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Will Mike Devlin ever be held accountable?

I dont believe he was running the show, because if he was Ricky would still be here and BOB would be gone. Good news is we will be able to see what was going on in a couple of yrs. Sad thing is it didn't look like much has changed this offseason, so you may be right.

Rick not being here, O'Brien getting an extension, O'Brien's friend promoted to GM is not proof enough? Every member of the staff is Penn St or Patriots or somehow tied to O'Briend.
Rick not being here, O'Brien getting an extension, O'Brien's friend promoted to GM is not proof enough?

Ricky not being here after a 4-12 season should tell you what you need to know. he was running the show. Ricky fired Gaine, do you think BOB wanted to fire Gaine? BOB is now running the show, hence Gaine being brought back in.
As we've already gone over, Rick didn't up and decide to toss his acquired talent. O'Brien's turn started when he walked in the door and started handing out pink slips.
Ricky not being here after a 4-12 season should tell you what you need to know. he was running the show. Ricky fired Gaine, do you think BOB wanted to fire Gaine? BOB is now running the show, hence Gaine being brought back in.

What I saw without Romeo told me all I needed to know.
As we've already gone over, Rick didn't up and decide to toss his acquired talent. O'Brien's turn started when he walked in the door and started handing out pink slips.

So you think BOB was on board with firing Gaine?
Was he fired? I didn't think he was. I thought he got an offer from the Bills and took it despite being the same position.

Who let Gaine leave for a lateral position and why would Gaine want to leave for a lateral position if BOB was running the show? Particularly if BOB/Gaine were such great friends?
Who let Gaine leave for a lateral position and why would Gaine want to leave for a lateral position if BOB was running the show? Particularly if BOB/Gaine were such great friends?
here's your answers...
Brian Gaine, the Texans' director of player personnel, has been hired by the Buffalo Bills as their vice president of player personnel.

Gaine, a New York native, interviewed for the Buffalo general manager's job two weeks ago that went to Brandon Beane. The Bills were impressed enough to offer Gaine an opportunity to work with Beane and new assistant general manager Jim Schoen.

"It's generally a pretty lateral move, but Brian was excited about building this and starting this," Beane told the Bills' web site. "I think partnering with me and Joe was attractive.

"I know Brian and who he is to the core and trust that he's going to be a big-time asset."

Gaine and Schoen worked together with the New York Jets.
Under league rules, the Texans could have kept Gaine, who did a terrific job as general manager Rick Smith's right-hand man.

The Texans gave Gaine permission to accept the job because it's a promotion in title and a raise and places him closer to his family in Pearl River, N.Y.

you won't like this answer because it doesn't have the drama queen flavor you seem to like so much
here's your answers...


you won't like this answer because it doesn't have the drama queen flavor you seem to like so much

If BOB was in charge Gaine would've stayed. (they were friends)Nbody moves to Buffalo willingly and if being home meant so much to his wife he wouldn't have moved back to Houston. Jimmy Raye was a classic Ricky hire.

Believe what you want. Ricky was re-assigned for a reason (not only his wife) BOB got a contract extension for a reason. Think what you want, we will find out soon enough by draft picks made. I like what they did but would've done things differently and FA which I really didn't like much.

