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This maybe in the wrong spot, but didanyone just hear the email that was just read on 610 from Ian regarding all Houston Titans fans.
Basically said to all Houston Titan fans that it is like still being stuck on your ex-girlfriend who is now with a new guy. And still support Bud Adams who left us high and dry is like all the pedifiles on dateling and that if all the Titan Bitches have a problem with it .. He will be at the next fan event and Ian is not hard to find.

He went off for about 30 seconds in the email trashing Titan fans who show up to Texan games wearing the enemys jersey. I am hoping hey put a copy of it on the web site because it was freakin hilariuos.

They are going to put it on the sight I will have it in a second.
I heard it, and was also pretty sick to see all the orange and titan jerseys IN OUR HOUSE! It was a sickening display, I hope the Tacks fans DO call out Ian, and when the Titans fans gang up on Ian (because we all know titans fans are cowards who have no real blood in their veins, only black sewage) I will have his back, but only if we can fight in the parking lot at reliant. We can finally have the fight we should have had back then.

It'll be like 300, us against all the 1,000's of traitors.....well win in the end because we are texans.

(im kidding of course, but I understand, because that game did give me all I needed to truly HATE the Titans, and the anakin skywalker of houston, DAAARTH YOUNG!)
Can't wait for Mario and Demeco to feed on the Young.

Can't wait to see that orange and light blue go away and see a sea of Battle Red.

Can't wait to see the Texans pass up the Titans in the standings and compete w/ the Colts for the division.

Screw the Titans and go Texans!
Quick question LuvYa... How many players on that team in Nashville played here with the Oilers??
he prolly cant name them, but i can (before using Google) name a couple.

bruce matthews
eddie george
steve mcnair

i think everybody knows i am a powderkeg when it come to this stuff. ask browns fan how many ravens they keep up with, or how many colts that baltimore fans keep up with. the answer is REAL easy.
I honestly don't think it is a Titan, Vince, Texas, etc thing. I know alot of people who actually had secret desires to see the Texans lose because they were tired of the fraud the team was perpetrating against the fans. I think there are many people who won't admit it but thought that way. I figured they showed up as fans of the other teams to make a point.
he prolly cant name them, but i can (before using Google) name a couple.

bruce matthews
eddie george
steve mcnair

i think everybody knows i am a powderkeg when it come to this stuff. ask browns fan how many ravens they keep up with, or how many colts that baltimore fans keep up with. the answer is REAL easy.

I think he was reffering to current, otherwise pretty much everyone that played in the 99 Super-Bowl was drafted as a Houston Oiler.

Jeff Fisher would be current.

What I don't understand is how some can still call them there team. They no longer live in Houston, they no longer wear the colors, the name has changed. The Titans are nothing more than a division rival who has won just as many Super-Bowls as the Houston Texans.

So...........whats the easy answer?
I think he was reffering to current, otherwise pretty much everyone that played in the 99 Super-Bowl was drafted as a Houston Oiler.

Jeff Fisher would be current.

What I don't understand is how some can still call them there team. They no longer live in Houston, they no longer wear the colors, the name has changed. The Titans are nothing more than a division rival who has won just as many Super-Bowls as the Houston Texans.

So...........whats the easy answer?

oh...sorry. the answer is zero.
What I don't understand is how some can still call them there team. They no longer live in Houston, they no longer wear the colors, the name has changed. The Titans are nothing more than a division rival who has won just as many Super-Bowls as the Houston Texans.

So...........whats the easy answer?

So the answer is "are you loyal to your franchise or your city"? There's no right or wrong, it's a personal decision.

I grew up a Cowboys fan from San Antonio before moving to Houston, and never followed the Oilers, so I don't have the same perspective. Clearly there are plenty of folks in Houston that follow the franchise that they've followed all of their lives and poured their heart into...there's nothing wrong with that.

So the answer is "are you loyal to your franchise or your city"? There's no right or wrong, it's a personal decision.

