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You want a quick fix? Trade.


Hall of Fame

Since two of our main guys came from Denver(coach and GM), lets pretend that trades go through thier heads. Especially one like this above that helped Denver last year. Instead of waiting for players to develop, lets just give up on the farm and make a trade.

Which players would you trade(David Carr is exempt so this does not become a David Carr debate...Mario is exempt so this is not a Mario vs. Reggie or Mario:The Bust debate)

Which future draft picks are you willing to give up?

What would you trade for?

I say I would stop at AJ, Dunta, and any players aquired this year from trades, FA, and the draft. Everyone else is up for grabs, including Mathis, which is probably the only bait left.

If that doesnt work, I say give up maybe a fouth or a fifth draft pick, which is probably going to happen.

The purpose:Get an offensive line. We cannot give up 50+ sacks every year and expect to win.

Its probably too late to work one out but I would try if I was Mr. Smith. Also maybe a corner, but I am just dreaming now.
The NFL is not a league of trades like basketball and even baseball. It just doesn't happen that often. That being said, the Texans would have to give up draft picks to aquire players. We have almost no one worth anything in the trading market, and the good players we do have are in the middle of huge contracts.

I don't think brining in a new OL (unless they are specifically from Denver or GB) would do anything for us, as the scheme takes too long to learn.

We may be a top 5 pick next year, so I'm not ready to give up that good of a pick for a player that might not even help us.
:yahoo: I don't think a trade is the answer. We need someone to step up and be an impact player on a regular basis.

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."

You can quote TEXAN 767 on that!
I would give up our first round pick for a dominant, aggressive DT or DE that was under 28 years old.

I think that is what we are really lacking.
I'd trade for either a pass rushing threat at DE, or even a good outside linebacker. I'd also trade for offensive line or cornerback. The only problem with the last two positions I meantioned is that nobody is willing to trade these two positions away without alot of compensation.

I would trade away player like Wong when he gets healthy for another draft pick in next years draft. If I am Rick Smith and/or Gary Kubiak I am loading up on draft picks now. It's time for them to grab some young players that fit their style. As of just players to get, I dont think we have any bait for a good trade, we would have to give up multiple players.
I'd say wait until the draft and draft your own guys. Build from within. It is always the fastest and cheapest way. Trading, usually doesn't work out in the NFL. Just ask the Vikings if they would do the Walker trade again?
painekiller said:
I'd say wait until the draft and draft your own guys. Build from within. It is always the fastest and cheapest way. Trading, usually doesn't work out in the NFL. Just ask the Vikings if they would do the Walker trade again?

They sure did good picking up Steve Hutchinson from Seattle though, that dude would make a GREAT Texan!
I would like to pick up another running back for maybe a 3rd or 4th rd pick. Michael Turner from San Diego is going to be a stud so we should look at him maybe. Someone in another thread said maybe we should go after JJ Arrington for a 2nd rounder but I think that would be a huge mistake. We should also definetly look for a corner. No names come to mind but I wouldnt even mind having a guy at the end of his career to help us out for the next few years.
brewhaus said:
They sure did good picking up Steve Hutchinson from Seattle though, that dude would make a GREAT Texan!

I guess it goes both ways. Hutchinson was grown from the draft, and the Vikings did good by going after him which proves grabbing people from other teams is good too.

But the Vikings did loose Burleson.

I meant for this to be hypothetical and almost a realistic-dream case scenario. It is a little late for trades. But trades are increasing in the NFL, not to compare against NBA and MLB. So something wierd could happen, but unlikely.
3rd and 7th round pick for Ryan Moats. He's a good running back buried in the depth chart with the emergence of a healthy Correll Buckhalter.

Likewise, the Panthers now have a healthy Kris Jenkins and may consider trading one of their DTs, but who knows.

I think we can trade Peek for something. The Pats tried to get him in the offseason, and though he is sort of a fan favorite, he has trade value and is signed to a short contract.
Don't think there will be any trades for the Texans. I think Kubiak wants to build this team mainly with draft picks and some FAs. For example, I think maybe he will draft a guard and center next year to start looking at replacing McKinney and Flanagan who are both getting older and slower. He may also draft another tackle to start looking at replacing the aging Wiegert and Salaam. Or, he could pick up a young FA at one of these positions and use the draft for the other two. Either way, I think he intends on building the team slowly piece by piece through the draft and free agency. JMHO!
Grid said:
I would give up our first round pick for a dominant, aggressive DT or DE that was under 28 years old.

I think that is what we are really lacking.

I was actually thinking about this, what IF we had traded our first pick to the Jets for Abraham and players/pick(s)? Not straight up, but maybe if they included other players or draft picks, what kind of situation would we be in now? Once again, I am not dogging on Mario here.
painekiller said:
That was not a trade.

Yeah, I know. They didn't trade to get him. That's just an instance I thought of when the Vikings were mentioned. But like I said earlier....I don't thnik a trade is the answer for any of the Texans problems.
Unfortunately, it is very hard to build a team through trades.

The way most good teams have had success over a sustained period (Philly, Pitt, NE, etc..) is to build through the draft, and add a player here and there through FA or trade.

As you are seeing are won in the trenches. You cant win games with your QB on his back, regardless if you have 2 HOF receivers, and a HOF RB.

You need to give your guy time.

Conversely, on the defensive side of the ball...your secondary will always look like crap if your guys cant get any pressure. If the opposing QB has 10 seconds to stand around, obviously, he can pick you apart, and make the best secondary look horrible. Very few CB's can cover for more than 10 seconds.

Drafting Mario was a great start. Unfortunately, there are 8 other line positions on the team. I would look at the roster, and say that 6 of them could be upgraded in the next 2 years of the draft. Plus, a lot of depth could be had.

You are definitely headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, success after failure doesnt happen overnight. It takes a little bit.
Grid said:
I would give up our first round pick for a dominant, aggressive DT or DE that was under 28 years old.

I think that is what we are really lacking.

I thought we did that with our last two 1st round draft picks.:hmmm:
I understand the need to develop the defensive line, but there is a lot of money already wrapped up in it right now. If I were to trade, I would go for a great cornerback or safety. I think the pass rush will improve exponentially over the next month, but I think we need more secondary help no matter what.

For the draft, I look first round to defense (safety/cornerback if that hasn't been locked down), then take a center and a linebacker.
If the goal is to win this year, then skosh game-to-game improvements will not get the team there. They'll need more than band-aids to fix the problem.