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This Game Changed Things For Me

Wow.... I am totally shocked. I can not believe what one game has done to our fans. On both sites. I do not know what to say anymore.. I have never heard of so much bellyaching in my life. Its like this on both sites. I cannot take it. and whats worse if you stand up and offer up some optimisim you get whacked. You guys in houston have no idea how fortunate you are. You have a great franchise with a great owner and all you do is complain and whine about how you might not want to support your team. get over it and get over your opinions. enjoy your freaking team.You have had two nfl franchises and trust me you wont get a third.

Enjoy your team. You are not in the black hole of Texas where all they do is talk about the Cowboys , even during the spurs' playoff runs. At least yall get Texan for us in other parts of Texas.. we get diddly squat. No radio coverage in San cant find Texans jersies in stores (even ones called Texas sports) and forget about radio or tv. TV has zero coverage unless they loose. Radio has a guy who used to broadcast for the cowboys. (so it usually doesnt go well)
so they had a bad game big whoop, so they ruiend your opening day buzz, whoopdie dooo. It happenned to me as well.... i had barbequed for hrs before the game but lost my appetite in the first quarter..... I was so depressed after the game that i couldnt sit still with out saying a curse word. I spent all afternoon in a bad mood until my wife put it in perspective.... its just one game. It cant be that simple can it.... well until they loose nine or ten like that.. it is. I know you guys see problems on the horizon, just think if yall can, the guys who get paid to do so may be doing something about it. Have faith and keep drinking that kool aid and remember... at least youre not a cowboys fan.
I agree there is so much negativity on these boards it is almost not worth checking the posts.

It was 1 game, 1 game agaist the Steelers - not the Raiders or the 49ers - the Steelers. It was not a game in he middle of the season, it was the first game. Sometimes a team starts out slow and gets better as the season progresses. Oops - sorry - not Houston. We Lost a game, the season is over, we are the most horrible football team on earth.

Did you see how bad Indy looked? Or Seattle? Did we have to put out an APB for out QB?

Have you had to put up with 40 years of not winning a Super Bowl like the Jets or however many years of having a good football team and not winning a playoff game like the Cowgirls?

You guys are making it sound like it is the end of the world when it is only 1 game.

Doom and Gloom has come to Houston. Looks to me like almost everyone posting this week are just band wagon fair weather fans. Except for those of you who know more about coaching than the NFL coaches do. If you guys are such experts as to who should do what, when, why are you posting on this board instead of coaching in the NFL?
Finally, he shows up! :texflag:

The next 4 to 5 games will show us a lot. The Texans post only 1 or 2 wins during that stretch and play similarily to their play against the Steelers or marginal improvement, this is 2005 all over again.

You've seen our schedule, how did you predict the Texans doing in their first 5 games. Even before the season, was anybody so high on this team that they thought we would start 3-2 or better? If we post "only 1 or 2 wins during that stretch" we will be lightyears better than the '05 squad.
You guys are ninny's. I understand being upset that the team got blown out on the road in an opener, but I don't think anybody, even on this board, was expecting the run game to take a total 180 degree turnaround in the course of 10 days.

And I almost hate to say it, but we're probably going into our bye week before we start seeing what the running game is actually supposed to look like. That'll be because of the O-line needing time to take in the entire system, the running backs getting used to what's going on in front of them, and whatnot.

The Defense is scary to watch, but not in a good way. This is something that doesn't look to improve as the season goes on, mostly because every offensive coordinator in the league knows that you double or triple Mario and just let the other d-linemen get beat 1-on-1. That's on the D-coordinator, and Travis Johnson being pretty much a bust. You run at him and Weaver, it's almost a garunteed 5 yards. You spot any team that sort of carrying average you'll get the cleats all over you.
Wow.... I am totally shocked. I can not believe what one game has done to our fans. On both sites. I do not know what to say anymore.. I have never heard of so much bellyaching in my life. Its like this on both sites. I cannot take it. and whats worse if you stand up and offer up some optimisim you get whacked. You guys in houston have no idea how fortunate you are. You have a great franchise with a great owner and all you do is complain and whine about how you might not want to support your team. get over it and get over your opinions. enjoy your freaking team.You have had two nfl franchises and trust me you wont get a third.

