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who is the texans most hated/rivaled team????

people could say the same thing about jacksonville? what is that?????

i dont think the that the cardinals have any real rivalries they cant beat anybody

the last team the jags think about is the texans although the team looks up to jax in how they handled the expansion and carolina, the titans are the jags big rival they hate eachother

i dont personally know that the texans already have a heated rival just wondering who will be their biggest rival

whats up with the wise crack about the superbowl being in jax??????
TexanExile said:
People probably say the same thing about the Jags! :shrug:

I gotta go with the Titans, for now. There's enough REASON there for a rivalry, even if there isn't a lot of rival-type history for the Texans yet.

I like the Jags to be our chief rivals. I think both teams are rising at the same time.

I obviously was kidding about the Cards. The Cardinals have been around for what 80+ years and they really do not have a rival? I guess you have to win for another team to hate you.
Looking back on the season now.

our rivals
Jags.. to me we have solidified a rivalry this season.. we knocked them out of playoff contention. This is our rivalry no question.. Think back of all the vicious hits they have laid on us and what we have laid on them. Plus we still have players from their team (Payne,Walker)

Colts... running up the score accusations against us the 1st time has got our blood boilng

Cowboys.. Football is big in Texas and Bragging rights are a big thing here. Besides Cowboys have always been the pride and joy of Texas.. Houston teams seem to be "step child" of the Texas media. Dallas was always the good son (winning superbowls) and Houston is known as the bad son that did things wrong (losing in playoffs)

Titans.. IMO only to the fans. Yes they are division rivals, but it isn't like Cleveland -Ravens... When I think of Titan-Texan rivalry... it is along the lines of the Colts and Raven's rivalry..but a step above being we play the titans twice a year.. if the Titans were in playoff contention this season and we knocked them out (or vise versa) then a rivalry would develope.. BTW is McNair the only one left know of the Oiler days?
I'd generally agree with Wolf, with the exception of the Colts because scoreboard we are 0-6 against them & until we can at least split the season and influence the playoffs vs them its just another conference game.

the Jags gotta be hating the Texans however, having directly snuffed out their playoffs last year in the process sweeping them like sand under the rug.
Jaguars, Jaguars, Jaguars!!! I HATE THEM...I foam at the mouth like a dog with rabbies when it comes time to play them...I will surely be flying in from Denver for that game next year.
I still hate the cowboys but i believe KC is turning into a big rival not the biggest yet,so lets say the Titans right now juse because of the history of them,ofcourse that might also just be me because after they left Houston i didn't follow and had to go without a football till the Texans came along
id definatly say the Jags. The Cowboys and Titans are a fan thing..we like to see them get beaten by our team.. but the Jags are a fan thing AND a player thing. The Texans players dont like the jags much either.. and you can see it when these two teams play.

Texans Vs. Jaguars is definatly our biggest rivalry right now, and I look forward to it twice a year for years to come :)
What's wrong with you people???
The Jags are obviously our biggest rival! Hasn't anybody seen the last two games we've played against them at reliant. There was a fight after every play in the last quarter. We hate 'em. They hate us. I make it a point to attend at least that game every year. They had me so pi$$ed this year I wanted to jump out of the stands. (figured Kris Brown might need a little help with that d-lineman he got into it with)

*%@# The Jags!!
Rivaled .. 1. Jags - because of their fans mostly (99.5% of them anyway)
... as for the team itself, they will need to step it up a notch if they want to rival us!
Hated .. 2. Colts - because they are so standoff-ish and unloveable. :)
Jags hands down. It is sure fun to post SCOREBOARD, OWNED or 41-6 over on their homey board. :whistle: Sure starches their panties. :woot
Grid, Sassy, Wolf and TMac make great points. I like the rabidity (is that a real word?) of Texans Pride. :thumbup
David had a great one liner about Jags and Xmas cards. Can't remember it verbatim, but it was good. Kinda summed up how our boys felt about the Teal Litterbox.
777texans said:
I'd say either the Jags. cause that sereis is tied 2-2

Texans lead the series 4-2.