@McClain_on_NFL: Bill O'Brien will definitely return as coach. Texans expected 2 go outside the organization 4 Rick Smith's replacement. Keep an eye on Brian Gaine, who was fired by Smith after last season and was hired by Buffalo. He's highly respected by O'Brien and others in the organization.
@McClain_on_NFL: Bill O'Brien will definitely return as coach. Texans expected 2 go outside the organization 4 Rick Smith's replacement. Keep an eye on Brian Gaine, who was fired by Smith after last season and was hired by Buffalo. He's highly respected by O'Brien and others in the organization.
Is this a tweet? I'm just asking, not saying you made it up or anything. I know how wonky it can be (for me anyway) to try and copy/paste tweets
@McClain_on_NFL: Bill O'Brien will definitely return as coach. Texans expected 2 go outside the organization 4 Rick Smith's replacement. Keep an eye on Brian Gaine, who was fired by Smith after last season and was hired by Buffalo. He's highly respected by O'Brien and others in the organization.
And in a podcast interview last mid season (unfortunately since taken down), Chris Meyers stated that it was common knowledge to the players that O'Brien wanted Duane Brown, but Rick Smith purposefully sabotaged the re-signing of Brown, for the sole purpose of trying to get O'Brien fired. This was consistent with statements that Brown made re. really enjoying playing under O'Brien and his coaching staff.
Looks like these guys on Reddit talk about the Myers podcast in this thread below.

Interesting how Myers didn't like O'Brien's coaching and speculated on who's fault the dumbass personnel decisions on offense is (appears the players don't even know)

Chris Myers on 610 Suggested R.Smith Won't Extend Duane to Torpedo Bill O

Chris was on with Cody and Lopez today when I was at lunch and he was talking about how from all reports Rick and Bill do not get a long at all and then said he wouldn't be surprised if Rick not Bill is the one being stubborn about the new contract. After he was gone and presumably said even more off air, the guys were saying its pretty shocking , but they wouldn't be surprised if smith wanted Bill to tank so he could fire him (Rick Smith not being worried about taking blame with himself being essentially un-fireable b/c reasons)

Heard this too on my lunch. Said they'd have the interview on their website later. Meyers made a point of how he didnt like how the scheme and players changed week to week. even after being in the league for 10 years, it took him 4-5 weeks to get accustomed to Bill's scheme and ways of doing things. The other glaring issue brought up was how we let Ben Jones and Brandon Brooks walk, which one we have replacement for, but Brooks over Su'a Filo or Allen would be really nice right now. Rick Smith might be the problem with this organization but unfortunately he's good enough to not be seriously questioned and connected to the McNair family enough that he gets lots of wiggle room. I think time will tell, especially if they part ways with Bill and his trajectory post-Texans. If anything, the **** talent at OLine is his fault.
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Looks like these guys on Reddit talk about the Myers podcast in this thread below.

Interesting how Myers didn't like O'Brien's coaching and speculated on who's fault the dumbass personnel decisions on offense is (appears the players don't even know)

Chris Myers on 610 Suggested R.Smith Won't Extend Duane to Torpedo Bill O

Chris was on with Cody and Lopez today when I was at lunch and he was talking about how from all reports Rick and Bill do not get a long at all and then said he wouldn't be surprised if Rick not Bill is the one being stubborn about the new contract. After he was gone and presumably said even more off air, the guys were saying its pretty shocking , but they wouldn't be surprised if smith wanted Bill to tank so he could fire him (Rick Smith not being worried about taking blame with himself being essentially un-fireable b/c reasons)

Heard this too on my lunch. Said they'd have the interview on their website later. Meyers made a point of how he didnt like how the scheme and players changed week to week. even after being in the league for 10 years, it took him 4-5 weeks to get accustomed to Bill's scheme and ways of doing things. The other glaring issue brought up was how we let Ben Jones and Brandon Brooks walk, which one we have replacement for, but Brooks over Su'a Filo or Allen would be really nice right now. Rick Smith might be the problem with this organization but unfortunately he's good enough to not be seriously questioned and connected to the McNair family enough that he gets lots of wiggle room. I think time will tell, especially if they part ways with Bill and his trajectory post-Texans. If anything, the **** talent at OLine is his fault.

