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You Know What? Screw It!!!!

El Tejano

Hall of Fame
I'm on my way to work and all of a sudden I had this feeling that totally changed my direction of thought regarding our team - It's Wednesday! Time To Get Over It!!!

This prompted me to change my negative thinking today. Hey all success starts with a positive thought. So I began to tell myself, I'm not going to let these mishaps ruin this season. Sure it's the team that makes it happen but as a fan I got to move on and hope that the team feels the same way I do - Yes we lost last week but we are not going to let the rest of these teams ruin what we envisioned our season to be.

It's time to focus on this Sunday vs. KC. We got 1 more game before the bye, to make things better and use the bye to continue to get better. You know what? Screw it!!!!! Beat KC!!!

I'm calling out our superstars. This isn't a Mario you suck thread. This is a we need you to get your butt in gear thread because it is time to move on and play.

Andre- I never question you and your toughness, leadership and professionalism. The team needs you to shine now though man. It's time to claim your fame. Everyone listens when you speak so do what you gotta do man!!!

Matt - Can I get you to get fired up just a bit? This team will make it over the hump when you do. That's how important you are. When we are down, they are going to look to you to get them through. Don't come off the field and put your cap on and stare off into space anymore. Do like I see the other QBs do on NFL highlights. Walk over to your line and say "Be patient, we are going to make a play" or "Hey this game aint over". And come out with some fire. When you did vs. The Raiders, we looked pretty freaking scary.

Foster - Get back up man. Don't let this past game or the media mess with you. This team has been waiting for you. Now you are here and we want to ride you to the playoffs man. Get back up and don't ever give up!

Owen Daniels - Time to get back to where you left off. No excuses no more. Do it or let the others take your snaps.

OL - Get mean and nasty and don't stop. If you can't push your guy at all, please let the coach know so we can move on.

DL - I need Okoye to come alive man. If not please let Mitchell just take over. Sit on the bench and tell the coach you are second team!! We need the DL because only you can make that secondary better.

Mario - I can't have anymore of these one game dominations, next week hibernation seasons. You've proven your critics wrong. That's done. Only problem is, you do nothing to keep them wrong. You let them resurface. No excuses about noonelse on the line with you, Antonio is doing way better than we thought he would.

Antonio - don't take my statement as a compliment because your sacks and tackles are to few and far between.

LBs- Alot of talk about being a great group of LBs with no results to show it. Demeco, where are you? Diles, don't talk to me right now. Cushing, I hope you can get up to speed alot faster.

Secondary - Forget about these 5 games, stop talking about how everything will come and go out and get it instead. You are the weakest link on the team and headed in the wrong direction of history books for the league and our franchise.

Kubiak - Get consistent now!!!!
I'm with you man! C'mon guys let's right the ship!!! 4-2 would still be a fantastic start to the season.

Let's beat the Chiefs and go into our bye week with Duane Brown coming back.
I'm with you man! C'mon guys let's right the ship!!! 4-2 would still be a fantastic start to the season.

Let's beat the Chiefs and go into our bye week with Duane Brown coming back.

I didn't realize that he's already primed to come back just in time for MNF vs. Colts. Awesome!!
Yeah me too. Usually by Wednesday I start getting excited for the next game. Whether it was a win or a loss the previous week, the anticipation for the next game starts building up for me by Wednesday. Go Texans!!!
Getting excited is a recipe for disappointment. I already filled my quota this year for getting excited about the Texans and that quota won't reset until we win 3 games in a row.

If there is anything we should have learned by now it's that Kubiak is stubborn in his ways and he isn't going to make the changes necessary to get us past this phase.
It's time to focus on this Sunday vs. KC. We got 1 more game before the bye, to make things better and use the bye to continue to get better. You know what? Screw it!!!!! Beat KC!!!

If it helps any, Vonta's tweet this morning read: "Back to work in am chiefs this week is a must win"

So at least someone on the team is taking the game seriously (if you are on twitter his tag is "vleach44").
Hang in there El Tejano. More than ever this team needs its 'diehard fans'.

I was thinking "screw it" for an entirely different reason.

I'm thinking that after this week my Sundays will open up.

