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You should be ashamed!!


To everyone who was at the game, you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Do you even bother to watch the game?! I'm mighty proud to say that David Carr is our quarterback. He just doesn't have any help and it all goes to the offensive line and terrible play calling. It's pretty sad when he can't even take a three step drop ( the safest drop in football!) without running for his life. The pass blocking is a joke! I don't know if it's the blocking scheme or the PERSONEL. Steve McKinney can get mad all he wants when people confront him about it but I saw him just get "man-handled" quite a few times not to mention several others. The line acted like it was their first game together. Those fans just need to lay off David and get to the real issues. We need to hit the free-agent market hard and get rid of Chris Palmer. He did fine when we didn't have much to work with. Now we have more than enough but were still calling plays like this is our first year. Dominick is great, but can we please put Andre in some better situations? And what happened to the tightend this year?!?! That was the only thing good about those first two years. Now we have a aging tightend who isn't even considered a "catching" tightend going out on routes when it should be Billy Miller over the middle. The Old guy has hands like stone and is as fast as one too!! And as far as receivers, can we please do something about getting Andre the ball more? Or at least get someone other than Bradford to draw attention away from AJ. But then again this all goes back to the offensive line. We might be able to get everyone the ball if David could get at least three seconds to throw the ball!! The one thing that showed me he still wants to be a leader of this team was late in the fourth quarter when, once again, proctection broke down, and Daivd ran up the field and could have ran out of bounds but instead cut up field and broke for a huge gain after getting pounded all afternoon. To me that shows guts and the poise to make something happen. Even when things are at their worst.
Thank you Dionsus22 they should be ashamed.Sounds just like when the Oilers were in Houston cry&whine.
I was embarrassed. The fans were acting out of frustration the whole game and booing Carr on Fan Appreciation Day of all days made my stomach turn. :loser

I understand frustrations with the game but you have to ask yourself, "Is he the problem?". The answer is no.

There are several QBs around the league that I would hate to be stuck with. I am proud to have David running our team.

I guess fans can have a bad day, too.
To everyone who was at the game, you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Please tell me why I should be ashamed of myself. I didn't boo anyone but I was just as frustrated as they were. It's easy to see that David is part of the problem. It's not all on the line - and it's not all on David. They need to get their sheet together as a unit. I sense some division in the ranks and between players and coaches I guess those of us who didn't boo are guilty by association huh? What I'll never understand is the fool who cusses and boos Carr as he runs onto the field, then starts jumping up and down like an ***** and high fiving people ten seconds later when Carr runs for twenty yards.
aj. said:
Please tell me why I should be ashamed of myself. I didn't boo anyone but I was just as frustrated as they were. It's easy to see that David is part of the problem. It's not all on the line - and it's not all on David. They need to get their sheet together as a unit. I sense some division in the ranks and between players and coaches I guess those of us who didn't boo are guilty by association huh? What I'll never understand is the fool who cusses and boos Carr as he runs onto the field, then starts jumping up and down like an ***** and high fiving people ten seconds later when Carr runs for twenty yards.

DAVID is not the problem
Dionysus22 - good first post (welcome to the board). This is the first post that actually made me think about Palmer's play calling style. I'm not quite to the "fire 'em" phase, but this made me wonder why we haven't used our weapons "visibly" better than we have the first two years.

