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Sharper to the Pro Bowl?


I thought Jamie Sharper was one of the best interior linebackers and most underrated in the NFL for 2003. Sharper received little credit for his monster year last year and this was probably because the Texans were losing. If I remember correctly, he ended up top 3 in tackles for all AFC inside backers last year, and that was with having to take on a 300# center or guard that most often blew completely over our weak defensive lineman last year.

My questions are:

Will Jamie Sharper, compiling the same stats, if not better, in 2004 as he did in 2003, make the pro bowl this year?

And how do the changes and additions to the Texans D benefit or assist in his chances of going to Hawaii?

Jamie Sharper to the Pro Bowl Committee Member
I agree. I thought he had an above average year also. I think his recognition will come as the entire Defense rises as a unit. His "rep" will also get better as his sacks increase.
Pappy Texan
I thought Jamie Sharper and Marcus Coleman were pro bowlers last year. Hopefully this year if we win more and if Jamie continues to play at his level then he will get the respect he deserves from the rest of the NFL.
Texansbacker said:
If I remember correctly, he ended up top 3 in tackles for all AFC inside backers last year, and that was with having to take on a 300# center or guard that most often blew completely over our weak defensive lineman last year.

2003 NFL Tackle Leaders Actually Sharper had THE MOST TACKLES IN THE ENTIRE NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :taz: :woot: Alot of people dont know that. You would think Ray Lewis(who he was 3 tackles ahead of) or Urlacher, but nope Jamie tallied the most tacles in the NFL last season. I thought that he was a shoe in for the Pro-Bowl and I was shocked when I didnt see him on the roster. He played extremely well and if he has another season like he did last year, with the additions to our D, not only do I think he can make the Pro-Bowl but he has a chance to be Defensive Player of the Year, if I dare say it(and I do). :fight:

I also thought Coleman had a chance to squeez into the Pro-Bowl with his 7 picks.
I think y'all hit the nail on the head by saying Coleman and Sharper don't get enough credit because of the Texans having a losing season and probably more so for having a pretty shaky defense.

When we got Sharper from the Ravens after they wont the Super Bowl, there were a lot of people saying it was a great start for our defense because of him being part of that superb linebacking core that is the soul of that defense. I think people have just been blinded and have forgotten about the amount of talent we have. Once we get a little bit better line that can free up our linebackers, Sharper and the others will be able to do some damage and have some solid numbers and games. I believe this upcoming season will be proff of that.
With the addition of Smith and the return of Payne and Walker, I see Sharper having a better year this year than last year.
Fiddy said:
That is a really bold prediction.

Yup, I agree--a big hill to climb in one year. And I think that if they're in the top 15, considering the division opponents, that'll be fine.

On the other hand, before the wheels started to come off last year, our OFFENSE was in the process of jumping from the bottom of the league to the top 10, right? It's not impossible for a unit to make that kind of leap.
I see our defense being better for the most part but with a temporary weak link in Robinson as he learns more about the NFL. I also see Sharper having a few less tackles just because our front 3 should be doing a better job of clogging up running lanes than last year. The repaired DLine will help our secondary but might lower the tackle stats of our LBers. (Which will be a good thing.)
If the Texans defense is not better this year I'm gonna be pissed. Getting rid of Stevens at safety will help - I dont think that he could have tackled a coffee table. But more so than that, the addition of better players *should* help the defense be a top 15 D. I like the Glenn Earl pick and I have a feeling that if St.Louis didnt take Shivers (SS) in the 5th right before us then we'd have him on our team as well. But our defense suffered some extreme blowbacks last season. Both Payne and Walker getting knocked out? What defense can withstand that? Moreover what 3-4 defense can withstand that?
Good stats BuffSoilder, I didn't realize that Sharper led the NFL in tackles.

He really did get the shimmie on not being voted to the Pro Bowl, but like mentioned earlier, it did not help that our defense had some gaping holes last year, namely the d-line and the free safety.

I read where the Texans ended ranked 16th on Defense in their inaugural season as an expansion team. Fast-forward two season and you will find the Texans have that same core of guys along with some big time improvements.

Depending on how our offense plays, our defense could be top 10 easy and I would venture to say as good as top 5. Heck, if Dominick Davis sets his goal at 2000 yards and the defense reaches for a top 5 standing for the season, then we are all in for a treat this year as we bear witness to a group of overachievers roll to the bowl!

Probably reading too much of the Texans press material but I am pumped for this season!
2003 NFL Tackle Leaders Actually Sharper had THE MOST TACKLES IN THE ENTIRE NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone stopped to think why that's the case?

Does anyone realize the Texans were dead last in offensive time of possession last season?

That means the Texans defense was on the field more than every other team (except the Falcons in terms of time of possession) and had to defend more plays than the vast majority of teams.

Sharper is very good and probably should have earned a trip to Honolulu based on his quality of play and impact, but I'm not sure I'd be jumping up and down about the fact that he made the most tackles+assists in the NFL when that basically was a function of how much time the defense spent on the field.
aj. said:
Has anyone stopped to think why that's the case?

Does anyone realize the Texans were dead last in offensive time of possession last season?

That means the Texans defense was on the field more than every other team (except the Falcons in terms of time of possession) and had to defend more plays than the vast majority of teams.

Sharper is very good and probably should have earned a trip to Honolulu based on his quality of play and impact, but I'm not sure I'd be jumping up and down about the fact that he made the most tackles+assists in the NFL when that basically was a function of how much time the defense spent on the field.
As much as the fact remains his had more opportunities. It also means he was tired. He had to continue to make those tackles while other teams scripted their offenses to stop him from making tackles. Who else did they need to worry about. He worked harder then every other defense in the league and he continued to make those tackles. He was the best defensive tackler in the league. I don't care if he was on the team with the most time on the field or the least.
And please keep in mind that he was also having to make those tackles with one of our rotating d-lineman sitting in his lap after getting blown off the ball.

Sharper was all over the field last year. We were in most of our games last year with offenses not completely dominating us as you make reference. Try the fact that our offense could not stay on the field or make critical first downs such as overtime in the New England game.

Sharper clearly outplayed Zach Thomas, who got the nod based on past accomplishments, while Sharper was having to play under the obscurity of an expansion team's sophmore season.

Sharper was the man last year and hopefully will do it again this year. Keep an eye out.
with wins comes more tv exposure which should get our guys some pro-bowl nods. I also thought Coleman/sharper should have gone last year, but around the country, I am thinking most people probably couldn't name more than 4 guys on our squad last year(being walker and Glenn were on IR last year) . Our best exposure last year was Carr on the the espn add with no O-line. People will know DD now , but Rb is a stacked area in the AFC with LT,Priest Holmes, J lewis, R Williams... so it wil be tough to get some of our guys in the pro-bowl except on the defensive side
I think we all know that a significant portion of Pro Bowl voting is based on rep...that's the way it is. We all see guys that play there butts off and don't get the nod, but the guys who have been 4-5 times regardless of how ****py a season they are having get the nod.
Also, it is allways better to be on an overall good defense (or offense) in order to be selected, you get more exposure and stay in people's mind more around voting time.
That being said...yeah, I agree...Jaime got robbed. I am going out on a limb and saying that we will have Sharper and Payne (if he stays healthy) representing us at Hawaii this season.
well sharper and coleman both deserved to go to the pro bowl last year...but you gotta remember if you want someone to go to the pro bowl you gotta stuff the ballots...i voted probably once a day everyday til it closed and that wasn't enough to get either one of them into the pro bowl...we as fans need to organize something on here where we stuff the ballots like they do in new york and dallas