This team needs a heart transplant. "Just another game" my arse.

Getting excited is a recipe for disappointment. I already filled my quota this year for getting excited about the Texans and that quota won't reset until we win 3 games in a row.

If there is anything we should have learned by now it's that Kubiak is stubborn in his ways and he isn't going to make the changes necessary to get us past this phase.

Getting excited is kind of part of being a fan (remember, it does come from the word fanatic). Disappointment - and dealing with it if/when it happens is also kind of part of being a fan.

If you can't deal with disappointment, then either stop being a Puh-cee or go play intramurals brother!
If it helps any, Vonta's tweet this morning read: "Back to work in am chiefs this week is a must win"

So at least someone on the team is taking the game seriously (if you are on twitter his tag is "vleach44").

Love me some Vonta Leech.. much manlove here..
Getting excited is kind of part of being a fan (remember, it does come from the word fanatic). Disappointment - and dealing with it if/when it happens is also kind of part of being a fan.

If you can't deal with disappointment, then either stop being a Puh-cee or go play intramurals brother!

Come on. Most of us accept that part of being a fan and following a team is the disappointments. No one expected us to go 16-0 this year. Most of us were disappointed with the Dallas game and decided to move on.

But at some point, these big losses sap the energy out of you. I have said several times that the Monday night game sapped the energy out of a large chunk of this fan base. We were ready, fired up, excited, etc. Then: A loss.

Sure, as fans, we have to "get over it." But, at what point does the team's burden come into play? Don't they have somewhat of an obligation to deliver something back to the fans?

I got a survey from the Texans on Monday. They do a yearly survey of all season ticket holders. I filled the survey out and was brutally honest. At one point, they were like, "Not taking into account the team's performance on the field, how would you rate your experiences at Reliant Stadium?"

I replied that the two issues were inheretly related. Sure, IN THEORY you can separate the two, but, we're emotional beings. You can't. It is absurd for me to answer a question about how I feel about the concessions at Reliant stadium when the team stinks. If the team, for example, had beaten the Cowboys, I would have been less pissed off about the long lines and traffic. But we didn't, so the long lines and traffic seemed worse, and that made me - and other fans - even MORE cranky.

If the Texans sent a limo to my house, picked me up, drove me to the stadium, put me in a suite, cooked me Filet Minon, sent me a bottle of Champaigne, I'd STILL be pissed off about the Cowbody and the Giants games.

Fans have a right to be pissed off when we lose.
Getting excited is a recipe for disappointment. I already filled my quota this year for getting excited about the Texans and that quota won't reset until we win 3 games in a row.

If there is anything we should have learned by now it's that Kubiak is stubborn in his ways and he isn't going to make the changes necessary to get us past this phase.

A cup of koolaide takes the cynicism away! :texflag: :thinking: or was it two cups?...

Hey, y'all go for it. Whatever floats your boat. I will root for them week in and week out, but the fact remains that what we saw against the Cowboys and the Giants was not an aberration. One game, maybe. But two games in 15 days is indicative of something fundamentally flawed with this team. They didn't even bother to show up, and maybe it's easier for some to get over it in a couple of days, but for others, those battle-red colored glasses are broken.

Nobody is more or less of a fan for taking either side, so couch calling someone out because they don't swim in the koolaide river.

El Tejano, I admire your optimism, man. I just wish I could share it with you.
Hey, I'm comfortable being a grumpy fan and I have no problem admitting it.

But seriously, if we at least played hard I wouldn't be so disgruntled. The Texans can never seem to lose in closely played contests though. We always piss our wins away.
Hey, I'm comfortable being a grumpy fan and I have no problem admitting it.

But seriously, if we at least played hard I wouldn't be so disgruntled. The Texans can never seem to lose in closely played contests though. We always piss our wins away.

My thoughts exactly. It's not the losing that kills you as a fan, it's the roll-over-and-play-dead way that they lose. They don't even bother to show up, and they look like one of the worst teams in football when they look so inept!

Spock just picked up 4-2 on his sensors. :kingkong:
4-2 would be nice heading into the bye. we are keeping pace with the division and thats all that matters to me. win the division and we get into the playoffs.
Win streaks start with the first game. Let's make it happen this week, go into the bye and get ready for a very tough November.

