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Texans place Franchise Tag on D Rob today.


Dunta is my favorite Texan, It just goes to show that no matter the fan base there are always haters...

Rubbish, calling someone haters just because they find it hard to believe that someone are 'feeling betrayed' after recieving $10mil, then go on to insinuate that Houston might not be the place to stay? If you call that 'face of the Texans' and lockerroom presence, then I dont want to be in that lockerroom.

I can see why that would irritate people, it irritates me...
Bob spent no more than any other franchise has on players. they are almost 40mill under the cap. we have never used franchise tag on anyone till today. we have never made a really huge coveted FA signing in over 7 years. Other than Gibbs, what coaches have we spent the big money on? I am saying that with the firing of RSmith and the retaining of Gibbs for a 2nd year and Dunta's franchise tag, we look to be committed to winning more than in the past. am I so wrong to feel that way?

but I say McNair seems more committed to winning because we used the franchise tag on Dunta in a perfect situtation to do so, but I am the bad guy.

whatever spec, it seems to me that Bob has and can do no wrong in your eyes. I give the guy some credit and you come to his defense.

Yes you are wrong! You always find something to complain about and never get your facts right. Well until you find someone else to complain about then you get half right. As far as always defending the owner, Yeah I do because I will blame the guys making the football decisions first and not the owner who is not trying to act like he is the gm and screwing crap up like the team just to the north.

First time used the franchise tag, well Sherlock who in the past would you have used it on? Besides the Raiders use it almost every year and they are not the best franchise to model after now are they?

As far as big name coaches go you have said this in the past and backed off it Now your back on it. No matter if it worked out or not at the time Palmer was a big coaching hire at the time. You seem to love looking at how the steelers do thing, how big of a name was and is Mike Tomlin or Bruce Airians (yeah I know you had to look it up). Besides the head coach there is only one coach on the3 Steelers anyone can list and call a big hire, so this line of argument is pretty damn moronic.

You blame the owner for casserlys mistakes on FA signings. Would you really like an owner like Dan Snyder who has a gm but interferes with everything and nothing working out?
aww, booo.
c'mon. 10 mil/year. team takes a dump in "09, he has a private lifeboat to get off the sinking ship.
he's no dumbass.
Ive been saying since the beginning that DRob wants out of Houston. I spoke to someone who knows him well, and he told me that last season, Dunta said he was ready to branch out and test out the FA market this offseason.

The only real way we were going to keep him here was through the franchise tag. We probably could have signed him to a long term deal, but my guess is that becaue he was ready to leave, he and his agent asked for an exorbitant amount of money.

I don't buy all this stuff about loving Houston, loving his teammates and the situation, etc. He wants to move on. Like all players, he'd stay here for a crazy amount of money. But he doesn't want to remain in limbo with the franchise tag.

Theres another key point at work here that you guys are forgetting. Dunta wants to go to a winner. He wants to win now. He doesn't want to wait.

If he plays with us this season with the franchise tag, the earliest he can leave is 2010. He can't go to a winner (and get a big playday) in 2010 per the NFL rules for the uncapped year. The 2011 season might be a lockout. Which would mean that by signing a franchise tag contract this season, he may be precluding himself from switching to a playoff caliber team until 2012 at the earlist.

A couple new quotes from Robinson, one particularly interesting:

"Some players get so angry at being tagged they refuse to participate in offseason drills. Some don’t report until the start of regular season when players are paid over 17 weeks.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Robinson said. “If you ask me right now, I wouldn’t be there (training camp)."

I have loved Dunta from the second he became a Texan but he better be there during training camp. I'm not usually pessimistic with things involving the Texans but I have had visions of Anquan Boldin running through my mind after seeing Dunta's reaction to getting tagged and this doesn't help.

If Dunta skips camp, I think he will lose a lot of the credibility that allows him to lead this team. I'd also be a tad disappionted in him. Hurting the team by skipping camp, is not the best way to show you are worthy of a big money, long term deal.