I grew up a Cowboys fan from San Antonio before moving to Houston, and never followed the Oilers, so I don't have the same perspective. Clearly there are plenty of folks in Houston that follow the franchise that they've followed all of their lives and poured their heart into...there's nothing wrong with that.

Sure, nothing wrong with that at all as long as you don't mind going over to your ex-wifes house and doing all the cooking and cleaning while she makes out with your best friend on the couch.

Nothing wrong with that at all.
Ahh nothing like stumbling in on a group of young philosophers taking a stab at the paradox of Thesus's ship

I like the call out. A nice semi-obscure reference... It doesn't really hold water, though. No pun intended.

When the Titans' ship returns to port, it resembles very little the one that set sail all those years ago. And if the Scavenger ship were to dock along side the Titans' ship, it would probably look more like the Ravens' ship than anything else, I'm guessing...
I like the call out. A nice semi-obscure reference... It doesn't really hold water, though. No pun intended.

When the Titans' ship returns to port, it resembles very little the one that set sail all those years ago. And if the Scavenger ship were to dock along side the Titans' ship, it would probably look more like the Ravens' ship than anything else, I'm guessing...

But then what of the ship in Cleveland, that looks identical to the ship that sailed for Baltimore before? Nay, is the ship that sailed before. There are none of the players on the team from 1962 or 1992, yet the ship is thought to be the same as both.
Look ... I was as loyal and dedicated to that franchise as anyone. But when they moved, as much as it hurt, they became someone else's team and I couldn't bring myself to root for them any more. I watched with one eye out of morbid curiosity for a year or two while we didn't have football - and breathed a sigh of relief when they lost to the Rams. When they awarded our new franchise in Houston, I cared even less. But I know why some people held on. The titans were good for a few years starting in '99, and a lot of people feel the need to latch on to teams while they are doing well, especially when they have nothing else. Now they are a Division rival and need to be crushed like the Colts and Jags.

If you've been in Houston for the duration, the 'following the franchise' thing doesn't hold up after 10 years. There's no players left, just a couple of coaches and a GM. Yeah, one of the coaches is a HOF o-lineman I rooted for when he played here. Big whoop. Maybe I should be a Seahawks fan since Warren Moon works for them now. Anyone know where can I get a seaweed colored #1 jersey?

As far as the people that jumped on the tacks bandwagon last year, their reason is no different from the band of Carr fans from Fresno that called themselves texans fans - until yesterday. Temporary, and fans of players more than fans of teams.

Speaking of the All Tarps, I'm feeling them looking up at three teams in the Division this year. Bye bye Del Rio.
Maybe I should be a Seahawks fan since Warren Moon works for them now. Anyone know where can I get a seaweed colored #1 jersey?

Yes, I do. I even got one. If you want it, I can drop it off next time I am in that neck of the woods.

I don't have a problem following players... never have really.

Saints - Bum and Earl
Falcons - Billy White Shoes / Hill
Rams - Mike Barber / Pastorini
Seahawks - Moon
Giants - Carpenter
Raiders - King / Pastorini / Blanda / Stabler
Chargers - Joiner / Fuller
Chiefs - Moon
Lions - Culp
Vikings - Moon
Packers - Jones
Giants - Brown
Jets - Slaughter
Redskins - Dishman / Houston
Eagles - Fuller / Pastorini
Panthers - Lathon

Cardinals - but I don't know why. I think this is the only club I am a fan of solely because of the helmet.

I wonder if this makes me a team whore?
Yes, I do. I even got one. If you want it, I can drop it off next time I am in that neck of the woods.

I don't have a problem following players... never have realy.

I wonder if this makes me a team whore?

I don't have a problem following players either...been doing it for decades. But I stay with my home team 'first' regardless of where my favorite players end up. But that's just me. If you want to 'team whore' around (your term - not mine), that's your business.