I'm really going to give O'Brien the benefit of the doubt....for this season. As far as his tenure with RS, one statement that really stood out to me is when O'Brien said, "I coach the guys I'm given". That's fairly profound when analyzing this situation. It would lead me to think that O'Brien didn't have nearly the amount of say as some would like to think in regards to personnel decisions. Another moment that had me question things...that photo/video of the 2017 NFL Draft when it was announced that Houston had traded up and selected Watson. The only person in the War Room showing any positive emotion, was Smith.....he was damn near ready to break out the "robot dance" moves in celebration while the rest of the room just sat there with stunned looks on their faces. Of course, after the fact.....O'Brien announced he was for this trade all along, which that photo/video would say otherwise. Anyhow, it was a great trade b/c it netted the Texans their "Franchise QB" but it also left the Texans with a poor OL and no RD1/RD2 picks in the 2018 NFL Draft to fix it.

Could RS had planned on sabotaging O'Brien's chances at holding his job beyond 2017? Well, it was RS who demanded O'Brien start Savage over Watson even though O'Brien had recognized what Watson could bring to the team. Did RS think Savage was going to survive behind the OL he'd picked? Maybe he had high hopes that O'Brien would be fired right away, thus allowing him to hire his own guy and then get Watson on the field right away.....maybe even with Brown as well. If there is any chance that this scenario could be the way things went down, then justice was served. RS was finally pushed out. McNair's didn't want to find a replacement for O'Brien and figured it would be easier to get a GM that would work with O'Brien versus against him. Enter Brian Gaine, whom O'Brien might've had a say in with the McNair's.

2018 was RS's final legacy in his "Sabotage O'Brien" plan b/c he also removed both the RD1 and RD2 picks when the OL needed the most attention. I do like how Gaine and O'Brien addressed their first draft together with such limited resources. They'll have 2018 to see how this works out but most importantly, they have a full complement of picks, plus one, for now in 2019. This when the grading pencil comes out.
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Another moment that had me question things...that photo/video of the 2017 NFL Draft when it was announced that Houston had traded up and selected Watson. The only person in the War Room sowing any positive emotion was Smith.....he was damn breaking out the "robot dance" moves in celebration while the rest of the room just sat there with stunned looks on their faces. Of course, after the fact.....O'Brien announced he was for this trade all along, which that photo/video would say otherwise.

That picture didn’t say anything. Anyone can take a snap shot at the perfect moment to fit their agenda. When has O’Brien ever been this oh so jolly/cheerful guy? He always has a poker face on which he obviously got from Belichic. O’Brien also revealed that he wanted to start Watson all along but Rick Smith wanted Savage as the starter.
That picture didn’t say anything. Anyone can take a snap shot at the perfect moment to fit their agenda. When has O’Brien ever been this oh so jolly/cheerful guy? He always has a poker face on which he obviously got from Belichic. O’Brien also revealed that he wanted to start Watson all along but Rick Smith wanted Savage as the starter.

It was the video that was even more telling. I understand a poker face, but no one in that room room showed any emotion except RS. A poker face is no longer required when an agreed upon target has been selected.....hell, let the champagne corks fly.

Now, Watson might've been on their collective boards but it's very possible O'Brien wasn't on board with the trade to get there.....on draft night.
It was the video that was even more telling. I understand a poker face, but no one in that room room showed any emotion except RS. A poker face is no longer required when an agreed upon target has been selected.....hell, let the champagne corks fly.

Now, Watson might've been on their collective boards but it's very possible O'Brien wasn't on board with the trade to get there.....on draft night.

People were reporting on twitter that there was a lot of tension in the room. I don't know if it's because Rick made that pick on his own, but it certainly seems plausible
It was the video that was even more telling. I understand a poker face, but no one in that room room showed any emotion except RS. A poker face is no longer required when an agreed upon target has been selected.....hell, let the champagne corks fly.