There can't be a rivalry between two teams that play each other once every 4 years. Heated, yes...but not with that playing gap.

Rivalries are built within the conference....and Jax gets the vote from me.
D-ReK said:
the titans are cowboys are definitley our biggest rivals...this is the year when the titans get their payback...

get their payback are you crazy ??? I doubt there team will be MUCH better than last years.
Vinny said:
Cowboys? I just can't consider a team we play twice a decade a "heated rival". How can you have a big rivalry with a team you rarely play? Rivals are formed when you have something on the line and another team takes something important from you. This just isn't going to happen unless we meet in the Super Bowl.
Exactly. The geography and rivalry as the 2 biggest Texas metros competing for Fortune 500 HDQs amoung other things is there and that created the potential for an NFL rivalry, but the teams being in different conference makes all those factors moot.
The Texans most hated rival to date has to be the Jacksonville Jaguars.They play dirty and claim that we do the same.I hate the Cowboys more than any team in any sport personally. :thumbdown

We claim they play dirty
They claim we play dirty

We think it's a rivalry
They dont think it's a rivalry

Game 1: Texans 20 Jaguars 6
Game 2: Texans 21 Jaguars 0

Maybe someone should start telling Jacksonville to take it like a rivalry...
texansfan88 said:

Maybe someone should start telling Jacksonville to take it like a rivalry...
.. I say, let's keep it our little secret!
Texan281 said:
I'm going to go with the Jag-offs... It's ALMOST always a close game every time we play, they are in the division, and they are a young, rising team like us. The series is tied 2-2.
I think we're actually winning that series 4-2.
Honestly, you don't have a rival yet. A "rival" in the traditional sense goes both ways. What team hates you as equally as you hate them?

Dallas? We were embarrassed to lose to you 19-10 in your first game but that had more to do with losing to an expansion team...not an expansion team from Houston.

Tennessee? They took your team but what have you taken from them?

Jacksonville? They offered several players in the expansion draft and play in the same division but that doesn't make a "rivalry".

New England? Can't say they're a rival because you don't like their fans. That would make them the rival for just about every team in the league. Nobody likes their fans.

In the end, I think y'all are going to have a tremendous rivalry between the Titans and Jaguars. It's just going to take time.
The Titans are the Texans' main rival. Followed by Jacksonville.

The inaugural season-opener for the Houston Texans: Beat the Cowboys. How could life be any sweeter?
Huge said:
Honestly, you don't have a rival yet. A "rival" in the traditional sense goes both ways. What team hates you as equally as you hate them?

Dallas? We were embarrassed to lose to you 19-10 in your first game but that had more to do with losing to an expansion team...not an expansion team from Houston.

Tennessee? They took your team but what have you taken from them?

Jacksonville? They offered several players in the expansion draft and play in the same division but that doesn't make a "rivalry".

New England? Can't say they're a rival because you don't like their fans. That would make them the rival for just about every team in the league. Nobody likes their fans.

In the end, I think y'all are going to have a tremendous rivalry between the Titans and Jaguars. It's just going to take time.

Dallas and Houston will always be rivals no matter what. No matter what sport it is, Dallas and Houston will always be that way.

Tennessee wasn't really a rivalry until this year when we ripped them a new one. I don't think they're too happy with us after this season. So we're kinda, sorta rivals.

Jacksonville is DEFINITELY our biggest rival. We may not have taken or given much to them but both teams seem to play harder. Every game is a dog fight with a play-off atmosphere.

As far as New England goes, it's more like a friendly competition that brings out the best in both teams. The Pats know they have to bring their "A" game or get punched in the mouth. And they help us by bringing out our full potential.

So in the end:
-We will never like Dallas. (unless they take football away from us again!)
-Don't really care about Tennessee.
-Love hating and pounding on Jacksonville.
-Love watching New England barely escape with their lives
well huge the question is what is OUR biggest rival. SO .. while we may not yet have a "traditional" rivalry.. I think most people agree that a rivalry is shaping up between us and Jacksonville. And if things continue on this course.. with us beating up on Jville .. and we eventually make the Playoffs over them.. I think they are going to start hating us just as much as we hate them :).
texansrule2222 said:
Id say the Colts. They run up the score. But i would also say the Titans cus i hate them with a passion.

