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Rick Smith on his draft preparation

dalemurphy said:
including UDFA, the '09 class could end up being very good to great:
See my responses in bold. Not every player is going to be a Pro Bowler but hell, we've got two out of them. The others fit in on this team and I don't see them getting cut. Sometimes you need depth and you can't expect every draft pick to come in and start immediately.

rep your way. UDFA's rarely if ever come in and start. Furthermore, 1 of the reasons foster was an UDFA is b/c he had a questionable work ethic, attitude & injury issues coming off a disappointing senior season. He very well could've went the other way had the coaching staff inserted him immediately. If anything, you give the coaching staff credit for seeing that this guy could contribute early. Noone could've forseen what he did this past year. I predict that he'll come back to earth a little next year.
Just an FYI Ole Miss - what Cushing tested positive for isn't a PED. It is on the banned list as an adjunct used in recovery from steroid use.
Yea that's true, I remember that (hCG). So going under the assumption that he actually DID use steroids... that likely would have occured preseason or just as the season started. He never tested positive for that but a non-PED that's linked to its usage. Anyways.... how long would steroids stay in your system once you get "cut off"? IIRC the test was from September and then he was tested regularly after that. Could steroids from Aug/Sept that never show up on any tests stay in your system through Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec and make you play like Hulk? I just don't fully buy the PED arguement being why Cushing was so good rookie season when he was monitored extremely closely the entire season and never failed a test. The timeline is what I always go back to.
Just an FYI Ole Miss - what Cushing tested positive for isn't a PED. It is on the banned list as an adjunct used in recovery from steroid use.

I thought it was a masking agent :thinking: .... still no PED but on the banned list none the less.

Edit: or was that Brown ?
Yea that's true, I remember that (hCG). So going under the assumption that he actually DID use steroids... that likely would have occured preseason or just as the season started. He never tested positive for that but a non-PED that's linked to its usage. Anyways.... how long would steroids stay in your system once you get "cut off"? IIRC the test was from September and then he was tested regularly after that. Could steroids from Aug/Sept that never show up on any tests stay in your system through Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec and make you play like Hulk? I just don't fully buy the PED arguement being why Cushing was so good rookie season when he was monitored extremely closely the entire season and never failed a test. The timeline is what I always go back to.

Cloak and I had a bunch of discussions about this. Cushing tested negative for steroids both at the beginning of his rookie season and at the combine. I think our most likely conjecture was any PED use was well prior to the combine. So that is somewhat contrary to the rookie v. sophomore story line.

I thought it was a masking agent :thinking: .... still no PED but on the banned list none the less.

Edit: or was that Brown ?

hcg is not a masking agent. McClain just kept repeating that for some reason. It is supposed to kick start testosterone production which may have been diminished during a steroid cycle. In particular it is used by steroid users worried their golf balls are turning into marbles. I don't remember ever hearing specifically what Brown tested positive for.
The thing about Cushing for me is that he tested positive at the very beginning of his rookie season and was constantly tested thereafter. Now I don't know how long that stuff he took lasts and helps... but he played great all season even towards the end, while battling numerous injuries.

The sad thing is, that's what I thought for a long time too, but it turns out the positive test that actually got him suspended happened in November of his rookie season - not before the season or early in the season:

[Update: 5/17: According to McClain, the facts most people are assuming about the test are wrong. He had measurable amounts of hCG in September but that wasn't a positive test because the B sample wasn't in high enough quantities. He had the true positive test (both A and B samples) in November.]

Yea that's true, I remember that (hCG). So going under the assumption that he actually DID use steroids... that likely would have occured preseason or just as the season started. He never tested positive for that but a non-PED that's linked to its usage. Anyways.... how long would steroids stay in your system once you get "cut off"? IIRC the test was from September and then he was tested regularly after that. Could steroids from Aug/Sept that never show up on any tests stay in your system through Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec and make you play like Hulk? I just don't fully buy the PED arguement being why Cushing was so good rookie season when he was monitored extremely closely the entire season and never failed a test. The timeline is what I always go back to.

Okay so it was a masking agent that's taken to cover up usage of PED's. It's the same thing to anyone who knows what athletes in the NFL take something like that for.

