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The state of the Texans organization.


Toro de España
With the Astros trading for Greinke, Sanchez, Biagini, and getting Maldonado back it’s safe to say they are doing whatever it takes to win another championship!

Hell, the Rockets getting Westbrook was also a huge move, proving they want to win it all and willing to do whatever it takes!

Meanwhile, down in Kirby, all we hear is crickets. No GM, just plain dysfunction from top to bottom. Here’s hoping that they get with the program and make a splash soon! All other Houston sports teams are priming themselves for a deep run. The Texans organization should be taking notes!
I would have been happy if the Texans would have picked Jacobs in the first. Would have shown that they were at least trying. They could have still gotten 2 OL in the 2nd round.
Yeah, I just went on about it in another thread. Say what you want about the way the Astros broke it down and lost a million games, or Morey turning over rosters at the blink of an eye, you can see those teams clearly have a plan in place, have some direction, something. The Texans? They always seem to be in disarray. And it's throughout the entire structure of their organization too, not just on the HC, or GM...well, if they had one that is.
With the Astros trading for Greinke, Sanchez, Biagini, and getting Maldonado back it’s safe to say they are doing whatever it takes to win another championship!

Hell, the Rockets getting Westbrook was also a huge move, proving they want to win it all and willing to do whatever it takes!

Meanwhile, down in Kirby, all we hear is crickets. No GM, just plain dysfunction from top to bottom. Here’s hoping that they get with the program and make a splash soon! All other Houston sports teams are priming themselves for a deep run. The Texans organization should be taking notes!

You've just described well run vs clusterfvck.

Owners with a plan making $$$$ vs found $$$$ by daddy.
With the Astros trading for Greinke, Sanchez, Biagini, and getting Maldonado back it’s safe to say they are doing whatever it takes to win another championship!

Hell, the Rockets getting Westbrook was also a huge move, proving they want to win it all and willing to do whatever it takes!

Meanwhile, down in Kirby, all we hear is crickets. No GM, just plain dysfunction from top to bottom. Here’s hoping that they get with the program and make a splash soon! All other Houston sports teams are priming themselves for a deep run. The Texans organization should be taking notes!
Astros conducted the trade only because years of deep drafts stockpiled prospects that allowed a trade that didn’t affect the starting roster. They did nothing blockbuster for years. Sucked for years until they had depth. Probably wouldn’t have made this trade had they simply kept WS hero Charlie Martin. Who would we have to give up to get a LT. Sure JC’s name is always thrown out. Pure speculation and a trade like that is basically neutral because we need edge rushers. Rockets helped, not hurt, their roster with their trade. Texans only true path, IMO, is to stockpile draft choices, draft well, and make wise FA choices at the right time. I continue to believe this team is at least 1-2 years from true contention, like it or not. Trades don’t work in the NFL like in MLB. The NBA is another world. How many FA signings this year would have put us in the SB? Don’t forget $$ we need to resign our own keepers. I’m definitely not against adding a good vet or two but only when we are truly locked and loaded. That’s when you escape parity.
You've just described well run vs clusterfvck.

Owners with a plan making $$$$ vs found $$$$ by daddy.
I agree, but I really think Cal is different from his dad. Not saying he’s doing everything he can to put together a SB team at this very moment, but I think it won’t take him long to get it together now that he’s the one calling the shots. Now, if he doesn’t clean house after this season if all goes downhill as predicted, then I won’t hesitate to bash his ass. I do think his pursuit of Caserio was a step in the right direction, even though it was a failed attempt. Tells me he’s aiming to staff the organization with proven (successful) personnel.