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Beat the Fish



OK....I am one of the most negative people on this board. That said, let's understand where we are and look to the next game. These guys, although they stink, need our help. Let's rock the roof this week and try to beat the fish. We have a chance. Look what the Saints did this week with some serious fan support. They are not that good of a team. If we go crazy, maybe we can help them. GOD knows they need it.

Go Texans !
Good attitude, Barkley. This team needs all the help it can get and a rockin' Reliant Stadium will least a little. I am not giving up on the Texans. I know they're going to lose, I just wish and hope that they wouldn't look as bad as they do while they're doing it.
I know its going to be a long season, and I have accepted the fact that we may only win 1 or 2 games so let's get going. DAMN....we suck, but we have a chance against theis team.

We have a chance against every team. This one's slim.
Lets put the horns thru the fish and sprinkle a little BROWN CULPEPPER on it for flavor and then run over it with our CARR lol...:yawn: I know i know its corny and i am tired good night folks :goodnight
I still think Mario is a major bust, but I can't think of anything else to motivate this team. Let's fill the house and help them as best we can.

You "still" think? So when did you begin to think this to find the need to use the word still? Five years, 3 years, 1 year ago?
Until the Texans prove to me that they can win, then I'll give them as much of a chance against the Fist, as I would against any other team
We aren't going to beat the Dolphins. Have you watched the first three games. Culpepper will look like his old self and throw 4 TD's. There isn't anyway our defense can contain their offense, which isn't even very good.
We are bringing halibut to the tailgate. Eating actual dolphin, well, it is just not right.

Well, the dolphin you eat and it is good is called mahi mahi. It's a bright colored fish. It's not the cute little dolphins on the side of the helmets. But your right, would not be right to sit there and be grilling flipper.
Well, the dolphin you eat and it is good is called mahi mahi. It's a bright colored fish. It's not the cute little dolphins on the side of the helmets. But your right, would not be right to sit there and be grilling flipper.

True that.

But we have some flash frozen halibut that my friend caught in Alaska. mmmmmm.
I went to the game this past week. One of the problems for this organization is that they are trying to build a team in a city that is pretty fairweather. I'm sorry guys but I have to say it. With the exception of a few on this board Houston didn't make any effort to keep The Oilers and they aren't making any effort to help this team get on the right track.

I've gone to 1 game a year for the last 4 years and everytime I go I hear people talking and they don't even know the names to players. I'm talking well known ones like DD, they are wearing their favorite team jersey that isn't The Texans, and they are usually a dull crowd.

This past week when I went we came out and on 3rd down our crowd got loud and we stopped the Redskins, we come out on offense and with the 3rd play of the game we get all the way down to the 2yd line and our crowd is pumped, we score a TD and all is going crazy.

Then our defense goes out and give up the TD and the rest of the time the crowd stayed seated as if the game was all over from there. At critical times there were 3rd downs where if our fans got loud we could've shifted some momentum but no!!! I was the only person in my section standing.

Now some might say it is because of the product on the field but I look at other places on TV and even though their team is losing they got fans still believing when it is only the 1st quarter.
Come on people you actually think the texans are going to win??? They just said it also on ESPN just now, no hope for texans Dolphins are gonna blow them away!! :evilb:
Just a little it was a win, not by much though. I just had to say hello, all in good spirits though. Hello from tulsa, Ok!! :whip:
Just a little it was a win, not by much though. I just had to say hello, all in good spirits though. Hello from tulsa, Ok!! :whip:

Welcome! I look forward to Mario getting his first sack/strip on the fumbling Culpepper.

I feel that the Fins are going to win, but hey, I thought the Saints would lose last night.

thanks for not being a jerk fan.

"500 yards a game, well, bring on Adrian Peterson."

They would probably pass on him..... we dont NEED talent at that position. I mean come on. The Redskins get portis back and all of a sudden find the endzone repeatedly....but we dont need a gamebreaker back there. Fans don't know anything about football right?
I went to the game this past week. One of the problems for this organization is that they are trying to build a team in a city that is pretty fairweather.

just like any other city... except for GreenBay comes to mind.

I'm sorry guys but I have to say it. With the exception of a few on this board Houston didn't make any effort to keep The Oilers and they aren't making any effort to help this team get on the right track.

I didn't want the Oilers (shame on me) due to what Bud pulled over the years. What effort are the fans supposed to make to get the team on track? Seemed like we were pretty loud in the first half, even with the boos as the team exited for the half. How about the team make an effort to get themselves on track and not have a "here we go again" as soon as the opposing team ties them up.

I've gone to 1 game a year for the last 4 years and everytime I go I hear people talking and they don't even know the names to players. I'm talking well known ones like DD, they are wearing their favorite team jersey that isn't The Texans, and they are usually a dull crowd....