Cushing's been the poster boy for PED use, steroids, or whatever you'd like to call it since he was in HS. You don't have that much scrutiny and curiosity from coaches and scouts for nothing, and then all of a sudden after your first pro season test positive for a masking agent and call that a bunch of smoke where there was never a fire. That's being extremely naive and just making yourself not believe because he plays for the Texans. I'm a huge Cushing fan, but to act like he was just some victim that got railroaded or that he worked out to hard is laughable.

You can act like the suspension hurt him all you want or blame the move to MLB as well, but he wasn't as explosive last season. He didn't move sideline to sideline as well either, nor was he able to shed blockers as well. And this was all after his great MMA training he had been doing that was supposedly going to help him with that. Maybe he'll bounce back this season and return to full form. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I won't be surprised if he doesn't either. I've seen to many athletes have a drop in their production after being caught for PED's or for being exposed on taking these masking agents which are taken to hide PED usage to think that Cushing is just somehow to immortal for that. I think he'll be a very good player either way though. His football IQ is what I've always liked about him the most.
Okay so it was a masking agent that's taken to cover up usage of PED's.

IT IS NOT A MASKING AGENT. Jesus how many times does that have to be said? Yes it points to steroid use. Not denying that but sheesh get the terminology correct. It does nothing to hide the use or presence of steroids, i.e. it is not a masking agent.
IT IS NOT A MASKING AGENT. Jesus how many times does that have to be said? Yes it points to steroid use. Not denying that but sheesh get the terminology correct. It does nothing to hide the use or presence of steroids, i.e. it is not a masking agent.
IIRC it is on the banned substance list because sometimes it can be used in conjunction with steroid use. It in and of itself is not a steroid, performance enhancing drug, nor is it a masking agent.

hCG helps increase testosterone levels. When an athlete takes steroids, testosterone levels can decrease... hCG will help build that back up. hCG DOES NOT "mask" steroids use though. In other words, if Cushing had taken steroids close to that test, the hCG that he tested above the league limits for would not have hidden the fact steroids were in his system.

I hope he bounces back next season. I worry with this layoff though that all the players will be slow to start. If they don't have mini-camp, practices, preseason, etc before the season starts its' going to be tough. I also really question the effectiveness of some rookies that will get thrown in without much time in the offseason to meet with coaches and practice the schemes.
Cloak and I had a bunch of discussions about this. Cushing tested negative for steroids both at the beginning of his rookie season and at the combine. I think our most likely conjecture was any PED use was well prior to the combine. So that is somewhat contrary to the rookie v. sophomore story line.

hcg is not a masking agent. McClain just kept repeating that for some reason. It is supposed to kick start testosterone production which may have been diminished during a steroid cycle. In particular it is used by steroid users worried their golf balls are turning into marbles. I don't remember ever hearing specifically what Brown tested positive for.

So maybe Cushing never used steroids and just has small nuts....or a nut size fetish or something. Please don't tell him I said that. :cutthroat:
I wonder what happened to that SrslySirius guy. Rick Smith's draft preperation would be perfect for him to photoshop, just like Frank Bush's defesive schemes.
I wonder what happened to that SrslySirius guy. Rick Smith's draft preperation would be perfect for him to photoshop, just like Frank Bush's defesive schemes.




Concerning the Cushing situation, keep in mind that the NFL is concerned about a player's steroid use well prior to a season's beginning. Although steroids may no longer be detectable after a relatively short period of time after cessation, it has been shown that some of its beneficial muscular effects may be there sometimes for months to years beyond the cessation.

Some of you may be interested in looking at this study. Here's an excerpt from the study Anabolic Steroids Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Years After Doping Has Ended published in October 2008.


The researchers found that several years after anabolic steroid withdrawal, and with no or low current strength-training, the muscle fiber area intensity, the number of nuclei per fiber in the quadriceps was still comparable to that of athletes that were currently performing high intensity strength-training. They also discovered that the shoulder-neck fiber areas were comparable to high-intensity trained athletes and the number of nuclei per fiber was even higher than found in the current steroid-using group.


According to the lead researcher, Dr. Eriksson, ”It is possible that the high number of nuclei we found in the muscle might be beneficial for an athlete who continues or resumes strength training because increased myonuclei opens up the possibility of increasing protein synthesis, which can lead to muscle mass.” He added, “Based on the characteristics between doped and non-doped power lifters, we conclude that a period of anabolic steroid usage is an advantage for a power lifter in competition, even several years after they stop taking a doping drug.”

In contrast, these times taken from different sources, reflect how long steroids are detectable when no masking agents are utilized.

4 days


1 week

Testosterone undecanoate

2 weeks

Testosterone propionate

3 weeks

oral Stanozolol
Oxandrolone - Anavar

5 weeks


2 months

Drostanolone propionate
injectable Stanozolol

3 months

Testosterone cypionate
Testosterone enanthate
Testosterone-mix (Sustanon & Omnadren)

5 months

Boldenone undecyclate injectable methandienone
Metehenolone enanthate
Trenbolone acetate

12 months

Nandrolone phenylpropionate

18 months

Nandrolone decanoate
Last edited:
o i thought he just picks names outta a Hat

or just picks any many miny mo style :toropalm:

or better yet just watches NFL network and lets them decide who da texans pick LOL
Rick Smith's draft preparation

1. Wake and bake with some sticky-icky and knock back 8 shots of Jagermeister
2. Prepare flawed rationalization of bad picks
3. Prepare a laundry list of excuses (he could just come to this board and get plenty)
4. Prepare to hide from media as usual
5. Prepare to get back up on Uncle Bob's lap
6. Prepare to fail again and again, as he has for half a decade now.

One day he needs to prepare his resume, and get his failure of a sorry excuse for a GM and get the hell out of our city and go work selling insurance or washing cars. That is about the only thing the guy is qualified before.

Dude has affirmative action hire written all over him. No credentials, no contacts, no track record of success, no success since taking over, YET he still has a job. I liked hiring a minority when they hired him, because there needs to be more minorities in management....HOWEVER, how about we give the jobs to guys that are actually qualified and capable....and its obvious to anyone with a pulse this guy is not qualified, in over his head, and incapable of doing anything to get this team on right track.

Rick Smith's draft preparation

1. Wake and bake with some sticky-icky and knock back 8 shots of Jagermeister
2. Prepare flawed rationalization of bad picks
3. Prepare a laundry list of excuses (he could just come to this board and get plenty)
4. Prepare to hide from media as usual
5. Prepare to get back up on Uncle Bob's lap
6. Prepare to fail again and again, as he has for half a decade now.


Pulling no punches, eh?
Wake up, put a blindfold on, and throw a dart at the players pictures. Or they could use their own "Wheel of fortune"
Dude has affirmative action hire written all over him. No credentials, no contacts, no track record of success, no success since taking over, YET he still has a job. I liked hiring a minority when they hired him, because there needs to be more minorities in management....HOWEVER, how about we give the jobs to guys that are actually qualified and capable....and its obvious to anyone with a pulse this guy is not qualified, in over his head, and incapable of doing anything to get this team on right track.



In before Brakos :gamer:
Rick Smith's draft preparation

1. Wake and bake with some sticky-icky and knock back 8 shots of Jagermeister
2. Prepare flawed rationalization of bad picks
3. Prepare a laundry list of excuses (he could just come to this board and get plenty)
4. Prepare to hide from media as usual
5. Prepare to get back up on Uncle Bob's lap
6. Prepare to fail again and again, as he has for half a decade now.

One day he needs to prepare his resume, and get his failure of a sorry excuse for a GM and get the hell out of our city and go work selling insurance or washing cars. That is about the only thing the guy is qualified before.

Dude has affirmative action hire written all over him. No credentials, no contacts, no track record of success, no success since taking over, YET he still has a job. I liked hiring a minority when they hired him, because there needs to be more minorities in management....HOWEVER, how about we give the jobs to guys that are actually qualified and capable....and its obvious to anyone with a pulse this guy is not qualified, in over his head, and incapable of doing anything to get this team on right track.

Have to admit, I lol'd
Y'all both basically reiterated what I posted. The only difference is y'all sound sold on players performing well for one year, I'm not.

