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Let's say the worst happens and Kubs is gone....


....Does that mean GM Rick Smith is gone too?

I would have thought that was automatic like a bunch of you probably do so I know it may sound like a dumb question. The only reason I bring it up is that while listening to McClain on his Wednesday morning appearence on 610 this morning he said that apparently Bob McNair said that he does not view Kubiak and Smith as one and the same.

He essentially implied, that McNair implied that it's possible Kube could be gone in a scenario but Smith stays or vice versa, so this is what caused me to bring this up.

For as much as everyone bashes McClain he is deep in with this team and FO and has been around a while so I at least think about what he says and don't just automatically scoff at what he says.

All I can say is it is not solving much to keep part of the problem if that move needs to be done. Get rid of both if you get rid of one you know. Unfortunately I can see McNair totally doing this. :gun:

Anyway, before anyone tries to twist my words, I AM NOT saying I think this season is over, we suck, etc., etc., etc...... But let's face it, we have seen a lot of this song and dance so far before and most of us here are tired of Kubes, so I thought I would bring this up from what I heard on the radio today.
I don't have faith in anyone in the FO or Coaching staff who were here prior to this season. I would hope it would mean both would be gone.
I don't think Kubiak isn't getting fired mid-season, even if it is a blowout in Tennessee. Hell, I don't think Bob will fire him unless the team goes 6-10 or worse. He has plenty of excuses to use this season, many of which we have already heard over the past few years.
The rumor in the offseason was that Kubiak was gone and Smith was going to stay.

And then that didn't happen.

I don't think McNair would ever fire the head coach midseason. If he didn't do it to 2-14 Capers, he wouldn't do it to likely anyone.

If there were a coaching change planned, I would prefer for the Texans to acquire a new GM, and then have that GM decide the coaching future for the team. That's how most teams do it.

If things were bad enough to demand a coaching change, I would want no part of Smith staying.
The rumor in the offseason was that Kubiak was gone and Smith was going to stay.

And then that didn't happen.

I don't think McNair would ever fire the head coach midseason. If he didn't do it to 2-14 Capers, he wouldn't do it to likely anyone.

If there were a coaching change planned, I would prefer for the Texans to acquire a new GM, and then have that GM decide the coaching future for the team. That's how most teams do it.

If things were bad enough to demand a coaching change, I would want no part of Smith staying.

Agree. Even though I think Smith is a decent negotiatior, he is not blameless. He still made bad draft picks. And, there's the overall question of judging talent, which the GM has a major hand in.

I think Kubiak is, overall, the bigger problem, but, if we fire him, I think Smith should be held accountable as well. Clean slate and all that.
First thing folks, get yourselfs ready for a loss this Sunday, after all the Titans are favored and you know the book is right more often than not. Hope we win, but just saying.
Secondly it wouldn't be the end of the season. There's still 10 games left after this weekends game and anything can happen ? For example, Tenneesse is probably more dependant upon their QB than we are and he could get injured. It's way too early to declare defeat or victory based upon what happens in Nashville Sunday.
After reading some responses I may need to clarify that I'm not proposing this as a mid season thing. I mean if something happens worst case and we have another losing season.

This is the scenario I'm referencing.
The rumor in the offseason was that Kubiak was gone and Smith was going to stay.

And then that didn't happen.

I don't think McNair would ever fire the head coach midseason. If he didn't do it to 2-14 Capers, he wouldn't do it to likely anyone.
I'm hoping having Wade Phillips on the pay-roll will be enough for him to do it this year.
If there were a coaching change planned, I would prefer for the Texans to acquire a new GM, and then have that GM decide the coaching future for the team. That's how most teams do it.
I really don't understand how we could lose as many games as we did last year & both the coach & the GM made it to another year. I would have liked to have seen McNair replace Smith in the off-season so there would be some continuity in the event Kubiak doesn't make it to 2012.

The Siamese twin thing needs to be broken up, other wise, a coaching change won't ever be "just" a coaching change.
If things were bad enough to demand a coaching change, I would want no part of Smith staying.

I'm not too happy about him being here sans coaching change.
First thing folks, get yourselfs ready for a loss this Sunday, after all the Titans are favored and you know the book is right more often than not. Hope we win, but just saying.
Secondly it wouldn't be the end of the season. There's still 10 games left after this weekends game and anything can happen ? For example, Tenneesse is probably more dependant upon their QB than we are and he could get injured. It's way too early to declare defeat or victory based upon what happens in Nashville Sunday.

Here's the problem with that line of thinking: if we lose, you say, oh, there's still 10 games left.

Then, we lose again.

Oh, there's still 9 games left.


oh, there's still 8 games left.


Oh, there's still seven games left.


Oh there's still...

And so on and so forth.

First thing folks, get yourselfs ready for a loss this Sunday, after all the Titans are favored and you know the book is right more often than not. Hope we win, but just saying.
Secondly it wouldn't be the end of the season. There's still 10 games left after this weekends game and anything can happen ? For example, Tenneesse is probably more dependant upon their QB than we are and he could get injured. It's way too early to declare defeat or victory based upon what happens in Nashville Sunday.

Actually there are only 9 games after this weekend.

We're running out of time Chavez!
The Texans are going to squander the talents of their best players by sitting on their hands waiting for the FO to learn on the job . Bob grabbed a seedling or two from the Shanny tree and the only thing keeping Shanny going is Jim Haslett's defense .

Let's look back at the 2006 draft .

1. Texans ... we're heading to our annual SNAFU .
2. Saints ... good team , hired Payton the same year as we hired Kubiak with one SB title .
3. Titans ... on par with the Texans but made changes .
4. Jets ... gone deep in the playoffs last couple of years . Rex Ryan hired after Kubiak .
5. Packers ... best team in the NFL and the model for how to build a team . McCarthy was hired same year as Kubiak .
6. 49ers ... on the rise finally Harbaugh's first year .

Rick's picks that haven't panned out ... all of 2007 , all but one in 2008 . :koolaid:
I will say something in Kubiak's defense. His teams have never, ever, quit on him. There's something to be said for that.

If they haven't been quitting, then they've been forgetting how to play. Either won't get you very far into the playoffs.
....Does that mean GM Rick Smith is gone too?

I personally would like to see stats. I FEEL like so many draft picks have been a bust, but it could be normal for the league.

For each draft year, I would like to see % of players drafted who are on the roster in year 3 for Houston v. the league.

Yes, this will be skewed by carer ending injuries, us hanging onto people who have no business being ona roster, etc., but it would help me decide how I feel about Smith.
I will say something in Kubiak's defense. His teams have never, ever, quit on him. There's something to be said for that.

'cause the kids know they'll be around the following year to run with the coach. May not quit, but do just enough to get by.

As for the OP - the two are seperate. In my utopian world - as soon as Bobby Mac sees it heading down the (same) track again, he'd be searching for a GM at that point during the season. That way, he's ready at the end of the season to launch the GM first... if he can find someone better, which I hope he would.

That GM would be brought in immediately after the regular season ends, if possible, and job one is to find a true head coach.

That's utopian.

Realistically, I see if we go down the same track again - I see Smith staying and Kubiak launched or vice versa... depending on which one makes it to Bob's pant leg first. I don't think it'll be both launched.
If we fail Rick smith and Kubes should both be fired and all the coaches Kubes and rick hand picked and all of the front office

But they will Prob Keep Phillips and the coaches he brought in on the D side

and some of his players has well

TJ Yates
Bryant johnson
Kevin walter
wade smith

and send matt schaub to da bench or trade him
I will say something in Kubiak's defense. His teams have never, ever, quit on him. There's something to be said for that.

They've never quit on him, they've never turned on each other, & they (other than Dunta) all tote the company line.

There's something to be said about that. The only way that happens is if they buy what he's selling. So there is obviously another side of Kubiak that we aren't seeing. Not camp cuddle-up or anything like that. but respect, major respect.

I bet they've got a major "us against the world" attitude going on in there.... sooner or later it's going to pay off.
Realistically, I see if we go down the same track again - I see Smith staying and Kubiak launched or vice versa... depending on which one makes it to Bob's pant leg first. I don't think it'll be both launched.