Enjoy your team. You are not in the black hole of Texas where all they do is talk about the Cowboys , even during the spurs' playoff runs. At least yall get Texan for us in other parts of Texas.. we get diddly squat. No radio coverage in San cant find Texans jersies in stores (even ones called Texas sports) and forget about radio or tv. TV has zero coverage unless they loose. Radio has a guy who used to broadcast for the cowboys. (so it usually doesnt go well)
so they had a bad game big whoop, so they ruiend your opening day buzz, whoopdie dooo. It happenned to me as well.... i had barbequed for hrs before the game but lost my appetite in the first quarter..... I was so depressed after the game that i couldnt sit still with out saying a curse word. I spent all afternoon in a bad mood until my wife put it in perspective.... its just one game. It cant be that simple can it.... well until they loose nine or ten like that.. it is. I know you guys see problems on the horizon, just think if yall can, the guys who get paid to do so may be doing something about it. Have faith and keep drinking that kool aid and remember... at least youre not a cowboys fan.

Know what dude, When a duck quacks you know it is a duck. And we had a dead one Sunday.

If we did not care about the team then we would take your approach to the game on Sunday.

We are going on a coach that promised us that he had the team ready and then Dallas happened, The Coach said it is preseason and we will be fine.

We were not fine and we looked like a pop warner team, Got embarrassed in Pittifulsburg. Do not give me the old they are a playoff team. From what the coach is talking to us about so are we. So do not come in here and start blowing smoke or you will start a fire and i will be the flame. Enjoy your sweet BBQ in the dessert and let us talk how we want about our miserable example of a football team. We are not jumping ship we are trying to convey that we are not going to wait till we lost 10 or 11 games to get Pissed. We are Mad as Hell and we are not taking another 5 years of "this is our QB and that is that." We need to use all we have to win every game and if the coach cannot realize that then we will call for his head plane and simple.

I know the team will get better but they need to do it Quick, we only have 15 games to get into the playoffs and the way we look we won't even sniff the 500 season.

I do not lose my appetite cause I know how to BBQ and is is good.
Maybe you should change your recipe or something.

If you cannot handle the Heat stay out of the kitchen.
Wow.... I am totally shocked. I can not believe what one game has done to our fans. On both sites. I do not know what to say anymore.. I have never heard of so much bellyaching in my life. Its like this on both sites. I cannot take it. and whats worse if you stand up and offer up some optimisim you get whacked. You guys in houston have no idea how fortunate you are. You have a great franchise with a great owner and all you do is complain and whine about how you might not want to support your team. get over it and get over your opinions. enjoy your freaking team.You have had two nfl franchises and trust me you wont get a third.

Enjoy your team. You are not in the black hole of Texas where all they do is talk about the Cowboys , even during the spurs' playoff runs. At least yall get Texan for us in other parts of Texas.. we get diddly squat. No radio coverage in San cant find Texans jersies in stores (even ones called Texas sports) and forget about radio or tv. TV has zero coverage unless they loose. Radio has a guy who used to broadcast for the cowboys. (so it usually doesnt go well)
so they had a bad game big whoop, so they ruiend your opening day buzz, whoopdie dooo. It happenned to me as well.... i had barbequed for hrs before the game but lost my appetite in the first quarter..... I was so depressed after the game that i couldnt sit still with out saying a curse word. I spent all afternoon in a bad mood until my wife put it in perspective.... its just one game. It cant be that simple can it.... well until they loose nine or ten like that.. it is. I know you guys see problems on the horizon, just think if yall can, the guys who get paid to do so may be doing something about it. Have faith and keep drinking that kool aid and remember... at least youre not a cowboys fan.

Look at it this way. If the boys start to show some promise...any promise of success over time, then it won't be Cowboys all the time all over the place. Talk and coverage won't be confined the greater Houston area. Hell you should be calling for improvement louder because of what you deal with in SA.

Teams build a loyal fan base by longevity in a locale as well as by winning. It doesn't have to be a dynasty, but you've got to have some good times that people draw upon to make them life long fans.

No-one sits around and says: "Remember when we got drilled by the Steelers in the season opener and nearly half the stadium died due to heat exhaustion with the roof open? Ya....those were good times. I love the Texans."

Go Texans
So, to sum up:

Blah blah, we suck.

Blah blah, it's one game.

Blah blah, fire X.

Blah blah, bench X.

Cut the human injury.