I say visibly as I know the stats (Carr, Johnson, Davis, etc), say otherwise but what about the others on the team? Easier to key in on the playmakers when the defense knows how the offense will play out with a little pressure.
Personally I think with enough time to take 3 steps back and maybe time to look at more recievers than Johnsons and Davis as your running toward the sideline the whole offence would come together. The O-line is worthless and bringing down the whole offense.
i was at the game and it seemed like everybody just gave up... the people who should be ashamed are some of the fans.. they just gave up on their team and left at the beginning of the fourth quarter.. if you were a real fan then you wuld have stayed till the end.. and about the team... i think david carr is a great player.. but i think we should keep our draft picks open for a better quarterback... at the game yesterday there was basically no offense and no defense... carr couldnt even take a hit... he ran for his life basically when he could have ran for a couple yards while taking the hit... the defense played terribly but they sure did play better than the offense... we gave up the ball basically on every 4th down... our kickers need to go too.. they were terrible... everytime they had a punt they kicked it only to the 30 yd line or worst.. even browns kicker kicked it well.. and they kicked a onside kick out of bounds!! what could be worse??? i think we need to get some better people and use the next 8 months to really train them and put them to work... b/c if we want a playoff appearance next season we have to be better and we have to also have the ability to beat the worse team in the division at home!
and about that big gain in yardage at the end of the fourth quarter... that was a big leadership mark he made.. but why couldnt he have done that throughout the game??? i only saw him do that once.. and that was when we were losing.... towards the end... throughout the whole game he was running for his life out of bounds resulting in loss of yardage... he barely got touched in this game.. i dont know what you are talkin about how he got beat.. his couple sacks should be a piece of cake comparing to how many sacks he got before.. i think the fans also should have a right the be frustrated... the team should be ashamed of how terribly they were playing right in home.. right in front of all your biggest fans.. that was the worse game i have ever seen.. but i didnt leave.. i stuck it thru and i was happy they got a touchdown in before the game ended.. and i think everybody would like to see Banks in there a little more.. he should be allowed some more playing time next season to show us if he or carr deserves to be in there..
brickmantexanfan said:
ok David is not part of the problem

Wrong. He is part of the problem. He managed the game poorly and his pocket presence was horrific. He had plenty of opportunities to step up yesterday but he is trained to do one thing at the slightest sense of pressure. He was a deer in headlights yesterday and played a very poor game.
I didn't boo Carr when he came back onto the field and was surprised when it happened. However, in hind site I have no real problem with fans expressing their opinions about any player. This may have been a wake up call to David. I think people are realizing that it is not just the offensive line's fault. David made some real bonehead plays this year and had a horrible second half of the season. At the end of the first half why run out of bounds instead of chucking the ball into the endzone? Don't tell me he was running for his life, he was scrambling. Favre, McNabb, Manning, ect. all throw that ball.
the wonger need food said:
Wrong. He is part of the problem. He managed the game poorly and his pocket presence was horrific. He had plenty of opportunities to step up yesterday but he is trained to do one thing at the slightest sense of pressure. He was a deer in headlights yesterday and played a very poor game.

There is no doubt he is PART of the problem, but the majority of the problem falls on the shoulders of the O-line. Anyone would be jumpy when they have like zero protection. This is even worse in your case as the Texans typically leave the TE in to help, and many times the RB also, but you still get tons of pressure. So you have 2 less guys in pattern + more defenders back in coverage + less time to throw = mistakes & piss poor QB play.
I agree Carr didn't have his greatest outing. He appears to be really getting gun-shy back there in that pocket. It's plain and simple... we desperately need some more help on that O-line.
They definitely need to shore up their O line. They are just too inconsistent. One game they block well and the next they lay a big fat egg. I did hear Casserly say last night on Channel 13 say they would probably just go for a few "bargain" FA's so I don't know if they will look there for somebody. Maybe they can draft somebody and let him take his rookie lumps. There are some good centers available from all I've read.

Maybe they need to get away from this zone blocking. They had 10 more sacks allowed this year than last and many times the D line is right there on Carr and he has no time to throw. He took a pounding this year some games.
htown_julie said:
i was at the game and it seemed like everybody just gave up... the people who should be ashamed are some of the fans.. they just gave up on their team and left at the beginning of the fourth quarter.. if you were a real fan then you wuld have stayed till the end.. and about the team... i think david carr is a great player.. but i think we should keep our draft picks open for a better quarterback... at the game yesterday there was basically no offense and no defense... carr couldnt even take a hit... he ran for his life basically when he could have ran for a couple yards while taking the hit... the defense played terribly but they sure did play better than the offense... we gave up the ball basically on every 4th down... our kickers need to go too.. they were terrible... everytime they had a punt they kicked it only to the 30 yd line or worst.. even browns kicker kicked it well.. and they kicked a onside kick out of bounds!! what could be worse??? i think we need to get some better people and use the next 8 months to really train them and put them to work... b/c if we want a playoff appearance next season we have to be better and we have to also have the ability to beat the worse team in the division at home!

