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Do You Like the Name Texans?


Hall of Fame
Today, some Cowboy fans who keep saying the Texans have the worst name in the league. They call it "a high school team name". What do you think about the name?

For me, I luvs it. :fans:
Today, some Cowboy fans who keep saying the Texans have the worst name in the league. They call it "a high school team name". What do you think about the name?

For me, I luvs it. :fans:

Was there not a former Dallas team named the Texans? Seems like a weak arguement that you should easily win, GuerillaBlack.

These days, whenever I hear the name Cowboys, the first thing that pops in my noodle is the homo cowboy movie (not that there's anything wrong with the TB's of the World). The Brokeback Cowboy or something like that.

The Cownads can flaunt their SB's and scoreboard, but IMO, there's no way they can degrade the Texans name.

Well since some Dallas fans say its no good, we should probably have it changed.
I like it but am not a fan of the helmet if you want my honest opinion. I mean those guys should learn that there was a Texans before.
I don't mind it but I would rather they had gone with the 'Apollos.' Would have fallen in line with the space themed teams in Houston.
Well Houston is about to get a 2nd light rail line, making us one of the few cities that have a few, so maybe the Houston Literails...and the logo could be some tracks going across the helmet...

:thinking: , on second thought, nevermind ..
I like the name... although I'm not a HUGE fan of it.. I like it.

I love the uniforms though.. especially the logo and helmet. They're my favorite in the league.:texans:
I may be old school and it was the way I was raised before the "locust" invasion of the rest of the country moving into Texas..(not saying they are bad people, but the attitude in some of the places seem to have changed)

I was raised to be very proud of my state and probably more so than saying I am an American.. American is given, but I was raise where you weren't just American, but a Texan..

And when they named the Texans as a team, I was ecstatic because (I know silly) but with the way Bob McNair runs this organization and with the classy individuals on the team and in managment makes me proud of them representing Texas...

I don't know what I would think if the Texans organization was switched with the Bengals... It would be a hard pill to swallow knowing your organization has a bunch of players that are getting arrested and such (and yes I was embarrassed of the Cowboys back then with all there arrests )

ok off of my soap box
Anyone can say they are a Cowboy even if they live in Missouri, Denver, Arizona, Florida, Alabama,Nevada etc....

But only those of us who , under the Grace of God, were born or live in this state can say they are Texans!!!!!
Today, some Cowboy fans who keep saying the Texans have the worst name in the league. They call it "a high school team name". What do you think about the name?

For me, I luvs it. :fans:

I would think you would see the Cowboys name being used at the high school level before you would ever see the Texans being used.
I think those cowgirl fans are just jealous. We in the great state of TEXAS are very proud to live in this state. This is why you see Texas Edition vehicles and so forth. Now as a high school name, I can think of more high schools being Cowboys than Texans.
Texans name can only be used in Texas

Cowboys. well Oklahoma State and Wyoming took the liking to the name also
I never liked it and don't to this day, but I'm used to it by now. But the name has absolutely no meaning and it's void of any imagination and was obviously chosen for purely commercial reasons.
Shame on you Mr. McNair, are you that insecure about being a Houstonian ?
It's ok. I preferred the Apollos myself.

I have always thought the Saints had the best unis, best helmets, best name of NFL teams.
Was there not a former Dallas team named the Texans? Seems like a weak arguement that you should easily win, GuerillaBlack.

These days, whenever I hear the name Cowboys, the first thing that pops in my noodle is the homo cowboy movie (not that there's anything wrong with the TB's of the World). The Brokeback Cowboy or something like that.

The Cownads can flaunt their SB's and scoreboard, but IMO, there's no way they can degrade the Texans name.


The Dallas Texans weren't the only professional team named Texans before this current franchise.. The Houston Texans / Shreveport cleveland Steamers....


Point is, its been used before in both Dallas and Houston.

