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TexansTalk Official Rules - Updated

It’s the World Series. Seemed like a legit demarcation.

Not that my opinion matters, but I had no problem with consolidating threads. During the game, some posters were in the ws thread and some were in the Astros thread. I understand a mod wanting to put it all together in one place.

Seems some folks are superstitious or more diehard then you and i. Maybe moving all post in the ws thread (started by outsiders) to the Astros thread would accommodate everyone?
It's not like the OFFICAIL thread was started by one of the many known Astro fans. It was started unnecessarily by a known troll. We had a thread that was working just fine. You could have left it alone

I'll take the heat on this , I stared to delete that troll thread and didn't after a couple people had already responded.
I'll take the heat on this , I stared to delete that troll thread and didn't after a couple people had already responded.

You didn't move the posts from the thread we had used all year to that one though. Ironic this is that most all posting the past 2 days were in the old thread... even by the mod that moved them
You didn't move the posts from the thread we had used all year to that one though. Ironic this is that most all posting the past 2 days were in the old thread... even by the mod that moved them
It’s not ironic. You guys obviously wanted to use the old thread. I decided not to move any posts after I was made aware.
Mods, not sure who responded to me, but apparently making jokes about being retarded/mentally handicapped is good around here?
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Mods, not sure who responded to me, but apparently making jokes about being retarded/mentally handicapped is good around here?

While some might be offended and probably in poor taste , its not always outside the rules , context matters.

The post you are talking about was in reference to the team being "stupid"(How stupid are they?) .... that's within the rules.

Had that been aimed at another poster "Corrosion you are stupid" .... that's a personal attack and outside the rules.

@Double Barrel
So, in other words, I can compare Texans ownership to a retarded lizard, but if I do that to a board member I'll be in trouble.

I should probably stop then.
While some might be offended and probably in poor taste , its not always outside the rules , context matters.

The post you are talking about was in reference to the team being "stupid"(How stupid are they?) .... that's within the rules.

Had that been aimed at another poster "Corrosion you are stupid" .... that's a personal attack and outside the rules.

@Double Barrel

Actually the post said that if the Texans were any stupider they would need to hang a handicapped banner at NRG.

Apparently mocking mentally handicapped people is just poor taste until you direct it at another poster.

Glad to know you have some standards for this forum, even if they are ridiculously low.
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While some might be offended and probably in poor taste , its not always outside the rules , context matters.

The post you are talking about was in reference to the team being "stupid"(How stupid are they?) .... that's within the rules.

Had that been aimed at another poster "Corrosion you are stupid" .... that's a personal attack and outside the rules.

@Double Barrel
Actually the post said that if the Texans were any stupider they would need to hang a handicapped banner at NRG.

Apparently mocking mentally handicapped people is just poor taste until you direct it at another poster.

Glad to know you have some standards for this forum, even if they are ridiculously low.

This is one of those sort of delicate subjects that's a bit of a tightrope walk.

The basic forum rules have always been 1) attack the post, not the poster, and 2) let the posters define themselves with their own words (as long as it's not vulgar, indecent, or violates rule 1).

These basic foundational 'rules' could be perceived as low standards, but it's been a standard for almost two decades just the same.

It's slippery slope if the mod team is going down the rabbit hole of trying to keep everything as 'non-offensive' as possible, as those are gray areas and have different boundaries for each individual member.

We understand perception and we do not want to belittle anyone's concerns, so the above is said with respect to everyone here. We have no desire to drive anyone away, and we understand that too lax or too tight of moderating the forum can potentially turn folks off. We're all adults here and want everyone to be treated as such. Like I said, it's often a tightrope to find that happy medium.
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This is one of those sort of delicate subjects that's a bit of a tightrope walk.

The basic forum rules have always been 1) attack the post, not the poster, and 2) let the posters define themselves with their own words (as long as it's not vulgar, indecent, or violates rule 1).

These basic foundational 'rules' could be perceived as low standards, but it's been a standard for almost two decades just the same.

It's slippery slope if the mod team is going down the rabbit hole of trying to keep everything as 'non-offensive' as possible, as those are gray areas and have different boundaries for each individual member.

Saying something has existed for two decades does not say much except two decades of existing.. exists.

We understand perception and we do not want to belittle anyone's concerns, so the above is said with respect to everyone here. We have no desire to drive anyone away, and we understand that too lax or too tight of moderating the forum can potentially turn folks off. We're all adults here and want everyone to be treated as such. Like I said, it's often a tightrope to find that happy medium.
yet some here acknowledge they skirt those boundaries intentionally just to stir and seemingly get away with it. We have been instructed not to use profanity or "deflections" such as exchanging a letter or using symbols. The 'I want to say what I want and how I want' comes to the fore. This MB is epitome of give an inch and they take a mile.
yet some here acknowledge they skirt those boundaries intentionally just to stir and seemingly get away with it. We have been instructed not to use profanity or "deflections" such as exchanging a letter or using symbols. The 'I want to say what I want and how I want' comes to the fore. This MB is epitome of give an inch and they take a mile.

Personally I prefer the mods use a light hand and only shut down things that clearly are against the rules and are posted knowing they are against the rules. We all are different ages, backgrounds and in many cases groups we most identify with. To have the mods try and start filtering out anything that anybody might be offended by there is only one way for them to do that and it’s to lock every thread and make it so no one can post but them.

Besides so many people seem to forget that we do have options as posters. First we can just not read any thread we know we won’t like the content of and second we can place any poster on ignore.

Far as I know there is no limit on the ignore list, I remember Uncle Rico when he was posting regularly had many people on ignore and would place someone on there if they said anything he didn’t like at all. So yeah it is possible to turn this place into a safe space for a poster and the mods not have to do much of anything.

“An insult is like a drink, it only affects you if you accept it” - Robert Heinlein.
Personally I prefer the mods use a light hand and only shut down things that clearly are against the rules and are posted knowing they are against the rules. We all are different ages, backgrounds and in many cases groups we most identify with. To have the mods try and start filtering out anything that anybody might be offended by there is only one way for them to do that and it’s to lock every thread and make it so no one can post but them.

Besides so many people seem to forget that we do have options as posters. First we can just not read any thread we know we won’t like the content of and second we can place any poster on ignore.

Far as I know there is no limit on the ignore list, I remember Uncle Rico when he was posting regularly had many people on ignore and would place someone on there if they said anything he didn’t like at all. So yeah it is possible to turn this place into a safe space for a poster and the mods not have to do much of anything.

“An insult is like a drink, it only affects you if you accept it” - Robert Heinlein.
If you decide on having a rule then enforce it or eliminate it. Parents set rules then say "I'm not going to tell you again.." and then wonder why children test those same rules. I agree with your first sentence but that is not being done and why I posted.
This is one of those sort of delicate subjects that's a bit of a tightrope walk.

The basic forum rules have always been 1) attack the post, not the poster, and 2) let the posters define themselves with their own words (as long as it's not vulgar, indecent, or violates rule 1).

These basic foundational 'rules' could be perceived as low standards, but it's been a standard for almost two decades just the same.

It's slippery slope if the mod team is going down the rabbit hole of trying to keep everything as 'non-offensive' as possible, as those are gray areas and have different boundaries for each individual member.

We understand perception and we do not want to belittle anyone's concerns, so the above is said with respect to everyone here. We have no desire to drive anyone away, and we understand that too lax or too tight of moderating the forum can potentially turn folks off. We're all adults here and want everyone to be treated as such. Like I said, it's often a tightrope to find that happy medium.

So we can make retarded jokes, we just can't call someone retarded. Got it.

One would think in 2021 that using mental handicaps as an insult was passé, but I forget that this is TexansTalk.

And it isn't about being "offended". Maybe it is about having a child with a mental disability. Maybe it is about having a wife who had dedicated her career to teaching children with mental disabilities because she knows what it means to be a parent of one of those children. It isn't about clutching pearls or having a case of the vapors because one is trying to be woke. How about we just be decent human beings and not mock people who had no choice in their mental abilities. Because I am tired of my child's life being a punchline for you knuckle draggers, and y'all can kindly **** off.
So we can make retarded jokes, we just can't call someone retarded. Got it.

One would think in 2021 that using mental handicaps as an insult was passé, but I forget that this is TexansTalk.

And it isn't about being "offended". Maybe it is about having a child with a mental disability. Maybe it is about having a wife who had dedicated her career to teaching children with mental disabilities because she knows what it means to be a parent of one of those children. It isn't about clutching pearls or having a case of the vapors because one is trying to be woke. How about we just be decent human beings and not mock people who had no choice in their mental abilities. Because I am tired of my child's life being a punchline for you knuckle draggers, and y'all can kindly **** off.

I think your posts here have done a lot to remind posters how much their words mean. I don't believe any true malice was intended by the mod who responded to you. It was an error in judgement and I'd hope they've learned from it. For me, the real slight here isn't that they said it, it's if they say it again.

I don't think anyone who's read your emotional posts will continue to take the topic lightly. I can't imagine the life sacrifices your family has had to make. I sense the pain in your words and I'd expect the mod involved to reach out to you and try to make peace.

That said, you're going to see more mockery of the handicapped in the future. It may be here, it may be in everyday life, it will likely be in Hollywood (see simple jack from tropic thunder.) Will you react this way in every instance? If you let every reference to the handicapped effect you this way it will ultimately drive you mad.

You want people to be decent? They're not.

I would ask that you stop allowing others to effect you so deeply. You have every right to want others to evolve, but you should follow suit. I say that with your best intrest in mind because you'll never see the end of it.

Telling everyone to "kindly f off" is confrontational and not conducive to a proper resolution. I respect your drop the mic moment there. It probably felt good to f'off a whole message board. I'm not sure it helps your cause though.

For those of us who read your post, I think we're a bit more sensitive to the topic now and have a better understanding. I hope that gives you some solace.

Be well.
The elephant in the room here is me, since I’m the one who made the comment.

First off, I apologize to Sandman for creating this situation, which was never my intention. Message received about the offense taken and I will try and remember to refrain from doing it again.

Secondly, it’s the internet, and this is a message board full of people who don’t know each other except through posts they read. It’s difficult enough for the mods to control this place without this kind of (individual) stuff to deal with.

Thirdly, everyone has buttons that can be pushed, I most certainly do. And my “button issue” is probably different from most people here, which can probably be said about everyone who posts here. For now, our subject matter, the Texans, is not a pleasant one. I deal with that by trying to be the class clown. Class clowns can also tend to piss off as many people as they do making them laugh. The problem is, I can’t take either the Texans or professional sports that seriously as they’re both in a state of extreme disarray.

Fourthly, being stoned most of the time and not giving a crap about a lot of things is generally no way to be. But at 70 yrs old, I don’t care about most things I used to care about. Which should be a hint at my button issue; the way elderly folks are perceived, talked about and dealt with in our society. I’m dealing with a 90-year-old parent in an assisted living facility and am constantly pissed off about how young folks deal and talk about that issue.

Carry on folks, and I’ll try and not make any more jokes about this issue at hand.
So we can make retarded jokes, we just can't call someone retarded. Got it.

I'm not a fan of it and don't use the term myself.

I think being open and talking like adults is what ultimately gets results.

For instance, you brought up the subject and the member that said it has apologized. That's how we bring stuff to a positive conclusion.

Although it appears that you might be quitting the forum so the gears didn't move fast enough.

One would think in 2021 that using mental handicaps as an insult was passé, but I forget that this is TexansTalk.

It is passé, just like making homoerotic metaphors, and those still get thrown around, as well.

I'm not condoning any of it but I'm not sure that over-moderating things is good for the forum, too.

And it isn't about being "offended". Maybe it is about having a child with a mental disability. Maybe it is about having a wife who had dedicated her career to teaching children with mental disabilities because she knows what it means to be a parent of one of those children. It isn't about clutching pearls or having a case of the vapors because one is trying to be woke. How about we just be decent human beings and not mock people who had no choice in their mental abilities. Because I am tired of my child's life being a punchline for you knuckle draggers, and y'all can kindly **** off.

So one person makes an inappropriate joke and you feel the need to generalize all of us?

Being "offended" is defined as "resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult", which judging by your above thoughts clearly describes your mentality.

Why deny it? It pissed you off and you rightfully stood up for your beliefs, and in the process has helped improved the forum incrementally by bringing light and knowledge to the subject.

I'm sorry if you have left us for good. I like you and your posts, and it's a shame if we lose you.

I was hoping for more of a mature and peaceful resolution, but it is what it is. I shall kindly go **** off now. :cowboy1:
I have a question. Why in the Non Sports Topics area, where there isn't supposed to be any "political or religious content" there is political content? I refer specifically to the thread "What impacts USA or world next?".
When a post gets deleted because it quoted a post that was later deleted, it would be nice to know what that post was since we get a notification that it was deleted
When a post gets deleted because it quoted a post that was later deleted, it would be nice to know what that post was since we get a notification that it was deleted

And which mod deleted it.
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Please stop taking shots at our members. Discuss his post, not the poster

I don’t see anyone taking shots at the poster. They were questions that even you have asked on occasion:

Why is he here?

If things are so bad with the Texans and things are better with other teams than why be here?

Show me a post of his that is positive about the Texans.

He trolls the entire message board.
Why is he here?
He trolls the entire message board.
He's not breaking any rules. You call it trolling, which is taking a shot at a member. Saying he's here to pump up the Jags is taking a shot.

Your post I just quoted & this post, my reply is not about the Texans, the NFL, or sports of any kind.

It is about a member. Which is off limits.

Many people are not happy with the way the McNair's have/are/will run this team. It's hard for them to find anything good about them.

They found hope when we fired our GM/HC but quickly fell into despair when they hired the new GM & again when they hired the new HC & again when they learned who the "frontrunners" were (which so far proved to be false), & again when they were told of Josh McCown's interview.

I think I they are jumping the gun on some decisions. Those that haven't been made yet especially.

But I understand their concern given recent history
He's not breaking any rules. You call it trolling, which is taking a shot at a member. Saying he's here to pump up the Jags is taking a shot.

Your post I just quoted & this post, my reply is not about the Texans, the NFL, or sports of any kind.

It is about a member. Which is off limits.

Many people are not happy with the way the McNair's have/are/will run this team. It's hard for them to find anything good about them.

They found hope when we fired our GM/HC but quickly fell into despair when they hired the new GM & again when they hired the new HC & again when they learned who the "frontrunners" were (which so far proved to be false), & again when they were told of Josh McCown's interview.

I think I they are jumping the gun on some decisions. Those that haven't been made yet especially.

But I understand their concern given recent history
Apologies...I'll delete. And apologies to Texian.

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He's not breaking any rules. You call it trolling, which is taking a shot at a member. Saying he's here to pump up the Jags is taking a shot.

Your post I just quoted & this post, my reply is not about the Texans, the NFL, or sports of any kind.

It is about a member. Which is off limits.

Many people are not happy with the way the McNair's have/are/will run this team. It's hard for them to find anything good about them.

They found hope when we fired our GM/HC but quickly fell into despair when they hired the new GM & again when they hired the new HC & again when they learned who the "frontrunners" were (which so far proved to be false), & again when they were told of Josh McCown's interview.

I think I they are jumping the gun on some decisions. Those that haven't been made yet especially.

But I understand their concern given recent history

I understand that they wanted as much cap space as soon as possible. Some dislike everything Foxboro and because of this dislike aren't going to agree with much of anything Caserio does. Heck, they wont even agree Caserio is doing business down on Kirby, even though he sign 30 FA's last offseason and that's never been done before down on Kirby.

They also dislike and dont trust what Cal or Caserio when they say Caserio's making the final calls on the football opps side of things. Even though Caserio has cut/traded guys signed to long term contracts when Easterby was GM. (Mercilus/Cunningham/ Cobb/Roby etc...

So I dont sEe their minds changing until after Caserio completes the rebuild and the Texans are winning again. It is what it is at this point.
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Please stop taking shots at our members. Discuss his post, not the poster

It wasn't a shot, it was a honest question. If someone doesn't like the team and never believes it will improve then why waste time? I'm honestly curious because if I truly didn't think there was any hope for a sports team then I would stop caring and find better things to do with my time.
It wasn't a shot, it was a honest question. If someone doesn't like the team and never believes it will improve then why waste time? I'm honestly curious because if I truly didn't think there was any hope for a sports team then I would stop caring and find better things to do with my time.
I don't have a problem with your question. It wasn't mentioned in my dissertation. I wouldn't have a problem if the question you asked was answered by the member you asked.

My concern was with a third party answering the question in a sparky manner.
He's not breaking any rules. You call it trolling, which is taking a shot at a member. Saying he's here to pump up the Jags is taking a shot.

Your post I just quoted & this post, my reply is not about the Texans, the NFL, or sports of any kind.

It is about a member. Which is off limits.

Many people are not happy with the way the McNair's have/are/will run this team. It's hard for them to find anything good about them.

They found hope when we fired our GM/HC but quickly fell into despair when they hired the new GM & again when they hired the new HC & again when they learned who the "frontrunners" were (which so far proved to be false), & again when they were told of Josh McCown's interview.

I think I they are jumping the gun on some decisions. Those that haven't been made yet especially.

But I understand their concern given recent history

I don’t see anyone taking shots at the poster. They were questions that even you have asked on occasion:

Why is he here?

If things are so bad with the Texans and things are better with other teams than why be here?

Show me a post of his that is positive about the Texans.

He trolls the entire message board.
WOW! I'm flattered. What did I do to deserve all of this attention? It's not like I called someone a stupid S.O.B. I love you all.
He's not breaking any rules. You call it trolling, which is taking a shot at a member. Saying he's here to pump up the Jags is taking a shot.

Your post I just quoted & this post, my reply is not about the Texans, the NFL, or sports of any kind.

It is about a member. Which is off limits.

Many people are not happy with the way the McNair's have/are/will run this team. It's hard for them to find anything good about them.

They found hope when we fired our GM/HC but quickly fell into despair when they hired the new GM & again when they hired the new HC & again when they learned who the "frontrunners" were (which so far proved to be false), & again when they were told of Josh McCown's interview.

I think I they are jumping the gun on some decisions. Those that haven't been made yet especially.

But I understand their concern given recent history

Just so you know you and @steelbtexan are the only two members of the Kool Aid Brigade that I do not have on ignore.

If we call someone a troll that is too far. Or ask why they are here. Or say that someone is here to pump up the Jags.

Yet calling a group of people the “Kool Aid Brigade” is ok when they disagree.

I am not seeing where the line is drawn.

Is there a list of things we can call people that is acceptable?
If we call someone a troll that is too far. Or ask why they are here. Or say that someone is here to pump up the Jags.

Yet calling a group of people the “Kool Aid Brigade” is ok when they disagree.

I am not seeing where the line is drawn.

Is there a list of things we can call people that is acceptable?

We should try to avoid name-calling.


You're a troll <---unacceptable

Please stop trolling us. <---acceptable (notice the polite request ;) )

As far as who is welcomed here: ALL football fans, regardless if they are Texans fans or not, and regardless if they are optimistic, realistic, or anywhere in between.

The forum is basically down to a skeleton crew of fans. I figure 90% of casual Houston football fans don't think about the Texans much these days. I can't say that I blame them.
We should try to avoid name-calling.


You're a troll
Please stop trolling us.
As far as who is welcomed here: ALL football fans, regardless if they are Texans fans or not, and regardless if they are optimistic, realistic, or anywhere in between.

The forum is basically down to a skeleton crew of fans. I figure 90% of casual Houston football fans don't think about the Texans much these days. I can't say that I blame them.

If "asshole" is taken off the acceptable list, I won't know what to call half the people in here. :evilb:

So we can say:

Please sir - don’t be an asshole and have an alternative dumb ass view contrarian to my own that are in my eyes always right?

Am I doing it right?

Or can we use soft fuzzy words like calling people part of a Debbie Downer Club?

I think a certain poster is of the sensitive type and reports anytime their feelings get hurt. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is OK to be overly sensitive.

Btw - never said anyone isn’t welcome. People are just asking questions and being moderated quite closely after questions are asked.