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Seen enough


Look I have been one of the biggest supporters of this coaching staff since day one. I was elated when Casserly and McNair picked Capers. I honestly thought that he was the right guy. After today I for one admit that I was wrong. What I saw today was a team that was not well coached and a team that the coach never gave a chance to win. I can almost understand not going for the first 4th down in the 4th quarter but the second was unforgivable. Look I am not going to say we would have come back but here was a team that the coach told well no big deal so let's get get on the plane and come back to houston. I say right now we should get a new coach. Right now. I would even go with Barry Switzer. I can not get behind a coach that has NO CONFIDENCE in his own team. So Mr. McNair if you are listening get Jimmy Johnson or Barry Switzer or some high school coach that has the stones to let his team have a chance to win. This was the most emmarassing display of a football team that I have ever seen in houston. We were not prepared to play any phase of the game. We just mailed it in and I was the fault of the coaching staff.
If I perform at work tomorrow, the way these coaches and players performed today, I will be fired by the end of the day. Too bad the NFL isn't the real world.
I would endorse keeping Caserly as I am not sure that this is his fault however if it were a package deal you wouldnt here me complaining. The time is now to get rid of "fly mouth" Capers and his whole staff.
Lets not forget that we were playing one of the best, if not the best D in the league.
I did predict 11-5. I feel that we have the talent however we are not going to ever win squat if we dont have a coach that will throw Andre the ball. Or have a team prepared to win. I admit I was wrong. Please Mr. McNair fix this right away. As a fan I feel cheated of my hard earned monies with a performance like this was. We had a whole year to get ready. Where was the protection? Why does a reciever not even look for the ball? The players had no fire in there bellies! If a player drops a ball or fumbles or misses a tackle it would be nice to see a coach jump in their face at least once. All I saw was a team that did not care what happened and this is the fault of the coaching staff.
ojthecat said:
I feel that we have the talent however we are not going to ever win squat if we dont have a coach that will throw Andre the ball.

Last time I looked the QB actually throws the ball. I am amazed at the number of people giving Carr, the Golden Boy, a pass. His QB rating was 12. TWELVE. I am all for removing Capers, but how about let's assess our sorry *** QB play a bit more.
ojthecat said:
I would endorse keeping Caserly as I am not sure that this is his fault however if it were a package deal you wouldnt here me complaining. The time is now to get rid of "fly mouth" Capers and his whole staff.

95% of this team's problem is WAY too little talent on the O-line. I think our GM needs to take AT LEAST half of the blame for that. Even on the touchdown drive, they did not block. They didn't even RUN block today. This is the worst O-line I have ever seen, except for maybe previous years on the same team. We can't keep waiting until NEXT YEAR to fix the O-line problems. Replacing Wand was a good move, but it's too little too late. ALL high draft picks should have been spent on O-linemen and I don't care if we had a ****** year for O-linemen. This is rediculous. Carr, Johnson, and DD should be looking for new teams.

A smaller problem is Buchannon. They need to tell him, "Play the receiver tighter or sit your butt down!" If he's baiting the QB, he's getting there WAY too late to stop a reception, much less get Ints., but I'm starting to actually wonder if he's just lazy. :brickwall

Actually HJam I don't think replacing Wand made all that much difference in the grand scheme of things.
Hervoyel said:
Actually HJam I don't think replacing Wand made all that much difference in the grand scheme of things.

No difference to the good anyway. Wand's been scapegoated so much people believe what they read here rather than what they see.
I'm one that's not too fast to make judgment, but this team is not playing as well as they were their first year. Carr is not the future QB for this team, he had enough chances, he has the looks of a loser ala ( Akilie Smith and David klengler). when you have a player that lost confident like that you will never get it back, he needs to set and some one else to start. What I also saw is the problem with the OL is not the tackls (L or R) it's the middle of the line(Mckinney) is not a good center. Palmer screwed up this offense and he wore out his welcome. time to take a new direction. This season is a wash the way I see things right now. bring some one else to try to fix things now because we are not going any where soon.
Here's the deal...if any fan did not realize we were going to struggle on offense this year they were not paying attention. Our offense should have been designed around Carr's strengths, strong arm, mobility etc. We have not been able to protect him from day one. So instead of upgrading the talent in the O-line, we redesign the offense to quicker, timing routes 3 step drops etc. We admitted defeat by doing that instead of getting the talent we need to let Carr's abilities show. :texflag:
Porky said:
Last time I looked the QB actually throws the ball. I am amazed at the number of people giving Carr, the Golden Boy, a pass. His QB rating was 12. TWELVE. I am all for removing Capers, but how about let's assess our sorry *** QB play a bit more.

good to see another smart person in this message boards ive been complaining about davids carr for years now and the homer are quick to jump in his defense honestly david carr is a bad qb. he has been getting a free ride since day one. he's never been held accountable but its not our fault casserly fell in love with him thats why he drafted him but i always knew a qb coming out of the wac conference would amount to **** in these league.
Diehardtexan said:
What I also saw is the problem with the OL is not the tackls (L or R) it's the middle of the line(Mckinney) is not a good center.

Same as last year. Way to go Coach Pendry!
ojthecat said:
I would endorse keeping Caserly as I am not sure that this is his fault however if it were a package deal you wouldnt here me complaining. The time is now to get rid of "fly mouth" Capers and his whole staff.

Send him away too. What has he done.

Year one- Took Carr (who else was there to take, unless you went with Peppers).

Year two- Took Johnson (no Brainer) waste our 2nd rounder on Hollings (a one year wonder in College with injury issues). Got lucky with DD (this point has been made in other posts)

Year three- D Rob (I believe Casserly's only real good pick), then wasted a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th on Babin (who I think we could have gotten iin the second, but if not was it that big of a lost).

Year four- TJ (solid pick, not great), trade 2nd for "Showtime" who can't even start for the Raiders whose Secondary was and is worse than ours.

To sum it up lost 3 second round picks in 3 years. Think of the O-linemen we could have drafted (Jake Grove, Khalif Barnes to name a couple). He just gives up too many good picks on project players.
CajunTexan said:
Here's the deal...if any fan did not realize we were going to struggle on offense this year they were not paying attention. Our offense should have been designed around Carr's strengths, strong arm, mobility etc. We have not been able to protect him from day one. So instead of upgrading the talent in the O-line, we redesign the offense to quicker, timing routes 3 step drops etc. We admitted defeat by doing that instead of getting the talent we need to let Carr's abilities show. :texflag:

I totally agree!