I know this much, The Chiefs will not be a team that throws us off track. Not if I can help it.
ive been looking foward since the end of the 4th Qtr of the giants game LOL

I dont know much about KC what should we be looking out for who are the playmakers

I know the got a Punter retuner that can take it to the house

- Matt cassel is playing average
- THey got a RB that runs like CJ2k meaning hes fast

they got all the pats former COaches thats about all i know
Agreed! All this gloom and doom crap keeps my off these boards following a loss for at least three days.

Its a loss fellas! Theyre gonna happen, did you really think we would go undefeated????

I know I know, the way we lost was pathetic but in my opinion (refuse to abbreviate that saying), what loss ever feels good? I think if we lost by a missed field goal or last second field goal, everyone will still be AS pissed and still find SOMETHING to ***** about.

Im with you bro, get over it, get mean, and win this next effing game.

***on a side note, lay off of the "kill/fire/replace" K-Jack, the dude has played five games in his career. I know hes unimpressive but he is HARDLY a bust like people are saying. You cant even tell until at least three years in so instead of being pissed, try supporting instead. The kid's young so give him a break.

ive been looking foward since the end of the 4th Qtr of the giants game LOL

I dont know much about KC what should we be looking out for who are the playmakers

I know the got a Punter retuner that can take it to the house

- Matt cassel is playing average
- THey got a RB that runs like CJ2k meaning hes fast

they got all the pats former COaches thats about all i know

They're run game for sure. Jamaal Charles is a very underrated show stopper with a nice little side of Thomas Jones who ran for 1400 yards last year.

The main thing we need to worry about is their defense. They are young and fast. They've got probably five-six starters that were former first rounders and are mostly within five years old. They are finally gelling as a unit and are pretty good this year. Remember, they held Peyton to 0 touchdowns last week which is hard for even Pitt, Baltimore, or any other team to do.

Not worried too much about Matt Cassell although it seems that any QB can throw on us. Im hoping instead of our Defense being a jump start for slumping QB's, Matt Cassel can be a jump start for our defense.

Kill em all and let the paramedics sort em out.

Spock just picked up 4-2 on his sensors. :kingkong:

LOL, epic! :)

El Tejano: I'm with ya, 3 days since the horrible loss, time to put the fan-hat back on, weeeh... rollercoster here I come! We'll win, and big (please guys, don't blow up in my face again!)
A cup of koolaide takes the cynicism away! :texflag: :thinking: or was it two cups?...

Hey, y'all go for it. Whatever floats your boat. I will root for them week in and week out, but the fact remains that what we saw against the Cowboys and the Giants was not an aberration. One game, maybe. But two games in 15 days is indicative of something fundamentally flawed with this team. They didn't even bother to show up, and maybe it's easier for some to get over it in a couple of days, but for others, those battle-red colored glasses are broken.

Nobody is more or less of a fan for taking either side, so couch calling someone out because they don't swim in the koolaide river.

El Tejano, I admire your optimism, man. I just wish I could share it with you.

Yup, I am really skeptical about this KC game. Sorry but I cannot get over the fact Peyton Manning had 0 TD passes against KC. That statistic is frightening unto itself. I have been watching Manning for what over 10 years now and I cannot remember one game he did not throw a TD in.

Don't know if it was a fluke or KC has that good of a defense but I don't see the Texans coming out of this in a good way. KC is 3rd in the NFL in rushing defense, and we all say what happened when the Giants took the running game away. They are also 11th in Pass defense.

Sorry folks, I am one of the biggest TexansHonks on this board but like I said before, that light at the end of the tunnel isn't the Texans playoff hopes, it's the 2010 Mediocrity Train and it is about to run the Texans' asses right the hell over....
-We are 3-2 with 4 Cushing-less games and some Duane-less ones.

-We are also unbeaten in the AFC and most importantly, our division.

-The best teams in the league have only won ONE more game than we have.

-It's not time to look for superbowl tickets, but it's definitely not time to pack it in either.
I agree, one bad game means nothing, and do the debbie downers have to bring down every topic with their negativity, it got old on sunday and some of us would like to move on.
I agree, one bad game means nothing, and do the debbie downers have to bring down every topic with their negativity, it got old on sunday and some of us would like to move on.

