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Visiting Colts Fans Thread

Hi folks! Indy-native Colts fan checking in for some football talk this week while our teams prepare for what will be the biggest challenge for either team so far this season.

Believe me when I say your team is getting their due respect in Indy this week. No one is taking the Texans lightly, and you should be proud. The AFC South is no longer a marshmallow division and you have yourselves to thank for that. I'm glad it's Houston, too - after losing your long-standing franchise and marinading in expansion team hell for so many years, you guys deserve a team that can do honor to the legacy of Houston football.

Besides, the Jags are a bunch of classless thugs on the field and Vince Young is probably eligible for state benefits for the developmentally disabled. You guys have finally collected your policies on the countless Carr accidents you've endured and it's starting to look like the Schaubmobile could be a nice ride for many miles to come.

I'd also like to compliment you on the general level of realism, intelligence, and courtesy of your fans. You want to win - expect to win - but you're not afflicted with the same blind homerism that Titans fans were last week in thinking they were going to hang up 300 rushing yards on the newly-revamped Colts D.

It's going to be a tough game for you - I don't expect the Colts to lose, but I don't expect a blowout either. Know that the Colts you faced last year and beat was only 1/2 the team you face on Sunday. You'll have to beat us in the air and produce big in all aspects of your D game if you hope to win.

Either way - here's to a great division game with no injuries on either side.

I also believe it will be a hard fought game but I see us pulling it out in the end. You guys have never faced our defense nor have you seen a Houston team with as many offensive weapons as we have this year.

To borrow a phrase, "This is not Casserley's Texans".

You will find some homers here and some complete "Bud Adams's" but for the most part we are cordial and intelligent.
Excellent post, I agree its gonna be a tough game and I believe that its the Texans only chance to win against Indy. I believe the best way to beat Indy is to keep the ball away from them. I dont believe they will rack 300 yds but I do believe they can move the chains and take up alot of time. Your O-line will be tested by our young and hungry D-line. The colts will have to depend on Payton to win because, the Colts may not get alot with the run.

I think the colts will be succeptible to a big play on special team by either Mathis or Jones. I am betting jones because if the colts punt, something they do not do regularly, Jones is gonna go off for a big play.
I think the Texans have been made better because they have been built to stop Indy. Which is a difficult task, and if they do it will put the Texans in a position for the playoffs. After Indy they play Atlanta, Miami, Tennesee. So it looks like if the Texans win they will be in control of their own playoff destiny for a change. If they loose they are not done for , but if they win.... momentum. The Texans have nothing to loose but everything to gain.
Thanks, and I can respect your points of view.

The Colts will have some surprises for Houston this week as well. I expect to win but it's certainly not a lock as it once was not too long ago. Your offense is definitely improved - AJ is really good and I think you may have some other talent at WR as well.

Then again, this season our defense is massively improved even beyond that which took us through the playoffs and Superbowl last year. Some average players have been replaced by bigger, faster, younger, and more physical talent by the names of Hayden, Jackson, Hagler, Morris, and Keiaho... and that's not even mentioning the human SCUD missle that is Bob Sanders.

It'll be a fun game to watch, for sure. I expect it to never really be over until late in the 4th quarter, either way.
The Colts are starting to look like a real scary team. They used to be a one dimensional team. All O and no D. They remind me a lot of the Chargers from last year...great O AND great D. The Texans seem to be trying to get in that same mold, also. This should be a great game that will fuel our rivalry to new heights: the Colts will actually have a reason to recognize we exist and can be a threat to them inside the division.
The Colts are starting to look like a real scary team. They used to be a one dimensional team. All O and no D. They remind me a lot of the Chargers from last year...great O AND great D. The Texans seem to be trying to get in that same mold, also. This should be a great game that will fuel our rivalry to new heights.

As far as the regular season of '06 went, that is very true. I'm still a bit amazed that we were able to go 9-0 last year while allowing as many rushing yards as we did.