As far as your man-crushes for Heath Ledger and that other dude, maybe you and Hobie could re-enact some of your favorite scenes. While I on the other hand take pride in knowing that to this day I still haven't seen it... Although we all witnessed the sequel (Bronx Back Mound) play out between Clemens and Pettite...
Let me share a little story,

I was living in Oregon when Houston got a new team. I'm born and raised in Texas and had been living in Oregon for about a year. I absolutely loved it there, one of the most beautiful places on earth. But I couldn't get past the fact that it wasn't my home. When I came home to visit I went to a souvenier shop and bought one of those little 2" x 3" Texas flags and when I got back to Oregon I put it on my car. I was proud to be from Texas. I loved Oregon but I wasn't from there. I was from Texas. I would often meet people who would ask me about the sticker. They'd say things like "isn't that the Texas flag on your car?" or "I've never seen anyone with a flag of their state on their car."

You could travel all over this country and not find a single other state that is as recognized by it's "statehood" than Texas. New York is defined by it's metropolis New York City. California by L.A. and California girls, Floriday by, well, kind of by it's "limp" shape and Disneyworld, beaches etc.

More people recognize the state flag and the actual shape of this state than any other. Hands down.

I never liked it and don't to this day, but I'm used to it by now. But the name has absolutely no meaning and it's void of any imagination and was obviously chosen for purely commercial reasons.
Shame on you Mr. McNair, are you that insecure about being a Houstonian ?

To be Texan absolutely means something. It means something more than being from any other state in the nation. I would go so far as to say it is in fact the only state that could be recognized as being defined by it's existance as much as anything. Not by a major city or cities in our case, but by the state it self.

Being a "Texan" meant something to me, especially when I was living in another state. When our new name was selected I couldn't have been happier... the apallos? seriously, Toro's? is this area football?

I challenge you to consider what it would be like for the other teams in the leauge. There is only one team that makes sense:

Pittsburgh Pennsylvanians ?
Indianapolis Indianans?
Jacksonville Floridians?
New York New Yorkers
and the
Houston Texans

maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, but it does to me.
Let me share a little story,

I was living in Oregon when Houston got a new team. I'm born and raised in Texas and had been living in Oregon for about a year. I absolutely loved it there, one of the most beautiful places on earth. But I couldn't get past the fact that it wasn't my home. When I came home to visit I went to a souvenier shop and bought one of those little 2" x 3" Texas flags and when I got back to Oregon I put it on my car. I was proud to be from Texas. I loved Oregon but I wasn't from there. I was from Texas. I would often meet people who would ask me about the sticker. They'd say things like "isn't that the Texas flag on your car?" or "I've never seen anyone with a flag of their state on their car."

You could travel all over this country and not find a single other state that is as recognized by it's "statehood" than Texas. New York is defined by it's metropolis New York City. California by L.A. and California girls, Floriday by, well, kind of by it's "limp" shape and Disneyworld, beaches etc.

More people recognize the state flag and the actual shape of this state than any other. Hands down.

To be Texan absolutely means something. It means something more than being from any other state in the nation. I would go so far as to say it is in fact the only state that could be recognized as being defined by it's existance as much as anything. Not by a major city or cities in our case, but by the state it self.

Being a "Texan" meant something to me, especially when I was living in another state. When our new name was selected I couldn't have been happier... the apallos? seriously, Toro's? is this area football?

I challenge you to consider what it would be like for the other teams in the leauge. There is only one team that makes sense:

Pittsburgh Pennsylvanians ?
Indianapolis Indianans?
Jacksonville Floridians?
New York New Yorkers
and the
Houston Texans

maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, but it does to me.

this is why I like this video so much

and NO I don't rick roll)

I assume this is the Texans PR department hard at work

Houston Texans -- This is Football Country
Let me share a little story,

I was living in Oregon when Houston got a new team. I'm born and raised in Texas and had been living in Oregon for about a year. I absolutely loved it there, one of the most beautiful places on earth. But I couldn't get past the fact that it wasn't my home. When I came home to visit I went to a souvenier shop and bought one of those little 2" x 3" Texas flags and when I got back to Oregon I put it on my car. I was proud to be from Texas. I loved Oregon but I wasn't from there. I was from Texas. I would often meet people who would ask me about the sticker. They'd say things like "isn't that the Texas flag on your car?" or "I've never seen anyone with a flag of their state on their car."