This is my fear. :gun:
They've never quit on him, they've never turned on each other, & they (other than Dunta) all tote the company line.

There's something to be said about that. The only way that happens is if they buy what he's selling. So there is obviously another side of Kubiak that we aren't seeing. Not camp cuddle-up or anything like that. but respect, major respect.

I bet they've got a major "us against the world" attitude going on in there.... sooner or later it's going to pay off.

This is a total mind****. I remember how vehemently they defended Kubiak back in '09 when they were 5-7. Then they came out and slaughtered the Seahawks, and all of them in their post game statements were talking about how Kubiak is a guy they'll fight to keep, etc.

Winning would be the ultimate testament to that, which they did the last four games that season. But we haven't seen anything since. Granted, this season isn't over yet; but I would really like to see how much they care about their coach by winning. Although it's kind of hard when your head coach is arguably the biggest reason you lose some of these games.
I think picking your HC before your GM is just dumb. This entire regime was built in an assbackwards way.

Well, Bobby already has Kubiak's succesor on staff. So what does that tell you about Smith's future? You have to assume he stays because of the "great" draft we had this year.
Well, Bobby already has Kubiak's succesor on staff. So what does that tell you about Smith's future? You have to assume he stays because of the "great" draft we had this year.
Wade? He's our DC. If you are picking your DC based on getting a coach to replace your current coach, you are again engaging in bassackward management.
Wade? He's our DC. If you are picking your DC based on getting a coach to replace your current coach, you are again engaging in bassackward management.

Exactly! That's another thing I fear you pointed out, this wouldn't be the first time the Texans have done it backwards.

Wade? He's our DC. If you are picking your DC based on getting a coach to replace your current coach, you are again engaging in bassackward management.

I don't think they picked up Phillips as an "I may want this guy to HC our team" but more based on how good he's done with really terrible defenses before.
They've never quit on him, they've never turned on each other, & they (other than Dunta) all tote the company line.

There's something to be said about that. The only way that happens is if they buy what he's selling. So there is obviously another side of Kubiak that we aren't seeing. Not camp cuddle-up or anything like that. but respect, major respect.

I bet they've got a major "us against the world" attitude going on in there.... sooner or later it's going to pay off.

The bad news is they ain't playing the world , they play the Titans . :voodoo:
They've never quit on him, they've never turned on each other, & they (other than Dunta) all tote the company line.

I'm really trying to get off the Kubiak threads, but I don't entirely agree with this. I think, if not exactly "quitting on him", the team lost confidence in Kubiak's ability to lead them to better things. I think this occurred after the disappointment of the 9-7 season. The team was set up to do better than that and inexplicably failed. The regression last season could not have helped the matter.

While they might not be quitting, they certainly might be playing with a lack of confidence in their leadership.


On another matter, and please don't take this wrong but it made me chuckle. Idioms are like rock lyrics....

Wouldn't "toe the line" make more sense?

Guard: Are you able to see that white line painted on the floor directly behind you, 655321?

Alex: Yes, sir.

Guard: Then your toes belong on-the-other-side-of-it!

----A Clockwork Orange

That guard certainly looked and acted fascist...
I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.
I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.

I used to think that way myself. But after five, now possibly six years of the same old ****, I'm ready for the rebuild. If nothing else, we'll have someone new to blame.
I used to think that way myself. But after five, now possibly six years of the same old ****, I'm ready for the rebuild. If nothing else, we'll have someone new to blame.


I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.

I hear ya man, but think if we commited and started that move years ago....we would be that much closer.

You have to ask yourself how many more years of being mediocre can you take?
I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.

So be it jax wasxin rebuild mode 2 and they won more games then us last year
I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.

This is false thinking.

Had we fired Kubiak at the end of 2009 (like we should have) instead of giving him that ridiculus extension, we'd be in year 3 of a new coaching regime, and on our way back.

You can't keep saying "if we fire him, we will have to rebuild" year, after year, after year. We can't give this guy a lifetime contract, no matter how many want to give him one.
This is false thinking.