I agree some changes need to be made to this team, but with what you have proposed we will be overhauling the entire team, and there's no way in heck will have a shot at the playoffs next year.

On the punter issue, I read in the Chronicle this morning that Stanley has been playing hurt all year, and will have surgery next week on his leg. This isn't an excuse, but is surely explains the drop off in his production.

The coaching change, no matter how bad some of us want it, is not going to happen this year. The best we can hope for is some SERIOUS acquisitions to the O line, and hope that McNair gets a royal azz chewing in for all of his coaches.

I believe Carr has his part in this, but I also think is could be because the man is shell shocked. We threw him into the fire from the beginning, and he has been beaten to all heck. He can't settle down, he refuses to step into the pocket, and his decision making has been poor at times. Well, I would be to if every time I got in that huddle I was getting the day lights beat out of me. Hopefully with some O-line changes we can fix the damage that THE TEXANS ORGANIZATION is responsible for. Otherwise we may have ruined a great QB in three years.
Ashamed?? BS!! When you let the Cleveland freaking Browns come into your house and put a royal butt-whooping on you, you deserve every freaking boo you get. Did I boo? Hell yeah I booed. I booed the Texans. They played like cr*p. If anyone should be ashamed, it's the Texans for putting out that lackluster performance against a crappy Browns team IN OUR HOUSE!!!!
I like to complain, gripe, arm-chair QB, and pretend I'm a coach as the next person, but I don't like people who boo their own team.

I'm frustrated, but booing Carr when he came back in was classless.

Is Houston on its way to becoming a New York type of sports town?
Dionysus22 said:
To everyone who was at the game, you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Do you even bother to watch the game?!

I wouldn't direct a comment like that to EVERYONE who was at the game! We were there to the end, as usual! I agree with what you say for the most part! but I also understand the frustration of fans, I did not boo carr, and was suprised to see so many did, but that is how most would express how they are feeling at the moment! Had we played even close to our potential the fans would have been cheering! :twocents:

See ya'll next season!
I understand the booing yesterday. The team went to a rival stadium the week before and put a beating on them.

Then they come back to their home against a team that hasn't won a single road game this year and they lay a big fat egg. They played horribly. I am not sure if I'm understanding right but did they boo when David got hurt? I cannot condone that but as far as booing the team's performance I do understand that.
David Carr himself stated that they deserved to be booed, that it was an embarrassing performance, and that if he were a fan he would boo also. There is nothing wrong with venting frustration at a team that has played so lackluster all year long. As for booing Carr as an individual, he is the quarterback. Just like Dom Capers gets criticized, so is David Carr. He's gonna get the praise if things go well and the blame if things go wrong. Evryone knows he's tough as nails but he has to start making plays or at least become the vocal leader of this offense. He made mistakes just like everyone else did yesterday, as did Andre Johnson, and DD. What people are tired of hearing is that it is always the O-line and that's not true.
I agree the team played horrible and the whole team deserved to be boo'd but I was mad when I heard some fans booing when Carr came back in the game. Have you seen the other qbs out in the league. I'll take Carr over any of the Qbs out there. I have told many people before Houston has the most fair weathered fans anywhere. And yesterday it showed, boo him when he comes back in the game but as soon as he runs and gets the 1st down the same people jump up and down and cheer. I was glad i was the only one left in my section, i was getting tired of hearing some tard yelling "Carr! you suck!" all through the fourth. Well next year its playoffs or bust, and i'm excited. :)
Speedy said:
Ashamed?? BS!! When you let the Cleveland freaking Browns come into your house and put a royal butt-whooping on you, you deserve every freaking boo you get. Did I boo? Hell yeah I booed. I booed the Texans. They played like cr*p. If anyone should be ashamed, it's the Texans for putting out that lackluster performance against a crappy Browns team IN OUR HOUSE!!!!

