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If you don't already think he is a good HC, why do you so vigorously defend him? There has to be something you've seen that tells you a full season with a healthy Watson/Hopkins/Fuller IV/Watt/Clowney etc. would put this team over the top.
Tell me one thing about OB's offensive scheme that tells you he only needs the right personnel to be successful. I have many reasons that I believed Smith was a bad GM. You had a bazillion. Literally everything bad in the Universe was Smith's fault. You can't tout one thing about OB that you think makes him a decent HC or offensive mind?

He wins games with substandard talent.
Dude, weren't you the poster child of telling us all how mediocre this organization is? How the hell have you now come to defend Mr. Mediocrity?

He wins games, and barely at that, against teams with substandard talent. Against talented teams he's an abomination. Don't get you at all.

Agree. After years of reading, Ricky this, Ricky that. I have to admit this new SteelB is a bit jarring. Who knew that once Ricky left NRG, SteelB would go from doom and gloom guy to sunshine and rainbows guy.

You haven’t presented ant facts jjjjjjj
And some can't see past their blind hate to look at the whole picture.I DONT HATE OB. JUST THINK HES A VERY AVERAGE COACH. HIS RECORD BACKS THAT ASSESSMENT UP. Yeah Colts handed our ass to us and then got their ass handed to them, but there is some context that needs to be added. First we went 14 points in the hole within what the first 5 minutes or so and then Watson had his worst NFL game ever and one of his worst games period, that happens sometimes.YES LIKE EVERYTIME AN OB COACHED TEAM MAKES THE PLAYOFFS. Next the Colts got their ass handed to them by the Chiefs, you've heard of them right? Number 1 seed in the NFC YOU MEAN THAT WELL COACHED TEAM THAT IS NUMBER ONE DESPITE HAVING A ROOKIE QB? which is much tougher this year then the NFC, the team Sportsline has at like a 52% chance of winning the superbowl, WITH A ROOKIE QB!,,, in other words a team that has been kicking everyone's ass and is predicted to keep doing so.NOW THATS WHAT I CALL COACHING.

Also lets not forget that we were only playing the Colts because the defense **** the bed against Philly.YOU DO REALIZE THAT OB IS THE HEAD COACH RIGHT? Cak said in another thread that 28 points should be enough to beat anybody. Well he's right, in the NFL 28 points should be enough to beat anybody and we put up 30. The one hitch to that is that your defense has got to hold the other team and they didn't. AGAIN THAT WOULD FALL ON THE HEAD COACH. Also Philly is more than a "decent team" they came within a hairs breath of knocking the Saints out, the NFC's answer to the Chiefs, and were the defending champions who did lose some keys players but kept 17 of 22 starters from their Superbowl team. In the modern NFL that's pretty good. THEY WERE 9AND 7 DUDE! THEY LOST TO THE BUCCS AND PANTHERS!!

Now I'm sure you'll disregard all this and say I'm just making excuses or I'm nothing but a BoB support or some other bullshit to justify ignoring any point I might have. That's whats getting to me about some of the people calling for his head, they complain about supporters ignoring facts and then turn around and do the same thing.

Listen bob lover, you haven’t presented any facts. All you’ve done is throw out your version of the “context” of the aftermath of another failed season. You want some facts? OB coached teams rarely beat teams with good QBs. OB coached teams rarely win against teams with a winning record. OB coached teams are undisciplined. OB makes way too many mental mistakes that affect games. I could go on and on but facts aren’t what you’re really interested in. What you really want is to defend OB. Sorry but I have to disregard you because all you’re really doing is making excuses for OB. You’re nothing but a BOB supporter Making excuses and ignoring facts. Wink!
You haven’t presented ant facts jjjjjjj
Listen bob lover, you haven’t presented any facts. All you’ve done is throw out your version of the “context” of the aftermath of another failed season. You want some facts? OB coached teams rarely beat teams with good QBs. OB coached teams rarely win against teams with a winning record. OB coached teams are undisciplined. OB makes way too many mental mistakes that affect games. I could go on and on but facts aren’t what you’re really interested in. What you really want is to defend OB. Sorry but I have to disregard you because all you’re really doing is making excuses for OB. You’re nothing but a BOB supporter Making excuses and ignoring facts. Wink!

Ah I love you to man. Though I will say I almost missed the parts added to my quote, glad it was in caps because that caught my eye. On a serious note never said Reid wasn't a better coach but to be fair he has had Smith, who has been a 90+ QB every year except his rookie one, and never really went any where with him. Also up till this year Reid's and BoB's playoff stats looked close enough that they could pass for siblings.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to making my life size BoB doll so we can sit and watch the games together.

Edit: should clarify his playoff stats with the Chiefs, I'll admit his Eagle ones weren't bad.
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Wow. And you were all worried about wasting players best years when Smith was GM but you're perfectly happy with the Pop Warner level of offensive genius that is Bill O'Brien. He wins because opposing coaches have brain farts and opposing kickers miss FGs, also.

To be fair if you are talking about those two games during the win streak the "brain fart" was par for the course with that coach and wasn't so much him having a brain fart as it was he does that all the time. I mean I guess you can still call it a brain fart but if so it is a predictable one. As far as the field goal goes again if you are talking about the one that fell 5 yards short or so if the kicker had made it that would have been an all time NFL record. I don't think you can count it as luck when a kicker misses a kick like that more like it would have been luck for the kicker to make it. Kind of like losing a basketball game because the other team made that infamous throw from the other end of the court that is more likely to knock out someone in the stands than go in the basket.

Don't disagree with you that BoB has as much in common with being an offensive genius as I do a math genius. Know enough to get by but dear God don't add letters into the equation. However, I do like to try and look at the whole picture and don't really think you can fairly call those two wins as luck. Or let me put it this way, if we say that was luck then if the other teams had won them it wouldn't have been because they were better but because they were luckier.
Dude, weren't you the poster child of telling us all how mediocre this organization is? How the hell have you now come to defend Mr. Mediocrity?

He wins games, and barely at that, against teams with substandard talent. Against talented teams he's an abomination. Don't get you at all.

Very simple, I think he's winning despite substandard talent and want to see what he can do with better talent.

So now you started judging wins by margin of victory.
Agree. After years of reading, Ricky this, Ricky that. I have to admit this new SteelB is a bit jarring. Who knew that once Ricky left NRG, SteelB would go from doom and gloom guy to sunshine and rainbows guy.


O just believe in giving BOB a fair chance with his GM in place.
What is standard talent? Where would you rank this team league wide talent wise? How much more talent do we need to stop losing to good teams?

Middle to lower end of the pack.

Unless you think the OL/WR's/RB depth/CB's are atleast avg then you would agree with me. This team needs more talent badly.
Wow. And you were all worried about wasting players best years when Smith was GM but you're perfectly happy with the Pop Warner level of offensive genius that is Bill O'Brien. He wins because opposing coaches have brain farts and opposing kickers miss FGs, also.

Let the new GM get the talent in place this offseason and lets see where they are. Next yr is yr 2 of the 3 yrs that it's going to take to clean up the mess that was left behind.
Nobody thought Brady would last in the NFL. What a steal by Belichick. And he is the one that coached that man up. People try to use this argument too often. But never bring up the fact that Brady was just a game manager in the beginning.

That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Belichick has had tons of quarterbacks in his stable and only one of them has ever been "coached up."
That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Belichick has had tons of quarterbacks in his stable and only one of them has ever been "coached up."

Yeah lets not forget that Ryan Mallet, Brian Hoyer and Tim Tebow were also in Belichick's stable. The first two we know all about and Tebow......yeah. Cassel went to a playoff game with the Chiefs but that was with a run game and defense that rocked the field. Soon as they hit Baltimore they got smacked and Cassel might as well have been playing for the other team. Jimmy G seems to have done well last season but of course he went out this season so hard to say for sure with him.

In fact other than Brady what really quality QB has come out of the Belichick system? Also yeah Brady was a game manager then, Brady is a game manager now. If by that you mean he runs the clock down when he needs to, throws safe throws to limit interceptions and overall just tries to control the field, kind of like Manning was doing for Denver. The difference is Brady can turn into a hot shot QB when that's what he has to do to win the game, but if they have a good lead then yeah he still pushes for points but he mainly focuses on not giving up points for the other team and letting the defense rest. Why do you think he is so deadly with those damn 5-7 yard passes.
Yeah lets not forget that Ryan Mallet, Brian Hoyer and Tim Tebow were also in Belichick's stable. The first two we know all about and Tebow......yeah. Cassel went to a playoff game with the Chiefs but that was with a run game and defense that rocked the field. Soon as they hit Baltimore they got smacked and Cassel might as well have been playing for the other team. Jimmy G seems to have done well last season but of course he went out this season so hard to say for sure with him.

In fact other than Brady what really quality QB has come out of the Belichick system? Also yeah Brady was a game manager then, Brady is a game manager now. If by that you mean he runs the clock down when he needs to, throws safe throws to limit interceptions and overall just tries to control the field, kind of like Manning was doing for Denver. The difference is Brady can turn into a hot shot QB when that's what he has to do to win the game, but if they have a good lead then yeah he still pushes for points but he mainly focuses on not giving up points for the other team and letting the defense rest. Why do you think he is so deadly with those damn 5-7 yard passes.

Hey in all fairness he turned Hoyer from an UDFA to the winningest Browns QB in years until Baker came along, he apparently remembered to keep fresh batteries in Mallet's alarm clock, and Cassel was a 7th round pick who developed into a decent back up that won them 10 games and played well enough to get himself a good contract elsewhere. Idk how much more you want out of a 7th rounder lol, it's not like the Pats are continuously taking 1st ad 2nd rd QBs and letting them bomb out.
So now you started judging wins by margin of victory.

I judge them based on how I see them play. When the quality of their opponents are substandard, they win, for the most part. When there's a better quality opponent, they struggle mightily. The record bears this out. It's not even debatable.

If the team improves because Gaine brings in the talent, that's one thing. It doesn't automatically make OB a better coach. As I've pointed out, there's been very little growth, if any, in the 5 years he's been here. His offense is boring an unimaginative. No different today than when he started. Because his offense is boring and unimaginative, it doesn't put the talent he does have in the best possible position to succeed. Drafting 2 TEs in a draft where your picks were limited and ignoring them the whole season is just the latest example. Were those not Gaine picks?

And when the offense does look like a real NFL offense, most of that is because of the super human talent of his QB and a WR that is godlike when a ball is near him.

And I agree that if Gaine can fix the o-line issues and give that super human QB a chance to be a QB instead of an escape artist, they should improve, but I don't see how any of that has OB's fingerprints on it anywhere.

Gaine might be the man and the jury is still out on him, but OB, with 5 years of evidence, is not.
Hey in all fairness he turned Hoyer from an UDFA to the winningest Browns QB in years until Baker came along, he apparently remembered to keep fresh batteries in Mallet's alarm clock, and Cassel was a 7th round pick who developed into a decent back up that won them 10 games and played well enough to get himself a good contract elsewhere. Idk how much more you want out of a 7th rounder lol, it's not like the Pats are continuously taking 1st ad 2nd rd QBs and letting them bomb out.

To be honest, Hoyer is the only one of those he realy worked with. He was WR coach in 2008 when Cassel had his big year. He left right after Mallets rookie year. He was playcaller from 2009-2011 including SB XLVI.

He's not totally inept with talent. He's not the teacher BB is
He also thought Savage was better than Watson.

Ok this is where I'm calling BS on this board. Everyone here was yelling to give Savage a chance and before that they were yelling that he yanks QBs to soon. Well he gave Savage a chance and didn't yank him after one bad game and now people are complaining about that. There really is no winning with some of you is there. Watson was a rookie QB that had never played an NFL game in his life, of course he was going to hold the clipboard his first season. So did Mahomes, so did Brady, so did Dak, so did Rogers, in fact most times when the current great QBs came in it was because the starter went down and the coach had no choice then got lucky that the rookie was better than they thought.