Thanks for the offer but you can keep the green #1. I have an old one from when he played in Houston.
Look ... I was as loyal and dedicated to that franchise as anyone. But when they moved, as much as it hurt, they became someone else's team and I couldn't bring myself to root for them any more. I watched with one eye out of morbid curiosity for a year or two while we didn't have football - and breathed a sigh of relief when they lost to the Rams. When they awarded our new franchise in Houston, I cared even less. But I know why some people held on. The titans were good for a few years starting in '99, and a lot of people feel the need to latch on to teams while they are doing well, especially when they have nothing else. Now they are a Division rival and need to be crushed like the Colts and Jags.

If you've been in Houston for the duration, the 'following the franchise' thing doesn't hold up after 10 years. There's no players left, just a couple of coaches and a GM. Yeah, one of the coaches is a HOF o-lineman I rooted for when he played here. Big whoop. Maybe I should be a Seahawks fan since Warren Moon works for them now. Anyone know where can I get a seaweed colored #1 jersey?

As far as the people that jumped on the tacks bandwagon last year, their reason is no different from the band of Carr fans from Fresno that called themselves texans fans - until yesterday. Temporary, and fans of players more than fans of teams.

Speaking of the All Tarps, I'm feeling them looking up at three teams in the Division this year. Bye bye Del Rio.

the bolded part pretty well sums me up as well. You know, this thread makes me curious. Just how many Houstonians are 'tacks fans?

Along the same lines, how many fans in the Cleveland area are fans of the Ravens?

How many in the Baltimore area are fans of the Colts?

How many LA area fans are fans of the Rams?

How many St. Louis area fans are fans of the Cardinals?

Finally, how many Dallas area fans are fans of the Chiefs?

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Once a team leaves a city, there are generally very few that follow the old team for very long, especially when a new team comes in.
Once they left, that was it for me. Probably due to the ugly way it came about and how we all knew it was coming, but it was a clean sever of the umbilical cord for me.

Thinking back, I pretty much gave up on the NFL period during that time.

Go Texans....and rock on Ian!
aj's replies in Bold

Along the same lines, how many fans in the Cleveland area are fans of the Ravens? Probably none, because unlike us, Browns fans fought for and won the right to retain their history, name, colors, etc.

How many in the Baltimore area are fans of the Colts? There were quite a few, actually. But it's mostly old folks and fading numbers ... They still had the Colts marching band in Balt a few years ago. I don't know if they ever performed anywhere

How many LA area fans are fans of the Rams? Better example

How many St. Louis area fans are fans of the Cardinals? Even better example

Finally, how many Dallas area fans are fans of the Chiefs? Only the ones who moved there from KC, I imagine. They didn't have enough success or longevity there to establish much of a fan base

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Once a team leaves a city, there are generally very few that follow the old team for very long, especially when a new team comes in.

The irony is, there 'appears' to be more tack 'fans' in Houston now than there were when we were trying to save the Oilers. Don't underestimate the power of the bandwagon when things are going well.
The irony is, there 'appears' to be more tack 'fans' in Houston now than there were when we were trying to save the Oilers. Don't underestimate the power of the bandwagon when things are going well.

The Titans absorbed a large portion of the UT fan base, even if the UT fans were indifferent about the Oilers. And UT fans are rampant.
The Titans absorbed a large portion of the UT fan base, even if the UT fans were indifferent about the Oilers. And UT fans are rampant.

I think this is hitting it spot on. I was born in 1973, and all of my life, up to the move of the Houston Oilers, I was purely a UT sports fan and Houston pro franchise sports fan. But my love of sports is primarily college and then professional. When the Oilers moved, especially considering that I have always found college football to be unquestionably better than pro football (JMHO), I basically stopped watching the NFL.

