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Where are the 8-8 or better posters now?

I admit that I was under the influance of the new coach fumes and I was over optimistic. That said I can say after 2 games we are worse than we were last year.
Don't be a hater! I still think that they will get the "majority" of their wins in the second half of the season.:homer:
I predicted 5 games at the beginning, but I think we might be 2 and 14 again......just goes to show you that no matter what coaching staff you bring in the team will suck if the personnel sucks.
I sure was hoping. I didn't think the Giants would be that good. (But I knew they are a good team.)
ojthecat said:
I admit that I was under the influance of the new coach fumes and I was over optimistic. That said I can say after 2 games we are worse than we were last year.

That is a bold statement. Do you remember the Buffalo and Pittsburgh games last year?
Right here. I think we have a very good run in the second half of the season. We probably won't do as well as I thought we would but I think by the end of the year we're mostly going to making fun of all the guys who are coming unglued over 0-2.

So many of you guys (not talking to you highroller28, just "talking") seem to think this junk happens overnight or something. You act like one camp, a preseason, and two games should have us looking like the Broncos last year but you take nothing into account. You ignore roster turnover, system (offensive and defensive) turnover, and simple things like how we played ok in the preseason but in case nobody noticed Kubiak didn't find his running backs until after the final cut (Dayne) and after the first game of the year (Gado). Then you freak out because we have no running game.

Didn't you think Kubiak saw that? He went out and got new backs even though our guys were tearing it up in the preseason. Wonder why that was? Maybe he thought to himself "This looks ok for now but we can do better" or something along those lines.

It's two games in but I don't feel like I did last year after we lost to Pittsburgh. The reason is that last year we were really 50 games into the Dom Capers era after that Pittsburgh beating, not just 2 games into 2005.

We're two games into the Gary Kubiak era right now. Do you know where we were two games into the Dom Capers era? We were coming back from San Diego after having been beaten into tiny little pieces. Dom's regime peaked at 7-9 in their third year.

Building anything takes time. It won't take nearly as long to build this time and our talent level isn't the dregs so many people are making it out to be. They've just got to be taught and "un-taught" before they can perform at the level we (all of us including I'm sure Gary Kubiak) expect them to perform at.
I still think we are a 6-10 team or a 7-9 team. The Pass D needs to get better, but I think we can still get to 6 or 7 wins.
highroller28 said:
Who's still sticking to their lofty ambitions and who admits to having a brainfart of catastrophic proportions?

Nothing like a virtual stoning in the public square. This will no doubt help the dialogue on this board.
I'm right here I've said 8-8 sence OTA's and I've stated why in many other threads. It a long season and we are TWO FRIGGEN games into it get over the losses and get ready for Wash.
Hervoyel said:
Right here. I think we have a very good run in the second half of the season. We probably won't do as well as I thought we would but I think by the end of the year we're mostly going to making fun of all the guys who are coming unglued over 0-2.

So many of you guys (not talking to you highroller28, just "talking") seem to think this junk happens overnight or something. You act like one camp, a preseason, and two games should have us looking like the Broncos last year but you take nothing into account. You ignore roster turnover, system (offensive and defensive) turnover, and simple things like how we played ok in the preseason but in case nobody noticed Kubiak didn't find his running backs until after the final cut (Dayne) and after the first game of the year (Gado). Then you freak out because we have no running game.

Didn't you think Kubiak saw that? He went out and got new backs even though our guys were tearing it up in the preseason. Wonder why that was? Maybe he thought to himself "This looks ok for now but we can do better" or something along those lines.

It's two games in but I don't feel like I did last year after we lost to Pittsburgh. The reason is that last year we were really 50 games into the Dom Capers era after that Pittsburgh beating, not just 2 games into 2005.

We're two games into the Gary Kubiak era right now. Do you know where we were two games into the Dom Capers era? We were coming back from San Diego after having been beaten into tiny little pieces. Dom's regime peaked at 7-9 in their third year.

Building anything takes time. It won't take nearly as long to build this time and our talent level isn't the dregs so many people are making it out to be. They've just got to be taught and "un-taught" before they can perform at the level we (all of us including I'm sure Gary Kubiak) expect them to perform at.

Thanks for saving me the effort. I still think we can realistically finish 8-8.
We started out 0-2 in 2004 and went into Arrowhead and beat a pretty good Chiefs team, then ended up going 7-9 with a shot at 8-8 only to tank the Browns game. QB rating aside, that was one of the few times I came away impressed with Carr. Even though KC's defense was poop, Arrowhead is a pretty tough place to play no matter what.