ONE bad game? How about two pathetic games in 15 days. There is nothing positive to take from either of those beat downs.
ONE bad game? How about two pathetic games in 15 days. There is nothing positive to take from either of those beat downs.

Yes there is: we are undefeated when playing ANYONE outside of the NFC East. :)

Watch us win every game the rest of the year and then lose the SB to Dallas or NY. :(
ONE bad game? How about two pathetic games in 15 days. There is nothing positive to take from either of those beat downs.

The pre-season has been a litmus test for this team in the recent years.

They also had that game where they got man handled against the Saints.....And just like the cowboys and Giants, they sucked in every aspect of the game..

I don't think it's lack of ability, I just think it's lack of focus and 'want to'...
Screw it...I am tired of all the monday morning quaterbacks with video evidence or so and so could have played better better, I am so tired of the fire _______ threads. I am so tired of the poor us attitudes some of us Texans fans have. I am tired of letting other teams fans coming into our stadium and talking junk and getting our tailgating policy changed. I am so tired of any of us thinking we know more than our owner and the management he hired to run this football club. I am so tired of those who have never played a down of pro football acting like they have any more idea of what to do than the paid professionals, most of which have moved their family here so they can give you entertainment which more often than not gets complained about.

We as fans have to realize some things. 1. we are fans (nothing more not journalists, analysts, or coaching staff) 2. Becareful what you wish for you just might get it. ( we have Kubes now, but we may shoot for cowher and get Dennis Green) 3. Remember they arent playing solitaire out there, so if the Texans happen to loose the other team may deserve some of the credit . 4. We can choose the type of fans we are going to be and now is the time for us to do it. This team is on the verge of greatness and they need us to show them our support

I cant tell you all what type of fan you should be, but I can tell you what type of fan I am and forever pledge to be.

I pledge:
I am to be loyal to the Houston Texans (no matter the record)

I buy and wear Houston Texans gear and wear it ( no matter the record)

When at Reliant I pledge that I am at my seat on time and start yelling from the time Mr Walker starts singing till I make the long walk to my car (win or loose)

When at home I pledge to cheer so loud they eject me from my living room

I pledge to support the owner Bob Mcnair
I pledge to support the coach Gary Kubiak and his staff.
I pledge to support Matt Schaub (damn the video) and the offense
I pledge to support Kareem Jackson (damn the video)
I pledge to support the Special teams and Steve Slaton



One more thing ...Go TEXANS
(if you dont like it...well as the op said screw it)
Screw it...I am tired of all the monday morning quaterbacks with video evidence or so and so could have played better better, I am so tired of the fire _______ threads. I am so tired of the poor us attitudes some of us Texans fans have. I am tired of letting other teams fans coming into our stadium and talking junk and getting our tailgating policy changed. I am so tired of any of us thinking we know more than our owner and the management he hired to run this football club. I am so tired of those who have never played a down of pro football acting like they have any more idea of what to do than the paid professionals, most of which have moved their family here so they can give you entertainment which more often than not gets complained about.

We as fans have to realize some things. 1. we are fans (nothing more not journalists, analysts, or coaching staff) 2. Becareful what you wish for you just might get it. ( we have Kubes now, but we may shoot for cowher and get Dennis Green) 3. Remember they arent playing solitaire out there, so if the Texans happen to loose the other team may deserve some of the credit . 4. We can choose the type of fans we are going to be and now is the time for us to do it. This team is on the verge of greatness and they need us to show them our support

I cant tell you all what type of fan you should be, but I can tell you what type of fan I am and forever pledge to be.

I pledge:
I am to be loyal to the Houston Texans (no matter the record)

I buy and wear Houston Texans gear and wear it ( no matter the record)

When at Reliant I pledge that I am at my seat on time and start yelling from the time Mr Walker starts singing till I make the long walk to my car (win or loose)

When at home I pledge to cheer so loud they eject me from my living room

I pledge to support the owner Bob Mcnair
I pledge to support the coach Gary Kubiak and his staff.
I pledge to support Matt Schaub (damn the video) and the offense
I pledge to support Kareem Jackson (damn the video)
I pledge to support the Special teams and Steve Slaton



One more thing ...Go TEXANS
(if you dont like it...well as the op said screw it)

Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Slow your roll, my friend.