It's really refreshing to see Houston moving in the right direction as a franchise. I remember clearly seeing the Colts / Texans games in Houston on TV and witnessing some of you folks in the stands literally wearing paper bags over your heads. I understood, though - and I respect that even though people were visibly showing their displeasure with the team, they were still there in the stands. That says a lot.

This is as huge as a game can be this early in the season. The battle for division leads starts this Sunday, and whoever loses will be chasing the winner for weeks to come.
New to this site, but been a Texans fan since before inception.

Great insight from everyone. I'm looking forward to an exciting game on Sunday.

Question for Colts fans:
Has Reggie Wayne become Manning's favorite receiver? Seems he's becoming more and more the focus each week. It's going to be extremely tough defending two Pro-Bowl caliber WRs this Sunday.

This should be the best game to watch on Sunday.
Question for Colts fans:
Has Reggie Wayne become Manning's favorite receiver? Seems he's becoming more and more the focus each week. It's going to be extremely tough defending two Pro-Bowl caliber WRs this Sunday.

This should be the best game to watch on Sunday.

I wouldn't say Reggie is Manning's favorite. That title probably still belongs to Marvin, but the defensive packages we've been seeing so far have left Reggie a bit more open, and with Reggie, Marvin, Clark, Utecht, and now Gonzo all as more-than-capable receivers the ball gets spread around a lot.
Themselves..................vs the Texans.... :cool:

I think the Texans had a little to do with that.....

Anyway, this Sunday should be a good measure of where the Texans are. Here's to a good game with no injuries.

Wow and I thought the flaming meatball fans were delusional. I hope you guys do not operate heavy equipment with the drugs your taking.

Did the Colts just not show up and called in the game by phone? I guess the colts did not want home field advatage and just played all back-ups right?

So much for good football talk.
Calm down there was just a joke. Besides, like Ive said in another thread, Im glad to see you guys up there instead of the Jags, or the Titans for that matter. (and you have the best smile face choices of any board!) :homer: :beerfunnel:
Welcome Daedge. Yeah the Titians fans are bad. Almost as bad as Cowboy fan. I look forward to Sundays game. The Texans are going to be tested. I think too that we will get a little more press by playing the Colts and both teams being 2 - 0.

Go Texans!
It would be safe to say that NO ONE in this league underestimates the Colts offense :)

And for what it's worth, I cheer for you guys whenever you're not playing us :)

I must admit I do like to see the Texans winning, but obviously not when they Colts are in town, or vice versa !!
Themselves..................vs the Texans.... :cool:

You should give credit where credit is due. We beat you with David Carr throwing and Ronnie Dayne running the ball. We will beat you again with a couple of upgrades, and I don't think it will be as close a game as last year. Our D-line is licking their chops right now, knowing that they have a slow moving target to unload on, just like Huard and Delhomme.
:texflag: :d:
Themselves..................vs the Texans....

Dude put the sticks down you've been beating your head in.

You lost and we won. Face it your not invincable and we had your number last year which I expect to keep this year. Get ready to play a good football team.
I must admit I do like to see the Texans winning, but obviously not when they Colts are in town, or vice versa !!

Well welcome this: The only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Manning on a strecher. I hate the Colts. They are the franchise of the trators. Anyone who supports them is a trator. The Irsay's are the lowest form of human being God ever created. Even lower than the Adam's Family. I hope Mario punks Uhgo and drops straight down on Abdia's knee so that he never sees the feild again. We can't stomp you in the dirt deep enough to satisfy me. You are the last dragon on our way to the SB. I don't want to befreind you I want to cut your head off and shove the carcass into a bottomlees pit. If you leave here with twenty guy's IRed and no chance at all of winning another game this year, it will be a good day. Indianpolis is floatsome in a tolet bowl and somebody should of flushed long ago.

Hey Vinny isn't this kind of crap moderated anymore?
Hi folks! Indy-native Colts fan checking in for some football talk this week while our teams prepare for what will be the biggest challenge for either team so far this season.

Believe me when I say your team is getting their due respect in Indy this week. No one is taking the Texans lightly, and you should be proud. The AFC South is no longer a marshmallow division and you have yourselves to thank for that. I'm glad it's Houston, too - after losing your long-standing franchise and marinading in expansion team hell for so many years, you guys deserve a team that can do honor to the legacy of Houston football.

