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shhhhhhh.. quick..hide this. Dont you know that everyone wanted Vince Young before but they didnt say anything cause he wasnt coming out?

:P the hype machine owns your soul
CyberTexan said:
I posted a Poll on this forum about 3 weeks ago as to whom you would rather see us take in the Draft , this was before the Rose Bowl the vote was way more for one than the other now it seems after 1 game alot of you have flip flopped , have a look ( by the way I voted with the majority )

That's pretty funny, actually. :hmmm:

A 25 to 6 ratio at the time... :confused:
all this young crap is exausting me. If the fans keep acting like this with such things as boycotts for not picking young, we will not have a franchise here for very long. Then after that, everyone in Houston will be crying because they want a football franchise.
well apparently no one in Houston will care if we dont have a franchise. If we dont take one in Houston is going to support the team anymore. They would no longer be worthy of the fanbase.. or some other such nonsense.
Grid said:
well apparently no one in Houston will care if we dont have a franchise. If we dont take one in Houston is going to support the team anymore. They would no longer be worthy of the fanbase.. or some other such nonsense.

well...there'll be a few of us left...even if we don't *gasp!* draft Young. Might have to change my name and move and all...but hey, the NFL is worth it. ;)

As exciting as this off-season is becoming, it does bog down with exhaustion. However, I've got a feeling (just a hunch now, no insider info) that Mr. McNair already knows who we are drafting, and it's only a matter of time before he reveals his cards and re-signs Carr to that extension.
I know this Poll wont change the Die hard Young lovers minds but i just wanted you to see how we are baseing our opinions on one game and dont say you didnt know Young was coming out in the draft , most of you had your mind made up right after that Texas game , dont get me wrong I would love to see Young as a Texan but Bush is the safest pick on th board
I think it quite hilarious that you think a vote of only 31 people is even worth mentioning. I didn't vote in that poll, and with several thousand people registered on this site, it looks like the majority chose not to vote. Personally, I didn't vote because I didn't think there was any way Young would come out, and I didn't want Bush at all. I personally don't like the Longhorns, and never have, but Young is a freak of nature. I believe Young will be an all-pro and Bush will never even come close. So, I think this whole thread is a joke.
Grid said:
shhhhhhh.. quick..hide this. Dont you know that everyone wanted Vince Young before but they didnt say anything cause he wasnt coming out?

:P the hype machine owns your soul

LOL, you got that right man.
And how many new "Texans" fans have been trolling the site since the Rose Bowl? Not that people can't join the message boards - just pointing out that a lot of the VY loyalists are "January 2006" members on the boards. Where were they before the Rose Bowl?
What if no one expected him to come out so they just voted Bush...?
doesnt matter if it was 31 people who voted or 1,000 the results would have been the same the majority would have been for Bush that was the buzz on the board back then , so your reply that the post is a joke is your own opinion , I was merely showing what a difference a game makes
the only thing interesting about that poll is the lack of attention/ votes it got. Wow, a whole whopping 31 votes out of 3847 members. Yeah, alot of interest in that poll for sure. Nothing like a 0.8% result, yeah the decimal point IS in the right place, which makes it even LESS than 1% of the current members actually responding. Wow, what a truly interesting representation of the ENTIRE MB mentality...............NOT.

as pointed out by others, at the time of the question it was SPECULATION, due to Young giving no inclination of whether he was going Pro or not.

Lets really go out on a limb and take a poll on whether an elephant would be as fat if it had wings and could fly, why don't we.
CyberTexan said:
doesnt matter if it was 31 people who voted or 1,000 the results would have been the same the majority would have been for Bush that was the buzz on the board back then , so your reply that the post is a joke is your own opinion , I was merely showing what a difference a game makes
I don't agree with that, because It was definite that reggie was coming out, and there was a lot of skepticism about young...Had some of us known young were to be coming out maybe they would have voted differently or, like my self...would have voted at all
ok again the poll said IF both where to come out in the draft " IF " and the ones complaining about there not being enough votes are obviously among the ones that have flipped sense then , besides I expected die hard Young suporters not to like the results and find somthing wrong
I didn't even bother to vote for your poll, so, so sorry, but unable to accommodate your 'flip flop' criteria. I am not a 'die hard Vince Young fan' either. I have actually seen him play in one game this year, the Rose Bowl. So, so sorry, but unable to fit that criteria either.

Like I said, I was interested in your poll alright. I was truly interested in how many people were NOT interested enough to even vote in it, yet all of a sudden you use to it to represent the entire MB voting for Bush.

Get real.
There were definitely a bunch of flip floppers regardless of if they admit it.

But facts are no match to their own beliefs.
thegr8fan said:
the only thing interesting about that poll is the lack of attention/ votes it got. Wow, a whole whopping 31 votes out of 3847 members. Yeah, alot of interest in that poll for sure. Nothing like a 0.8% result, yeah the decimal point IS in the right place, which makes it even LESS than 1% of the current members actually responding. Wow, what a truly interesting representation of the ENTIRE MB mentality...............NOT.

as pointed out by others, at the time of the question it was SPECULATION, due to Young giving no inclination of whether he was going Pro or not.