If Dunta was offered Gamble type money and turned it down, I'm starting to think that he will not be a Texan in the long-term. He simply isn't worth more then waht Gamble is making. Now if he has an All-Pro year, shows that he is indeed 100% and can shut down one side of the field; I'd consider offering him more. I just don't think that will happen.
I think he needs to watch tape of himself as he bitches for a fair contract. He's not a top 10 CB in the NFL, he's coming off of an injury where they had to glue his leg back on. I'm glad we started to get a little colder than in the past. Screw these guys feelings. New England and Philly don't give a ****. No more mister nice guy. Do whats good for our team, and don't worry about being their friends.
Dear God,

I promise if you ever afford me the opportunity to make 10 million dollars in 1 year I'll never complain one word about it.


Boo that. Have some sack 23, or at least some brains. Complaining to try and drive up the price next year? How 'bout a different but similar route? "I can't wait to reprove my worth to this franchise" even if you add a "so we can get me a bigger deal next year" on the end. Heart of the defense? You damn well better be homeboy, 'cause if you come out getting torched there won't be any money trucks backing up to your house. They said they wouldn't tag you because they figured you would sign the fair-for-both-sides deal they offered. What's the difference between 18 and 21 mil? A gold plated pool instead of a silver plated pool?

Yeah, try not practicing in your situation too, that'll be just swell.

Put up or shut up.
Dunta is acting like a little ***** and has given up his leverage with the Texans and continues to hurt himself in an uncertain economy with the uncertainty of the NFL labor situation on the horizon. The more I hear from him, the more I think his agent does not know what the heck he is doing.

I did some searching on Dunta's agent, Jason Chayut. Not a great list of players, and he has not appeared to have provided a great service to his players. His 15 minutes was when he was handling Deion Branch's exit from the Patriots. I see him being the disconnect in this triangle, which helps no one.

Off a Google search the fourth entry for his name is the New York Wedding Guide

Dunta is acting like a little ***** and has given up his leverage with the Texans and continues to hurt himself in an uncertain economy with the uncertainty of the NFL labor situation on the horizon. The more I hear from him, the more I think his agent does not know what the heck he is doing.

I did some searching on Dunta's agent, Jason Chayut. Not a great list of players, and he has not appeared to have provided a great service to his players. His 15 minutes was when he was handling Deion Branch's exit from the Patriots. I see him being the disconnect in this triangle, which helps no one.

Off a Google search the fourth entry for his name is the New York Wedding Guide


I'd be curious as to how this guy landed Dunta as a client, and even more curious as to how he's been able to hold on to him.

I'm surprised that other agents havn't been calling Dunta, trying to pry him away from Chayut. I expect it may happen if Dunta as a All-Pro type season in 09.
From 7/2006:
So what's the holdup and why is Branch reportedly going to hold out when training camp begins today? Because his agent, Jason Chayut, is killing him.

Earlier this week, Chayut told the Boston Globe that the Patriots are exploiting Branch.

Nice move, Jason. Make your client sound like he's an 8-year-old sweatshop employee making 44 cents a week in Thailand. That'll swing public opinion in his favor.

Wednesday, Chayut added that Branch, "won't be in camp until he feels he's being treated fairly."

That must mean he'll be in the day he cans Chayut because that's where the exploitation and unfair dealing are coming from -- the guy who stands to make the commission on the deal.

FOXBORO, MA -- It appears that the contract dispute between wide receiver Deion Branch and the Patriots will remain at a stalemate after the receiver sat out the first day of training camp on Friday.

According to the Providence Journal the issue now is over whether or not the Patriots will decide to put the franchise tag on Branch should he decide to play out the season and try to test the free agent market after this year. The veteran receiver is in the final year of his five-year rookie contract and missed the first day of practice, which reportedly cost him $14,000.

He is now apparently willing to return to the field, providing the team will set him free after this season.

His agent, Jason Chayut, told the newspaper, "If (the Patriots) came to me and said, 'Jason, we won't franchise Deion,' I would talk with them every day of the season in good faith to get a long-term deal done."

But should the Patriots elect to agree to that request, it would take away the leverage they have in negotiating. Logic would say that Chayut and his client are not going to get the answer they are looking for, which leaves them currently in a deadlock until they find common ground.