Besides, the Jags are a bunch of classless thugs on the field and Vince Young is probably eligible for state benefits for the developmentally disabled. You guys have finally collected your policies on the countless Carr accidents you've endured and it's starting to look like the Schaubmobile could be a nice ride for many miles to come.

I'd also like to compliment you on the general level of realism, intelligence, and courtesy of your fans. You want to win - expect to win - but you're not afflicted with the same blind homerism that Titans fans were last week in thinking they were going to hang up 300 rushing yards on the newly-revamped Colts D.

It's going to be a tough game for you - I don't expect the Colts to lose, but I don't expect a blowout either. Know that the Colts you faced last year and beat was only 1/2 the team you face on Sunday. You'll have to beat us in the air and produce big in all aspects of your D game if you hope to win.

Either way - here's to a great division game with no injuries on either side.
Mate, I just sent you rep! That was one of the best posts I've ever read when it comes to opposing fans (ours included when we go elsewhere). You have my respect and I'm real glad you're here.

Why do you say that the Colts team that we faced last year was only half of the one that we're about to face? Now I do realize that the Colts had the division wrapped up and may have scaled back the guns a little bit but if I remember correctly, your defense was out there pretty much the whole game. As well as Manning.

I don't agree that we're going to have to beat you in the air though. I sincerely believe that if we can control the time of possession and move the chains by pounding the line, we have a very good chance. A quick score will not work for us because Peyton's just going to answer right back. If our offense parlays a 3 and out over and over, we can just call the game.

Keep in mind, I've got the Colts winning this one big but I'm certainly going to hope that we have a solid chance and we DO but mistakes cannot be made. Plays have to be executed everytime otherwise, Mannings' just gonna exploit our secondary. Yeah, we've got a great defensive line but Manning WILL get rid of the ball so it's basically a moot point. It's all up to whether or not if we can cause turnovers.

Good luck! Here's to hoping that no one gets hurt! Play hard but play safe! What board do you post at and by what SN?
I feel like we are going into battle with one of our guns jammed, and it just so happens to be our BIGGEST GUN, Andre Johnson!
Kubiak got me fired up with his press conference and I am smelling a rookie break-out game from Mr. Jones and Andre Davis IMHO is still damn fast and I am sure he did not forget how to catch, oh yeah Kevin Walter is as sure handed as they come! So, no .50 CAL but we are going to have to shoot every gun we have including some BB's! Don't be suprised to see the long ball sunday!
And I also know that I speak for all my TEXAN brethren when I say, we are going to be SO FREAKIN' LOUD they are going to hear us in Indy and Manning and the boys will have a real hard time! :wild: :fans: :texflag: :deadhorse

Ok, ok I'm a homer!!! Hears to a great game!
Hey Vinny isn't this kind of crap moderated anymore?
It is probably more important for the forum peer group to see some people for who they are than it is to hide a classless remark. I'm not judging Pete....I've met him, he's a long time fan, and he seems like a decent guy...but I ain't gonna save him from himself if he wants to disease his reputation amongst the fan base.
It should be an exciting game . I wish both teams the best of luck , I'm wishing a bit harder for the home team though . :texflag:

Ive haven't been this hyped for a game in a long time . Each game so far , a different player or players have stepped up their games . Mario against the Cheifs , Amobi against the white gloves , I think this may be JJ's time to shine . :fans:
It is probably more important for the forum peer group to see some people for who they are than it is to hide a classless remark. I'm not judging Pete....I've met him, he's a long time fan, and he seems like a decent guy...but I ain't gonna save him from himself if he wants to disease his reputation amongst the fan base.

His post was in response to one of my posts, and I for one have been to many forums around the league and that was one of the worst posts I have seen. Mind you the Pats fans at the are complete and utter homers, Its hard to hang around there long.