It is not that I continued following the Oilers, renamed as the Titans and removed to Tenn., and its not that I abandoned the new Houston franchise once they made what I consider to be an absolutely cretinous decision, as I never followed this team when it arrived here. I found giving up the NFL fairly easy, but, after the spectacular run for the Longhorns with VY and their, and his, heroics culminating into the MNC that I never had yet been able to enjoy in my life, I decided that, wherever VY went, I would follow that team and thus get back into NFL fandom.

Obviously, I wanted him to come here. It would have been just like when I was a young kid and the Tyler Rose was tearing it up for my home team--that is what cemented the Oilers into my childhood, personally, not that they were in Houston, that and Bum Phillips. But VY could have been drafted by the Lions and I would have had to swallow a bottle of ipecac syrup, let it take its course, and get my Lions' gear.

It just so happens that he was drafted by the former Oilers, and so I am a Titan's fan--not just VY, but the whole team, excepting Pacman. If they keep VY for his entire career, I will probably end up a lifelong Titans' fan from here on out, but if they traded him for some unforseeable reason, I would probably just root for his team until he retires and then abandon the NFL again. Even now though, should he somehow end his career as a Texans QB and be their starter, I would probably end up rooting for the Texans for the rest of my life, or their time here. I really did want a reason to become a Texans' fan. A reason that meant something to me, not just, "hey, there's a pro football team in Houston again. I must force myself to engender rabid fanaticism for this team because it happens to be near my home".

I would venture to guess that most Hornfans in Houston and the surrounding area, alumni or not, are much more strongly UT fans than pro sports fans, and so, considering what VY meant to them, they either, like me, came back to the NFL to continue to enjoy watching VY, or, disgusted with Houston for not picking him, and allowing them to feel connected to the Texans like I felt connected to the Oilers as a child, became Titans' fans. Connection to VY around here is a much stronger sports bond for many than connection to some johnny-come-lately professional sport franchise's brand name. If I had become a Texans' fan when they arrived, I know I would have dumped them and rooted for the Titans because, not only did they thumb their noses at the hometown hero, they also thumbed their noses at what may be the greatest UT atheletic hero ever--at least this is so for many people of the last three generations.

Pro franchises are mercenary, and college teams embody so much more than that "do it for the buck" mentality. I will tell you that, had the Oilers never moved, I would almost certainly be an Oilers' fan right now, even if they were so boneheaded as to dismiss VY, for the very fact that they would still be the team of my childhood and not just some franchise of a business that the Texans are to me. You can bet that if, somehow, UT closed the campus and re-established itself somewhere in Montana or whatnot, I would not follow their teams. Nor would I follow the teams of a new university that opened in Austin afterwards. The beauty of it is, I feel very confident that, so long as Texas still stands in my lifetime, so does UT.

For people that don't like seeing the burnt orange and the Titans' blue at home games, gripe at your franchise owner, not at the fans. The owner had a chance to make the Houston Texans into more than a company's local franchise brand to the maximum number of people in Houston and the surrounding area; they had a chance to make a maximum number of people embrace the Texans as the Oilers were during the Luv Ya Blue days, and they idiotically passed it by. They had a chance to possibly become the dominant Texas pro football team. Oh well, they didn't. You love your team, so enjoy your team. Don't get mad at others because they don't love what you love as fully as you love it. This is the city of Houston, Texas, not the city of Houston Texans, Texas.

If just one game a year, you see a bunch of burnt orange and powder blue jerseys, that is not a knock against you or even your team, its a knock against the ownership of a business for making a less than popular business decision, but obviously if they are still filling the stadium to capacity, they still,overall, back the business. If, over the next ten years, VY starts collecting rings, the Texans continue to imitate the Lions, and you start seeing a sea of burnt orange and powder blue jerseys 8 games out of the year, or you see empty seats where those jerseys would have been, then I suggest you start deciding if you can root for the Texans should they move to Montana, or whatnot, because all contracts, even leasing contracts, are made to be broken. My gut tells me that, even though I think VY will win his rings, you'll still have a team for a long time, so just enjoy it.
Look ... I was as loyal and dedicated to that franchise as anyone. But when they moved, as much as it hurt, they became someone else's team and I couldn't bring myself to root for them any more. I watched with one eye out of morbid curiosity for a year or two while we didn't have football - and breathed a sigh of relief when they lost to the Rams. When they awarded our new franchise in Houston, I cared even less. But I know why some people held on. The titans were good for a few years starting in '99, and a lot of people feel the need to latch on to teams while they are doing well, especially when they have nothing else. Now they are a Division rival and need to be crushed like the Colts and Jags.