Now, Watson might've been on their collective boards but it's very possible O'Brien wasn't on board with the trade to get there.....on draft night.
Perhaps. That we will never know...
I'm really going to give O'Brien the benefit of the doubt....for this season. As far as his tenure with RS, one statement that really stood out to me is when O'Brien said, "I coach the guys I'm given". That's fairly profound when analyzing this situation. It would lead me to think that O'Brien didn't have nearly the amount of say as some would like to think in regards to personnel decisions. Another moment that had me question things...that photo/video of the 2017 NFL Draft when it was announced that Houston had traded up and selected Watson. The only person in the War Room showing any positive emotion, was Smith.....he was damn near ready to break out the "robot dance" moves in celebration while the rest of the room just sat there with stunned looks on their faces. Of course, after the fact.....O'Brien announced he was for this trade all along, which that photo/video would say otherwise. Anyhow, it was a great trade b/c it netted the Texans their "Franchise QB" but it also left the Texans with a poor OL and no RD1/RD2 picks in the 2018 NFL Draft to fix it.

Could RS had planned on sabotaging O'Brien's chances at holding his job beyond 2017? Well, it was RS who demanded O'Brien start Savage over Watson even though O'Brien had recognized what Watson could bring to the team. Did RS think Savage was going to survive behind the OL he'd picked? Maybe he had high hopes that O'Brien would be fired right away, thus allowing him to hire his own guy and then get Watson on the field right away.....maybe even with Brown as well. If there is any chance that this scenario could be the way things went down, then justice was served. RS was finally pushed out. McNair's didn't want to find a replacement for O'Brien and figured it would be easier to get a GM that would work with O'Brien versus against him. Enter Brian Gaine, whom O'Brien might've had a say in with the McNair's.

2018 was RS's final legacy in his "Sabotage O'Brien" plan b/c he also removed both the RD1 and RD2 picks when the OL needed the most attention. I do like how Gaine and O'Brien addressed their first draft together with such limited resources. They'll have 2018 to see how this works out but most importantly, they have a full complement of picks, plus one, for now in 2019. This when the grading pencil comes out.

So much silly speculation going on here. Lol
I'm no Rick fan, but I'm less likely to give OBrien a pass and blame Rick Smith because:

1. Crennel had no problem building great units with Rick (nor did Kubiak and Wade for that matter)

2. A lot of the worst moves were getting rid of guys Rick previously acquired (Brandon Brooks for example) so I doubt he made a lot of those calls

3. O'Brien was billed as a QB guru but couldnt find a good one until Rick allegedly drafted Watson on his own.

4. You can't blame Rick for the QB carousels, although someone tried to blame him for Savage starting over watson

5. You can't blame Rick for bad clock management, conservative playcalling, or running Lamar Miller up the middle repeatedly.

6. Two linemen (Brooks and Myers) have said they don't like his coaching. Granted other players have been supportive.

7. The moves with Gaine on the offensive side have been underwhelming, but the defensive pickups have been good. The OL is still bad, Weeden was brought back, RB wasn't addressed, and they drafted TEs who can't block.
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I'm no Rick fan, but I'm less likely to give OBrien a pass and blame Rick Smith because:

1. Crennel had no problem building great units with Rick (nor did Kubiak and Wade for that matter)

2. A lot of the worst moves were getting rid of guys Rick previously acquired (Brandon Brooks for example) so I doubt he made a lot of those calls

3. O'Brien was billed as a QB guru but couldnt find a good one until Rick allegedly drafted Watson on his own.

4. You can't blame Rick for the QB carousels, although someone tried to blame him for Savage starting over watson

5. You can't blame Rick for bad clock management, conservative playcalling, or running Lamar Miller up the middle repeatedly.

6. Two linemen (Brooks and Myers) have said they don't like his coaching. Granted other players have been supportive.

7. The moves with Gaine on the offensive side have been underwhelming, but the defensive pickups have been good. The OL is still bad, Weeden was brought back, RB wasn't addressed, and they drafted TEs who can't block.
You make some thougtful points KDog but I do disagree with the criticism of Gaine if it's made after you've taken into consideration that he's had no picks until the the third round of his one and only Draft.
You make some thougtful points KDog but I do disagree with the criticism of Gaine if it's made after you've taken into consideration that he's had no picks until the the third round of his one and only Draft.