FFWD to current-day. We'll be playing a tough Redskins team with their backs to the wall, but if we can pull out a W this Sunday then things just might start lookin' up.
I am right here also. I have said all along and I will say it again, I feel we will go 7-9, maybe 8-8, with an outside shot at 9-7. That outside shot doesn't look too good. But 7-9 to 8-8 is do-able.

What are you trying to do, get us to eat crow after week two? Do you really need to be validated that badly? A prediction that you don't think will pan out is a "brainfart of catastrophic proportions", really? This sensationalizing seems to be aimed at starting an argument rather than posing a very simple question.
highroller28 said:
Who's still sticking to their lofty ambitions and who admits to having a brainfart of catastrophic proportions?

It's only been two games and they've been against two of the elite teams of the NFL. This team is much better than last year's team. Show a little patience. Things will start clicking soon.
I still think we have a real chance to go 8-8. I marked the Eagles, and Colts down as a loss at the start of this year. So as far as wins and losses go, everything is as expected.
I still think we could go 8-8 or better.

We played the eagles and colts.. and we are gonna get better as the season wears on, while our schedule gets easier.

I dont think we will make the playoffs.
Well theoretically this team can go 14-2. That is not an impossible task, though highly improbable. I think this team will peak in the second half of the season. Victory total will be somewhat meaningless as we will miss the playoffs, but will have momentum going into Kubiack's second year. That does not mean I am throwing in the towel, I am simply saying that I expect to see certain improvements in this team in December that I do not see here in Sepetember.
Hervoyel said:
Right here. I think we have a very good run in the second half of the season. We probably won't do as well as I thought we would but I think by the end of the year we're mostly going to making fun of all the guys who are coming unglued over 0-2.

So many of you guys (not talking to you highroller28, just "talking") seem to think this junk happens overnight or something. You act like one camp, a preseason, and two games should have us looking like the Broncos last year but you take nothing into account. You ignore roster turnover, system (offensive and defensive) turnover, and simple things like how we played ok in the preseason but in case nobody noticed Kubiak didn't find his running backs until after the final cut (Dayne) and after the first game of the year (Gado). Then you freak out because we have no running game.

Didn't you think Kubiak saw that? He went out and got new backs even though our guys were tearing it up in the preseason. Wonder why that was? Maybe he thought to himself "This looks ok for now but we can do better" or something along those lines.

It's two games in but I don't feel like I did last year after we lost to Pittsburgh. The reason is that last year we were really 50 games into the Dom Capers era after that Pittsburgh beating, not just 2 games into 2005.

We're two games into the Gary Kubiak era right now. Do you know where we were two games into the Dom Capers era? We were coming back from San Diego after having been beaten into tiny little pieces. Dom's regime peaked at 7-9 in their third year.

Building anything takes time. It won't take nearly as long to build this time and our talent level isn't the dregs so many people are making it out to be. They've just got to be taught and "un-taught" before they can perform at the level we (all of us including I'm sure Gary Kubiak) expect them to perform at.

...can we make the 'time' issue post a sticky? Now-into our 5th year of hearing this (like anyone can do abything about it)-we could save at least half our bandwidth!!
highroller28 said:
Are you using the same excuses and spouting the same rhetoric about the Texans this year as you did in previous years or does it change from year to year?

If so, why set yourself up for disappointment?

I understand if you find it annoying that some people tend to be overly cheerful about their team.

But what's wrong with being enthusiastic? The Bengals fans suffered for quite a long time, and I guaruntee that plenty of them were how we are now...If you're just miserable about the team you're rooting for, you might want to look into finding another team to root for.

highroller28 said:
If so, why set yourself up for disappointment?

Just the way that when life is crappy, I don't think of suicide as an aternative. When life sucks, I much prefer to see find the little bits of joy, rather than a way to end even the little bits.

I much prefer to hope for the best. It strikes me as strange that hoping for the best and expecting a 100% winning team seems to be so mutually inclusive.

While I don't expect a turnaround in one season... I can hope.
Some people have it in their fan wiring schematic to support their team through thick and thin. Others wait until the team is playing well to declare their lifelong diehard status.
In the preseason, I said 5-11 was my prediction. 8-8 is possible. I still think that's true. I don't think we're going to get 8-8 but it's possible. I always thought we were going to lose these first two games and probably the first 5. I think these next two games are winnable but we'll probably lose them. I'd be very happy to get a split.