Again people get out of the football movie fantasy of the plucky, young QB leading the team to victory when no one believes in him. In the real world you don't throw your shiny, newly drafted QB out on the field day one unless you are choice less. Also don't forget they brought Savage back on the field as starter after Watson went down with an injury. What was BoB suppose to do wheel Watson out in a wheelchair and then push him around the field during the middle of the play.
"[QUOTE="maverick512000, post: 2905881, member: 56426]Ok this is where I'm calling BS on this board. Everyone here was yelling to give Savage a chance and before that they were yelling that he yanks QBs to soon. Well he gave Savage a chance and didn't yank him after one bad game and now people are complaining about that. There really is no winning with some of you is there. Watson was a rookie QB that had never played an NFL game in his life, of course he was going to hold the clipboard his first season. So did Mahomes, so did Brady, so did Dak, so did Rogers, in fact most times when the current great QBs came in it was because the starter went down and the coach had no choice then got lucky that the rookie was better than they thought. [/QUOTE]

I wanted so bed for Watson ti sit a year, but OB panicked and sent him in because of his mobility game 1, because Savage was getting killled. The OLine sucked then too.

"[QUOTE="maverick512000, post: 2905881, member: 56426]Again people get out of the football movie fantasy of the plucky, young QB leading the team to victory when no one believes in him. In the real world you don't throw your shiny, newly drafted QB out on the field day one unless you are choice less. Also don't forget they brought Savage back on the field as starter after Watson went down with an injury. What was BoB suppose to do wheel Watson out in a wheelchair and then push him around the field during the middle of the play.[/QUOTE]

It's the Madden era, the instant result social media era. Its the b!tch and moan and complain and whine era. And that's okay, but very boring
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To be honest, Hoyer is the only one of those he realy worked with. He was WR coach in 2008 when Cassel had his big year. He left right after Mallets rookie year. He was playcaller from 2009-2011 including SB XLVI.

He's not totally inept with talent. He's not the teacher BB is

Oh they were just talking about QBs that played for Belichek I thought. I didn't think they were discussing O'Brien
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Let the new GM get the talent in place this offseason and lets see where they are. Next yr is yr 2 of the 3 yrs that it's going to take to clean up the mess that was left behind.
Other coaches have turned teams around in one season. Our lack of depth can be viewed two ways. Either tha talent Acquired wasn’t good or the talent wasn’t sufficiently developed. Since the HC OB has say in Acquisitions I don’t see how he gets a pass. I get it you hated RS with an unbridled passion. IYO It had to be all on him. That’s fine but tell me why the coaches get a pass on failing to develop Suafilo, or any other OL for that for that matter in the last five years. Hell even Martin at C hasn’t developed like he was graded out to be. The three FA OL brought in by Gaine have all regressed. Rankin looked horrible when he got playing time. The only OL in the last 5 years to become a solid starter was Mantz when Martin went down. Yet these geniuses still started Martin over him because of his draft slot. That covers OL.

Secondary, Johnson who was a high draft pick flat out went backwards after his rookie year. Gaines brought in Colvin who was considered one of the better slot CBs in the league and all he’s done is regress. There has been no one developed in our secondary by these coaches. I mean has there been no talent added there at all? Hal is the closest thing to a success story in our entire secondary as a developmental player. I’m sorry but this does not all fall on Rick Smith. OB is not a good HC. He is not a good OC. He and most of his staff are not good at devytalent.

