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College Football is SUCH a farce

Hookem Horns

Texans Talk Bartender
Staff member
Let's just all sit around a TV and see if we're going to the Championship game! I feel like I'm watching a game show.

I can't support this joke of a "sport" anymore. Championships should be decided on the field not by the media. What a waste of what could be not only a legitimate sport but one of the best sporting events in America.

I'll be finding something else to do on Saturdays.

See ya.
He thinks he's the king of the 1 word, semi-insult posts.

I think he wants applause or rep or something...?

Personally, the "gameshow" thing gets on my nerves too. The bowl system is good, but something has to be done about the national champtionship...
He thinks he's the king of the 1 word, semi-insult posts.

I think he wants applause or rep or something...?

Personally, the "gameshow" thing gets on my nerves too. The bowl system is good, but something has to be done about the national champtionship...

I agree, I'd rather hear about a show about the 1st round bowl matchups, key players on both teams matching up. and so on .. not what was seen today(I ended up turning it off anyway after the 1st 5 minutes) .
if ya want to stop following college football after one of the most exciting seasons ever, that's pretty hysterical.
if ya want to stop following college football after one of the most exciting seasons ever, that's pretty hysterical.

What's hysterical is that after all the excitement, they stick to the 1950s and keep letting people or devices other than football games decide a championship. That's why I prefer NCAA basketball - at least that champion IMO is undisputed. I'm sick of watching a team or two or three get screwed over because a bunch of old foggies refuse to implement a playoff system. Ohio St. got rewarded for not having a Big Ten playoff (maybe they would have won, but they did lose to Illinois in their own house so it's no lock) while Oklahoma, in a (much) tougher conference, beats the snot out of #1 Missouri and doesn't get a sniff? LSU over the Hokies? Oh yeah, no conference championship there so VA Tech gets screwed the same way OSU gets rewarded.
I'm glad this season has ended like this because hopefully it will keep getting closer to a playoff. The system is a joke right now. Basically Georgia was #4 and dropped because they didn't even win their SEC division. Missouri gets shut out of a BCS game even though they had to play a conference championship game and Kansas got to sit, despite losing to Missouri...they go to one though. None of it makes any sense at all. Exciting regular season but you can do an easy 8 team playoff and not have any troubles. Heck, you could still have bowls and just make the bowls represent playoff rounds and then rotate it and it would work. Therea re just certain people who like their money and who will always try to keep the idea of a legit championship down.
if ya want to stop following college football after one of the most exciting seasons ever, that's pretty hysterical.

not me. and anyone else who enjoys college football.

Yes one of the most exciting years ever blah blah blah and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong because everyone should agree with me blah blah blah.

Kas, you can post some really good things and then post something that says you have this huge ego and you think you are always right and everyone around you is wrong, unless they agree with you. I think Hookem is more done with the system not the actual games, but then again that would have actually taken effort to think what a true fan was feeling at the time of the post.

Honestly, it is a popularity contest or a you scratch my back I will scratch your back. I have seen where certain writers will not vote for any other school except ACC SEC or Big 10 or Big 12 or Pac-10 just because of where they cover. Coaches will do the same thing, they will vote for a member of their conferance before they will vote for someone from outside your conferance. If things like this happen how can you honestly say we are going to have a true national championship.

#6 beat #11 and #7 beat #14 yet #7 jumps over number #6 is a total joke.

Hawaii is another story, they play who they can, but no top scool wants to travel to hawaii so they lose out on a lot of big time schools because they refuse to just keep giving school the oppertunity to earn money off of them with nothing in return.
my soon as I posted I forgot bout that and meant to change it.

i suck


On top of that, Va Tech lost to LSU by 41 points.

If everybody wants to clamor for a playoff, then head to head matchups during the season should be honored.

LSU & Va Tech each have 2 losses, but LSU beat them. LSU should be ranked higher.

OU & Mizzou each have 2 losses, but OU beat Mizzou both times. OU should be ranked higher.

USC & Arizona St each have 2 losses, but USC beat ASU. USC should be ranked higher.

Another good article.

College football's madness arrived late Saturday night when the absurd BCS "system" forced coaches to campaign for their teams like they were trying to win the Iowa caucus.

Nobody is playing better than OU, Georgia or USC right now. But it's Ohio State, with its puppy fur-soft nonconference schedule and so-so Big Ten quality, that was chosen for New Orleans. Interesting, since the Buckeyes didn't register a win against a top 20 team at the time they played.

This isn't meant as a total rip job on the Buckeyes and Tigers. They finished atop the BCS standings because they won and lost at the "right" times against the "right" teams.
Another good article.

College football's madness arrived late Saturday night when the absurd BCS "system" forced coaches to campaign for their teams like they were trying to win the Iowa caucus.

Nobody is playing better than OU, Georgia or USC right now. But it's Ohio State, with its puppy fur-soft nonconference schedule and so-so Big Ten quality, that was chosen for New Orleans. Interesting, since the Buckeyes didn't register a win against a top 20 team at the time they played.

This isn't meant as a total rip job on the Buckeyes and Tigers. They finished atop the BCS standings because they won and lost at the "right" times against the "right" teams.