Lets really go out on a limb and take a poll on whether an elephant would be as fat if it had wings and could fly, why don't we.

Regardless of the attention the Poll got, Cybertexan is right. Bush was the buzz of the board before the Rose Bowl. True, Young hadn't announced but it had been speculated he would come out. Bush went from the best thing since sliced bread to belly button lint in this city in less than 4 hours.

Currently every thread on this board, every article in the newspaper, and every subject on talk radio is about Vince Young. It's frustrating for fans like myself and Cybertexan that didn't let one great performance change our minds overnight.
I give up geeez , you know the polls on this board never draw the whole member base not even 1/8 of it but it seems thats all some people can focus on , I for one cant wait till april comes around and this is all over with and we have picked the player already so this board can be united once again , this whole Bush and Young thing is dividing this board to the point where some people only see one thing and thats theyre own opinion if it sways from what they want its all wrong and they get defensive , all I did was merely show a poll from before the Rose Bowl , excuse the heck out of me geeez unreal
CyberTexan said:
ok again the poll said IF both where to come out in the draft " IF " and the ones complaining about there not being enough votes are obviously among the ones that have flipped sense then , besides I expected die hard Young suporters not to like the results and find somthing wrong
Like I said in my previous post, I did not want Bush before the Rose Bowl, I definately did not want Bush after the Rose Bowl, and I still do not want Bush.
CyberTexan said:
I posted a Poll on this forum about 3 weeks ago as to whom you would rather see us take in the Draft , this was before the Rose Bowl the vote was way more for one than the other now it seems after 1 game alot of you have flip flopped , have a look ( by the way I voted with the majority )
Im proud to say i have not ever thought about changing. Trade down baby:redtowel:
Grid said:
well apparently no one in Houston will care if we dont have a franchise. If we dont take one in Houston is going to support the team anymore. They would no longer be worthy of the fanbase.. or some other such nonsense.
LOL!!! A week ago CC HAD to pick Bush to satisfy the fans, now he MUST pick Vince....
LoneStarState said:
And how many new "Texans" fans have been trolling the site since the Rose Bowl? Not that people can't join the message boards - just pointing out that a lot of the VY loyalists are "January 2006" members on the boards. Where were they before the Rose Bowl?

I am bracing for an acid reflux of 'new Texans fans' that smell of burnt Orange if VY is drafted in April. Some of you know what happend last spring at the litterbox when MJ's (I still can't say his name, for fear of...)HOG FANS just devoured that board. It was total insanity for quite sometime. It was hilarious to witness as a Texans fan over there. Not funny at all if it happens here!
I disagree, Texas defense was only a glimpse of what pro defenses will do to equalize Reggie's speed. Pro defences and even quicker.
You know, back when the no.1 pick was apparently going to fall into our laps the name Bush popped up on this board. I bet 90% of the people here never followed college level ball and never even knew who Bush was until he became the front runner as the no. 1 pick that we were going to take. This got people here all pumped up because everyone across the nation was saying how good this kid really is. He IS a really great player.

The Rose Bowl came upon us and everyone in Houston decided to watch the game and see our new above God running back and watch him mow down the Texas D and watch all our heartaches of this past season be lifted from us because we would now know that we are going to be the shizznitz.
Immediately after the game the talk on the TV about Young actually considering coming out and him having once again an unbelievable game shoving dookie down the Hiesman Club for chose a whack half *** back (sarcasm) when they should have chosen the beast of football (the truth). This talk, done with Houstonians watching made them think wow we could have him here, who is this kid.

So they come the next day to the Texans MB and they open their brains up to the people on this board that shoved a ton of info, truth and fiction, about Vince and Bush. Now we have hundreds, even thousands, of people thinking they know who the best is and they never really even seen these players play.

These two kids have a ton of talent and either one might be good for our team and either one might be bad for our team, we have no idea. I think it is crap that management would actually consider replacing their star QB for a maybe star QB just because some of the Houstonians "know" him and he is local. A team must find something to build its team around and Carr was it. Now the majority of people want to just get rid of Carr because McNair put a very poor coaching staff around him and didn't give him the line he or any QB needs to succeed. Now I'm not saying we should take Bush, trade down, take Young or anything, all I'm saying is we need to take who our team thinks is the best player for our future and if they want to start the build over again then that is okay too but they need to do this for the team not the slice of Houston that "thinks" Young or "thinks" Bush is the man.
rockabilly said:
all this young crap is exausting me. If the fans keep acting like this with such things as boycotts for not picking young, we will not have a franchise here for very long. Then after that, everyone in Houston will be crying because they want a football franchise.

Wait a couple of weeks, things will most likely mellow down, then pick up again a couple of weeks before the actual draft. Right now there's alot of homers (be it Young, Bush, hate this or hate that) venting after a horrible season. :)