Wow... I wonder if this is how the Jags fans felt last week. :thud:
htown_julie said:
i was at the game and it seemed like everybody just gave up... the people who should be ashamed are some of the fans.. they just gave up on their team and left at the beginning of the fourth quarter.. if you were a real fan then you wuld have stayed till the end.. and about the team... i think david carr is a great player.. but i think we should keep our draft picks open for a better quarterback... at the game yesterday there was basically no offense and no defense... carr couldnt even take a hit... he ran for his life basically when he could have ran for a couple yards while taking the hit... the defense played terribly but they sure did play better than the offense... we gave up the ball basically on every 4th down... our kickers need to go too.. they were terrible... everytime they had a punt they kicked it only to the 30 yd line or worst.. even browns kicker kicked it well.. and they kicked a onside kick out of bounds!! what could be worse??? i think we need to get some better people and use the next 8 months to really train them and put them to work... b/c if we want a playoff appearance next season we have to be better and we have to also have the ability to beat the worse team in the division at home!

I have said before we need a new kicking team....I understand many like K. Brown and they said everyone has a bad year...Well we can't afford excuses right now...His bad year is costing us points we desperately needed THIS YEARRRRR...What if next year he has another bad year?? Are we supposed to say "oh thats ok Kris, your just having another bad year" NOOO, he had his chance and blew MANYYY shots he should have had...I'm not talking about this game, others throughout the year watching him miss...And i don't even want to talk about Stanley...GEEZZZ, even in the best of weather i'd like to see him more consistent in kicking past the 40 yrd line....I am sooo tired of hearing the announcers after his punt say, " LOOKS LIKE GOOD FIELD POSITION AGAIN FOR THE OTHER TEAM"... I always said i felt his heart was just not into it...They are not the whole problem, they just contribute their share of the problems...We can't afford both of them having another bad year along with the rest of the team...Their becoming just as unpredictable as the rest...Again, this is my opinion and i'm not backing down from it...
Lets get Carr a mediocre pass-blocking o-line THEN evaluate him. Until then, he is going to run for his life every third down and long.
TheOgre said:
Lets get Carr a mediocre pass-blocking o-line THEN evaluate him. Until then, he is going to run for his life every third down and long.

"AMEN" IF our o-line stays the same with no changes, i expect Carr to be in for another year of beatings till he can't play anymore...
Everyone knows that when Carr has time he gets it done. If you can't see that then YOU need to be booooed. Of course he looks gun shy back there. The o-line has repeatedly shown that they can't protect him. But Carr has to shake this somehow and get on the same page with the WR's. Too many time I watch football and the WR's know when to cut their route off and improvise. Do our recievers do that? Look at Manning his throws the ball to a spot before the WR even breaks. When Carr is in trouble, other than Miller I don't see our WR helping him out by creating a new route.

A bad season for Kris Brown :hmmm: Show me one game this year that he has cost a win for the Texans!!! Look how many game balls he received this year also. Not to make any excuses for any of his misses but do you even realize how many other factors that come into play before his foot even touches the football. F.Y.I and for everyone else, he has been plagged with an on going "Hip Inductor" injury since the home game with the Colts that happened during warm ups... which as of Saturday before the Brown's game it was still extremly difficult for him to even walk. I am not trying to make any excuses but like with Chad Stanley's on going injury find out your facts before you bash someone. :loser
texansgal8 said:
I have said before we need a new kicking team....I understand many like K. Brown and they said everyone has a bad year...Well we can't afford excuses right now...His bad year is costing us points we desperately needed THIS YEARRRRR...What if next year he has another bad year?? Are we supposed to say "oh thats ok Kris, your just having another bad year" NOOO, he had his chance and blew MANYYY shots he should have had...I'm not talking about this game, others throughout the year watching him miss...And i don't even want to talk about Stanley...GEEZZZ, even in the best of weather i'd like to see him more consistent in kicking past the 40 yrd line....I am sooo tired of hearing the announcers after his punt say, " LOOKS LIKE GOOD FIELD POSITION AGAIN FOR THE OTHER TEAM"... I always said i felt his heart was just not into it...They are not the whole problem, they just contribute their share of the problems...We can't afford both of them having another bad year along with the rest of the team...Their becoming just as unpredictable as the rest...Again, this is my opinion and i'm not backing down from it...