The team has reportedly offered him a 4-year deal that is worth an average of just under $6 million per season, but Chayut feels his client is worth closer to $7 million. The bad news for Branch is that sitting out could also cost him up to $510,000 (more than his reported $500,000 base salary for this season) should he not report until September 1st.
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From 2/2005:
After Sunday's Super Bowl, marketing specialists disagree on which players, besides quarterback Brady, possess the stature to do national marketing deals. Branch, the MVP wide receiver, could be get some national offers, but the opportunity may be greater in regional marketing, Tatoian said. Though he rooted for New England in the Super Bowl, Tatoian said he did not even notice Branch until his fourth or fifth catch.

But Branch's agent, Jason Chayut, said he already has heard from several companies, both national and local, though he declined to name them. He said the MVP award makes Branch stand out from the rest of the group.

''With the MVP, it really changes the landscape for his potential to earn," Chayut said. ''I think he'll exploit that to the fullest."
I'd be curious as to how this guy landed Dunta as a client, and even more curious as to how he's been able to hold on to him.

I'm surprised that other agents havn't been calling Dunta, trying to pry him away from Chayut. I expect it may happen if Dunta as a All-Pro type season in 09.

In seeing scatter shots on message boards and in articles, it appears he has a connection to thw Univ. of South Carolina.
Well, this is typical.

A guy who is generally loved by now griping about getting "tagged."

I told you guys that players don't like to get tagged. And I know that from our standpoint, it doesn't make sense (We'd all be happy with $10 million). But in the end, these players like to whine about how much they are missing out on because they got tagged. It's a way of feeling like you can pump yourself up a little, as if to say "I'm, soooo much more valuable than what my team is paying me. They had to do this JUST so they could keep me."

IMO, it's basic human psychology: Now you have a reason to act like a turd because "someone's holding ya' back from better things!" They think people will empathize with this. That's how simplistic an NFL player's mind is. They're out of touch with reality because they haven't lived in reality since high school. Even in college, a football player was pampered, protected, coddled, and treated like royalty.

LOL. I knew this would happen. Nice-Guy-Dunta just spoiled a lot of people's opinions about him. The same ones who were all "Hey! Dunta's going to play this Sunday! Welcome back, big fella'...#23 back in action, and ready to kick some butt!" are now bemoaning his easily-predicted temper tantrum.

Like I said yesterday: Dude is gone after this year. Not being able to work out a long-term deal right up to the deadline of getting tagged...pretty simple math if you ask me. And we won't sign him to a long-term deal. I'll eat my Texans speedo if we do.
Well, this is typical.

A guy who is generally loved by now griping about getting "tagged."

I told you guys that players don't like to get tagged. And I know that from our standpoint, it doesn't make sense (We'd all be happy with $10 million). But in the end, these players like to whine about how much they are missing out on because they got tagged. It's a way of feeling like you can pump yourself up a little, as if to say "I'm, soooo much more valuable than what my team is paying me. They had to do this JUST so they could keep me."

IMO, it's basic human psychology: Now you have a reason to act like a turd because "someone's holding ya' back from better things!" They think people will empathize with this. That's how simplistic an NFL player's mind is. They're out of touch with reality because they haven't lived in reality since high school. Even in college, a football player was pampered, protected, coddled, and treated like royalty.

LOL. I knew this would happen. Nice-Guy-Dunta just spoiled a lot of people's opinions about him. The same ones who were all "Hey! Dunta's going to play this Sunday! Welcome back, big fella'...#23 back in action, and ready to kick some butt!" are now bemoaning his easily-predicted temper tantrum.

Like I said yesterday: Dude is gone after this year.

I think you may be right, espically in light of who is agent is; and said agents past dealings with teams.
This is ridiculous. Just give him his contract with 23 million guaranteed and lets move on. Nobody is giving 2 first round picks for him.

Also, anyone who has a problem with him asking for Chris Gamble money needs to take a step back.

Imagine you and your friend get a job working at Jiffy Lube and are hired at the same time. Your friend calls you and tells you he got hired at $23 an hour. You are going to expect to go in there and get $23 an hour because that's what a oil tech makes apparently. Well you get there and the boss offers you $20 an hour max. You are going to be annoyed and frustrated. And don't act like you wouldn't be.

Lets be real about this. He is going to get his money.
Well, this is typical.

