that if the QB isn't getting it done then they're going to make a change. The previous regime made a point of never questioning the notion that Carr was the QB and would continue to be the QB. In one year Kubiak benched Carr in favor of his backup (once) and then opted to go get somebody else once the season was over.

I have no problem with them handing the keys to Schaub because I'm certain that they'll yank them right out of his hands if he flops. No, that won't help them keep their jobs but then sticking with "The Chosen One" didn't do much for Smith and Kubiaks predecessors job security either.

again for conversational sake...

what makes Schaub a better player than Sage?

both are backups.. Schaub has played in 38 games in a career
52.7 percent of passes for a YPA of 6.42 with 6 td's and 6 ints and passer rating of 69.2

sage 17 games 54 percent and a ypa of 7.02 with 9 tds and 7int passer rating of 77percent

I am in no way shape or form bashing the decision of the Texans, I am just curious on what everyones thought on what makes him the new golden boy (as a fan perspective) besides of what the front office has said.. did we buy into the hype or could it be legit?
again for conversational sake...
what makes Schaub a better player than Sage?
I am in no way shape or form bashing the decision of the Texans, I am just curious on what everyones thought on what makes him the new golden boy (as a fan perspective) besides of what the front office has said.. did we buy into the hype or could it be legit?

Yes, they bought into the hype. And whatever else they were looking at... game film and interviews.

Legit? Won't know until the pads start popping under the big lights.
Yes, they bought into the hype. And whatever else they were looking at... game film and interviews.

Legit? Won't know until the pads start popping under the big lights.

If it is hype, it's hype that's been running for two years or so. That's about how long Schaub has been being mentioned as a better option than Vick for the Falcons.
For anyone who is into fantasy football, Schaub's name is pretty well known. For other people, he was a complete unknown, and that has them concerned. He has been considered the backup QB with the most potential to be a long time starter for those two years, even more so than Romo.
And IMO, he will be better than Romo pretty quick.
On the other hand, I was admittedly wrong about Carr, so what do I know???
He's going to be making the same kind of money that DC was making,so he needs to produce or we will be back where we started.
No, the guy seems comfortable with our WCO-style offense and is ready to step in and be the captain of his own team again. I am excited about him starting next year and I am also glad we have a capable quarterback (Sage) to step in if needed.

With all the talk of competing for positions, the quarterback position is still a sacred cow and people tiptoe around discussions about "competing for the job". It is a leadership position and causes too many disruptions when it is changed.

Also, I am thrilled at the prospect of having a quarterback who seems capable of leading a TWO MINUTE DRILL. That was the most telling indication that something was wrong when the offense when they had to dumb it down so much that we couldn't even run a freaking two minute drill.
When I heard about his Contract, I had no doubt he'd be dubbed the "Starter". I believe the general consensus in the league, is that he is ready to start.

But I don't like that they came out and said he will be the starter.
When I heard about his Contract, I had no doubt he'd be dubbed the "Starter". I believe the general consensus in the league, is that he is ready to start.

But I don't like that they came out and said he will be the starter.

And giving up two second rounders to get him didn't tell everyone he was the starter?
When I heard about his Contract, I had no doubt he'd be dubbed the "Starter". I believe the general consensus in the league, is that he is ready to start.

But I don't like that they came out and said he will be the starter.
I am like you TK on this

not picking on anyone just trying to stimulate the minds.

what has Sage done that Matt hasn't or what has Matt done that Sage hasn't?

I just wonder if the hype got us..esp with naming a starter right away (and I feel kubiak will make the right decision afterall what is the cap hit if he is wrong about Schaub compared to what Carr could have been if he stayed)..Kinda like the DD thing,lots of folks liked DD(me too) and DD was the best we have seen in Houston and rightfully so, however on the big scale of the NFL..he was average..have we lowered our standards (esp with some liking Dayne and are ok with Dayne(I am not NFL wise,but with what we have .he'll do)
And giving up two second rounders to get him didn't tell everyone he was the starter?

Giving up two 2nd round picks means he is our future at QB. Doesn't mean that he'll start right out of the gate. I'd have imagined that we'd go with Sage. If we aren't 4-4 after the first 8 games, we throw Matt in there, and start getting him ready for '08.