I don't understand why people get so upset with other teams "running up the score" (not directing this towards you texansrule2222). If you don't like the team scoring on you. . . STOP THEM....This is football, not polo, this is not a gentleman's game.

And as much as I would love for it to be the Colts, it just can't be.......We do nothing to keep them from doing anything....It's like a scrimmage for them when they play us, but that will soon change! :woot
My Bad. Its the Titans and Cowboys. No question.
When we play these two teams it has nothing to do with stats, records, etc. but with pride and pride alone. Those 2 teams are the texans most hated teams along with us being theres. Still thing this thread is point-less since everyone knows this already!!
Dannyboy81 said:
My Bad. Its the Titans and Cowboys. No question.
When we play these two teams it has nothing to do with stats, records, etc. but with pride and pride alone. Those 2 teams are the texans most hated teams along with us being theres. Still thing this thread is point-less since everyone knows this already!!

Nothing else needed to say there.
For now, I have to say our big rivalry is with the Colts since we are trying to get a playoff spot this season. Of course there is always room for blood rivals like the flaming thumbtacs and the Cowboy Cheerleaders.
Dallas and Houston will always be rivals no matter what. No matter what sport it is, Dallas and Houston will always be that way.

Dallas/Houston - Yes

Cowboys/Texans - No

well huge the question is what is OUR biggest rival. SO .. while we may not yet have a "traditional" rivalry.. I think most people agree that a rivalry is shaping up between us and Jacksonville. And if things continue on this course.. with us beating up on Jville .. and we eventually make the Playoffs over them.. I think they are going to start hating us just as much as we hate them

Agreed. I think a rivalry with Jacksonville will grow into something bigger than that of Tennessee because of the rising status of Houston and Jacksonville. The Titans are rapidly becoming what will be known as the whipping post for the other teams in the AFC South. Games between Houston and Tennessee just won't mean much in the near future because not much will be riding on it. But games between the Texans and Jags could determine the AFC South Champs. That's what the great rivalries are based on.

My Bad. Its the Titans and Cowboys. No question.
When we play these two teams it has nothing to do with stats, records, etc. but with pride and pride alone. Those 2 teams are the texans most hated teams along with us being theres. Still thing this thread is point-less since everyone knows this already!!

Umm, no...and it's not even close. Washington is and always will be our most hated rival. It's been that way for decades and will continue to be so. Philly is a not-to-distant 2nd followed by the Giants. I'd even throw the 49ers in there ahead of any team from Houston (Oilers or Texans).

And more times than not, when the Cowboys and Texans play each other, stats, records, etc. will be thrown out because it'll be all about trying to impress the coaches during a pre-season game. Winning pre-season games has nothing to do with pride.
I'm interested to see how the Titans draft to replace all the players they will lose this year and how Coach Chow works out. I've always been a McNair fan and think as long as he's playing he gives them a fighting chance but I believe the Jags and Texans have the makings of a really good rivalry. As the Texans improve I do expect the rivalry to pick up also with the Colts. A s for the Cowboys and Texans you're right Huge. The Cowboys chief rival has been and will continue to be the Redskins.
#1: Texans vs Titians
Partly because they are in our division and mainly because the dooshbag Bud Adams ran off with our team. It feels so so so good beating these guys.

#2: Houston vs Dallas
Not so much about the football teams but more about the Cities. Personally I would rather beat Dallas than any other team. Even though the Cowboys are garbage right now it still feels great defeating them.
Are they a traditional rivalry. No.
Do we have a long history playing them. No.
Do we play them very often. No.
Your right Cowboys-Redskin is the bigger rivaly because of history and because all Division games matter.
That fact that we only get a shot at them every few years makes the game mean that much more. Also "Cowboy fan" the reason we enjoy beating you so much is that your fans are so annoying.