A guy who is generally loved by now griping about getting "tagged."

I told you guys that players don't like to get tagged. And I know that from our standpoint, it doesn't make sense (We'd all be happy with $10 million). But in the end, these players like to whine about how much they are missing out on because they got tagged. It's a way of feeling like you can pump yourself up a little, as if to say "I'm, soooo much more valuable than what my team is paying me. They had to do this JUST so they could keep me."

IMO, it's basic human psychology: Now you have a reason to act like a turd because "someone's holding ya' back from better things!" They think people will empathize with this. That's how simplistic an NFL player's mind is. They're out of touch with reality because they haven't lived in reality since high school. Even in college, a football player was pampered, protected, coddled, and treated like royalty.

Lol @ you thinking you would do anything different in his shoes. Players hate getting tagged because they want the long term contract with the signing bonus and some security. They play football. They dont manage a grocery store that will be there year after year. Especially after Dunta's injury he knows that his time in the NFL is limited. Every player gets as much as they can before they have to get out.

Who the hell are you to judge him really?
Dunta needs to take some notes from Andre Johnson. A guy who signed a lifetime contract pre 07 for 15 M guaranteed AND has yet to renegotiate despite his monster year unlike what most players would do in his shoes.
This is ridiculous. Just give him his contract with 23 million guaranteed and lets move on. Nobody is giving 2 first round picks for him.

Also, anyone who has a problem with him asking for Chris Gamble money needs to take a step back.

Imagine you and your friend get a job working at Jiffy Lube and are hired at the same time. Your friend calls you and tells you he got hired at $23 an hour. You are going to expect to go in there and get $23 an hour because that's what a oil tech makes apparently. Well you get there and the boss offers you $20 an hour max. You are going to be annoyed and frustrated. And don't act like you wouldn't be.

Lets be real about this. He is going to get his money.

If you changed oil as fast as your friend did you would be making your $23.

Dunta isn't Chris Gamble. He is a CB who is great in run support but average in coverage.
This is ridiculous. Just give him his contract with 23 million guaranteed and lets move on. Nobody is giving 2 first round picks for him.

Also, anyone who has a problem with him asking for Chris Gamble money needs to take a step back.

Imagine you and your friend get a job working at Jiffy Lube and are hired at the same time. Your friend calls you and tells you he got hired at $23 an hour. You are going to expect to go in there and get $23 an hour because that's what a oil tech makes apparently. Well you get there and the boss offers you $20 an hour max. You are going to be annoyed and frustrated. And don't act like you wouldn't be.

Lets be real about this. He is going to get his money.

Dude, from what we can gather he was offered Gamble type money and turned it down. He (Dunta) or his agent think's that they deserve more then Gamble, which is why they and the Rick Smith could not agree on a contract. Which is why he got taggged.
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If you changed oil as fast as your friend did you would be making your $23.

Dunta isn't Chris Gamble. He is a CB who is great in run support but average in coverage.

I never said which one changed oil faster. Lol. You are missing the point...

Chris Gamble isnt worth Chris Gamble money but he got it. Get used to the idea that Dunta is going to be overpaid. It will make it easier on you later.
Dude, from what we can gather he was offered Gamble type money and turned it down. He (Dunta) or his agent think's that they deserve more then Gamble, which is why they and the Rick Smith could not agree on a contract. Which is why he got taggged.

Either they think that or he was just trying to price himself out of town....
I don't have a problem with Dunta wanting to get all the money that he can.
Dude, from what we can gather he was offered Gamble type money and turned it down. He (Dunta) or his agent think's that they deserve more then Gamble, which is why they and the Rick Smith could not agree on a contract. Which is why he got taggged.

Dude, you mean what you can gather from pure speculation. You have no idea what he was offered and with what incentives. And you are speculating again that he wants more than Gamble got.
I don't have a problem with Dunta wanting to get all the money that he can.

Same here. Get what you can while the owners still need you. Then when they cut you without a second thought and you are done in the NFL you got what you came for.
Dude, you mean what you can gather from pure speculation. You have no idea what he was offered and with what incentives. And you are speculating again that he wants more than Gamble got.

Nor really, granted it takes a few leaps of faith but look at the facts.