We have given Bob McNair nearly a decade of profits and support and a sold out stadium. The Texans are one of the most profitable teams in the league. Rumor is that he clears something like $30 million or so from the Texans every single year.

All we ask is that they at least TRY and give us something in return. We have been consistent with our support. Can't they at least ATTEMPT to give us something back?

Sure, we support Kubiak and this team. But how are we supposed to respond when he says that he's not going to even TRY and negotiate a trade for help on our secondary?

Look. I have been a season ticket holder for five years, and have spent upwards of about $10,000 on the Texans franchise alone. That is my choice. I get that. But at some point, they're going to have to start giving us something in return.

How about sending Kubiak an email with a similar tone? Something like, "I pledge to at least LISTEN when people suggest I do things differently."

Fans are impatient.
As we have a right to be.
Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Slow your roll, my friend.

We have given Bob McNair nearly a decade of profits and support and a sold out stadium. The Texans are one of the most profitable teams in the league. Rumor is that he clears something like $30 million or so from the Texans every single year.

All we ask is that they at least TRY and give us something in return. We have been consistent with our support. Can't they at least ATTEMPT to give us something back?

Sure, we support Kubiak and this team. But how are we supposed to respond when he says that he's not going to even TRY and negotiate a trade for help on our secondary?

Look. I have been a season ticket holder for five years, and have spent upwards of about $10,000 on the Texans franchise alone. That is my choice. I get that. But at some point, they're going to have to start giving us something in return.

How about sending Kubiak an email with a similar tone? Something like, "I pledge to at least LISTEN when people suggest I do things differently."

Fans are impatient.
As we have a right to be.

Do you really think they have not been trying to win? Do you not think they are attempting to put the best possible team out there that they can?

Just because you don't agree with the progress they have made does not mean they are just milking it. the Texans want to win just as bad as we want them to.
Do you really think they have not been trying to win? Do you not think they are attempting to put the best possible team out there that they can?

Just because you don't agree with the progress they have made does not mean they are just milking it. the Texans want to win just as bad as we want them to.

Yes, I do think they are trying to win. You are correct about that.

But, life is all about RESULTS. At my job, your job, everyone else's jobs, it's all about the end result.

Are they trying? Sure.
Are they succeeding? No.
Yes, I do think they are trying to win. You are correct about that.

But, life is all about RESULTS. At my job, your job, everyone else's jobs, it's all about the end result.

Are they trying? Sure.
Are they succeeding? No.

Actually, I think they are succeeding, just not to the degree we want them to. They are improving and are competitive each and every game. Even though they got outplayed and outcoached in the Giants game, every other game they have been in a position to win in the 4th.

When you get real depressed about our team, take a look at Buffalo, Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Tampa Bay...

We will reach the promised land eventually.
Yes, I do think they are trying to win. You are correct about that.

But, life is all about RESULTS. At my job, your job, everyone else's jobs, it's all about the end result.

Are they trying? Sure.
Are they succeeding? No.

Fixed. Maybe bolding the word will help them see it better.
Actually, I think they are succeeding, just not to the degree we want them to. They are improving and are competitive each and every game. Even though they got outplayed and outcoached in the Giants game, every other game they have been in a position to win in the 4th.

When you get real depressed about our team, take a look at Buffalo, Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Tampa Bay...

We will reach the promised land eventually.

See the bolded part of your message.

It's BECAUSE I grew up in Michigan and saw what constant acceptance of meidocrity lead to is why I'm so hard on the Texans. Lions fans for decades accepted their middle-of-the-road finishes, and the end result - after many years - was 0-16.

The good news is that the Lions finally have an outstanding coach in Jim Swartz. He's the real deal.