This place is deff the best forum I have been to with the classiest users I have come across. Great work guys I for sure will be sticking around.
always an awesome game,but the colts almost lost to the titans,and the texans are better then the titans!
always an awesome game,but the colts almost lost to the titans,and the texans are better then the titans!

ummm that doesnt mean anything, that was a pretty poor post mate sorry but that was just plain awful.
Originally Posted by threetoedpete
Well welcome this: The only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Manning on a strecher. I hate the Colts. They are the franchise of the trators. Anyone who supports them is a trator. The Irsay's are the lowest form of human being God ever created. Even lower than the Adam's Family. I hope Mario punks Uhgo and drops straight down on Abdia's knee so that he never sees the feild again. We can't stomp you in the dirt deep enough to satisfy me. You are the last dragon on our way to the SB. I don't want to befreind you I want to cut your head off and shove the carcass into a bottomlees pit. If you leave here with twenty guy's IRed and no chance at all of winning another game this year, it will be a good day. Indianpolis is floatsome in a tolet bowl and somebody should of flushed long ago.

Hey Vinny isn't this kind of crap moderated anymore?

Dont worry about this one guys. Every board has their "special" poster, and I think I discovered yours.............
Dont worry about this one guys. Every board has their "special" poster, and I think I discovered yours.............

Yes, threetoed is definetely a "special" poster.

Anyways, I watched y'alls game against NO and must say y'alls LB crew seem better than last years group. That Kiehoho (sorry, don't know how to spell the name) was all over the field. I understand he's been hurt. When do y'all expect him back?

At first I thought the media was overrating this Bob Sanders cat, but he does lay the wood. It seems he might be a liability in coverage though. Any thoughts?

I just hope we keep it competitive throughout the game to which the score's close enough for us to have a chance at the end.:texflag:
Daedge or Indydrummer:

I've always been impressed with the classy way Indy goes about its business. Would you guys say that is a result of Dungy's influence?

A football question: Sanders seemed to fly under the radar, at least from my perspective, until he was out last year. When he came back, it looked like the defense turned into a monster. Is he your most important player on defense, and how is he in coverage?

Here's hoping for an injury free game on both sides.
Mate, I just sent you rep! That was one of the best posts I've ever read when it comes to opposing fans (ours included when we go elsewhere). You have my respect and I'm real glad you're here.

Why do you say that the Colts team that we faced last year was only half of the one that we're about to face? Now I do realize that the Colts had the division wrapped up and may have scaled back the guns a little bit but if I remember correctly, your defense was out there pretty much the whole game. As well as Manning.

I don't agree that we're going to have to beat you in the air though. I sincerely believe that if we can control the time of possession and move the chains by pounding the line, we have a very good chance. A quick score will not work for us because Peyton's just going to answer right back. If our offense parlays a 3 and out over and over, we can just call the game.

Keep in mind, I've got the Colts winning this one big but I'm certainly going to hope that we have a solid chance and we DO but mistakes cannot be made. Plays have to be executed everytime otherwise, Mannings' just gonna exploit our secondary. Yeah, we've got a great defensive line but Manning WILL get rid of the ball so it's basically a moot point. It's all up to whether or not if we can cause turnovers.

Good luck! Here's to hoping that no one gets hurt! Play hard but play safe! What board do you post at and by what SN?

Thanks man!

When I say you only faced 1/2 the Colts last year... I'm being charitable. Our defense was severely banged up when we faced you guys last time, as well as a number of other injuries that had to affect the outcome.

Dallas Clark was out with a knee
Addai played on a sprained ankle
Marlin Jackson and Antione Bethea (2nd-string Safeties last year) were both coming in off of injuries
and most importantly - NO BOB.

Our defense is very different this year. It's a continuation of the success they had last year _during the playoffs_ despite the number of new starters. The teams that played us in the playoffs last year should remember what it was like trying to run on us - the rest of the league has yet to learn.