You could travel all over this country and not find a single other state that is as recognized by it's "statehood" than Texas. New York is defined by it's metropolis New York City. California by L.A. and California girls, Floriday by, well, kind of by it's "limp" shape and Disneyworld, beaches etc.

More people recognize the state flag and the actual shape of this state than any other. Hands down.

To be Texan absolutely means something. It means something more than being from any other state in the nation. I would go so far as to say it is in fact the only state that could be recognized as being defined by it's existance as much as anything. Not by a major city or cities in our case, but by the state it self.

Being a "Texan" meant something to me, especially when I was living in another state. When our new name was selected I couldn't have been happier... the apallos? seriously, Toro's? is this area football?

I challenge you to consider what it would be like for the other teams in the leauge. There is only one team that makes sense:

Pittsburgh Pennsylvanians ?
Indianapolis Indianans?
Jacksonville Floridians?
New York New Yorkers
and the
Houston Texans

maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, but it does to me.

Damn Straight!!
yes, I am biased, but I can't imagine another way to make the video with another name.. I know it can be done, but my pee brain can't think of one

texanpride (heck tried to do the texan flag smiley)
I didn't like it at first but like most others, it grew on me. I don't understand where the bull come from. I like the bull mascot but I don't see where it came from being we are the Texans.
With a hat tip to Mr. Lovett:

You say you're not from Texas
Man as if I couldn't tell
You think you pull your boots on right
And wear your hat so well

So pardon me my laughter
'Cause I sure do understand
Even Moses got excited
When he saw the promised land

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

See I was born and raised in Texas
And it means so much to me
Though my girl comes from down in Georgia
We were up in Tennessee

And as we were driving down the highway
She asked me baby what's so great
How come you're always going on
About your Lone Star State

I said that's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

Oh the road it looked so lovely
As she stood there on the side
And she grew smaller in my mirror
As I watched her wave goodbye

Those boys from Carolina
They sure enough could sing
But when they came on down to Texas
We all showed them how to swing

Now David's on the radio
And old Champ's still on the guitar
And Uncle Walt he's home with Heidi
Hiding in her loving arms

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

They're OK in Oklahoma
Up in Arkansas they're fair
But those old folks in Missouri
They don't even know you're there

But at a dance hall down in Texas
That's the finest place to be
The women they all look beautiful
And their men will buy your beer for free

And they'll say that's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

So won't you let me help you Mister
Just pull your hat down the way I do
And buy your pants just a little longer
And next time somebody laughs at you

You just tell 'em you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
That's right you're not from Texas
But Texas wants you anyway

If a Cowboy fan thinks the name Texans is dumb, well then, they are likely a self-loathing, wanna be New Yorker from Dallas.

And besides, where does a Cowboy fan get off trying to poke fun at another team's name:

Personally, I love the Texans name.
it's hard for me to fathom how anyone who is actually from Texas could think any of the other options were a better name? It's perfect.
I'm not particularly fond of it. The logo and colors rock but the name is pretty unimaginative. I would have preferred to have been able to keep the name Oilers with possibly some updated colors and/or logo but since that wasn't an option I can live with what we have.

Fans a team that goes by "Cowboys" don't really have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing other teams names.

Oh and I'm a native Houstonian. Being proud of Texas has nothing to do with the name of our football team. You aren't any less "patriotic" about the state if you don't like the name "Texans". You just wanted something else. In my case I wanted the name not to change.
early on alot of teams went for very traditional names in both baseball and football. Lions, Tigers, Bears (oh my). And then teams started to use regional names like Cowboys, Astros, etc. I'd say that Texans is just as regional as Cowboy as far as them both representing Texas in a sense but my god, if rooting for a Texan isn't more relevant in Texas, I don't know what is.
I liked the Houston Toros. Same logo/colors, but with a nod to our obvious Mexican influence and heritage.

But I'm fine with the Texans. Like mentioned above, you can say you are Texan in just about any part of the world, and they immediately know what that means.

