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Aaron Glenn Released - Signed by Dallas


All Pro
Just got a call saying that they said on the news he was traded to Dallas.

Watching now

(dunno yet if this is a false alarm)
Grid said:
Just got a call saying that they said on the news he was traded to Dallas.

Watching now

(dunno yet if this is a false alarm)

$10 says if we traded him, it was for a future 3rd rounder, which has a 30% chance of turning into a starter, and an 80% chance of being traded next offseason...
segment right now on FSN about the Cowgirls draft. The ticker covered some recent dallas free agent signings, but said nothing about a trade...
If true I couldn't have been more wrong.

texasguy346 said:
I doubt Dallas has much interest in Glenn. They just paid big bucks to get Anthony Henry from the Browns to play opposite of Newman.

And XMan would've made a great call.

XMan said:
Dallas comes to mind as a team needing a veteran CB - (if Newman sucks again or if they have an injury)

D-ReK said:
$10 says if we traded him, it was for a future 3rd rounder, which has a 30% chance of turning into a starter, and an 80% chance of being traded next offseason...

LoL, ill take you up on that one although, the numbers are one your side. LoL, wait I've got an even better one we traded the 3rd rounder we go from NO and Glenn to Dallas for D. War and Marcus Spears.
michaelm said:
Talking about the Texans right now on FSN

I caught like the last 30 sec of it, the guy said something about Seattle and Shaun Alexander, can you elaborate?
michaelm said:
Talking about the Texans right now on FSN

the reporter (dunno his name) said that the day before the draft, Seattle called some of the teams in the Texans area of the draft (13ish),including us, offering S. Alexander... it wasn't clear if he meant straight up for the pick or to swap picks.
I'll assume that they wanted to swap picks since they already said he was available for less than a 1st...
Houston Texans 2005: On the Clock is coming on channel 13 at 10:35.. might say something then if anything did happen.
cyanides said:
Seattle called several teams including Texans and Panthers offering Shaun for their draft pick

I'd still kill to find a way to get Alexander in a Texans uni... we don't really have the room, and might not like to take on his contract, but I'd still like to see it...
I'd still kill to find a way to get Alexander in a Texans uni... we don't really have the room, and might not like to take on his contract, but I'd still like to see it...

Aaron Glenn straight up for Alexander! :woot
Well it sort of makes sense...Parcells likes having his old players no matter where he goes and Aaron still wants to play apparently. There is a story on the Chronicle's website but I was unable to put the link here for some reason.

I believe he will just be released by the team and there are no draft choices involved.
If we release him Dallas could probably pick him up on a 1 or 2 year contract and pay him way less than what he would have made this season, just like Sharper...
TexanExile said:
lol@25 people reading this thread. Think anybody's curious about this possibility? :)
LOL, only 23 now but 2 are probably still looking for the remote to turn it to 13...
Bob Allen said that Glenn is likely to play for the Dallas Cowboys. He talked to the Packers, Patriots, and Cowboys. He's reached an agreement with the Cowboys, and he's likely to be released tommorrow.
I hate giving up players for NOTHING...

makes no sense to me... At least get something for a guy.
F-minus67 said:
What does the artical say?

That he had reached a 1 year agreement with the Cowboys and the Texans would grant him his release as he requested. Mentioned how Parcells loved working with players he knew well.
looks like faggins will get his nickle spot back, could this mean that the texans signed some undrafted FA? maybe Brandon Browner :hmmm:
dunta23 said:
looks like faggins will get his nickle spot back, could this mean that the texans signed some undrafted FA? maybe Brandon Browner :hmmm:

Browner signed with Denver...
But the news was not as good for LSU center Ben Wilkerson, once considered a first-day NFL talent, who went undrafted and signed with the Cincinnati Bengals.

*EDIT* Sorry FILO.. I would have answered sooner but its been a hecktic day :).. I figured it would pop up on the news sites eventually.. apparently the Bengals arent going to announce it till tommorrow or something though.
Well.. just to give this thread some closure

looks like we didnt trade him.. but that when we release him tommorrow he will most likely sign with the Boys.
Grid said:
Well.. just to give this thread some closure

looks like we didnt trade him.. but that when we release him tommorrow he will most likely sign with the Boys.

If there is anything good about this scenario it's that we won't have to see him playing against the Texans this season. I wish him luck with the Cowboys.
That sucks. He was playing really well at the end of last year, I wish we could of gotten something, even a 3rd or 4th for him.
I am still baffled by the front office to give away above average players for nothing... I mean heck,I don't recall us being in cap *****... is there an advantage to just releasing a player instead of trading?
besides the team that picks the player up is getting a bargain.
maybe they're just trying to sell more jerseys?

You never see them cut a guy like Fred Weary? WHY? they dont make Fred Weary jerseys..

who's next? andre?
maybe they are using the time-tested methond of tossing darts over their sholders at names of players on a board behind them.

Maybe tomorrow we'll hear about David Carr being given permission to seek a trade because he complained about the consistency of the jello in the cafeteria...
You might think its a joke, but I would not be surprised if David is next. At some point is he going to get tired of taking the bashings. End result will be criticism and then its goodbye.

The way this will probably play out, because management always protects management is that Capers will be gone at the end of this season and Casserly the following. This team has flat imploded. I don't thing my original projections for what this team will do is wrong. This could be flat out depressing for Texans fans. By the way we might well see AG when we play Dallas in the preseason.

I was watching the news conference and the body language of Capers was amazing when asked about Glenn. I think they are at a loss for words - Capers and Casserly. I really don't think Casserly knew how bad things were. I truely believe Sharpers comments last season were the tip of the iceburg. I have been saying for a long time that things were not well in the Texan's household and I think that is even more true now.

This team is being run by a micro-manager and a numbers man who does not understand qualitative analysis as well as quantitative analysis. That's why he takes copious notes and never sees the broad picture during the game. His head is always in his notes and he doesn't see the big picture. That's why he was suckered into the O-line change and I believe that did the Texans in. If you remember it was only if we had executed. I think the players saw and knew what the problems were and that it was never going to work. But there is no way you could tell Capers that. I maintain he has a style of ball he is trying to play and Casserly is drafting players based on a different set of parameters which has resulted in trying to fit square pegs in round holes. It just didn't work and Capers has tunnel vision and knows only one way to play the game and can not diviate from that standard. That's why NE is what they are and we are what we are.
this is nuts...can't we even get a back up o-lineman in return for him...this is silly...sometimes it makes you wonder about casserly and capers...give up a solid player just because he's a few years older than you'd like
No, its not nuts. I think Casserly is in as much shock as the rest of us all though he will never admit it. This has the look of Casserly being fed a line by Capers and Casserly had little direct input from the players and total trust of Capers.
That may be a little overboard. This team was still 7-9 last year and should have been at least 9-7. They are still competitive and can play with anybody....except for the Browns. There have been some bad decisions in this draft, but a couple of good ones. Right now with all the changes and further lack of leadership, I think we will stumble, but still be respectable.
This is probably the worst move this franchise has ever made. This whole offseason has gotten us some good new additions but gave up quality starters that were still under contract for NOTHING!!!!! You really have to scratch your head at some of these moves.