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I disagree. Watching Antonio Smith and where he plays will be the best part of the KC game for me. Barwin should see some action so that will be good too.

Those are two good ones. I think I will try to keep a real close eye on Duane on offense and Adibi on D. There really are still a ton of guys I want to see, going to have to re watch this game a couple times to get a look at all of em. Should help kill time in between games.
Can't wait for this game saturday night. I think now that Cushing is out the backup QBs now become the deal to focus on. A close 2nd would be the young CBs and a close 3rd the RBs.

Anyone know if Arian Foster plans to play?

Foster is out for this game. Yet another disapointment. I really wanted to see him run and figured he would get a ton of snaps. Oh well. Probably see a lot of Moats and Andre Brown. I don't expect Slaton to get more than 3-4 carries if that, and Chirs Brown maybe a half dozen and then it's on to the 4th string candidates.
Foster is out for this game. Yet another disapointment. I really wanted to see him run and figured he would get a ton of snaps. Oh well. Probably see a lot of Moats and Andre Brown. I don't expect Slaton to get more than 3-4 carries if that, and Chirs Brown maybe a half dozen and then it's on to the 4th string candidates.
I think Chris Brown will get fewer reps than Steve Slaton. It's been that way all through training camp. Chris Brown is getting loads of positive talk from Kubiak and company yet I didn't see him run as much as I would have liked. Sounds like they're being very cautious with him.
I think Chris Brown will get fewer reps than Steve Slaton. It's been that way all through training camp. Chris Brown is getting loads of positive talk from Kubiak and company yet I didn't see him run as much as I would have liked. Sounds like they're being very cautious with him.

They better wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him on the bench just to be safe.
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Foster is out for this game. Yet another disapointment. I really wanted to see him run and figured he would get a ton of snaps. Oh well. Probably see a lot of Moats and Andre Brown. I don't expect Slaton to get more than 3-4 carries if that, and Chirs Brown maybe a half dozen and then it's on to the 4th string candidates.

Really disappointed in Foster. However my biggest disappointment is in Cushing not playing but I understand, I almost hope he sits out all preseason to be ready for the Jets. The matchup to watch will be our defense vs. their offense. Our 1st teamers need to look like the better unit vs. their offense. I don't expect the KC defense to keep up with our O, even the second & third string. That 3-4 transition is a rough one, lots of guys will be in wrong places. I expect our QBs specifically to star in this one.
Houston Comcast is showing it Sunday morning, but not late Saturday night. Unless that was changed from a few days ago.
Really disappointed in Foster. However my biggest disappointment is in Cushing not playing but I understand, I almost hope he sits out all preseason to be ready for the Jets. The matchup to watch will be our defense vs. their offense. Our 1st teamers need to look like the better unit vs. their offense. I don't expect the KC defense to keep up with our O, even the second & third string. That 3-4 transition is a rough one, lots of guys will be in wrong places. I expect our QBs specifically to star in this one.

Over all for this year I expect the offense to be better out of the gate. However I expect the defense to start showing it's improvement later in the season. Almost hate to say that, and I hope I'm proven wrong about the defense, but that's how I see it for now.

I wonder what I'll be thinking after KC? LOL
I posted a streaming website in the thread you provided, Showtime. Check it out. I love the site. I haven't missed a game in any sport because of this site.
I'm positive we are on schedule. Really.

Noon tomorrow get beer and steaks. We are gettng there.
Got my DVR set up and ready to go. I'm nervous as hell waiting to see how we look.
I don't have a DVR I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing considering if the Texans play bad I won't have watch the game again lol.
Got my DVR set up and ready to go. I'm nervous as hell waiting to see how we look.

I wish Herm Edwards was still coaching them.

LOL. I went to the Chiefs' message board, when Herm got the job, and I told them that Herm was a team killer. Some agreed. Most were mad that a Texans fan would dare say that to them.

He did n-o-t-h-i-n-g to deserve the Chiefs HC job when he was basically ran out of New York (Jets) just one season prior. Plus, he took his offensive coordinator with him (Hackett, I think)...which was double trouble for the Chiefs.

Those two guys made that Chiefs team look as normal and vanilla as Dom Capers had made us.

If Herm were still coaching, we would blast them.

I'm thinking this will be a new Chiefs team with a new outlook on life.
Yeah, I'm not a Herm Edwards fan, either. It's going to be interesting to see how the Chiefs look. The company I work for is based in KC, so I work with a TON of Chiefs fans. I'm really wanting to see how much we're going to show in the preseason. I would say we usually run a vanilla D in preseason, but that wouldn't diferentiate it from the regular season. This year, I hope it's different.