Get away from them then (or are you discussing with the opposing team's fans?). I have a pretty good conversation with multiple Texan fans each game I attend, numerous Texans jerseys spotted - though would be nice to all be one color like we had with L. White or B. Red day.

Also, we all know of the club level "fans", but in all honesty - I wasn't impressed with the bull pen this past game. Before I get ripped - it was just an observation I had from the other side of the stadium, it seemed quite a few fans wern't too up in their chairs except for when the Skins were close to them about to score. Not sure if tickemaster had something to do that, but if y'all are truly the "craziest, loudest, most dedicated, etc" cheer starters of the stadium, better live up to it. and get those "visting fans" in your area on their feet.

It funny, quite often I hear that Houston fans are fickle / fairweather (as I think other teams are as well, see above) and they're called out by other Houston fans... I guess those doing the calling out are the minority, I wonder when we'll see the majority come out and say, "yep - i'm a fairweather fan" as there's gotta be quite a few of them.

Actually, I think I've seen a few posters jump off the wagon recently.

Houston is a "transplant town" I guess you can say. With the Texans relatively new and people moving here for job / lifestyle / FEMA handouts (sorry, low blow) they're gonna bring their team loyalty with them and till the Texans show promise / wins - they won't win the new Houstonians over.

Stay strong though and keep cheering, El T, the vocal minority will soon win the others over. :redtowel:
"500 yards a game, well, bring on Adrian Peterson."

They would probably pass on him..... we dont NEED talent at that position. I mean come on. The Redskins get portis back and all of a sudden find the endzone repeatedly....but we dont need a gamebreaker back there. Fans don't know anything about football right?

Its just a joke on the last part, just like we all thought Bush was comming here thats all.
Its all good, i think daunte needs to have a seat and watch harrington, daunte looked like he was playing JuCo leauge in his last games,

Whip it good!! :whip:
The big question is what is Capers running out there on Defense? I started to think we could be in for a long day with Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor killing Carr, but then I remembered that this D is being run by Don Capers. Maybe he will remove all blitzes and have the Fins D try to hold on to a win. We could actually have a good offense this week!
"500 yards a game, well, bring on Adrian Peterson."

They would probably pass on him..... we dont NEED talent at that position. I mean come on. The Redskins get portis back and all of a sudden find the endzone repeatedly....but we dont need a gamebreaker back there. Fans don't know anything about football right?

Yea, they would pass on him and draft a defensive end. We do not have any one at defensive end so far this year.
The big question is what is Capers running out there on Defense? I started to think we could be in for a long day with Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor killing Carr, but then I remembered that this D is being run by Don Capers. Maybe he will remove all blitzes and have the Fins D try to hold on to a win. We could actually have a good offense this week!
Dom is doing just fine right now...........
Defensive Leaders
1 San Diego
2 Baltimore
3 Jacksonville
4 Chicago
5 New Orleans
6 Dallas
7 Miami
The big question is what is Capers running out there on Defense? I started to think we could be in for a long day with Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor killing Carr, but then I remembered that this D is being run by Don Capers. Maybe he will remove all blitzes and have the Fins D try to hold on to a win. We could actually have a good offense this week!

Dom may have been a real bad HC, but for years he has been one of the best DCs around. I doubt very much we have anything resembling an easy day against his defense. It would be nice to go off on his defense, but the tea leaves say otherwise.
well well well, at long last, here we are. that being said, i fully expect the game to look something like this: ::poot::

these two teams are not good. miami's defense hasn't progressed at all since last year. our o-line is worse. culpepper will probably be a lot better this week compared to the previous weeks, but i have a feeling this is going to be mario williams' coming-out party. culpepper is the most sacked QB in the league right now, and it's a healthy combination of both our horrible line and culpepper himself. for one, not being able to get 2.8 seconds in the pocket isn't good, plus culpepper will scramble a bit and take the sack for some reason. the good news is that he's a lot better than last year despite this, believe it or not. still completing 62% of his passes, and has a terrific QB rating on 3rd downs. although looking at carr's rating, i'm beginnig to think that it's a pretty meaningless stat.

the good news for you guys: you're 0-3, and desperately want to win. you've played some pretty good teams so far, and miami isn't good. you're at home. we WILL give you extra plays because of stupid penalties. jason allen has been far less impactful than mario williams. i love this ryans kid. kerry collins almost carved up our defense, and i fully expect carr to be able to if he gets the time (which he should). you guys know dom capers well. mike mularkey is a moron.

the bad news for you guys: no one is happy about the tennessee win. in fact, everyone is treating it like we lost. so this could be the game for everyone on the dolphins to send a message. afterall, on paper, miami is clearly the superior team. wes welker is a bad bad boy.