Start the backup.

I could probably read this on half the message boards in the league.
Look at it this way. If the boys start to show some promise...any promise of success over time, then it won't be Cowboys all the time all over the place. Talk and coverage won't be confined the greater Houston area. Hell you should be calling for improvement louder because of what you deal with in SA.

Teams build a loyal fan base by longevity in a locale as well as by winning. It doesn't have to be a dynasty, but you've got to have some good times that people draw upon to make them life long fans.

No-one sits around and says: "Remember when we got drilled by the Steelers in the season opener and nearly half the stadium died due to heat exhaustion with the roof open? Ya....those were good times. I love the Texans."

Go Texans

Ill see to your point and trust me I agree that they need to start winning but the memory of not having a team to root for is still fresh in my mind.

The worst Houston loss is not that game but the one in Buffalo...which would you wrather have a blowout in the first game or gut wrenching loss that would be the pinnacle of a franchise. (does it still hurt you when you see it on espnclassic?) Ill take what happened on Sunday over that any day. ( it still hurts me more than .4)

As for expanding the fanbase in SA check out the gem the marketing department of your team left for usw in SA.

"Dear Texans Fan in San Antonio,

Be assured that we realize the importance of the San Antonio market and that we have many Texans fans that we must cater to. We are continuing to speak with both radio and television stations in order for them to carry all of our games.

On the radio side, KTKR 760AM dropped the Texans games this year so that they could air a triple-header on Sunday(which they did before and now they have bluestar show on??hmmmm?) and the Monday Night Football game each week. With no other legitimate sports station in San Antonio, it has been difficult for us to find the right station for that fit.(guess they didnt turn the dial to espn 1250 the zone)
On the television side, we are continuing to search for a station that will air all our games and not just certain selected or parts of our games.

Our suggestion continues to be that of communicating your wants with your local radio and television stations so that they can realize the significance of carrying Texans games for their listeners and viewers in San Antonio since they make the ultimate decisions regarding coverage.( no way why hadnt we thought of that!!!!)
Finally, the Texans will once again be making a stop in San Antonio on Sept. 20-21 as part of their outreach tour. This time around, we will be in San Antonio on a Sat. & Sun. during one of our away game weekends doing a community (youth/hospital) appearance, mall appearance and sponsor appearance (probably HEB) with Cheerleaders, TORO, and possibly some Houston Texans Ambassadors (former Oilers’ players). On that Sunday, we would again make some restaurant/bar appearances during our game before we head back. Please help us get the word out and continue visiting for more details.

Also, the Bucs preseason game will be aired in Austin on the CW network, which I believe is Channel 54. " Texans marketing department

Now unlike Kubiak's presser this was a cop out .. so that is why you shouldnt get upset over one game. your right expanding our fanbase is crucial.There are bigger battles and they will be solved by winning and in time that will come.
Did anyone besides me see the Raiders get beaten like a rented mule in their house on national tv? Because if you didn't, you didn't hear Dika say that games like that happen no matter how you prepare. The best way to look at it is that there will be other days, so move on.
A few things I have noticed about the posters here:

Many of them GO to the games and have an undying support for anything Texans. Truly a very supportive fanbase. From the beginning.

So they post their thoughts on a total beatdown based on that always want them to do better but people can see what needs to be done and when it's not done they post about it!

Most people here are 100% Texans supporters and probably have spent thousands on the team and will continue to do so.

They just want more bang for their buck! And most thought that would happen this year.

Based on Sunday's performance it looks like the team has alot of work to do.

And the Steelers are a top tier AFC SB contending team. I think that most thought that they would be a very good barometer for where the Texans were and how much they had grown as a possible playoff contender.

It's just disappointment venting here from most! The Texans got rolled. I have to think most expected a much, much better performance than that egg the Texans laid!
So, to sum up:

Blah blah, we suck.

Blah blah, it's one game.

Blah blah, fire X.

Blah blah, bench X.

Cut the human injury.

Start the backup.

I could probably read this on half the message boards in the league.

Think of the message board as Dr. Phil for football fans.
People have mentioned Ray Rhodes too, but health/age wise, I'm not sure that is much of a solution either.

In my opinion, if you have an offensive head coach, you need a defensive guy with a proven track record of success to give the keys to the defense to. The timing isn't very good right now because it is already game on.