If you've been in Houston for the duration, the 'following the franchise' thing doesn't hold up after 10 years. There's no players left, just a couple of coaches and a GM. Yeah, one of the coaches is a HOF o-lineman I rooted for when he played here. Big whoop. Maybe I should be a Seahawks fan since Warren Moon works for them now. Anyone know where can I get a seaweed colored #1 jersey?

As far as the people that jumped on the tacks bandwagon last year, their reason is no different from the band of Carr fans from Fresno that called themselves texans fans - until yesterday. Temporary, and fans of players more than fans of teams.

Speaking of the All Tarps, I'm feeling them looking up at three teams in the Division this year. Bye bye Del Rio.
they dont even have the GM anymore--not that that would be a reason to keep up with a team anyway.

i 100% agree with everything here. nice job.
The Titans absorbed a large portion of the UT fan base, even if the UT fans were indifferent about the Oilers. And UT fans are rampant.

I'm a UT fan, but I could care less how he does with the Titans. There is only one reason I wish we picked VY... I want to watch the Texans in Austin. :gun:
I hear ya TwinSisters. Earl is the greatest to me too. Not only for his football prowess; in fact, it is probably more due to who he has proven to be as a man. I will see how VY turns out over the next twenty to thirty years or so and see if I might call them equal, but, as for now, its definitely Earl.
I hear ya TwinSisters. Earl is the greatest to me too. Not only for his football prowess; in fact, it is probably more due to who he has proven to be as a man. I will see how VY turns out over the next twenty to thirty years or so and see if I might call them equal, but, as for now, its definitely Earl.

I don't think Vince will come close to touching the fame that Earl had or has now. If I had to guess, he will end up like Tommy Nobis. He's an outstanding fella and founder of the Tommy Nobis Center in Georgia, but he played out of state and actually turned down an offer to play in Houston.

Tommy & the Deluge. The battleground was the annual college draft, and pro football's version of Pork Chop Hill was Tommy Nobis, a 230-lb. All-America linebacker from Texas whose collar size (19½) alone was enough to make both leagues reach for their checkbooks. Tommy was drafted No. 1 by both the N.F.L.'s newly franchised Atlanta Falcons and the A.F.L.'s Houston Oilers. With no coach, no schedule, no training camp and no plays, the Falcons apparently had nothing to offer Nobis except money: by last week they had already sold 40,000 of their 45,000 season tickets for 1966—at $48 apiece. The Oilers' Owner Bud Adams offered Nobis a $250,000 contract that would make him the highest paid defensive player in the history of pro football. Tommy posed for photographs with Oilman Adams. Then he flew off and signed an Atlanta contract—for $225,000 (or so went the story). "There is something more to this, I'll bet," Adams muttered. Undoubtedly. But Nobis insisted that he was motivated purely by professional pride. "If I had signed with the A.F.L.," he explained, "I think I always would have wondered if I could have made it against the men of the N.F.L.",9171,842359,00.html

There is more to it then what Tommy admits, but I suppose that's all just rumour.

Nobis talking about his legacy and his number

His center

And of course you can find his football legacy at Atlanta Falcons .com and the HOF.

all that tells me that if Vince measures up ( and he should ), it will still be Tennessee and not Texas.

BUT I have been wrong before, I am just saying that's what it looks like to me.
aj it says I've got to wait to give you rep again but if I could I would drop it on just about every post you have in this thread. Excellent words making a great point.