so the "on paper" guy says we win by 2 or 3 touchdowns, but in reality i expect a 20-17 kinda game. who wins? no clue. could go either way.
yeah wes welker is on fire!! thomas and taylor they are both on it, more so zack than taylor. Chambers is my boy, but damn, not looking too good. wes just has that "rudy" attitude. Go phins!!!!!!! whos gonna start the prediction thread? I dont want to being the visitor in here.
well well well, at long last, here we are. that being said, i fully expect the game to look something like this: ::poot::

these two teams are not good. miami's defense hasn't progressed at all since last year. our o-line is worse. culpepper will probably be a lot better this week compared to the previous weeks, but i have a feeling this is going to be mario williams' coming-out party. culpepper is the most sacked QB in the league right now, and it's a healthy combination of both our horrible line and culpepper himself. for one, not being able to get 2.8 seconds in the pocket isn't good, plus culpepper will scramble a bit and take the sack for some reason. the good news is that he's a lot better than last year despite this, believe it or not. still completing 62% of his passes, and has a terrific QB rating on 3rd downs. although looking at carr's rating, i'm beginnig to think that it's a pretty meaningless stat.

the good news for you guys: you're 0-3, and desperately want to win. you've played some pretty good teams so far, and miami isn't good. you're at home. we WILL give you extra plays because of stupid penalties. jason allen has been far less impactful than mario williams. i love this ryans kid. kerry collins almost carved up our defense, and i fully expect carr to be able to if he gets the time (which he should). you guys know dom capers well. mike mularkey is a moron.

the bad news for you guys: no one is happy about the tennessee win. in fact, everyone is treating it like we lost. so this could be the game for everyone on the dolphins to send a message. afterall, on paper, miami is clearly the superior team. wes welker is a bad bad boy.

so the "on paper" guy says we win by 2 or 3 touchdowns, but in reality i expect a 20-17 kinda game. who wins? no clue. could go either way.

You sound about as high on your team as we are on ours. Get ready to all of a sudden have a potent offense who can move the ball in the air and on the ground, and a defense who shuts down the run and pressures the passer. Last week was supposed to be Mario's coming out party, and I'm starting to think he's not really going to have one this year. He's going to have more of a coming out little get together, where he tackles a runner for a loss or something. He looks bad so far, in that he shows no signs of being capable of impacting the game. Culpepper will have all day to throw, and you guys have athletic receivers who will outwork our crappy secondary for some big gains. Ronnie Brown is a stud; we don't tackle well and that means plenty of second chances and long runs for Brown.

Last week the Skins were the worst team in the league on 3rd downs with their O, and we were the worst team in the league defensively on 3rd down, something had to give. Guess what gave? Our defense, who allowed Mark Brunell to set a record in consecutive completions. Our defense is epically bad this year.

Carr's going to continue to look good, followed my some fumbles and boneheaded mistakes, and then look good a little more in the 4th quarter. Our running game will continue to sputter. The Dolphins will all of a sudden have great protection and a defense that can apply pressure. Texans continue their downward spiral for another week, losing 27 - 13.
Dom may have been a real bad HC, but for years he has been one of the best DCs around. I doubt very much we have anything resembling an easy day against his defense. It would be nice to go off on his defense, but the tea leaves say otherwise.

McClain said on 610 that McNair tried to keep Capers on as DC but he wouldn't do it.

I can't imagine why he would want to.

In the meantime, I am praying for the clicking sound that makes our defense go from historically bad to maybe just ordinary bad or maybe just average. Stranger things have happened (see 2005, 2006 Astros).
McClain said on 610 that McNair tried to keep Capers on as DC but he wouldn't do it.

I can't imagine why he would want to.

In the meantime, I am praying for the clicking sound that makes our defense go from historically bad to maybe just ordinary bad or maybe just average. Stranger things have happened (see 2005, 2006 Astros).
I thought that came when Kailee Wong sacked a QB in 04(Brees, IIRC) and the power at Reliant went out. I guess I was wrong...
Got to keep it real, here are the lyrics, the music can be found on (Verse)

Miami has the Dolphins,
The greatest football team!
We take the ball from goal to goal,
Like no one's ever seen!
We're in the air,
We're on the ground,
We're always in control.
So when you say Miami,
You're talking Super Bowl!
(Chorus 1)
Cause we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
(Chorus 2)
Yes we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
Sorry group, and usually I just read the posts to keep up on news and what fellow Texans fans are feeling (sympathizing in sorrow usually). I rarely hear news here in Vegas, and usually watch the games from a sports bar here.....

I just have to ask........what happened to the home team fans that would be so loud there would inevitably be half a dozen false starts on offense???? I have to agree with the gentleman that started this post.

OUR TEAM........OUR TEXANS........need our help now more than ever. The Team needs to know we believe in them, and they will believe in themselves.

I BELIEVE we can and will beat the dead fish and their "as mobile as a statue" QB. Make noise, lots of noise, bring our team back up. If our defense can hold........we will win. :challenge :redtowel: