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Ted Johnson calls Vince Wilfork's wife "ugliest he's ever seen"

I should probably keep my keyboard silent, but I would like to go on a little mini rant here:

Why do guys think it is ok to trash a women based on her looks? I read the posts from males I have met in person who are not in the least bit attractive who feel the need to insult to looks of a woman in a picture. I usually laugh and shake my head, these guys say the wouldn't hit it, when the reality is they wouldn't stand a chance in hell of "hitting it."

If women were as shallow as men who do this crap, and only graded men on looks, not many males would make it to the alter.

Why would that jerk ask the question and why would Johnson answer it?

Over here in Japan, there's saying. You can get used to looks of not attractive woman. You can get tired of pretty ones. What it means is that it is more important inside than pretty appearance.

Having said that, I do have young and beautiful girlfriend. I just like total beauty inside and outside.
This is not a situation that calls for political correctness. It is a situation that calls for human decency.

That woman (as you refer to her) is from all accounts a wonderful person and wife.

Let me ask this question to all in this thread who are publicly willing to call her ugly (or nasty). Is there a female in your life who you care about that is ugly? Maybe a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a wife of a friend, a co worker? Would you call them ugly (or nasty) to their face? Then why do you think it is acceptable anywhere?

She isn't a Roseanne or a Rosie O'Donnell who put herself in the public eye and is therefore more subject to public opinion.

I personally have a ton of respect for the way Vince stood up for his wife and for the fact that he is in such a loving relationship with her.

Your expecting decency from certain people that think it is ok to talk like this and think low class is funny until someone starts saying how ugly and lose their moms are.

I read some here saying this stuff is all over so no reason to get upset. Hell that is the exact reason to be upset. Our society thinks it is OK demean defame and to treat folks like garbage. Just because you are not right in front of them. When these boys do not have more than 2 inches and need to belittle others to make themselves feel good and there is only one way they would say it other than on the internet or on a call in talk show.
This is the problem with "sports talk radio" devolving into some goofy type of "guy talk".

Who gives a flying flip about who's wife is ugly???! Why is this even a segment on a SPORTS talk show?

I know it's all under the umbrella of entertainment, but turning local sports radio into some sort of bastard stepchild of Howard Stern and Jim Rome is taking a turn for the worst.

I could not care less about what hair gel someone uses, what movies they like, what trip they took with their wives last weekend, blah blah blah.

I immediately change the channel when they start babbling that "guy talk" crap.

I actually like the segment . It's nice to hear some different "entertainment" every once and a while . Talking about the same topic all day everyday , especially with the offseason and little going on in sports. Only so many times you can re tread topics . Just IMHO ...
Whatever you say, internet tough guy.

Huh? Who's trying to be tough? Man, some of you "guys" act like sensative little girls. I guess it's a sign of the times with this younger generation being pampered and politically brainwashed. Back in the 50's and 60's comedians would commonly joke about their ugly wives. Nowadays it spawns a lawsuit, tears and new legislation. Unbelievable how far we've fallen...
Well its go time for Francis. Considering his wife was called ugly and it went viral. I guess you can stand back and watch your wife, daughter, sister be called ugly and laugh about it. Way to go good buddy.

If my wife or daughter were as ugly as his wife i would have to laugh, what good does it do to get upset about it. If Wilfork has a problem they can work it out like men. It's really just good humor that's commonly shared amongst brothers like football players, soldiers, fraternity, whatever.

The sensitivity levels around here are outrageous.
Huh? Who's trying to be tough? Man, some of you "guys" act like sensative little girls. I guess it's a sign of the times with this younger generation being pampered and politically brainwashed. Back in the 50's and 60's comedians would commonly joke about their ugly wives. Nowadays it spawns a lawsuit, tears and new legislation. Unbelievable how far we've fallen...

In the 50/60's you would have gotten your ass beat for that, along with the fact when you got home your father/mother would have beat your ass even at 25.

It was called respect, which obviously people don't have they just sit behind a virtual environment and say what they want without much if any repercussion.
If my wife or daughter were as ugly as his wife i would have to laugh, what good does it do to get upset about it. If Wilfork has a problem they can work it out like men. It's really just good humor that's commonly shared amongst brothers like football players, soldiers, fraternity, whatever.

The sensitivity levels around here are outrageous.

I bet your wife/daughter wouldn't find it funny, especially if they were sensitive about their looks already?
I guess it's a sign of the times with this younger generation being pampered and politically brainwashed. Back in the 50's and 60's comedians would commonly joke about their ugly wives.

See the word in bold? - it's kind of key to why this is a different situation. Nice made up knowledge of a time period from before you were born.
In the 50/60's you would have gotten your ass beat for that, along with the fact when you got home your father/mother would have beat your ass even at 25.

It was called respect, which obviously people don't have they just sit behind a virtual environment and say what they want without much if any repercussion.

Really? I guess you've never heard of Henny Youngman. Do some research on some of the old school comedians and come back here with an informed response.

Sensitivity overload...
If my wife or daughter were as ugly as his wife i would have to laugh, what good does it do to get upset about it. If Wilfork has a problem they can work it out like men. It's really just good humor that's commonly shared amongst brothers like football players, soldiers, fraternity, whatever.

The sensitivity levels around here are outrageous.

I vote this for dumbest post of the year. I've been around a lot of locker rooms, in bars, frat parties, and seen a lot of fights. You know what most of the fights involved or were over? Women....... I don't care how close you are with someone another guy isn't going to let you disrespect a woman they love! What the hell planet are you from dude? Seriously the dumbest thing I've heard or seen in a long time.
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Geez... it's like I accidentally posted on The View's message board. Now I remembered why i stayed away from here the last 5 years.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, personally I'm fine with the fact you haven't been here for 5+ years. From your posts it seems like we've been spared for a while now..
Steph's blog about talk radio was spot on. I think a email campaign to the Texans is in order, I really don't like them supporting this level of misogyny.

“It’s all in fun, and it’s generally a ‘ha, ha’ deal,” Lopez said. “I’m not going to speak for Ted, but the lesson for me is that sometimes people take this thing literally. I can see how (Wilfork) would feel from afar.

“Most people understand when you’re being serious on the radio and when you’re having fun, and sometimes that line gets blurred a little bit.”

He said he and Wright plan to continue the segment.

It should be noted that the audio of the conversation between Wright, Lopez and Johnson was recorded and posted by Craig Shelton’s Houston Media Watch website.

UPDATE: The website also posted audio from KILT’s afternoon talk show, including Rich Lord’s comment, referring to Bianca Wilfork, “The truth of the matter is … this is not somebody you want to wake up next to. Did I go over the line?” He added, “She’s got a ways to before she’s even Rikki Lake. I’m trying to back up our boy here. He spoke the truth.”

Sigh. Did Gavin Spittle, KILT’s former program director, take the mute button with him when he moved to Dallas?

Steph's blog about talk radio was spot on. I think a email campaign to the Texans is in order, I really don't like them supporting this level of misogyny.


I heard Rich Lord's response to what Johnson said later on a website after a friend told me about it and he may have been worse. It just rubbed me the wrong way so I e-mailed the program director at the station to voice my opinion. I normally don't do that kind of thing, but the sophomoric behavior is ruining their station to me. I'm all for being loose and having fun, but according to a few people I talk to they pretty regularly step over some boundaries there that they shouldn't.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, personally I'm fine with the fact you haven't been here for 5+ years. From your posts it seems like we've been spared for a while now..

Wow. Who's intolerant now? I think will take you up on that offer since the quality of conversation has deteriorated on this board the last few years.
She looks ok. I see women a lot more ugly than her every day.

She's certainly a big girl, but Vince is a really big guy himself and they both probably like to chow down. But she's actually kinda cute, and they've got really good looking kids.
This Ted Johnson guy will probably regret what he said, unless his stations ratings reacted positively to the little controversy in which case he might get a raise.
Rich Lord is just a dumbass...don't know how people enjoy listening to him in general in any case.
Wow Ted Johnson really put his foot in his mouth. He's a big boy and he should've known better. That whole station is getting innesed.
I haven't listened to 610 since Josh Innis got there. That dude should be nominated for Biggest Douche in the Universe.

I agree completely.

Well said. Just another example of bad talk radio.

Same here on satellite radio. I listen to some 790 on the commutes. Rome is no longer on in Houston, but has you suggested, he has "jumped the shark".

I heard awhile back that Rome is supposed to be back on Houston airwaves.

Here's more info: Rome excited about new Showtime program, return to Houston radio in 2013

I like guy talk because there are plenty of times where there are not truly relevant sports issues and even when there the issue is getting beat to death. what I don't like is that much of "guy talk" has to be immature frat house or lockerroom type talk. More to life than chicks, getting drunk, and pulling silly pranks.

I have not heard much beyond the frat house talk, so my own perspective is that most of this "guy talk" is just goofy dude drama and fart jokes...or just plain dumb questions like the one that started this thread.

I actually like the segment . It's nice to hear some different "entertainment" every once and a while . Talking about the same topic all day everyday , especially with the offseason and little going on in sports. Only so many times you can re tread topics . Just IMHO ...

I'll be honest, I do not listen to much sports talk outside of football season. I care about one subject - NFL football - so I'm not the best expert about sports talk radio. I think there are way too many stations these days and most of them have very little relevant conversations. I understand why they are resorting to "guy talk", but then again, I'm not the demographic they are trying to capture.
I reckon there are many out there that question how my wife stays with a big goofy lookin dude like myself

I follow them on Twitter and think they're good people. As a matter of fact, I've wondered a time or two how Vince can go from the guy on Twitter to the guy that tore our oline to shreds. I know all players do it, but this guy seems like a complete 360
Rich Lord is just a dumbass...don't know how people enjoy listening to him in general in any case.

Frankly the entire 610 lineup is just really bad. Obviously everyone hates Josh Ennis, and he and Seth Payne would rather make unfunny toilet jokes and giggle all show, but I think Rich Lord and John Lopez are awful. Have you ever noticed that Lopez litterally laughs after every comment he makes? I wont even get into "the odd couple" or Mike Meltser. The only thing 610 has is the Texans.

I find myself listening to 790 most of the time to catch Lance Z. And 1560 never comes in clear for me.

And yes, Ted crossed the line. Calling a woman ugly on the air? And someone he knows? What the hell is wrong with you? Imagine if that was someone you cared about. You would be furious. But that is what you get when you hang around 610 and how they do things. Top 3? Celebrity birthdays? More personal talk and bull**** than actual sports discussion.
I should probably keep my keyboard silent, but I would like to go on a little mini rant here:

Why do guys think it is ok to trash a women based on her looks? I read the posts from males I have met in person who are not in the least bit attractive who feel the need to insult to looks of a woman in a picture. I usually laugh and shake my head, these guys say the wouldn't hit it, when the reality is they wouldn't stand a chance in hell of "hitting it."

If women were as shallow as men who do this crap, and only graded men on looks, not many males would make it to the alter.

Why would that jerk ask the question and why would Johnson answer it?

:rant: think I'm UGLY!?! :crying:
Doesn't matter to me besides Vince ain't exactly Denzel Washington .


She reminds me a bit of Mindy Cohn from Facts of Life. I don't think she's ugly but would say she's NOT my type physically. Okay If you guys will excuse me I have to get up on my soapbox.

:soapbox: (ahem) Okay while I am KNOWN in here for being a bit of a pig I should go on record with a few things. While I am attracted to a certain TYPE of woman that's more a preference than anything else.

I appreciate the inherent beauty in all things feminine. The way women walk, the way they sit the way they eat a sandwich. Women (ALL WOMEN) carry themselves in a way which I find beautiful. They come in various shapes and sizes and I have to admit that I've met women whom I found physically repugnant whose presence and attitude made them "sexy"; conversely I've met women who were the physical epitome of all things beautiful who had the personalities of rabid wolverines with hemorhoidal flare ups and ced personalities MADE them HIDEOUS in my eyes.
Mrs. Wilfork might be a wonderful person and he may love her because she's such a wonderful human being and that says a great deal about him as a person. Says he's NOT that shallow a-hole who has to marry a model or a stripper simply because he has lots of money.

I think however the BIGGER issue here is how little class a man has to have in order to PUBLICLY say disparaging things about another man's WIFE. Disrespect another man all you want, but attacking his wife shows an utter lack of respect and class. Okay I've said my piece. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to see if I can find some pics of Japanese women half my age with disproportionately meaty breasts. :tiphat: Good day.
This is not a situation that calls for political correctness. It is a situation that calls for human decency.

That woman (as you refer to her) is from all accounts a wonderful person and wife.

Let me ask this question to all in this thread who are publicly willing to call her ugly (or nasty). Is there a female in your life who you care about that is ugly? Maybe a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a wife of a friend, a co worker? Would you call them ugly (or nasty) to their face? Then why do you think it is acceptable anywhere?

She isn't a Roseanne or a Rosie O'Donnell who put herself in the public eye and is therefore more subject to public opinion.

I personally have a ton of respect for the way Vince stood up for his wife and for the fact that he is in such a loving relationship with her.

My GF is 5'4 pale as a sheet of paper and has a square jaw. Some kid who friended me on Facebook called her ugly and I asked him to meet me so I could test the structural integrity of his ribcage and jaw. There are some who MIGHT not find her attractive, but I do and the fact that I do is all that matters.
Over here in Japan, there's saying. You can get used to looks of not attractive woman. You can get tired of pretty ones. What it means is that it is more important inside than pretty appearance.

Having said that, I do have young and beautiful girlfriend. I just like total beauty inside and outside.

Samurai...the Nihon-jin Onna no ko are just plain fun anyway...but I digress. Rumiko Takahashi is old enough to be my mama and kinda funny looking, BUT she's smart and funny ...and incredibly rich and I'd be honored to be on her arm.
See the word in bold? - it's kind of key to why this is a different situation. Nice made up knowledge of a time period from before you were born.

...Says the man married to the redheaded bombshell

"Take my wife...PLEASE!" :Henny Youngman

:thinking: On the whole you might be right on this one, but commedian Robin Harris (may he rest in peace) used to do a routine in the 90s about how ugly his wife was. It's okay to joke about your OWN family, but damned if someone else does it.
If my wife or daughter were as ugly as his wife i would have to laugh, what good does it do to get upset about it. If Wilfork has a problem they can work it out like men. It's really just good humor that's commonly shared amongst brothers like football players, soldiers, fraternity, whatever.

The sensitivity levels around here are outrageous.

Wilfork's response on Twitter was:

"I hear everything, I'm EVERYWHERE mother-fcUKer."
Translate for those of us that speak English, please

Picture yourself getting into an accident and busting a limb wide open. The way your limb would look is what she looks like. Do you want me to go into further details?

If you dont know what a limb is go to
...Says the man married to the redheaded bombshell

"Take my wife...PLEASE!" :Henny Youngman

:thinking: On the whole you might be right on this one, but commedian Robin Harris (may he rest in peace) used to do a routine in the 90s about how ugly his wife was. It's okay to joke about your OWN family, but damned if someone else does it.

That was infantrycak's exact point. Talked about your own not someone else s. Or go the Chris Rock route and talk in general terms.

There is an old saying it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your an idiot, than it is to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Some on here have removed all doubt.
Picture yourself getting into an accident and busting a limb wide open. The way your limb would look is what she looks like. Do you want me to go into further details?

If you dont know what a limb is go to

Ok, so it's supposed to make you sound cool. Gotcha, you're real cool
Too many people don't know the difference between humor and cruelty. If you don't like to be called little, white boy, the N word, or fat b****, then don't think it's OK to do the rest. If you don't care about somebody else's feelings, then you are the moron who deserves no respect....AND DONT' LAUGH when some moron is entertaining you. You'll deserve it when you're the next victim.

I wouldn't expect this guy to do anymore than apologize, which he already did, but he should know that his apology does not even come close to making up for the damage. I hope most people turned off the radio when this crap was airing.

I turned 610 off a few months ago, so I missed it.