So it only matters what the team is ranked at the particular game? Not what rank they finish at?

Well if thats the case, then lets throw Appy St into the mix. It doesnt matter that Michigan is unranked now, it only matters that they were ranked #5 when they played.
Ohio State's only loss came to another BCS team. they're the only team who can say that.

You go ahead and keep drinking that kool-aid. Wake me up when March madness starts, so I can watch college sports reward teams the correct way.
unfortunately you'll be watching basketball, which is terrible.

LOL - I don't know what makes me laugh harder about that - the fact that I live and breathe football and barely care about basketball, or the fact that you simply refuse to acknowledge what most of the football universe already knows, that this is an imperfect solution and desparately needs fixing.

But go ahead. Piousness and you get along well.:)
lol @ "desperately" needs fixing. for what? to desperately satisfy your own needs? the system works. a team is crowned national championship at the end of an epic season each year. and guess what? it's never changing, despite how "desperate" it is.
I was busy the past weekend and when i heard OSU got the Title bid... I threw up a little in my mouth.

Seriously the BCS is just ....... some twisted joke.
lol @ "desperately" needs fixing. for what? to desperately satisfy your own needs? the system works. a team is crowned national championship at the end of an epic season each year. and guess what? it's never changing, despite how "desperate" it is.

We'll see. I think you're wrong. I only have public opinion and common sense on my side. I just need one certain Big Ten honcho to disappear.
lol @ "desperately" needs fixing. for what? to desperately satisfy your own needs? the system works. a team is crowned national championship at the end of an epic season each year. and guess what? it's never changing, despite how "desperate" it is.

Why are your needs any better? Man Kast, you need to lose the superiority complex. Sorry, it grates. There are easy fixes to the system that can make it better. Just crowning a champion each year doesn't make a system good. That is ignorant. You could have bowls and a playoff and still work it out. Its the only sports out there that doesn't decide their championships through a playoff system. Heck, even Palillo makes the smartest arguments against the BCS daily.
On top of that, Va Tech lost to LSU by 41 points.

If everybody wants to clamor for a playoff, then head to head matchups during the season should be honored.

LSU & Va Tech each have 2 losses, but LSU beat them. LSU should be ranked higher.

OU & Mizzou each have 2 losses, but OU beat Mizzou both times. OU should be ranked higher.

USC & Arizona St each have 2 losses, but USC beat ASU. USC should be ranked higher.


You can't always do that though. Example:

Georgia was ranked 3 spots ahead of LSU in the BCS prior to the SEC championship game. & also beat kentucky.

LSU beat both SC & Tenn, both Georgia losses, but lost to Kentucky & an unranked Arkansas team late in the season.

you mean to tell me that LSU barely beating Tenn. 21-14 is warrants them jumping 5 spots up over a solid team like Georgia?

Oh yeah, Georgia & LSU didn't play this year & Georgia's division top to bottom was tougher than LSU's.
You can't always do that though. Example:

Georgia was ranked 3 spots ahead of LSU in the BCS prior to the SEC championship game. & also beat kentucky.

LSU beat both SC & Tenn, both Georgia losses, but lost to Kentucky & an unranked Arkansas team late in the season.

you mean to tell me that LSU barely beating Tenn. 21-14 is warrants them jumping 5 spots up over a solid team like Georgia?

Oh yeah, Georgia & LSU didn't play this year & Georgia's division top to bottom was tougher than LSU's.

I'm talking about head to head matchups. Not overall schedule.

LSU beat Va Tech by 41 points. Prove to me that Va Tech is better.

You can't.
Why are your needs any better? Man Kast, you need to lose the superiority complex. Sorry, it grates. There are easy fixes to the system that can make it better. Just crowning a champion each year doesn't make a system good. That is ignorant. You could have bowls and a playoff and still work it out. Its the only sports out there that doesn't decide their championships through a playoff system. Heck, even Palillo makes the smartest arguments against the BCS daily.

I'm not bothered. He's only the 1,345,467th internet know-it-all pompous guy out there.:user:

Seeing as how every other single sport in the NCAA has a playoff to determine a proper UNDISPUTED champion, I feel comfy saying it's time to bring in football into this century too.
I'm talking about head to head matchups. Not overall schedule.

LSU beat Va Tech by 41 points. Prove to me that Va Tech is better.

You can't.

the only reason i mentioned overall schedule is b/c georgia & LSU didn't play head to head this year so that is the only thing you have to go on.

& so what, you've eliminated 1 of the 3/4 2-loss teams still doesn't justify them making the huge leap that they did from #7 to #2.

Look, does LSU have the talent to win the NC, sure but no way should they be playing for the NC.
Why are your needs any better? Man Kast, you need to lose the superiority complex. Sorry, it grates. There are easy fixes to the system that can make it better. Just crowning a champion each year doesn't make a system good. That is ignorant. You could have bowls and a playoff and still work it out. Its the only sports out there that doesn't decide their championships through a playoff system. Heck, even Palillo makes the smartest arguments against the BCS daily.

He never said his needs were any better.

He was saying that they aren't gonna change the BCS just because some people want them to. THEY dont want to. And they dont really care if you do.