I didn't mean it as a criticism of gaine. I love the defensive moves they made this off-season.
Looks like these guys on Reddit talk about the Myers podcast in this thread below.

Interesting how Myers didn't like O'Brien's coaching and speculated on who's fault the dumbass personnel decisions on offense is (appears the players don't even know)

Chris Myers on 610 Suggested R.Smith Won't Extend Duane to Torpedo Bill O

Chris was on with Cody and Lopez today when I was at lunch and he was talking about how from all reports Rick and Bill do not get a long at all and then said he wouldn't be surprised if Rick not Bill is the one being stubborn about the new contract. After he was gone and presumably said even more off air, the guys were saying its pretty shocking , but they wouldn't be surprised if smith wanted Bill to tank so he could fire him (Rick Smith not being worried about taking blame with himself being essentially un-fireable b/c reasons.

Heard this too on my lunch. Said they'd have the interview on their website later. Meyers made a point of how he didnt like how the scheme and players changed week to week. even after being in the league for 10 years, it took him 4-5 weeks to get accustomed to Bill's scheme and ways of doing things. The other glaring issue brought up was how we let Ben Jones and Brandon Brooks walk, which one we have replacement for, but Brooks over Su'a Filo or Allen would be really nice right now. Rick Smith might be the problem with this organization but unfortunately he's good enough to not be seriously questioned and connected to the McNair family enough that he gets lots of wiggle room. I think time will tell, especially if they part ways with Bill and his trajectory post-Texans. If anything, the **** talent at OLine is his fault.

I'm no Rick fan, but I'm less likely to give OBrien a pass and blame Rick Smith because:

2. A lot of the worst moves were getting rid of guys Rick previously acquired (Brandon Brooks for example) so I doubt he made a lot of those calls

I've tried to dispel this over the years................From my post on the subject just this past Jan:

Let's put the Brooks faux pas exactly where it belongs. He was hospitalized multiple times during his last season with the Texans reported as severe gasto-intestinal problems. In fact, every game, he had to be pushed onto the field. Why? because of fear. Our medical staff never correctly diagnosed his underlying problem, focusing only on his GI problems (the secondary result of his underlying problem). The next year, after being picked up by another team, their medical staff finally successfully worked him up and found that he suffered from "severe anxiety disorder." Once he was appropriately treated with medication and behavioral therapy, he went on to become a ProBowler.

Then in Feb:

As far as Brooks, as I've posted before, when the medical staff failed to correctly diagnose Brook's serious medical issue correctly, the coaching staff would have been as in the dark as fans.
So has this 'stellar' medical staff been dismissed/replaced/improved??

Man, I hope they weren't from Methodist.... That would make one of their sponsor (Methodist is still kind of a sponsor right?) look pretty sad.
So has this 'stellar' medical staff been dismissed/replaced/improved??

Man, I hope they weren't from Methodist.... That would make one of their sponsor (Methodist is still kind of a sponsor right?) look pretty sad.
The Texans medical staff are made up of members of the Methodist Hospital System and have remained essentially unchanged.

"severe anxiety disorder." - panic attacks, right ? All in your head, but it ain't no joke.
This condition can be the butt of jokes, but if you've ever known someone who has formally carried this diagnosis, you know that it can totally paralyze some to the point that it is terribly debilitating to everyday existence. Once serious medical conditions are ruled out, diagnosis is not all that difficult. And once the diagnosis is established, proper behaviorial and medicinal therapies must be instituted in order to treat the condition.

In Brook's case, he was diagnosed with the primary condition being gastrointestinal dysfunction with resultant ulcers............where, in fact, his primary undiagnosed condition was panic disorder with resultant gastrointestinal disfunction.

For anyone interested, here is an excellent understandable review of PANIC DISORDER.
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