It, in theory, cost the Texans 3 million more to franchise Dunta then offer him a 5 year deal with 23 million dollar quarenteed. Why would the Texans do that, if Dunta was ok with the 23 million in quarenteed money? It's pretty easy to figure that Dunta, and his agent, where the one's unhappy with those numbers.

Now it is possible that the Texans were offering less then the 5 years 23 million quarenteed; but if that is the case then it costs the Texans even more to franchise Dunta.

Is it speculation, partly; but there are some facts involved.
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So here is how I feel:

I agree with what The Texans did. Take a look around the NFL and you will notice there are several teams who tagged their best player. The Texans did not want to let him go for nothing, and they do want to figure out a way to keep him here. They just realized this couldn't be done by 3pm yesterday.

I also think that Dunta is worth what he's asking for. He's been a solid football player for us and his leadership has been valuable to us. However if he wants the money he is asking for, he better start coming up with more interceptions than what he's shown us since his rookie year. If he doesn't, for one, The Texans just may let him go. Secondly, you aren't going to see very many teams offering that kind of money to a player that hasn't shown any ability to get them the football. CBs that get paid lots of money are CBs that intercept the ball alot. Not saying that's right but that's how it is.

I also do believe that, based on Robinson's comments about not negotiating a long term deal, franchising him was still a bad idea because his expressions could have The Texans addressing his potential exit in the offseason which change our plans for FA and the draft, which could mean we miss out on addressing a team need.
I never said which one changed oil faster. Lol. You are missing the point...

Chris Gamble isnt worth Chris Gamble money but he got it. Get used to the idea that Dunta is going to be overpaid. It will make it easier on you later.

Every pro athlete is overpaid, even the best ones.

Here is the facts. If you want a job you have to submit a resume. Dunta has worked for us in the past, but his contract was up, meaning he is looking for a job. And he has to submit a resume just like anyone else.

The problem is his resume says he has only played in 20 games combined in the last two years combined and is coming off a career threatening injury. And prior to that, his only really good year was five years ago. He has been solid since his rookie year, but he is an above average CB and nothing more. And that was prior to his injury. Who knows now.

There is no reason to expect a long term deal if you are in that situation. It is unrealistic. We did the right thing. Signing him to a long term deal at this point is the same type of mistake that the previous front office would have made.

Next year, he is going to sign a new contract and he will get what he is worth.

Let's put this in real perspective here though. He will get paid more money in one year than than I will ever see in my life. He is earning that money by playing a GAME.

All NFL players want long term contracts because it gives them security, but some players just aren't in the position to receive them. Unless our organization blatantly told him a bold faced lie then he has absolutely no reason to be upset about this.
Every pro athlete is overpaid, even the best ones.

Here is the facts. If you want a job you have to submit a resume. Dunta has worked for us in the past, but his contract was up, meaning he is looking for a job. And he has to submit a resume just like anyone else.

The problem is his resume says he has only played in 20 games combined in the last two years combined and is coming off a career threatening injury. And prior to that, his only really good year was five years ago. He has been solid since his rookie year, but he is an above average CB and nothing more. And that was prior to his injury. Who knows now.

There is no reason to expect a long term deal if you are in that situation. It is unrealistic. We did the right thing. Signing him to a long term deal at this point is the same type of mistake that the previous front office would have made.

Next year, he is going to sign a new contract and he will get what he is worth.

Let's put this in real perspective here though. He will get paid more money in one year than than I will ever see in my life. He is earning that money by playing a GAME.

All NFL players want long term contracts because it gives them security, but some players just aren't in the position to receive them. Unless our organization blatantly told him a bold faced lie then he has absolutely no reason to be upset about this.

He is a really good 2nd CB. Thats it.
Every pro athlete is overpaid, even the best ones.

Here is the facts. If you want a job you have to submit a resume. Dunta has worked for us in the past, but his contract was up, meaning he is looking for a job. And he has to submit a resume just like anyone else.

The problem is his resume says he has only played in 20 games combined in the last two years combined and is coming off a career threatening injury. And prior to that, his only really good year was five years ago. He has been solid since his rookie year, but he is an above average CB and nothing more. And that was prior to his injury. Who knows now.