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Name ONE game Kris Brown has cost us this year? What do you mean a "bad year?" He has had some problems since the Colts game due to an unpublished unjury, and he just about got his head knocked off making a terrific HIT, but HEY, let's get rid of him! Let's not mention the terrific tackle he made againt the jags player, which would have resulted in a TD if he had not made it. Our kicking team is the least of our problems!! Kris Brown plays with more heart and passion than most of the team put together. He is always there to support his fellow teammates, regardless. Yes, he has missed a few kicks the past few games, but he has been very consistant until his injury. You don't kick somone down and try to get rid of him just because he is injured.
SheTexan said:
Y Name ONE game Kris Brown has cost us this year?

Now this was by no means Brown's fault alone, but he did contribute to losing to Green Bay 16-13 by missing a field goal--otherwise the Packers would have been playing to tie at the end of the game, not win.
I am not sure if I'm understanding right but did they boo when David got hurt?
Here's how it went from where I sat:

1. Carr gets flattened by McKinley - stays down for a while but walks off under his own power a few minutes later (wind knocked out of him per comments this morning).

2. Banks enters game (to cheers).

3. Banks throws a dump off to Davis who takes it for 16 yards.

4. Carr re-enters game to a loud chorus of boos.

5. Carr runs for 20. Everyone cheers.

6. I shake my head.
DiapHer said:

A bad season for Kris Brown :hmmm: Show me one game this year that he has cost a win for the Texans!!! Look how many game balls he received this year also. Not to make any excuses for any of his misses but do you even realize how many other factors that come into play before his foot even touches the football. F.Y.I and for everyone else, he has been plagged with an on going "Hip Inductor" injury since the home game with the Colts that happened during warm ups... which as of Saturday before the Brown's game it was still extremly difficult for him to even walk. I am not trying to make any excuses but like with Chad Stanley's on going injury find out your facts before you bash someone. :loser

He missed an easy field against the packers for ONE and other misses......if he made that the score would have been tied in the end and we at least at a chance to be in Ot and win...You asked for one...And this is others opinion also...Show me where Stanley kicked the ball consistently also???...So get your facts straight before you bash me...and i sympathize with kRIS being hurt, but if he can't play to his potential he should have a replacement AND NOT BE PLAYING.....As i said before this is my opinion and who are you to tell me to get my facts straight and tell me what iam SUPPOSED to think?? I watch all the games also and iam entitled to what i think and SEE...
Kris Brown had a bad year in the FG dept. Only Edinger and Gramatica were worse in FG % of the full time kickers. That said, FG kicker is way down my list of grievances.
aj. said:
Kris Brown had a bad year in the FG dept. Only Edinger and Gramatica were worse in FG % of the full time kickers. That said, FG kicker is way down my list of grievances.

Well mine too AJ, all this just contributes to the other problems the Texans have and NEED to fix before next season...That is the point i was trying to make.
TheOgre said:
AJ needs to be fired as a fan for questioning the mob's decisions. Lets start a thread now!!! :heh:
I wasn't the only one shaking my head. There were nearly as many people *****ing about the boobirds as there were people booing - at least around me and the empty seats around me. Now that I mention it, what's worse, kicking your own when they're down or getting up and leaving..... I was griping up a storm all afternoon but when the boos came down I remember telling the person next to me "now that's cold."
aj. said:
I wasn't the only one shaking my head. There were nearly as many people *****ing about the boobirds as there were people booing - at least around me and the empty seats around me. Now that I mention it, what's worse, kicking your own when they're down or getting up and leaving..... I was griping up a storm all afternoon but when the boos came down I remember telling the person next to me "now that's cold."