I think we'll sweep the Titans and I'm pretty sure we'll beat the Raiders. We have winnable games against the Redskins, Dolphins, Bills, Jets, and Browns. We also have "emotional" games that we may or may not win in upsets against the Cowboys and the Jags. (I'm not really sure how good those two teams are, yet.)

I think we should pull out 5 wins from that list.
I had us at 7-9 to 9-7 and still believe thats where we'll end up.From my perspective this team is far and away better than anything we put on the field last year main reason being this staff has a clue.Kubes has a plan and he's sticking with it.It may not look pretty now but I feel it's going to get much better, this year!
shansmacker said:
I had us at 7-9 to 9-7 and still believe thats where we'll end up.From my perspective this team is far and away better than anything we put on the field last year main reason being this staff has a clue.Kubes has a plan and he's sticking with it.It may not look pretty now but I feel it's going to get much better, this year!

what he said :banme
highroller28 said:
Are you using the same excuses and spouting the same rhetoric about the Texans this year as you did in previous years or does it change from year to year?

If so, why set yourself up for disappointment?

If you think we stink so bad and have no personnel, why do you even watch them, or talk on this board? WHy waste your time on our team at all?
'Brainfart of castastrophic proportions' = Ibar's 13-3 prediction

Is it a wonder why he's all unglued lately?lol:
Hope for the best but expect the worst - and these first two games are hopefully the worst we'll see all season - I'm sticking with 6-10 by going 4-4 the second half, although losing 40% of the OL didn't help - building some MoJo for 2007.
PoolMaster21 said:
Hope for the best but expect the worst - and these first two games are hopefully the worst we'll see all season - I'm sticking with 6-10 by going 4-4 the second half, although losing 40% of the OL didn't help - building some MoJo for 2007.

by MOJO are you talking about Winston? (Oddessa Permian had MOJO back in the day) :D

edited for spelling
Wolf said:
by MOJO are you talking about Wiston? (Oddessa Permian had MOJO back in the day) :D

I have a friend who played LB for Permian in the 70s - when I met him we were playing touch football and someone caught a pass over the middle - the MoJo man leveled the guy - I'd like to see that kind of enthusiasm on the field and in the stands! :woot2
I am thinking we have forgotten that the team has 2 new schemes that we are learning.I am hoping what is happening right now is that instead of playing instinctively ... we are many times caught out of position because we are thinking on our assignments instead of reacting

I just can't imagine us having a defense that would be this bad..esp with the front 4.. they ought to be getting more pressure than that. lots of talent there
We played two potential Super Bowl teams and you're calling us 2-14.Have you seen Tennessee so far this year? How about the Raiders? Browns and Jets? These are all teams we have a legitimate chance at beating. By legitamate, I mean that people will probably pick us over them based on what I've seen these passed two weeks.

Then, was also have games that if we simply play slightly better, we should do fine. As the season progresses, our runners might actually get a chance to run against a D-Line that isn't as good as the last two. Dayne showed potential starting off at 5 yards per carry in his first four or five runs. And Gado showed some of his speed when he broke out (supposedly, my tv had changed to the Bills game) his long run. He's been here four days, and I like what I see.

The only thing I'm afraid of is our injury problems right now. We lost our starting LT for the year, and we've depleted most of our secondary. Hopefully, we can stay durable over the next couple of weeks until our reinforcements, i.e. Wong, Mathis and Faggins, make it back on the field.

I never thought we would be an 8-8 team, my prediction was 5-11, which is still very likely. This team is still progressing, so there is no need to call for the coaches head. If this were yera four of a five year plan, then you have a right to call him out, but he's doing the best he can with what he has. This team needs more talented players in key positions, mainly FS and CB, and probably some younger talent in a couple spots on the line. All of this will come within the next year I presume.

I will not doubt this team after seeing flashes of competence out of many of these players. We had five rookies starting for us, and we showed it many times, but many of them looked pretty good. I'll take that after the Colts and Eagles. We are not a playoff team. We are not a .500 team. You were dilusional to think so in the first place.