There is no reason to expect a long term deal if you are in that situation. It is unrealistic. We did the right thing. Signing him to a long term deal at this point is the same type of mistake that the previous front office would have made.

Next year, he is going to sign a new contract and he will get what he is worth.

Let's put this in real perspective here though. He will get paid more money in one year than than I will ever see in my life. He is earning that money by playing a GAME.

All NFL players want long term contracts because it gives them security, but some players just aren't in the position to receive them. Unless our organization blatantly told him a bold faced lie then he has absolutely no reason to be upset about this.

Getting tagged probably offered him more 1 year security then any deal he would have signed.
Dunta is better than a second corner.

If you put Dunta on any respectable defense then I think opinions of him change a bit.

If you put him on a defense like the Ravens, Titans, GreenBay, Vikings and I think he's a star...

It was widely reported that Dunta would have been a top free agent assuming all the players with expiring contracts hit the market...As in one of the top 3 or 4...

If we don't give Dunta the money, another team will...And I think that team would get their money's worth...
We are getting a look at what a hand full of teams go through on a yearly basis. It appears the Texans organization has out grown it's Toughskins and is now trying on a pair of Levis.

In laymen'ss terms, the organization's balls are dropping. :tiphat:
Getting tagged probably offered him more 1 year security then any deal he would have signed.

It would probably be about the same. Assuming he gets Gamble money he should get roughly 6 million signing bonus with 4 million for his first year. Then the roster bonus would kick in for 8-10 million.

So no, that is not an accurate statement.
Getting tagged probably offered him more 1 year security then any deal he would have signed.

True. If anybody offered him a contract, you know it would have to be incentive based, nothing guaranteed. For all we know that's probably what the Texans put on the table. You can't blame any organization for that. Look at Cadillac Williams who had the same injury. He came back but didn't complete a full season.

Plus he would be smarter going this route. Say for instance we end up signing him to another 5 year 23 mil deal. After all is said and done, he's basically getting 6 years 32 mil which = 5.4 a year guaranteed vs. us just offering him 5 years 23 mil now = 4.6 a year.

To be honest the dude should be thanking the Texans even if he doesn't plan on being here next year because if he goes off this year he's going to get his money. If he doesn't, he still gets his money.
Dunta is better than a second corner.

If you put Dunta on any respectable defense then I think opinions of him change a bit.

If you put him on a defense like the Ravens, Titans, GreenBay, Vikings and I think he's a star...

It was widely reported that Dunta would have been a top free agent assuming all the players with expiring contracts hit the market...As in one of the top 3 or 4...

If we don't give Dunta the money, another team will...And I think that team would get their money's worth...

He got Top 5 money at his position. The tag itself is a tacit reflection of his value to the Texans. His public display since the tag is only hurting himself with the next contract and possibly the locker room next season.

If he is as good as he believes, then surely there will be suitors offering up draft picks to the Texans. No need to hold your breath, I do not condone suicide.
I don't have a problem with Dunta wanting to get all the money that he can.


However, I also dont have a problem with the Texans trying to Dunta for the his fair market value! The more money locked up by Dunta the smaller amount under the cap for other players. Both sides are going to do all they can to get the most money or best value in the deal thats just life in business, and sports is just really big business.
Dunta is going to make more in 1 quarter than I have made in the past 3 years combined.

I don't buy the "get while you can" argument because a player of Dunta's caliber doesn't worry about getting cut. If he's got a brain he knows as long as he's healthy he is a player in this league...OH WAIT....what about your career threatening injury that you've barely made a return from Dunta?!? What if how you played at the end of the season is what we're going to get? Because THAT WAS #2 CB MATERIAL, certainly a 23 mil garaunteed contract would be out of the question for that type of play
I agree from what I heard from LZ yesterday

The market is big money now for CBs after Gamble and Nnamdi Asomugha numbers. Dante is probably thinking he is in between the two and deserves something between Gamble and Asomugha money. The Texans are looking at a guy coming of surgery who played half a season last year and who thinks his value needs to be proven or lower. So there is your gap. He plays the one year contract out and they see if he is himself for 16 games. That simple. I, personally, think that Dante is a hard hitter and leader on D but he isn't a lockdown guy that I've seen in other corners. You just can't throw money at a guy who may be limping around next year. So it should be interesting to see his play this year. I like the guy alot though and I like that he has spoken up on issues in the past.
He got Top 5 money at his position. The tag itself is a tacit reflection of his value to the Texans. His public display since the tag is only hurting himself with the next contract and possibly the locker room next season.