I just want the name to be associated with a winning team. :cool:
Am I the only one that thinks the helmet is a little USFL like or cartoonish?It is the one thing I don't like. I mean I'd rather have "Texans" old school Bengals style across the helmet or something else.
Oh and I'm a native Houstonian. Being proud of Texas has nothing to do with the name of our football team. You aren't any less "patriotic" about the state if you don't like the name "Texans". You just wanted something else. In my case I wanted the name not to change.

I'm not from Houston, I'm from Vinceland Texas and to be able to root for a team that represents Texas as opposed to Vince Young(UT) or America and $$$$(Dallas) is pretty cool. I can totally respect wanting to retain the identity of the Oilers. But since they went with the clean slate thing, I think Texans is pretty neat.
Am I the only one that thinks the helmet is a little USFL like or cartoonish?It is the one thing I don't like. I mean I'd rather have "Texans" old school Bengals style across the helmet or something else.

no, you're not alone. i agree. abit smaller logo would help too. but I could get into something simple as well. hell, even the state flag would have been awesome.

can somebody make my dream come true in photoshop? White helmet with the Texas flag on it?
I'm not a Texan obviously. The name means very little to me on an emotional level, but nor would Apollos, Toros, Pussycats or nancyboys.

A name is a name is a name.

I do however love the logo, and am a big fan of the battle red uniform.

All you Texans be proud of the name and your state.
I liked Houston Hurricanes, but that was thrown out pretty early.

Houston Torros, which I thought was going to win out, was OK.

I really didn't like anything else, including Texans, which just sounds like an address to me. Houston(,) Texa(n)s.

The uniforms are great, though, IMHO. I have one relative who first saw the logo on the helmets and responded with, "What is that supposed to be, anyway?" and one who can't stand the "too much" red "stockings." I never would've been bothered by those things, otherwise.
It's ok. I preferred the Apollos myself.

I have always thought the Saints had the best unis, best helmets, best name of NFL teams.

I feel the same way about the Saints....

BUt the Apollos?? the Houston Apollos?? I can just imagine the bad Rocky jokes.

I wanted to name the team the Hurricanes.... but then I thought that really sounds highschoolish..... Same with any other name that's been suggested so far.

Right now, I can't imagine another name that is more appropriate.

Besides, walking through Dallas, how many Cowboys do you see??

Now, walking through Houston, how many Texans do you see??
I'm not particularly fond of it. The logo and colors rock but the name is pretty unimaginative. I would have preferred to have been able to keep the name Oilers with possibly some updated colors and/or logo but since that wasn't an option I can live with what we have.

Fans a team that goes by "Cowboys" don't really have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing other teams names.

Oh and I'm a native Houstonian. Being proud of Texas has nothing to do with the name of our football team. You aren't any less "patriotic" about the state if you don't like the name "Texans". You just wanted something else. In my case I wanted the name not to change.

This preety close my feelings. I would add that the nickname "Texans" had been done by Dallas. Still with so many team sports and universities, not sure how "unique" one can get at that level.
I'm not a Texan obviously. The name means very little to me on an emotional level, but nor would Apollos, Toros, Pussycats or nancyboys.

A name is a name is a name.

I do however love the logo, and am a big fan of the battle red uniform.

All you Texans be proud of the name and your state.


Houston Nancyboys... That has kind of a nice ring to it.
I don't like the Cowboys at all, but I've always thought their name and uniforms were very appropriate. It's not about having cowboys in Dallas; it's about how many used to be in Texas. Maybe I just feel that way because I was a Cowboys fan as a kid, 'till I got sick of hearing how "sucky" Houston's team was and then they finally starting winning some to give me something to root for. I saw some of the Earl Campbell days, but I was too young to really care and my NFL fandom pretty much started right after that. First time I remember seeing a game that I really cared about was when the Cowboys blew it and lost to the 49ers in '81; 49ers beat the Bengals in the Superbowl.

I respected the Earl Campbell days a lot more than I remember them, especially now that I know what the referees pulled and that the 70s Steelers were a bunch of steroid abusers.