Reality check, we are doing what we are supposed to be doing after a 2-14 season, losing to perenial playoff teams who are more talented that us. We stayed competitive in game one, and didn't lie down like dogs late in the game in game two. We easily could have taken our beating that game against the Colts. We were out of it early, but they fought their hearts out. That's what I love about this team, and that's why I see us as dangerous once things start to click. These guys want to fight for Kubiak. I just wish some of the people here were up to supporting them.
14-2 here we come!!! Oh yeah I feel it man we're gonna simply crush the Redskins and use them as our first stepping stone towards the superbowl!!!!!! GO TEXANS!!!!
it is all about presentation on how people perceive you on a negative post. esp when you are fairly new to the board.. now I know post count doesn't really matter as far as opinions go,but on a MB it is hard to get a feel of the tone of a message when you haven't posted as much.. everyone can get a sense of what ones mindset is..
This thread is way too funny. The amount of delusion in this thread.

I will stick with my 3 win prediction. We will start the season 0-6, however. Hopefully we can get peterson, unless we want another combine superstar.... :francis:
Kubiak is running this system without the teams best ballcarrier, no players that fit his blocking system, lineman that continuously fail to shuffle their feet and catch onrushing defenders. What is troubling is the lack of progress on defense; the Texans easily have the worst safety tandem in the league, I won't even mention the name of the other "coverman" who the team is better off playing without. In a word, the play has been abysmal...
Texans86 said:
We played two potential Super Bowl teams and you're calling us 2-14.Have you seen Tennessee so far this year? How about the Raiders? Browns and Jets? These are all teams we have a legitimate chance at beating. By legitamate, I mean that people will probably pick us over them based on what I've seen these passed two weeks.

Then, was also have games that if we simply play slightly better, we should do fine. As the season progresses, our runners might actually get a chance to run against a D-Line that isn't as good as the last two. Dayne showed potential starting off at 5 yards per carry in his first four or five runs. And Gado showed some of his speed when he broke out (supposedly, my tv had changed to the Bills game) his long run. He's been here four days, and I like what I see.

The only thing I'm afraid of is our injury problems right now. We lost our starting LT for the year, and we've depleted most of our secondary. Hopefully, we can stay durable over the next couple of weeks until our reinforcements, i.e. Wong, Mathis and Faggins, make it back on the field.

I never thought we would be an 8-8 team, my prediction was 5-11, which is still very likely. This team is still progressing, so there is no need to call for the coaches head. If this were yera four of a five year plan, then you have a right to call him out, but he's doing the best he can with what he has. This team needs more talented players in key positions, mainly FS and CB, and probably some younger talent in a couple spots on the line. All of this will come within the next year I presume.

I will not doubt this team after seeing flashes of competence out of many of these players. We had five rookies starting for us, and we showed it many times, but many of them looked pretty good. I'll take that after the Colts and Eagles. We are not a playoff team. We are not a .500 team. You were dilusional to think so in the first place.

Reality check, we are doing what we are supposed to be doing after a 2-14 season, losing to perenial playoff teams who are more talented that us. We stayed competitive in game one, and didn't lie down like dogs late in the game in game two. We easily could have taken our beating that game against the Colts. We were out of it early, but they fought their hearts out. That's what I love about this team, and that's why I see us as dangerous once things start to click. These guys want to fight for Kubiak. I just wish some of the people here were up to supporting them.

You did not place enough emphasis on 'time.' You just listed a ton of excuses we've got to over come before we can even think about winning, plus-by then-new schemes will emerge in the NFl, we'll lose some veterans, plus there will be injuries---HECK, we've got a lot to get to and over come---time, we need lots more time...
You did not place enough emphasis on 'time.' You just listed a ton of excuses we've got to over come before we can even think about winning, plus-by then-new schemes will emerge in the NFl, we'll lose some veterans, plus there will be injuries---HECK, we've got a lot to get to and over come---time, we need lots more time...

Time is relative - Einstein

Time after time - Lauper

Lookin' at my Gucci its about that time - Spoonie G
I hate to be negative But the way our team had been playing i think we are on our way to another 2 and 14 season its going to be a long one again.
Napa Auto Parts said:
I hate to be negative But the way our team had been playing i think we are on our way to another 2 and 14 season its going to be a long one again.

Given that outlook, how does it make you feel and how do you preoccupy the rest of the season as a fan?
highroller28 said:
Who's still sticking to their lofty ambitions and who admits to having a brainfart of catastrophic proportions?

I'm sticking to 13-3..... we've lost two so far, were right on track.