I agree with you, but damn we're desperate..... health be damned, we need Ray Rhodes to grab the reigns.

I'm only joking about the health be damned thing.

I'm hoping behind the scenes, that Ray is getting kicked so badly in his pride, that he decides to do something, even if only in the name of Richard Smith.
Two things have been consistent in the Gary Kubiak era...

Our record has gotten better every year, and the fans have bitched and moaned the whole time.

Until they show me something otherwise I refuse to believe either one will stop.
Know what dude, When a duck quacks you know it is a duck. And we had a dead one Sunday.

If we did not care about the team then we would take your approach to the game on Sunday.

We are going on a coach that promised us that he had the team ready and then Dallas happened, The Coach said it is preseason and we will be fine.

We were not fine and we looked like a pop warner team, Got embarrassed in Pittifulsburg. Do not give me the old they are a playoff team. From what the coach is talking to us about so are we. So do not come in here and start blowing smoke or you will start a fire and i will be the flame. Enjoy your sweet BBQ in the dessert and let us talk how we want about our miserable example of a football team. We are not jumping ship we are trying to convey that we are not going to wait till we lost 10 or 11 games to get Pissed. We are Mad as Hell and we are not taking another 5 years of "this is our QB and that is that." We need to use all we have to win every game and if the coach cannot realize that then we will call for his head plane and simple.

I know the team will get better but they need to do it Quick, we only have 15 games to get into the playoffs and the way we look we won't even sniff the 500 season.

I do not lose my appetite cause I know how to BBQ and is is good.
Maybe you should change your recipe or something.

If you cannot handle the Heat stay out of the kitchen.
First off it was good, slow smoked ribs and wings. The texans caused me to loose my appetite Second I am not blowing smoke. I am patient, because the Texans, no matter what the record, is better than no team at all.
What your saying is that Kube's should worry about his job after every loss? wow I think this guy says it best.
Two things have been consistent in the Gary Kubiak era...

Our record has gotten better every year, and the fans have bitched and moaned the whole time.

Until they show me something otherwise I refuse to believe either one will stop.
Keep Kubiak here he has shown progress, be patient.
Did yall treat Rudy T this same way? Bitching after every loss? No wonder yall drove him out of coaching. How did that work out for ya?
First off it was good, slow smoked ribs and wings. The texans caused me to loose my appetite Second I am not blowing smoke. I am patient, because the Texans, no matter what the record, is better than no team at all.
What your saying is that Kube's should worry about his job after every loss? wow I think this guy says it best.

Keep Kubiak here he has shown progress, be patient.
Did yall treat Rudy T this same way? Bitching after every loss? No wonder yall drove him out of coaching. How did that work out for ya?

It aint every loss or just a loss there chief. It was a blow-out, emasculating, prison gang rape in a year when we are supposed to contend for the playoffs. We got beat worse than a 14 year old's member after he got his hands on his first nudie book. We played worse than 3 tons of buzzard puke. We got beat like rented mules. They cut us up like boarding house pie. We didn't tackle well, but we made up for it by not blocking. We got beat worse than a woman wearing a bikini in Afghanistan when the Taliban was in charge. Our defense is going to have the Pittsburgh O-line's children in nine months. We stunk worse than a fart in a phone booth.

I'm having a hard time coming up with historical references for teams that get kicked around like ours did and then come back to content for the playoffs much less make them. Can you give me any examples. I'm looking for more than you can count on one hand. I can't come up with one.

The NFL is a parity league. That's why the lines are always so close out of Vegas. That's why it is tough to make a living betting on NFL games. The teams that get the crap kicked out of them....even by good teams are the bottom feeders of the league. We've got a MUST WIN game against Baltimore. If we lose to them at home, you can go ahead and pack it in for the rest of the year because we would be done. Hope we have a good draft, at least we've got a 2nd round pick this year kind of done in September.

Go Texans
Know what dude, When a duck quacks you know it is a duck. And we had a dead one Sunday.

If we did not care about the team then we would take your approach to the game on Sunday.

We are going on a coach that promised us that he had the team ready and then Dallas happened, The Coach said it is preseason and we will be fine.

We were not fine and we looked like a pop warner team, Got embarrassed in Pittifulsburg. Do not give me the old they are a playoff team. From what the coach is talking to us about so are we. So do not come in here and start blowing smoke or you will start a fire and i will be the flame. Enjoy your sweet BBQ in the dessert and let us talk how we want about our miserable example of a football team. We are not jumping ship we are trying to convey that we are not going to wait till we lost 10 or 11 games to get Pissed. We are Mad as Hell and we are not taking another 5 years of "this is our QB and that is that." We need to use all we have to win every game and if the coach cannot realize that then we will call for his head plane and simple.

I know the team will get better but they need to do it Quick, we only have 15 games to get into the playoffs and the way we look we won't even sniff the 500 season.

I do not lose my appetite cause I know how to BBQ and is is good.
Maybe you should change your recipe or something.

If you cannot handle the Heat stay out of the kitchen.

Great post Joe Texan. Somehow some fans seem to think that you can't criticize your coaching staff for things that you feel could be better. It's ridiculous, but homers will always be homers and have blind support for the coaching staff. I heard a lot of it while Capers was here, and now those same people bash him relentlessly completely forgetting how much blind support they had before.

Kubiak should definitely be in the hot seat. There are plenty of other coaches that are that have been with their organizations around the same time. It's time to see his influence on the team provide some more results in his third year. If he doesn't then we'll wait and see at the end of the season.

Hopefully he'll get this team back on track and we'll have a minimum of a 9-7 season,. It doesn't look like he will right now, but we have 15 more games.

Until then go Texans!
Cowher left his home city. Cowher lives in NC. Why would Cowher want to come to Houston Texas after we would fire the previous coach after three years?

Why would he want to come here? Maybe because we have a well respected owner and a lot of fan support despite the fact that we still haven't even had a winning season for one. Not many teams have well respected owners such as Mcnair or a good supportive fan base.

For two, he might like the challenge of turning a mediocre team into a great team if he feels the owner and management will do their part.

He will go back to coaching at some point, and have to decide a destination. I'd say that the Texans would have as good of a shot as anyone.

And as far as not wanting to come to a team that got rid of a coach after three years, are you serious? You think he would really care? He is Bill freaking Cowher. I think he's got enough confidence where he feels he'd be around for a while, and as a fan I'd give him a much longer leash considering that he's proven he is a great coach with several different Steeler QB's and personell. Coaches lose their jobs after 3 year stints all of the time, and sometimes even faster. That is nothing out of the ordinary.
Kubiak on the hot seat? Some of y'all are completely delusional. There's no doubt that the team has deficiencies. Kubiak inherited a terrible team. But since Kubiak has been here, what decisions would you change (given the benefit of hindsight, even), and do you honestly think those changes would have resulted in something different this past Sunday?

Let's start with the draft. What draft decisions would you have changed, and state whether that's using hindsight. This is the Kubiak era only. Go.
Two things have been consistent in the Gary Kubiak era...

Our record has gotten better every year, and the fans have bitched and moaned the whole time.

Until they show me something otherwise I refuse to believe either one will stop.

So what's the problem? It's working. :)
I'll make this simple.

We were beaten by the best team in the AFC. Let's all keep some perspective.
I think there has been a lot of expectation tinged with apprehension amongst Texans fans since 2005, and that has led to people making knee-jerk reactions to the goings on with the team. This one game doesn't put us back to square one, just like a win on Sunday doesn't make us a play-off team.

Ok it was dissapointing to lose in such a manner, but there is no need to jump the gun and start saying Kubes is in the hot seat all of a sudden after all of the positivity of the last few months.

Let's just stick behind the team :texflag:
It aint every loss or just a loss there chief. It was a blow-out, emasculating, prison gang rape in a year when we are supposed to contend for the playoffs. We got beat worse than a 14 year old's member after he got his hands on his first nudie book. We played worse than 3 tons of buzzard puke. We got beat like rented mules. They cut us up like boarding house pie. We didn't tackle well, but we made up for it by not blocking. We got beat worse than a woman wearing a bikini in Afghanistan when the Taliban was in charge. Our defense is going to have the Pittsburgh O-line's children in nine months. We stunk worse than a fart in a phone booth.

I'm having a hard time coming up with historical references for teams that get kicked around like ours did and then come back to content for the playoffs much less make them. Can you give me any examples. I'm looking for more than you can count on one hand. I can't come up with one.

Didn't look very hard :)
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Two things have been consistent in the Gary Kubiak era...

Our record has gotten better every year, and the fans have bitched and moaned the whole time.

Until they show me something otherwise I refuse to believe either one will stop.

when I read this, I had to smile.
I remembered all the weeping and gnashing of teeth when we passed on VY & RB. All those "YKW needs this and that to be a successful QB" arguments ("...but he's got a 'cannon for an arm'").
About this time last year it was "Mario should be doing more" and "he's not worth a #1 pick".
Oh and lets not forget those "why haven't we gotten A.J. a bonafide #2 WR?" discussions.
And there were the trolls telling us how our O-line sucked - where ARE those guys now? And our own Schaub isn't worth two #2s discussions (I still say he's two #2s better than YKW but not two #2s better than Sage - but I digress)

You're right, Polo. We'll ALWAYS find something to gripe about. Even on that day when we win the Super Bowl, we'll be b!tchin' that we didn't shut the other guys out.
I'll make this simple.

We were beaten by the best team in the AFC. Let's all keep some perspective.

If we continue to play the way we did last week, then by the ridiculous contrast of performance I guess we will be able to label each team one by one as SuperBowl contenders. The only ones that will not be then, of course, will be the ones we won't play. Quick, call Las Vegas. We have just figured out how to fix the playoff line.
And our own Schaub isn't worth two #2s discussions (I still say he's two #2s better than YKW but not two #2s better than Sage - but I digress)

I remember when we traded for Schaub, people were saying even if Schaub was a bust, it would still be worth those two #2. Mainly because we all knew how attach McNair was to his golden boy DC, and thought he'll be starting for us for as long as he is in the league.

I still think it was worth every penny. Just the fact that McNair release Carr's nuts from the deathgrip, made that trade one of the best in NFL's history.

So you've got four examples in the history of the NFL. One of those was a 93 Cowboys team that was the defending champs and one of the most talented squads in the recent era. If you recall, Emmitt Smith held out that year until he got a new contract. Emmitt back, Cowboys unstoppable.

Two of the others were sheer anomalies. The Pats first win was a massive upset of the Rams and they had to get a made up "tuck rule" to even get out of the first round of the playoffs. No comments about their cheating to do this one either.

The Giants went on a hot streak at the end and pulled one out of their asses.

The Pats second Superbowl is the only game that fits our circumstances.

Even if you count all four, that's still less than five (a handful) and by my count, there is only one that fits the criteria of just getting killed in the opener and then going on to great things.

I'll cut back flips if we recover and contend for the playoffs, but I aint seein it right now.

Go Texans
So you've got four examples in the history of the NFL. One of those was a 93 Cowboys team that was the defending champs and one of the most talented squads in the recent era. If you recall, Emmitt Smith held out that year until he got a new contract. Emmitt back, Cowboys unstoppable.

Two of the others were sheer anomalies. The Pats first win was a massive upset of the Rams and they had to get a made up "tuck rule" to even get out of the first round of the playoffs. No comments about their cheating to do this one either.

The Giants went on a hot streak at the end and pulled one out of their asses.

The Pats second Superbowl is the only game that fits our circumstances.

Even if you count all four, that's still less than five (a handful) and by my count, there is only one that fits the criteria of just getting killed in the opener and then going on to great things.

I'll cut back flips if we recover and contend for the playoffs, but I aint seein it right now.

Go Texans

The four examples given were taken from a sample of super bowl winners over the past 15 seasons. Your qualification was simply, "teams that get kicked around like ours did and then come back to content for the playoffs much less make them". We'll take a look at teams over the past 5 seasons that lost their first game by 17+ points and finished at .500 or better:

Last season
Steelers(10-6)@Browns(10-6) 34-7

Bears(13-3)@Packers(8-8) 26-0

Dolphins(9-7)Broncos(13-3) 34-10

Browns(4-12)Ravens(9-7) 20-3

Seahawks(10-6)Saints(8-8) 27-10
Bills(6-10)Patriots(14-2) 31-0
Broncos(10-6)@Bengals(8-8) 30-10
Buccaneers(7-9)Eagles(12-4) 17-0
Steelers(6-10)Ravens(10-6) 34-15

Pick 5 of those that you like.

Also worth mentioning, the Steelers have won their past six week 1 games by a combined score of 191-84. They dominate week 1 like no other.