#3 Texans vs Jags
Mainly because in the past they have shown our team little to no respect. Even though we repeatedly pound on these guys. Also they are a young and coming team like ours.

#4 Texans vs Colts
We have to beat them before we can really call them a rival. But they are in our division so the road to the Playoffs goes through the Colts. When we beat them for the first time it is going to be very sweet. Hope we don't have to wait long.

The Oilers #1 rival was the Pittsburg Steelers followed closely by the Browns. years of playing against them and years of heart breaking loses (and some sweet victories)
LBC_Justin said:
#1: Texans vs Titians
Partly because they are in our division and mainly because the dooshbag Bud Adams ran off with our team. It feels so so so good beating these guys.

#2: Houston vs Dallas
Not so much about the football teams but more about the Cities. Personally I would rather beat Dallas than any other team. Even though the Cowboys are garbage right now it still feels great defeating them.
Are they a traditional rivalry. No.
Do we have a long history playing them. No.
Do we play them very often. No.
Your right Cowboys-Redskin is the bigger rivaly because of history and because all Division games matter.
That fact that we only get a shot at them every few years makes the game mean that much more. Also "Cowboy fan" the reason we enjoy beating you so much is that your fans are so annoying.

#3 Texans vs Jags
Mainly because in the past they have shown our team little to no respect. Even though we repeatedly pound on these guys. Also they are a young and coming team like ours.

#4 Texans vs Colts
We have to beat them before we can really call them a rival. But they are in our division so the road to the Playoffs goes through the Colts. When we beat them for the first time it is going to be very sweet. Hope we don't have to wait long.

The Oilers #1 rival was the Pittsburg Steelers followed closely by the Browns. years of playing against them and years of heart breaking loses (and some sweet victories)

Wow, that is a long list of rivalries, maybe we should just add every opponent that we play to the list :woot :) :woot

No offense intended LBC_Justin, just giving you a hard time :banana:
Its still the Titans and Cowboys.

I used to live in H-town but now moved up to north texas in cowboy land. I tell you man . . . . . . . . if someone just woke-up and turned on their T.V. sets that day when the Texans played againest the Cowboys in 2002 you would have thought that was the Superbowl!!!! Before we got players/coaches/ etc. that game was all that counted!! Even if we lost everygame after that!! You all remember everyone talking about this game way, way, way before it happened.
Does any one remmber what happened when we scrimmaged, just scrimmaged the Cowboys. 10 fights broke out along with 6 players being removed from it for behavior and also 6 injuries relating from it. Someone please tell me the heard about this too!!! I know ya'll had to of saw, heard, or read about it. Doesn't matter if its a superbowl, reg. season game, pre-season game, or just a freakin scrimmage!!!

Anyway, make-pretend the cowboys and texans are in the same division . . . how many of you could actually say the redskins would still be the more hated team. Thats right!! NONE!!! Im telling you man. When these Titans/Cowboys play us its like two different superbowls. The governors bowl and the H-town bowl!!

Man . . . . . people who know (or don't know) about football, texas, and houston are all aware of three teams in football. The Texans, Cowboys, and the old-Oilers(Titans). These games would be sold out no matter if both of the teams are having a losing season!!

Houstonians hate taxes, hate traffic, hate humidty, hate Cowboys, and most of all . . . hate teams choking in big sports games (like the Oilers/Titans).

The Cowboys and the Titans . . . . . holla if you hatem brutha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holla if you feel me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jam: :jam: :jam:
I remember the fight, in preseason... personally I don't see the same intensity of rivalry of Cowboys-Texans as is with Jags-Texans..

Cowboys-Texan rivalry is only intense with the fans. Yeah stuff was made of it on the 1st game we everplayed,but that was an expansion team trying to get an identity and not show we could be pushed around.

When we start knocking people out of the playoffs and ruining their season, and vice versa.. then we see rivalries develop. Teamwise AND fan wise..

only one I see that does both team and fan is Jaguars (and both cities hate each other)

Nasty hits develp in Jags/texan games... we and them still play professional against titans and cowboys