Let me ask you something, what kind of an OL and Secondary players do the Texans look for? What particular skill set attracts them to players at these positions? It’s been five years and NO ONE knows what the hell they are even looking for. In watching football for over 45 years I’ve never seen a good HC that didn’t have specific traits he looked for when acquiring talent. Hell NO ONE even knows what exactly the offenses personality is supposed to be. Are we a ground it out team? A ball control team? What are we? It’s like OB can’t make up his mind. He want to be everything all at once. Horrible!!!!
Ok this is where I'm calling BS on this board. Everyone here was yelling to give Savage a chance and before that they were yelling that he yanks QBs to soon. Well he gave Savage a chance and didn't yank him after one bad game and now people are complaining about that. There really is no winning with some of you is there. Watson was a rookie QB that had never played an NFL game in his life, of course he was going to hold the clipboard his first season. So did Mahomes, so did Brady, so did Dak, so did Rogers, in fact most times when the current great QBs came in it was because the starter went down and the coach had no choice then got lucky that the rookie was better than they thought.

Again people get out of the football movie fantasy of the plucky, young QB leading the team to victory when no one believes in him. In the real world you don't throw your shiny, newly drafted QB out on the field day one unless you are choice less. Also don't forget they brought Savage back on the field as starter after Watson went down with an injury. What was BoB suppose to do wheel Watson out in a wheelchair and then push him around the field during the middle of the play.

I don't have a problem with him starting Watson off on the bench. After all, it worked for mahomes.

But one half? If Savage was that bad he should have known and had another backup who could last a few games while he groomed Watson, not that Watson needed more grooming
I don't have a problem with him starting Watson off on the bench. After all, it worked for mahomes.

But one half? If Savage was that bad he should have known and had another backup who could last a few games while he groomed Watson, not that Watson needed more grooming

He did have another backup, but Watson was #2 based on draft and talent.
I don't have a problem with him starting Watson off on the bench. After all, it worked for mahomes.

But one half? If Savage was that bad he should have known and had another backup who could last a few games while he groomed Watson, not that Watson needed more grooming

So you would have been happy with him pulling Savage and sending Wheedon out there instead of Watson? Come on man, if he had done that people would have been screaming for his head on that. And if you are saying he should have had another starting QB then where was he going to get this theoretical QB? Its not like you can just run out and grab a starting QB, they tend to be in high demand and their price tag reflects that.

Also how exactly should he have known that Savage was that bad? Do you think if Savage had screwed up in practice as bad as he did in game they would have kept him for 3 years? A signs showed that Savage had the makings of a decent QB. Not near at Watson level, and they did know that but wanted to give Watson time to adjust, but that he would be a servable transition guy till Watson was ready and then a solid back up.

It sounds like you expect BoB to instantly know if a guy is a bust or not just from watching him in practice and if that is case I challenge you to find any coach in the history of the NFL that caught every bust in practice before putting them on the field at least once.
I judge them based on how I see them play. When the quality of their opponents are substandard, they win, for the most part. When there's a better quality opponent, they struggle mightily. The record bears this out. It's not even debatable.

If the team improves because Gaine brings in the talent, that's one thing. It doesn't automatically make OB a better coach. As I've pointed out, there's been very little growth, if any, in the 5 years he's been here. His offense is boring an unimaginative. No different today than when he started. Because his offense is boring and unimaginative, it doesn't put the talent he does have in the best possible position to succeed. Drafting 2 TEs in a draft where your picks were limited and ignoring them the whole season is just the latest example. Were those not Gaine picks?

And when the offense does look like a real NFL offense, most of that is because of the super human talent of his QB and a WR that is godlike when a ball is near him.

And I agree that if Gaine can fix the o-line issues and give that super human QB a chance to be a QB instead of an escape artist, they should improve, but I don't see how any of that has OB's fingerprints on it anywhere.

Gaine might be the man and the jury is still out on him, but OB, with 5 years of evidence, is not.

I'm not a fan of Devlin at all. I do have hope that Rankin can develop into a really good LG.

The reason the offense looks so bad is that they're having to keep the TE's /RB's or both in to help the porus OL. How much say in these things did BOB have before Gaine got here. I know he had input but I doubt he had final say.

BTW, I agree with you about the boring offense we just disagree with what's the cause of it. I think it's the talent. You think it's the coach and that's fine. What I really want to see is how they do this offseason. This is one of the most important offseasons in franchise history.