The "control the ball, pound up the middle on the ground against the soft Colts D" mentality landed a lot of opposing teams in early point deficits so far, so I have absolutely no problem with it if that were to continue.
To the best of my knowledge, Freddie Keiaho should be healthy by the time kick off rolls around. The Colts defense is much better with Bob Sanders in the line-up (see last years playoffs, compared to the regular season) but the key with him is staying healthy. Im impressed with the year Super Mario is having so far. Hes definately becoming a force in the league. Hopefuly, a good game with no injuries.
Daedge or Indydrummer:

I've always been impressed with the classy way Indy goes about its business. Would you guys say that is a result of Dungy's influence?

A football question: Sanders seemed to fly under the radar, at least from my perspective, until he was out last year. When he came back, it looked like the defense turned into a monster. Is he your most important player on defense, and how is he in coverage?

Here's hoping for an injury free game on both sides.

Sanders is good is very decent in coverage but I wouldnt say he is great yet, playing the cover 2 he plays alot of zone which he does do rather well. His hands are not the best and this does cost him a few Ints now and then but he plays very hard smash mouth D and he helps our :d: a hell of alot especially against the run, or speeding up and hammering a receiver after a short pass underneath. I would say IMO Sanders is our most important player on D YES.

I would say its deff Dungys influence as to the main reason why we are a classy organisation that goes about its business so well.
Sanders is good is very decent in coverage but I wouldnt say he is great yet, playing the cover 2 he plays alot of zone which he does do rather well. His hands are not the best and this does cost him a few Ints now and then but he plays very hard smash mouth D and he helps our :d: a hell of alot especially against the run, or speeding up and hammering a receiver after a short pass underneath. I would say IMO Sanders is our most important player on D YES.

I would say its deff Dungys influence as to the main reason why we are a classy organisation that goes about its business so well.

I think Bob Sanders and Troy Polamalu are the gold standard at the safety position. It's easy to see how different your defense looks without him.
Man, I am enjoying being here and reading. I'm really am excited for the Texans as an organization (just not so much this week), as I remember back when the Colts finally turned the corner and became a strong organization in this league. We still have some life left in the O, and Tony Dungy has finally drafted all of "his" type players to fit his D scheme. I posted the draft lineup in another ( Colts vs. DB ) thread. We're young, fast, and talented on D, and talented, skilled, and experienced on O. Your team is formidable this year, but I think we still have the horses to give you a good fight. :)

Here's to a good and injury free game. :)
Hey Texan fans...just thought I would come over and say "good luck on's to a good game with no injuries" It sucks Andre Johnson is out for you guys (he is also on my fantasy team, so I am bummin'). I think it is going to be a good game and can't wait to see it!

Is Matt Schaub really that good? Man, he lit up Carolina Sunday!

Anyway...again..good luck...but here's to a Colts win!!!!!

Believe me when I say your team is getting their due respect in Indy this week. No one is taking the Texans lightly, and you should be proud.
It's going to be a tough game for you - I don't expect the Colts to lose, but I don't expect a blowout either. Know that the Colts you faced last year and beat was only 1/2 the team you face on Sunday. You'll have to beat us in the air and produce big in all aspects of your D game if you hope to win.
Either way - here's to a great division game with no injuries on either side.

A nice post. But, check our roster out that game when the Texans beat the Colts. We were not exactly at full strength either. No one is at that time of year. I believe the Texans came close to leading the league in players on the IR, so pleading 1/2 strength holds no water for us. We were starting street free agents and the such.
On another note, after watching Carr create his own sacks last year, and studying good QB play like Manning, I hope y'all are REALLY enjoying the Manning years. Your next QB could be like Carr or Rob Johnson, or Harrington. You guys are living large. Enjoy the moments!
A nice post. But, check our roster out that game when the Texans beat the Colts. We were not exactly at full strength either. No one is at that time of year. I believe the Texans came close to leading the league in players on the IR, so pleading 1/2 strength holds no water for us. We were starting street free agents and the such.
On another note, after watching Carr create his own sacks last year, and studying good QB play like Manning, I hope y'all are REALLY enjoying the Manning years. Your next QB could be like Carr or Rob Johnson, or Harrington. You guys are living large. Enjoy the moments!