To me, this says Kubiak is either expecting us to not do much in '07(which I find hard to believe), or he thinks we're a lot closer than most fans.
I've got no problem with it. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. The season can't come soon enough!
I have a concern about his mobility and our leaky line. Time will tell if it's a valid concern. Should be solid in the offense as he ran the WCO in college(at least some varient of is what I heard) and has all the training/experience of 4 NFL camps plus some NFL play time in the WCO. If we can keep him upright, I suspect he will do very well.
The benefit to a guy who's held a clipboard three years is you don't have to sit him for awhile to get him ready. If they were going to start Sage while Schaub sat and learned, why wouldn't they let Atlanta pay his way for the year, let Sage start ahead of BVP and pick up Schaub next year without the draft picks. or draft some guy that could learn under Sage.

They paid the high price because they believe he's ready out-of-the-box.
I have a concern about his mobility and our leaky line. Time will tell if it's a valid concern. Should be solid in the offense as he ran the WCO in college(at least some varient of is what I heard) and has all the training/experience of 4 NFL camps plus some NFL play time in the WCO. If we can keep him upright, I suspect he will do very well.

I share your concern, as do most Texans fans after the past five seasons.

But, I venture that the efficient nature of the WCO system will be key to improving this situation. Three step drops with quick hit timing patterns, along with a consistent running game and RB that can pick up blitzes, will make our o-line look a lot better.

The biggest component to this offense being successful is a QB that can efficiently run it. We [hopefully] have that in Shaub now. Time will tell...and I'm choosing to be optimistic about it.
I'm always about competition. If Sage or Porter or BVP outperform Schaub, then I want them to be starting. Last year, I felt that it didn't matter how anyone played, Carr was going to start. I didn't like that. But even with the contract and the picks, with this regime, I think they're going to put the players on the field that give us the best opportunity to win.

So... although Schaub has been "given the keys", I don't think that Kubiak is going to have as much of a problem benching him as he did Carr.

I could be wrong about that, though.
no, i've always liked schaub and at the end of the season when i found out he was a FA i was hoping the texans would sign him. then i saw he was a rfa and realized it was doubtful. considering the price it cost and his contract it raises a few red flags, especially if he's a bust, but if he's worth it i'll be more than happy. of course he won't be able to do much more than carr if the oline stays the same. it'll 5 more years and schaub will be carr part 2 and blamed for the losses when the problem (from day 1) has been the oline situation.
well i'm just curious what is the purposed other option...carr could not return due to the obvious loss in confidence the rest of the team had in him...garcia signed else where...plummer retired...ramsey signed on with the broncos...that leaves sage and drafting another qb...i'm not sure kubiak wanted to spend the time to develop a kid from his rookie year on with another year of telling the team that we're simply building to win in the future...i think kubiak felt that the rest of the team deserved the best chance to win now...i believe his correct in doing i feel that this was the best choice out there

now if anyone else has another option i'm all ears...but i caution's already too late

we're going to ride on the matt schaub express for atleast three years...and the more years we're on this train the better
The organization's comment about Schaub being the starter is for me only a preliminary statement, the immediate plan, subject to change if needed.

I'm fairly certain that if Schaub should stink it up in training camp, Sage or third QB would get the chance.
The organization's comment about Schaub being the starter is for me only a preliminary statement, the immediate plan, subject to change if needed.

I'm fairly certain that if Schaub should stink it up in training camp, Sage or third QB would get the chance.

I would dare say Schaub knows the offense better than Sage .
Nope. I don't think it would be much of a competition though. I think only in the Texans fan circle are the ones that have Sage in a variance of high regaurd as a starter. IF he couldn't make it in two QB turnstile teams like Washington and Miami what leads you to believe he could here?

I don't think anyone hada problem with handing the keys over to Drew Brees.(I'm hoping Scaub has that trickle down effect on the rest of the team like Brees did.)
In hindsight handing Carr the keys *feels a pun in there somewhere* wasn't the right thing obv. Maybe he should have been benched after the 1/2 way mark, let Sage take the reins for a month and then reassess where they were both at before any rash decisions were made. But like has been said before, it's the past and Kubiak showed he would yank the 'Starter' if need be so let's hope he keeps that attitude up should he need to use it again *crosses fingers we don't need to get to that stage again*...
no, i've always liked schaub and at the end of the season when i found out he was a FA i was hoping the texans would sign him. then i saw he was a rfa and realized it was doubtful. considering the price it cost and his contract it raises a few red flags, especially if he's a bust, but if he's worth it i'll be more than happy. of course he won't be able to do much more than carr if the oline stays the same. it'll 5 more years and schaub will be carr part 2 and blamed for the losses when the problem (from day 1) has been the oline situation.