I remember when i heard he was down and then they were escorting him off the field, i was concerned how hurt he was, but when i heard the BOO'S, i thought to myself that was nooo time to BOO a down player...So many of us share AJ's thoughts also...That doesn't make us stupid because we didn't agree with the BOO's...We all have our own opinions and one thing iam tired of hearing here is bashing for PPL's opinion....If everyone had all the right answers then i guess we'd have a perfect team right now...
I'm from Fresno and I think he's part of the problem. Maybe 10%. The other 90% is on the line and coaches. Some sacks he takes are inexcusable and as bad as things are sometime he needs to just chuck the ball up and hope something good happens. He also needs more consistent leadership and better touch on the short passes. How much of a problem do you consider him to be AJ? So to your Fresno comment, I'm from Fresno and am a huge Carr fan and realizes he does have some problems. But when you look at the big picture he's not a large part of the problem. Do you think any QB could do much better than Dave in the situation he's in? I seriously doubt anyone would do much better. Dave gets pounded week in and week out for 3 years of course he's going to not have much confidence in the pocket would you if you were expecting to get hit by a blitzing backer, a 300 pound lineman everyplay? And please don't say it's the NFL there's supposed to be hits, Carr has taken way more than any QB ever should.
DiapHer said:

A bad season for Kris Brown :hmmm: Show me one game this year that he has cost a win for the Texans!!! Look how many game balls he received this year also. Not to make any excuses for any of his misses but do you even realize how many other factors that come into play before his foot even touches the football. F.Y.I and for everyone else, he has been plagged with an on going "Hip Inductor" injury since the home game with the Colts that happened during warm ups... which as of Saturday before the Brown's game it was still extremly difficult for him to even walk. I am not trying to make any excuses but like with Chad Stanley's on going injury find out your facts before you bash someone. :loser

I bet DiapHer used to be a kicker in high school; hell, maybe even in college :)
SheTexan said:
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Name ONE game Kris Brown has cost us this year? What do you mean a "bad year?" He has had some problems since the Colts game due to an unpublished unjury, and he just about got his head knocked off making a terrific HIT, but HEY, let's get rid of him! Let's not mention the terrific tackle he made againt the jags player, which would have resulted in a TD if he had not made it. Our kicking team is the least of our problems!! Kris Brown plays with more heart and passion than most of the team put together. He is always there to support his fellow teammates, regardless. Yes, he has missed a few kicks the past few games, but he has been very consistant until his injury. You don't kick somone down and try to get rid of him just because he is injured.

Well you obviously didn't read what i wrote very well....I said STANLEY just doesn't seem to play with his heart into it being he never punts the ball down the field very far...As far as Kris, Yes he plays with heart, but if hes injured, he doesn't need to play...That was my point...I'd rather have a replacement kickers then having 2 who are playing hurt because of better records...Good records or not, you don't play your best when hurt...I watch all the games also, so don't judge me, worry about your own OPINIONS AND I'LL WORRY ABOUT MINE....Enough said, i'm not about to argue with you anymore on this subject...DON'T LIKE MY OPINION, DON'T READ IT.....Texans have worse problems then the kickers right now, they are only a part that has contributed to this season games...
aj. said:
Here's how it went from where I sat:

1. Carr gets flattened by McKinley - stays down for a while but walks off under his own power a few minutes later (wind knocked out of him per comments this morning).

2. Banks enters game (to cheers).

3. Banks throws a dump off to Davis who takes it for 16 yards.

4. Carr re-enters game to a loud chorus of boos.

5. Carr runs for 20. Everyone cheers.

6. I shake my head.

Maybe the fans were Booing Dom Capers for putting Carr back in the game after he had spent so much time getting the dog **** kicked out of him. With two minutes left in the game, and the amount Carr was getting hurt, I thought Capers should have kept him out, rather than risk hurting our QB at the end of the season that was a wash at that point.
Texans Pride said:
Maybe the fans were Booing Dom Capers for putting Carr back in the game after he had spent so much time getting the dog **** kicked out of him. With two minutes left in the game, and the amount Carr was getting hurt, I thought Capers should have kept him out, rather than risk hurting our QB at the end of the season that was a wash at that point.