Your so right, I dont even want to think about life without Peyton Manning playing anymore. We all know he wont play anywhere but Indy but man when he is gone .........:gun:
A nice post. But, check our roster out that game when the Texans beat the Colts. We were not exactly at full strength either. No one is at that time of year. I believe the Texans came close to leading the league in players on the IR, so pleading 1/2 strength holds no water for us. We were starting street free agents and the such.
On another note, after watching Carr create his own sacks last year, and studying good QB play like Manning, I hope y'all are REALLY enjoying the Manning years. Your next QB could be like Carr or Rob Johnson, or Harrington. You guys are living large. Enjoy the moments!

Fair enough.

And yeah - the Colts without Manning is scary regardless of how much other talent is on the roster.
first of all, good luck to you and your team this sunday. Im hoping mainly for a well contested, injury free game. We are down andre johnson, you are down Dallas Clark, and frankly neither of us needs to lose another player. To be honest, this is the first time a texans-colts game has ever been played that I wasn't absolutely dreading the outcome. We are playing for sole posession of first place in the afc south. we have a good, strong, smart football team built on a crippling defense. Had we not chosen to basically munch the entire 4th quarters off the clocks in our past 2 games, we would have easily scored 20 more points. We can play, we can finish, and we are looking forward to playing a team that is undisputably among the nfl's elite as a true gauge of where we are. I don't expect us to lose. This is new for me. Im really looking forward to this sunday, and I hate that I can't be there in person. Good luck colts fans, look forward to rehashing the game on here sunday/monday.
What I think is that Kubiak and Smith are building this team to compete with the Colts.

The main thing we all know that teams want to keep Peyton on the sideline as much as possible and to get pressure on him when he's on the field.

The WCO that we implement tries to control the ball and thus the clock. Green & Dayne combine for a good running duo as well as blockers. Leach is a good blocker at FB, and has developed into a nice safety valve catching the ball out of the back field. The TEs as a group, is solid in different aspects, from blocking to receiving.
Even without AJ, we still have 3 deep threats in J.J., Mathis, and A.D. while Walters is solid as a possession receiver.

What I read was that in the first game (Chiefs), Kubiak rotated all 9 competent defensive linemen just in the first 2 series alone. This is how we bring pressure. And with Manning, IMO, it's best to bring it up the middle where the route is the shortest.

As I rewatch the Colts games vs. Saints & Titans, Peyton gets rattled more when the guy in front of him is pushed back a bit much, or when there are hands up in the air. The outside pressure doesn't affect him half as much. DEs who work on Ugoh can beat him, but it's more effective when they get inside of the LT. I would hope that we run some stunts inside as well, and bring up a LB here and there.

Everybody is so pumped up around here, I can't help but feel the vibes.

Here's to a good game, and many more to come! :pirate:
Hey Texan fans...just thought I would come over and say "good luck on's to a good game with no injuries" It sucks Andre Johnson is out for you guys (he is also on my fantasy team, so I am bummin'). I think it is going to be a good game and can't wait to see it!

Is Matt Schaub really that good? Man, he lit up Carolina Sunday!

Anyway...again..good luck...but here's to a Colts win!!!!!


Ok, cool. I think we win on Sunday. I also suffer from homerism.
Imagine a win without AJ.:d:
Kinda scary man.

Because I thought the Colts would run over the Titans and the Jags would not show up(hard to do that against the Falcons. Teams can not show up and still win.)

All of a sudden...the Titans are looking good, the Jags are looking alright, and the Colts...are still the Colts.

This is a tough division...but this ain't your Casserly's Texans either :texflag:

The Titians added sand to thier field to slow the Colts down, and it worked, Fisher is always pulling crap, that why I hate the Titans also...
I agree. From what I saw, it was not the best outing that Peyton has ever had. considering you guys lost to them on the road last year, I am sure it was a plus to secure the W. It would be hard for Mr. Jesus Young to beat you in Indy, despite his god-like powers.

I am curious, though. What is the best Indy message board? I will definitely need to invest some time into that board over the course of this season.

The IndyStar message board is my favorite
Yeah it does I've been waiting all day for an e-mail so I can post and nothing yet. Thats why hardly any fans are over there I presume.