If he is as good as he believes, then surely there will be suitors offering up draft picks to the Texans. No need to hold your breath, I do not condone suicide.

Well...I don't think that many teams would give up two number ones for any corner in the leauge...Teams rarely use the other franchise tag for a reason...

And I don't know about his public display, but I understand where he is coming from. At the end of the day, in general the fans nor the organization give a damn about Dunta past what he produces on the field despite the heart and passion he plays with...It's a business, and being such he should seek to make the best business decisions...

If he has a career ending injury then Texans aren't going to do anything extra special for him because 'he's Dunta', so why should he be content with deals that he doesn't feel are in his best interest?

At the end of the day though, it is what it is and I think he'll realize that, shut up and let his play do the talking.
Lol @ you thinking you would do anything different in his shoes. Players hate getting tagged because they want the long term contract with the signing bonus and some security. They play football. They dont manage a grocery store that will be there year after year. Especially after Dunta's injury he knows that his time in the NFL is limited. Every player gets as much as they can before they have to get out.

Who the hell are you to judge him really?

Ah, yes. I forgot that this is a non-judgmental place. LOL.

What you just said (the bolded part) is laughable. We ALL do it. It's why we're here. What I said is not judgmental, it's just reflective upon the reality of the situation:

I think Dunta has a lot of nerve acting like he got 'dissed. He worked hard to get back to playing form, but I think he's trying to ride that "energy" a little too hard right now. But I don't find it shocking that he's acting like he is about it.

There's such an entitlement mentality ALL THE WAY THROUGH this country. You can't find a corner of the country, nor a segment of the popluace, where it hasn't infected people.

Congrats to Dunta for banking a $10 million contract for what a lot of people believe is scarcely justified, being that he had such a serious injury and showed problems with footing and getting beaten a few times when he came back--He's getting the benefit of the doubt, and he's angry about it!

Would I do the same thing if I were in his shoes? Hard to say. Can't re-live your life or forecast how you'd react if you'd have lived it differently. I'd probably be conditioned (mentally and emotionally) to feel that I am worth more than I really am. That's the prevailing attitude of all Americans, it seems.

Poor pitiful us. Pass the Kleenex.
I agree from what I heard from LZ yesterday

The market is big money now for CBs after Gamble and Nnamdi Asomugha numbers. Dante is probably thinking he is in between the two and deserves something between Gamble and Asomugha money. The Texans are looking at a guy coming of surgery who played half a season last year and who thinks his value needs to be proven or lower. So there is your gap. He plays the one year contract out and they see if he is himself for 16 games. That simple. I, personally, think that Dante is a hard hitter and leader on D but he isn't a lockdown guy that I've seen in other corners. You just can't throw money at a guy who may be limping around next year. So it should be interesting to see his play this year. I like the guy alot though and I like that he has spoken up on issues in the past.

Somebody slap me.

I agree with the entirety of Frog's post.

Well put.
This was the right move for the organization. Obviously, efforts were made to arrange a longer term deal. You have to believe if the Texans knew Dunta was back to full strength, this would have gotten done. Now we have 16 more games to make that determination.

Let me just say - I think his attitude is terrible. This is a business...big business, which will allow him to get paid a ton of money for one year's worth of work that is sufficient to keep him comfortable the rest of his life. The Texans promised him? Come on - all you can promise to do is negotiate in good faith. He and his agent should have made a promise not to entertain any other offers past the deadline, and this wouldn't have been necessary.
Heres to hoping he is fully recovered and he has 70 tackles 8-10 ints 3 forced fumbles 2 sacks 20 deflected passes, voted to the probowl, voted all pro, voted come back player of the year, gets paid accordingly next year, and continues it for years to come(of course that'll push him to 40+ million guaranteed area). Be great for all parties involved though.