Callin em like he sees em isnt that ignorant actually.

All you guys that want a playoff need to just chill out. Just because some people like the current system doesnt make them stupid or ignorant. It just means that they are satisfied.
He never said his needs were any better.

He was saying that they aren't gonna change the BCS just because some people want them to. THEY dont want to. And they dont really care if you do.

Callin em like he sees em isnt that ignorant actually.

All you guys that want a playoff need to just chill out. Just because some people like the current system doesnt make them stupid or ignorant. It just means that they are satisfied.

Capeche....but I am personally not. What bugs me about it more than anything else is that I believe there would be more money to be made for these schools to proceed with a playoff. I'm sure the networks would line up with 10 digit offers to host those games.

Anyways, for another year, the quest remains moot and futile. :(
He never said his needs were any better.

He was saying that they aren't gonna change the BCS just because some people want them to. THEY dont want to. And they dont really care if you do.

Callin em like he sees em isnt that ignorant actually.

All you guys that want a playoff need to just chill out. Just because some people like the current system doesnt make them stupid or ignorant. It just means that they are satisfied.

I never called him ignorant personally. I agree with many things he writes. He did say our opinion was to "desperately satisfy OUR needs." Thus th ecomment about HIS needs. Kast just has a habit of showing up and pretty much trying to act as if his opinion is the only that matters....just "callin it like I see it." I think it is comical honestly. I said it is ignorant to blindly think that the idea of having a system that happens to end up with a champ is perfect while it can be fixed with all parties happy. There are easy solutions without claiming that people just hate college football because they don't agree.
you guys keep forgetting that my opinion IS the only one that matters. read the pamphlets your administrators handed out to you when you signed up here.
What's hysterical is that after all the excitement, they stick to the 1950s and keep letting people or devices other than football games decide a championship. That's why I prefer NCAA basketball - at least that champion IMO is undisputed. I'm sick of watching a team or two or three get screwed over because a bunch of old foggies refuse to implement a playoff system. Ohio St. got rewarded for not having a Big Ten playoff (maybe they would have won, but they did lose to Illinois in their own house so it's no lock) while Oklahoma, in a (much) tougher conference, beats the snot out of #1 Missouri and doesn't get a sniff? LSU over the Hokies? Oh yeah, no conference championship there so VA Tech gets screwed the same way OSU gets rewarded.

Well what we're talking bout here is 119 college presidents all with the high ground
and the money stream giving the sure thing up for what ? so we can crown an absolute national champion ?

Now the entertainment lobby in the sate of Texas just spent 1.8 billion so that the kiddos would have enough time to squeeze in one more weekend at Sea World or Shlitterbaun. The legislature in turn made the starting date for all texas schools uniform and later...much later. So if it took 1.8 Billion and two legislative session in one state to change a simple thing as the public school starting date...well you see where I'm going with this.

The bowl games are for the alumni to get out of the winter weather and have a nice vacation with the team. That's it. The national championship is a mythical thing. Even if it were structured in playoff system with the brackets and would still be mythical. Why don't they just do it and satisfy everyones need to put the kaos in a box ? Money. Billions upon billions of dollars. Dollars that the other sports and other classifacations do not generate.

And those 119 guys who vote, who hold the high ground with the revenue stream, who have that money stream going ca'ging into their coffers ain't going to do anything to kill the golden goose who they owe so much. They will not change untill they are absolutly assured they will get more ca'gins than they already have now with a new system. Some are still in OZ believing that there is some sort of amature standard here. Which we all know there is not. It's all about the money. And no one is going to show the 119 college presidents enough green to make them change, take the risk of a new system. No matter how much it aggrovates you personally, it's not going to change. As Walter Cronkite use to say...that's the way it is. Work yourelves into a rage if it makes you feel better... Just saying.
its just the NFL farm system anyway :cool:

Right. I want to see the players who have a shot at making the NFL & whether or not we should take them. I know a lot of people want a playoff, but that won't change who we will pick. Triple A baseball has a championship, but the parent team might call-up a player & that team may lose any shot they had at the championship anyway.
The College FB season is great, but seriously, the end is just stupid. It's all about money and you can tell. Teams get picked on who bowl sponsors think will draw in the most tourism and it's pathetic. Good teams get left out for arbitrary reasons like "We would rather have Kansas at our bowl than Mizzou". It's dumb.

If there was a playoff you would have pants-shittingly great games, and nobody in their right mind can argue that. On top of the fact that a true national champion would be crowned.

I might not *enjoy* college basketball as a sport as much as college FB, but I damn sure like March Madness a helluva lot more than the subjective crap the bowl season gives way to. And I really haven't watched any bowl since Texas vs USC in the '05 season. Anytime there aren't clearcut best teams, and it gets a little muddled like this year, the system fails miserably.

And kastonfa you are posting like a complete troll right here, and I really thought better of you. I'm sure your e-feelings are hurt, but seriously, grow the hell up when somebody doesn't agree with you.
i'd be bothered if i had any sort of complaint. but i'm not. i'm just basking in the glow of appreciation of the BCS.
I know a lot of people want a playoff, but that won't change who we will pick.
save for injuries of course.