Had we fired Kubiak at the end of 2009 (like we should have) instead of giving him that ridiculus extension, we'd be in year 3 of a new coaching regime, and on our way back.

You can't keep saying "if we fire him, we will have to rebuild" year, after year, after year. We can't give this guy a lifetime contract, no matter how many want to give him one.

Exactly. I was a Kubes supporter for too long (much as I was a defender of HWNSNBM for far too long) and 09 was the backbreaker for me.

Then last year I figured ok, we still have him, fine, we can do this and got all excited.

Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the SD game happened where a no namer named Shire Ajiritoutou or some such name burned up the Texans D (specifically KJ I believe) for a career game and that was it on that season for me pretty much. In fact here were my thoughts back then lol...

So, this season already started with a black cloud over head as most I think were pissed at the smoke uncle bob keeps blowing up our asses about kubes and the fact that he stayed for another year. So it shoudn't be surprising thet fans are ready to melt down already. It's a bad marriage that should have mercifully been put down already.
I'm just as tired of losing as the rest of you, but have you thought of the fact that if we fire one, or both, we will be back on a 3 year rebuilding cycle again? I, for one, shudder to even think of that.

I don't think this would happen with the Texans. The team has the talent. It's definitely not the players (though they play a part, like in all teams). It's the coaching. Doubt the team would need to blow it all up if/when there is a new coach. Someone like Cowher would just have to coach this bunch up. Plus, there are plenty of teams that have turned it around in one or two years. This is Kubiak's sixth year of trying to "turn it around". lmao.
This is false thinking.

Had we fired Kubiak at the end of 2009 (like we should have) instead of giving him that ridiculus extension, we'd be in year 3 of a new coaching regime, and on our way back.

While I understand the frustration & agree with your 3 year premise.

But 2009?

I understand close games & all that, games we should have won. But we go 6-10, 8-8, 8-8, 9-7 & you want to fire the HC?

I can't get behind that.

I understand today we are looking at what was predicted 2 seasons ago. I understand Kubiak looks like the man he was thought to be 2 seasons ago. & I understand there wasn't a "real" parade for 9-7 & there shouldn't be.

I still wouldn't have pulled that trigger after the 2009 season.

I understand the dissappointment, I'm disappointed my self. But if we go 11-5 this season (it can happen, especially if you are right about Kubiak) but:
6-10, 8-8, 8-8, 9-7, 6-10, 11-5(AFC Championship game) That's not really to far off from a regular NFL team cycle.
I think (knowing our franchise) we would fire Gary and keep Rick while promoting Wade....everyone would bump up one spot and they would hire like a secondary coach or something stupid....thats just how Bob BALLS
They've never quit on him, they've never turned on each other, & they (other than Dunta) all tote the company line.

There's something to be said about that. The only way that happens is if they buy what he's selling. So there is obviously another side of Kubiak that we aren't seeing. Not camp cuddle-up or anything like that. but respect, major respect.

I bet they've got a major "us against the world" attitude going on in there.... sooner or later it's going to pay off.

Then perhaps what Mr. McNair needs to do is walk into the locker room and tell the players, "This is the weakest division in the league right now. If I don't see y'all in the playoffs this year, Coach Kubiak is history."
That divisional losing streak last year put me into get-a-real-DC-or-fire-Kubiak mode. That was the time...

I'm not going to overreact right now to losses incurred against good/mediocre teams while A.J. is standing on the sidelines and I personally don't see Kubiak making stupid decisions during games, although I saw it last year and I hear people complaining about it now. What I will do is hold these losses against him if he doesn't find a way to get 10 wins and/or a win in the playoffs. He's lucky to still be here and this year is IT. If A.J., Foster, Schaub, Cushing, and J. Joseph go down for the season this weekend, he better find a way to win 7 more games, because there are no more excuses when this season is over, WHICH IT'S NOT YET.
Then perhaps what Mr. McNair needs to do is walk into the locker room and tell the players, "This is the weakest division in the league right now. If I don't see y'all in the playoffs this year, Coach Kubiak is history."

Lol...I think only the late Al Davis would have the stones to do that RIP.

I would love to see McNair do that, but it clashes with the whole plaid picnic table atmosphere.