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Texans vs. Cowboys gameday thread

Our offense is not good enough to make up for our defense. Then again, I don't know if any offense in the NFL can overcome a defense this terrible

There is no excuse for our defense to be this's not even a talent issue, it's a coaching issue......there's blown assignments everywhere. It's like the players don't even know where they're supposed to be.
Should have gone for the 1st down with 43 seconds left in the half. Clock mismanagement by Kubiak.
Half-time thoughts

1) The secondary sucks, especially Reeves.
2) Schaub is having an off day. I hope this doesn't mean he is inconsistent.
3) Slaton is the best RB on this team. Period.
4) Richard Smith makes Gary Gibbs look competent.
Shipp comes in and almost really screws that play up...why are we even wasting a roster spot on him? Hopefully he'll be gone by tuesday
Observations from the first half:

Offensive was almost good enought to keep up with with Cowpatties.

Slaton Rocks!

Defense sucks!

that is all. I need more beer.
Sad thing is we're not going to do anything to change our defense...I mean it's not like we didn't have this problem last year and we have done nothing but made it worse. I honestly have no hope for our D. I know it's only a preseason game but they have looked bad all preseason and they've given me no reason for hope.
Who wants to start the cut list thread....?
Chris Brown
did I mention Weaver?
My half time thoughts...

If Schaub is having a bad day - he better get over it - he can't have a bad day during the regular season.

Duane Brown needs a lot more practice - he ain't ready for prime time yet.

Slaton should be our starting RB.

What happened to AJ? I haven't seen him lately.

Our defense has regressed from last year. They are pretty much incompetent and Reeves needs to be sent packing to anywhere but here...surely we have someone who can do a bit better than he does...or doesn't.

Kubiak needs to pull something out of his hat between now and Pittsburgh or we are going to start the season 0-5.

I expected better play than this.
Amber Alert !!! Our Defense is missing!! The O looked crappy to start off with, but they picked it up a little. BTW, this halftime show blows! I think I'm gonna go hang out with Mary till the game starts back. :cool:
Sad thing is we're not going to do anything to change our defense...I mean it's not like we didn't have this problem last year and we have done nothing but made it worse. I honestly have no hope for our D. I know it's only a preseason game but they have looked bad all preseason and they've given me no reason for hope.

At this point that's a good thing..........I hope our defense is so awful this year that there will be absolutely no chance in hell Richard Smith returns as our defensive coordinator, I think it has become pretty clear that no team is ever going to win a championship with his ho hum, diddly bum ass defense.
There is no pressure in the middle from the defense both amobi and tj are getting pawned with one on one . The secondary is playing poorly at best but i am seeing alot of zone played badly and the man on is a little better .
I turned it off. I'm not wasting my time watching football like that. That's embarrassing.

Defense is full of first rounders who can't seem to make a play. Whatever they think their "scheme" is it isn't working. No pass rush, no run defense, and no fire. The only time Texans opponents punt the ball is when Texans opponents shoot themselves in the foot. That was the case last year, that was the case in the previous two wins this preseason, and that's the case now. Our defense is just pathetic. Richard Smith is maybe the worst defensive coordinator I've ever had the pleasure of getting to watch "work his mojo".

Our offense is somewhat better and I was happy to see them put something together after the slow start. They were getting dominated but they put a couple of decent drives together (Ok, "1" decent drive) and it was good to see Matt Schaub pick himself up after a bad start and regain his composure. DC didn't do much of that. Also Slaton is our starter and Taylor is our backup. Other than that I have very little good to say about anybody. Not going for it on 4th and 3 with 43 seconds left was some intensely lousy Caper-ball. They could get 3 yards. What they hadn't been able to do all night long was stop Dallas. Their odds were better going for it than kicking it away and giving up that much time. Also the reverse was just a shockingly stupid call.

I am disgusted. The one preseason game in the bunch that matters and it's the one the Texans go into and stink in. Why does our defense suck so damn much? Why has it continued to suck no matter what pieces we add? It all starts up front but something tells me we could put Reggie White and Warren Sapp in their primes up there and still not get any pressure.
At this point that's a good thing..........I hope our defense is so awful this year that there will be absolutely no chance in hell Richard Smith returns as our defensive coordinator, I think it has become pretty clear that no team is ever going to win a championship with his ho hum, diddly bum ass defense.

I'm more than willing to get rid of Richard Smith - but I really don't want to watch another season of crappy defense. There has got to be another way to get rid of him - maybe this game will be a start - Rhodes is just sitting there looking cute - he could step right on in and we wouldn't have to go thru a defense that looks like swiss cheese.
This D couldn't fight it's way out of a paper bag. They are softer than marshmellows, blow more assignments than Tony Romo's girlfriend, and in the famous words of Tampa Bay's original coach -

How about their execution?

I'm in favor of it. :gun:
I'm more than willing to get rid of Richard Smith - but I really don't want to watch another season of crappy defense. There has got to be another way to get rid of him -

I have a large sheet, a gun, a blindfold and some rope.
Once again Joe Marciano's special teams saves the day, he's possibly the most talented coach on our staff.......through every shitty season there's only been one bright spot....Joe Marciano's special teams.
The Cowboys D-line is playing like how I wish our D-line would play. Friggin awful playcall on that swingout pass. That sucked.
Our offensive line can't block worth sh*t period.

I love Kris Brown, but I am also getting really tired of field goals instead of touchdowns.
It's funny seeing all these doom and gloom threads after one bad half of preseason football.

More like 2 1/2 games of bad preseason football.

We still haven't stopped anybody all preseason.......and we still haven't been able to run the ball well (well with anybody now named Steve Slaton)