And that brings up another related point: If there is ANY coach that should get a long leash, it's Swartz. People like to say Kubiak had to start from scratch. Well, trust me, he didn't have nearly the uphill battle that Jim Swartz has. If it takes Jim Swartz 5 years to rebuild the Lions into playoff contenders, so be it. That team was a DISASTER.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Tampa, Oakland and St. Louis have been to a little game called the Super Bowl over the last decade or so. So they have at least tasted success in some form.
See the bolded part of your message.

It's BECAUSE I grew up in Michigan and saw what constant acceptance of meidocrity lead to is why I'm so hard on the Texans. Lions fans for decades accepted their middle-of-the-road finishes, and the end result - after many years - was 0-16.

The good news is that the Lions finally have an outstanding coach in Jim Swartz. He's the real deal.

And that brings up another related point: If there is ANY coach that should get a long leash, it's Swartz. People like to say Kubiak had to start from scratch. Well, trust me, he didn't have nearly the uphill battle that Jim Swartz has. If it takes Jim Swartz 5 years to rebuild the Lions into playoff contenders, so be it. That team was a DISASTER.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Tampa, Oakland and St. Louis have been to a little game called the Super Bowl over the last decade or so. So they have at least tasted success in some form.

Do you really think the fans accepting mediocrity led to Detroits demise? I'm thinking it was the ownership and Matt Millen.

And I think once the Texans have had a decade or so, they will also make a SB appearance. It took NO how long? Arizona took how long?

Look, it is not that I am trying to say that everything is beautiful in Texans land, but it much much better than what we had in the late 90's.

And after the abortion that was CC&C, I started the clock in 2006. How many other teams out there have not made the playoffs since the beginning of 2006?
Do you really think the fans accepting mediocrity led to Detroits demise? I'm thinking it was the ownership and Matt Millen.

And I think once the Texans have had a decade or so, they will also make a SB appearance. It took NO how long? Arizona took how long?

Look, it is not that I am trying to say that everything is beautiful in Texans land, but it much much better than what we had in the late 90's.

And after the abortion that was CC&C, I started the clock in 2006. How many other teams out there have not made the playoffs since the beginning of 2006?

Yes, I do think fans setting the bar too low in Detroit led to their demise. I saw it. It's related to what ownership thinks fans will accept.

I get the New Orleans reference. And I'm tired of it. We should not have to wait 30 years. And, Sean Payton and Gary Kubiak were hired within weeks of each other. It is astonishing what Payton has done in five years.

Sorry, but this team was founded in 2002, not 2006. Yes, we did a re-boot when Kubiak came in, but we can't ignore the overall history of this franchise. This team is not five years old. It's nine.

I agree with you that we will get to a Super Bowl over the next few years. I truly believe it.
But it will be with another coach.
Yes, I do think fans setting the bar too low in Detroit led to their demise. I saw it. It's related to what ownership thinks fans will accept.

I get the New Orleans reference. And I'm tired of it. We should not have to wait 30 years. And, Sean Payton and Gary Kubiak were hired within weeks of each other. It is astonishing what Payton has done in five years.

Sorry, but this team was founded in 2002, not 2006. Yes, we did a re-boot when Kubiak came in, but we can't ignore the overall history of this franchise. This team is not five years old. It's nine.

I agree with you that we will get to a Super Bowl over the next few years. I truly believe it.
But it will be with another coach.

Well, I can't buy into it, but you have a good time enjoying your negativity.
Some fans can't handle the opinions of other fans. Some fans cannot comprehend that other fans might not agree with them, might not like the taste of koolaide, and don't want to join the Sunshine Club or the Fire Kubiak Club.

There is no superior fan and the only inferior fan - IMO - is the bandwagon fan, which are ones that stop watching games, stop caring about the team, and pay no attention to the team unless they are winning. I don't consider any of our forum members to be frontrunners or bandwagon fans. We've lived through a lot of football together, some good and a whole lotta' bad.

A Sunshine Club member is no better and no worse than a Fire Kubiak Club member. Both care deeply about the team, watch every down, schedule life around a football team's schedule, and buy/wear the team's gear.

A fanbase eating it's own is just sad. It creates animosity where there should be fellowship, it creates hatred where there should be love, and to be quite honest, it is arrogant for either side to be condescending about their particular perspective.

We are all different and handle being fans in our own unique way. :worldpeace::texflag: