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Texans, Pick yourselves up and beat the Colts

BullPenAndy said:
I don't respect him and here's why. If he is supposed to be the great QB everyone says, why does he waste my time with all the fake audibles? If he is "that good", he should not have to trick the opponent. Line up, call an audible if its warranted, and execute the play.
So what did you think of Manning's manipulation of the clock in the Green Bay game? 2:40 remained in the second quarter. Peyton comes to the line, proceeds to 'call' about 15 audibles and simply allows the play clock to run out.

The Packers were suckered into not calling a time out prior to the two minute warning, thereby losing about 30-35 seconds of valuable time.

Was that a case of brilliance on the part of a very smart quarterback?

Or was it simply another case of someone cheating? :hmmm:
SandersIsTheFuture said:
yeah, I am sure dungy and polian listen to you guys and and form their game plan around that. You guys are babys and couldn't handle the game or a loss. this is all your team has to get them fired up? Please. Talk about something else.

if ya dont like it leave ! That sound simple enough for ya ???
BullPenAndy said:
I don't respect him and here's why. If he is supposed to be the great QB everyone says, why does he waste my time with all the fake audibles? If he is "that good", he should not have to trick the opponent. Line up, call an audible if its warranted, and execute the play.

LMAO!! andy i know, its almost like peyton is picking on the defense huh? LOL, come on man i guess your against a hard count to make the defense jump off sides on 3rd and short also ? how dare peyton try to confuse the defense, i mean its not like they dont try to do the same to him, they do, they just cant out fox a fox. what is the difference between a defense showing blitz and dropping into coverage instead of blitzing? they are trying to throw the QB off and make him check to a play that wont work. you are just trying to find something to nag about because he is the best and not on your team, if peyton came to the texans you all would be all over his sack, but since he plays for a rival team you have to find something childish to cry about. that without a doubt is the dumbest reason i have ever heard to not like a qb because hes to good. he is going to give you nother reason not to like him come sunday, in fact id say he will give several new reasons when you look up at the scoreboard. the texans will have to pay peyton for making sure all the lights on the scoreboard work.
SandersIsTheFuture said:
yeah, I am sure dungy and polian listen to you guys and and form their game plan around that. You guys are babys and couldn't handle the game or a loss. this is all your team has to get them fired up? Please. Talk about something else.

Hey Mr. Readingisfundamental--try reading what my post you quoted was in response to--specifically one of your compatriots saying the Bears, Lions & Titans didn't complain about Peyton throwing down field late in the game--well, duh, he was pulled in those games unlike ours. As for the cause of the decision to pull him in those games, there sure is a coincidence that after the game announcers and press questioned the decision one week, the Colts actions changed in the next few weeks--hardly a great leap of faith to fill in that gap.
You people are not understanding what I said. I didn't say I don't like the audibles he calls at the line. I said I don't like the FAKE ones. What is the point of calling a fake audible. To throw off the Defence? I don't think he should have to do it. I an sorry for not explaining it to you fully. I will try to type slower next time.
On espn radio, Kiper and the other host (just an hour ago or so) were basically calling the Texans a bunch of whiners for crying about the Colts running up the score.
BullPenAndy said:
You people are not understanding what I said. I didn't say I don't like the audibles he calls at the line. I said I don't like the FAKE ones. What is the point of calling a fake audible. To throw off the Defence? I don't think he should have to do it. I an sorry for not explaining it to you fully. I will try to type slower next time.

the POINT is to win the game :listening :loser
My point is.... He is too good of a QB to have to call fake audibles. He reads the defense, and then calls a REAL audible to make a play against you. He does that all the time. What is the point of trying to confuse the D when you can out execute them.

You people need to learn to read what is written before you comment. I love how you "put words in my mouth" and tell me what I think. The best one is setting up another thread with select quotes that make it seem like I am saying something else. I never said he was a bad QB, I never said he shouldn't call audibles at the line. I said he should not have to call fake audibles. But thats just my opinion.
i don't quite know how to respond...but I feel a need to respond here...

Fake audibles throw off the defense...just like the real ones do. A few years ago, the Colts were playing what then was a VERY good Oakland Raider team in Indy. Colts racked up monstrous #'s in the first half, but at halftime, the defense figured out his audibles...and shut them down in the 2nd half, winning the game on a field goal. His "fake" audibles have only become more important since that game.

In this game, with MILLIONS on the line (fans and $$) if your team isn't doing WHATEVER it can to win the game, then you are coming up short.

All of this is moot, though. If PM were the quarterback of the Texans, you would be eating this stuff up. You would have a Manning jersey, probably paint 18 on your face for game day, and carry his rookie card in your wallet.

Bottom line here is this. Your opinion REEKS of jealousy, and you have no reason to be jealous. Carr is a great QB, and once the right people are in there to get the mental part of his came honed, he will be mentioned in the same breath as the PM's Tom Brady's, Joe Montanas, etc...

Just my opinion about your opinion...
txhoosier said:
Bottom line here is this. Your opinion REEKS of jealousy, and you have no reason to be jealous. Carr is a great QB, and once the right people are in there to get the mental part of his came honed, he will be mentioned in the same breath as the PM's Tom Brady's, Joe Montanas, etc...

...and the Aikmans. :yap :tiptoe:
First off get the Glue off of my thread. Yall dogfood wannbes can line up your day is coming. Now I have seen QB's get a false start call but not mr. I can't fumble, throw an interception, intentional ground a ball or get a penalty. As much as he moves around in the backfield it should be false start after false start but mr. Untouchable is immune.
Joe Texan said:
First off get the Glue off of my thread. Yall dogfood wannbes can line up your day is coming. Now I have seen QB's get a false start call but not mr. I can't fumble, throw an interception, intentional ground a ball or get a penalty. As much as he moves around in the backfield it should be false start after false start but mr. Untouchable is immune.

wow joe ya confused me man ! oh well dont take much for that to happen :hmmm:
wiley2002 said:
...and the Aikmans. :yap :tiptoe:
please forgive me for that omission.

I was actually going to say Staubach and Bradshaw, but I didn't know if everyone on this board would know who I was talking about.

Hey, Joe...did you call in to SportsRadio610 on Friday evening with a suggestion on how the Texans could win the game?
txhoosier said:
please forgive me for that omission.

I was actually going to say Staubach and Bradshaw, but I didn't know if everyone on this board would know who I was talking about.
Why is that? We have a ton of fans who were hard core Oiler fans in the 70's here. This may be an expansion team but this is a long time NFL city.
I am used to having a bunch of young 20 somethings around...

..add Bradshaw and Staubach to my list.

Oh, and before I forget...Luv ya blue!!!