Maybe, but i think they should have let Banks finish and see what he could do rather then Carr possibly getting hurt worse...But i guess Carr felt he needed to go back in to re-gain his confidence....Poor guy...I felt for him...
aj. said:
Here's how it went from where I sat:
1. Carr gets flattened by McKinley - stays down for a while but walks off under his own power a few minutes later (wind knocked out of him per comments this morning).

2. Banks enters game (to cheers).

3. Banks throws a dump off to Davis who takes it for 16 yards.

4. Carr re-enters game to a loud chorus of boos.

5. Carr runs for 20. Everyone cheers.

6. I shake my head.

That's the emotional state after having too many beers ... :rofl:

And those of you dogging Kris Brown... proceed with caution. You are arguing with those that have the inside track .. :rolleyes: ;)

And I'm with those who thought Banks should have been allowed to finish up the game.
I wish that K. Brown or C. Stanley "could and should" have a replacement for when they are injured, i.e. his concussion after the first game making a tackle, playing when he shouldn't have the very next game!!! Every player is on the field for everyone's :soapbox: enjoyment taking risks every Sunday. I understand totally your frustration but you still haven't taken in the whole perspective of other factors that you failed to take into consideration that I mentioned!!!
DiapHer said:
I wish that K. Brown or C. Stanley "could and should" have a replacement for when they are injured, i.e. his concussion after the first game making a tackle, playing when he shouldn't have the very next game!!! Every player is on the field for everyone's :soapbox: enjoyment taking risks every Sunday. I understand totally your frustration but you still haven't taken in the whole perspective of other factors that you failed to take into consideration that I mentioned!!!

I understand what your saying also...Iam frustrated too and i never said Kris was not good, i know he is, but they said he was not playing his best due to past injuries...I didn't know they didn't have any replacement kickers...What happenes if he is seriously hurt??? Who would kick, i'm just i don't mean to offend anyone, we all have our frustrations sometimes when things aren't going well......thank you for the info though... :D
aj. said:
Here's how it went from where I sat:

1. Carr gets flattened by McKinley - stays down for a while but walks off under his own power a few minutes later (wind knocked out of him per comments this morning).

2. Banks enters game (to cheers).

3. Banks throws a dump off to Davis who takes it for 16 yards.

4. Carr re-enters game to a loud chorus of boos.

5. Carr runs for 20. Everyone cheers.

6. I shake my head.

yep, that's what I recall.

Sad, really. And completely without class on the part of those fans.

You can be frustrated as a fan but still act with dignity. Just wait until the TEAM is leaving the field, or the clock winds down, if you must boo.

But booing your QB, who just got hurt, and has been playing behind one of the sorriest O-lines in memory, is just pathetic. (That O-line would make Tomy Brady and Payton Manning look like garbage QBs, too!)

I'm extremely disappointed in many Houston Texans fans (between the no-shows, leave-earlies, and boobirds). All these years of defending Houston fans, and now I regret it. Maybe what everyone has been saying all these years about "us" has been correct. :loser

I guess some of you are happy that OUR team has to hear those boos for the next eight months! I guess the honeymoon is over. Playoffs or an empty stadium policy in effect NOW!!!!! Pathetic.

Texans fan and season ticket holder for life,


p.s. I save my boos for opposing teams and referees :heh:
TexansJunkE said:
Stop Booing Carr! If anyone deserves to be boo'd it's the O-Line.

Thats what i'll always agree with...We seen what Carr can do when the o-line does their job....The man's not superman, he can't carry the whole team, the o-line has to do their part....I blame it on having no direction from the coaching staff as well.....or i sould say POOR DIRECTION....