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Ricky Williams busted!

Personally, I don't understand why pot is such a big deal in the overall scheme of the subsatnce abuse policy. It is more of a performance inhibitor than an enhancer. If Ricky played of the Jailblazers he could grow it in his locker. Barry Bonds could possibly taint one of the most sacred records in all of sports in a few years, but it is going to take Congress threatening Fehr with CIA cancer to try to implement testing for steroids in MLB, and it may or may not include HGH. With all of this, what is wrong with a little herb?
The problems keep coming for the 'phins. They havent been pleased with David Boston, QB controversey, and they better hope that their O-line is better for Williams this year (which it should be).
Ediddy73 said:
With all of this, what is wrong with a little herb?

A "little" (loose term, because little is relative to exposure to the drug) herb on gameday could cause a player to loose focus during the game. It could the difference between a 4-yard loss and a 40-yard TD. :soapbox:
It could also be the difference in blowing an assignment that gets another teammate hurt. One of the most beautiful things about sports, and football most of all, is how it teaches discipline responsibility and how to work together. All three things you need in the real world.

Sports has and never should have any room for drugs.
what you fail to realize, is that pot (THC) metabolizes in fat cells. basically, it stays in you system for nearly 30-40 days from usage. Different metabolisms dissapate it at different rates, but you cannot tell if someone got blunted in his car before a game, or smoked at a concert 20 days prior from a U/A. Cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and barbituates dissapate in 2-7 days to undectable amounts. If you take 2 200lb men and one smokes 1 joint, and the other does 12 grams of blow, in 14 days the guy who smoked pot will fail a U/A and the coke user will pass, even on a Texas DOT U/A. Not a single one of you could credibly tell if Ricky was blazing on his way to a mini camp, or it is residual from weeks prior unless you take a follow up to determine the rate of dissapation. (23 nanograms at initial failure;19 two weeks subsequently;12 two weeks after that...etc.) you are ignorant to assume that Ricky was getting twisted right before an important game or practice. Put your autographed "Playmakers" DVDs away!!!
My only question is, why wasn't I invited to the party Ricky? Just kidding. The Dolphins are a perfect example of why Casserly goes for character guys. Look how much talent that Phins have had and the production. It just doesn't match.
I don't think Ricky Williams is a problem for the Dolphins. He's their best offensive player whether he's high or straight.
Yes, and it is ILLEGAL. Doesn't matter whether you think it shouldn't be or not. Or that you think it's harmless, it is still an illegal substance and until that changes (if ever), it is a crime and therefore can't be part of a players life (or yours or mine for that matter).
edo783 said:
Yes, and it is ILLEGAL. Doesn't matter whether you think it shouldn't be or not. Or that you think it's harmless, it is still an illegal substance and until that changes (if ever), it is a crime and therefore can't be part of a players life (or yours or mine for that matter).
Exactly. No one should ever introduce a substance into their body that may or may not have any detremental effects on them in the long term. It is a hideous and destructive act perpetuated by mindless heathens who are just looking to escape reality. Long term exposure to it could cause serious health problems and even death. If you know what is good for you, you will never intentionaly inflict such a leathal mixture of chemical polution into your bodies. Now, lets have a toast!! :party: :party:
Augustus Busch, Pete Coors, Jack Daniels, James Beam, Johnny Walker, Jose Curevo, Ron Bacardi, and Evan Williams.
CC: Phillip Morris
Ricky is no problem, its just gonna hurt his pocketbook but by the time the season starts this will be a dead issue.
jradMIT said:
Ricky is no problem, its just gonna hurt his pocketbook but by the time the season starts this will be a dead issue.
His contract is up after '05 (I think) and if this is his 2nd strike, teams may be a little nervous signing him to a big contract (you know someone will though). The Dolphins have to worry about Adewale Ogunleye this year, Chambers, I think, in 06, and Ricky in '05. They also have David Boston in a big deal, thats a lot of money (especially for a underachieving team) and now Williams has 2 strikes, hate to be in the Dolphins front office.
TheOgre said:
My only question is, why wasn't I invited to the party Ricky? Just kidding. The Dolphins are a perfect example of why Casserly goes for character guys. Look how much talent that Phins have had and the production. It just doesn't match.

Ogre has nailed exactly WHY this won't be a dead issue come kickoff time. It is an indicator of issues with the organization itself that need to change. Yes, I understand that it is one player with a relatively minor drug offense, but this is the last thing that the Phins needed to add to the issues they have had this off season.

What kills me is that every player in the NFL knows that they random drug test year round and 100% during initial training camps as part of the medical screening. Why the heck would this guy (or any player) do this! :soapbox:
Ediddy73 said:
what you fail to realize, is that pot (THC) metabolizes in fat cells. basically, it stays in you system for nearly 30-40 days from usage. Different metabolisms dissapate it at different rates, but you cannot tell if someone got blunted in his car before a game, or smoked at a concert 20 days prior from a U/A. Cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and barbituates dissapate in 2-7 days to undectable amounts. If you take 2 200lb men and one smokes 1 joint, and the other does 12 grams of blow, in 14 days the guy who smoked pot will fail a U/A and the coke user will pass, even on a Texas DOT U/A. Not a single one of you could credibly tell if Ricky was blazing on his way to a mini camp, or it is residual from weeks prior unless you take a follow up to determine the rate of dissapation. (23 nanograms at initial failure;19 two weeks subsequently;12 two weeks after that...etc.) you are ignorant to assume that Ricky was getting twisted right before an important game or practice. Put your autographed "Playmakers" DVDs away!!!

My point was really quite simple. If he does get high before a game, then the results COULD be bad. BTW there is also no way of knowing when he smokes. You may suggest that he does not smoke before the game, but I am sure you are not around him 2 hours before a game. Somebody with his type of money should not be taking these chances. I would never encourage somebody to smoke; however, I don't hold against the people who do. I just think he should just hold off until he retires. :twocents:
rittenhouserobz said:
My point was really quite simple. If he does get high before a game, then the results COULD be bad. BTW there is also no way of knowing when he smokes. You may suggest that he does not smoke before the game, but I am sure you are not around him 2 hours before a game. Somebody with his type of money should not be taking these chances. I would never encourage somebody to smoke; however, I don't hold against the people who do. I just think he should just hold off until he retires. :twocents:
I understand and agree with your point about getting high right before a game being a detrement to performance. Part of my original point was even if he did, it wouldn't give him the ability to turn on an inside pitch 2" above his hands and hit it 450' into the freaking ocean!! Do they do breathalizers before games?