So you would have been happy with him pulling Savage and sending Wheedon out there instead of Watson? Come on man, if he had done that people would have been screaming for his head on that. And if you are saying he should have had another starting QB then where was he going to get this theoretical QB? Its not like you can just run out and grab a starting QB, they tend to be in high demand and their price tag reflects that.

Also how exactly should he have known that Savage was that bad? Do you think if Savage had screwed up in practice as bad as he did in game they would have kept him for 3 years? A signs showed that Savage had the makings of a decent QB. Not near at Watson level, and they did know that but wanted to give Watson time to adjust, but that he would be a servable transition guy till Watson was ready and then a solid back up.

It sounds like you expect BoB to instantly know if a guy is a bust or not just from watching him in practice and if that is case I challenge you to find any coach in the history of the NFL that caught every bust in practice before putting them on the field at least once.

I wouldn't say he should start weeden, but someone who is competent. If they can't last a half, then just go with Watson.

I do think coaches should know how good a guy is from practice, training camp and preseason. I think that's a basic part of the job. A coach shouldn't be so shocked by how players play early in the season that they have to change multiple starters. This has happened to O'Brien many times.
I'm not a fan of Devlin at all. I do have hope that Rankin can develop into a really good LG.

The reason the offense looks so bad is that they're having to keep the TE's /RB's or both in to help the porus OL. How much say in these things did BOB have before Gaine got here. I know he had input but I doubt he had final say.

BTW, I agree with you about the boring offense we just disagree with what's the cause of it. I think it's the talent. You think it's the coach and that's fine. What I really want to see is how they do this offseason. This is one of the most important offseasons in franchise history.

Unfortunately they drafted Rankin to be a tackle and it's already obvious he's a guard. The two TEs can't block, so I'm not quit sure of the reasoning behind pairing them with a porous OL.
Unfortunately they drafted Rankin to be a tackle and it's already obvious he's a guard. The two TEs can't block, so I'm not quit sure of the reasoning behind pairing them with a porous OL.

Rankin was thrown in there at LT.

Most people thought he was an OG or a C.

Thomas is learning how to block. Akins is more of a Jordan Reed type TE and Griffin sucks. Hopefully they add a true blocking TE this offseason.
Rankin was thrown in there at LT.

Most people thought he was an OG or a C.

Thomas is learning how to block. Akins is more of a Jordan Reed type TE and Griffin sucks. Hopefully they add a true blocking TE this offseason.

Yeah they were hoping Rankin could move to tackle but hopefully he can be a solid guard.
except we have had 3 different HCs during Lewis' tenure with the Bengals, so it's pretty apparent that we aren't going to do the same thing...

I hope you are right.

Don't get me wrong, I am not wishing for OBrien to fail. I was one of his supporters when he arrived here.
Still a limited extent.

Time will tell, just a question of how much time. Any suggestions?

I wouldn't say he should start weeden, but someone who is competent. If they can't last a half, then just go with Watson.
He didn't know just how bad the OL was or how good the Jags DL would be. After all, he had Clark & Giawhatever as tackles with promising (?) young talent in-between

[QUOTE="TheKDog, post: 2905915, member: 55459" I do think coaches should know how good a guy is from practice, training camp and preseason. I think that's a basic part of the job. A coach shouldn't be so shocked by how players play early in the season that they have to change multiple starters. This has happened to O'Brien many times.[/QUOTE]

But you can't predict how they'll react when the lights come on
He didn't know just how bad the OL was or how good the Jags DL would be. After all, he had Clark & Giawhatever as tackles with promising (?) young talent in-between

[QUOTE="TheKDog, post: 2905915, member: 55459" I do think coaches should know how good a guy is from practice, training camp and preseason. I think that's a basic part of the job. A coach shouldn't be so shocked by how players play early in the season that they have to change multiple starters. This has happened to O'Brien many times.

But you can't predict how they'll react when the lights come on[/QUOTE]

You cant tell perfectly, but I think a coach should have a better handle on how good the OL is after seeing it throughout training camp. If O'Brien can't tell, then that explains a lot about the last 5 years.
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