I think our line is going to look a lot better with Schaub behind the wheel. I can't imagine him curling up in the fetal position the minute he sees a jersey from the opponent.
I don't have an issue with it because this team needs a player-leader and immediately. Bringing in a new starter gives the team an identity and stability before the team regroups for spring workouts.
In hindsight handing Carr the keys *feels a pun in there somewhere* wasn't the right thing obv.

Look at how the QB position has been handled in Buffalo. Our guy had more upside coming out of college, but he's on his way out. J.P. is the man in Buffalo, and the fans are excited about what he might do next year.

I think our line is going to look a lot better with Schaub behind the wheel. I can't imagine him curling up in the fetal position the minute he sees a jersey from the opponent.

I agree about the line. But honestly, Carr hasn't done the Fresno tuck since '05.
No, just give him the job. Kubiak says he's very capable. (He said that last year too.) Don't go too far Sage.
My biggest concern is the 'length' of the leash that our starting QB is put on! I'm fine as long as Kubiak is willing to 'yank' the qb or any other player that is not performing. I don't mean on a game by game basis but surely not for once in five years...
My biggest concern is the 'length' of the leash that our starting QB is put on! I'm fine as long as Kubiak is willing to 'yank' the qb or any other player that is not performing. I don't mean on a game by game basis but surely not for once in five years...

Kubes has only been here 1 year. You can't hang the other 4 on him.
again for conversational sake...

what makes Schaub a better player than Sage?

both are backups.. Schaub has played in 38 games in a career
52.7 percent of passes for a YPA of 6.42 with 6 td's and 6 ints and passer rating of 69.2

sage 17 games 54 percent and a ypa of 7.02 with 9 tds and 7int passer rating of 77percent

I am in no way shape or form bashing the decision of the Texans, I am just curious on what everyones thought on what makes him the new golden boy (as a fan perspective) besides of what the front office has said.. did we buy into the hype or could it be legit?

I understand what your saying...they are both backups. What separates Schaub from Sage is their paychecks.
No, the guy seems comfortable with our WCO-style offense and is ready to step in and be the captain of his own team again. I am excited about him starting next year and I am also glad we have a capable quarterback (Sage) to step in if needed.

With all the talk of competing for positions, the quarterback position is still a sacred cow and people tiptoe around discussions about "competing for the job". It is a leadership position and causes too many disruptions when it is changed.

Also, I am thrilled at the prospect of having a quarterback who seems capable of leading a TWO MINUTE DRILL. That was the most telling indication that something was wrong when the offense when they had to dumb it down so much that we couldn't even run a freaking two minute drill.

I believe there should be an open competition for the starting job. Competition puts pressure on and with pressure we find out what people are really made of. Carr, sage, and the Texans in general probably would have been better off with an open QB competition.
As for Schaub being comfortable with our offense, I wonder how that can be true if what we run is hybrid Denver/GB style. I'm sure that he probably has a leg up on everyone else, but I think it would be a stretch to say he would be least for a while
with the QB position i believe the only time competition should ever occur is when your starter the previous year is coming back from serious that time if you're not 100% sure he's back then yes allow for competition at the position...just like mangini did in new york last year

however in the situation we're in now i see no point in saying the job is up for grabs...the team paid this starter money...why create any doubt as to who the starter would be...rick smith and kubiak already said he's the starter at the presser...let the players see that he's the man in charge of the offense...allow him to become the leader he wants to be and let's see where he takes us

who knows if this guy is as good as some of the scouts think he is...this could be a story in 2007 like the saints were in 2006
I understand what your saying...they are both backups. What separates Schaub from Sage is their paychecks.

Exactly! I am not in favor or naming Schaub the starting QB and just handing him the keys to the car. There should be competition in training camp with all the QB's. Make him earn it. Obviously, Schaub's contract will stack the odds in his favor to be the starter.