*edit* BTW, just to clear this up before I get ripped. I really like Foster, Cushing, Casey, Quin and especially Barwin.

Sounds like you agree that '09 was a very good draft.
This draft is going to be very unpredictable. Players are all over the place on people's draft boards.

I have always looked at production and the player's love of the game/competition when drafting. The measurables should only be used to re-affirm what you have seen on tape and to gauge players ability when they have played against lesser competition or are relatively new to the game or position.

It's hard to mock draft nowadays based on the early teams having so many needs. Hard to pinpoint.

The best defensive player I saw was Fairley and he is supposedly dropping due to questions of maturity and professionalism, so what do I know.
This draft is going to be very unpredictable. Players are all over the place on people's draft boards.

I have always looked at production and the player's love of the game/competition when drafting. The measurables should only be used to re-affirm what you have seen on tape and to gauge players ability when they have played against lesser competition or are relatively new to the game or position.

It's hard to mock draft nowadays based on the early teams having so many needs. Hard to pinpoint.

The best defensive player I saw was Fairley and he is supposedly dropping due to questions of maturity and professionalism, so what do I know.

I think this draft is particularly difficult to mock for a many reasons.

First , there is no clear cut #1 player at those important positions generally see taken in the top of the draft - QB , DT , DE , LT. If you asked 8 GM's you would likely get 8 different answers.

Second , teams may be drafting for need with no FA period before the draft , this could really change the dynamics of this years selection process.
I think teams will be much more willing to reach on players at positions of need than in traditional seasons with FA prior to the draft.

The teams at the top have needs at several positions. If Carolina keeps the pick they could take one of at least six players - Gabbert , Newton , Fairley , Dareus , Quinn or Bowers - you could probably add Von Miller and Peterson to that group. The five teams following them are in pretty much the same situation.

Third , the QB position looks weak at the top and several teams are hurting for talent at the position. Where the top couple QB's are taken will impact at least the next two rounds.

Im hoping that two QB's , two WR's and an OT are taken before the Texans select.
Since we have no FA rules and teams will therefore need to pick for need, and we have so many defensive needs ourselves, we should have no excuse for not being able to pick up an impact player in the 1st round at least.
Just to ruffle a few feathers.

University of North Carolina tight end Ryan Taylor is visiting the Houston Texans today and the Green Bay Packers on Tuesday, according to a league source with knowledge of the situation.

But, I reckon this is the real reason we're looking at him. Possibly an UDFA? Depending on this CBA BS, of course.

A special-teams captain for the Tar Heels, Taylor offers positional versatility because he can play fullback or H-back and is regarded as a physical, aggressive player.
Just to ruffle a few feathers.

But, I reckon this is the real reason we're looking at him. Possibly an UDFA? Depending on this CBA BS, of course.

Okay, so based on that quote and the fact we were looking at another FB, I'm assuming we are starting to feel like we aren't going to be able to re-sign Leach. That will be a mistake if we don't. Or maybe they are just drafting with an understanding that anything can happen in FA.
Okay, so based on that quote and the fact we were looking at another FB, I'm assuming we are starting to feel like we aren't going to be able to re-sign Leach. That will be a mistake if we don't. Or maybe they are just drafting with an understanding that anything can happen in FA.

Agreed! As long as Leach and his agent will be realistic with their asking price, I see no reason why he shouldn't be retained.
Over the years, despite all of the hard to take disappointments and inadequacies, most of us are still here. But the longer this goes on, the more I am reminded of John Raltson's statement sometime back in the late 70's, I believe. It went something like this. "I am resigning as the Bonco's head coach due to illness and fatigue. The fans are sick and tired of me."
It seems like Smith makes his draft picks the same way I pick racehorses: OOOH!!!! This one has a cool name!!!:fortune:
not sure if this is the right spot to post this but it is a pretty interesting article on Rick.
Absolutely the right spot. Thanks for looking for a current thread, rather than starting a new one. I wish more posters would follow your lead in this regard.

I don't know if Smith is in Matt Millen's class of horrific GMs. I do think that Smith hasn't done enough to keep his job. Boss McNair disagrees.
The author takes a lot of liberties to make his point (Probowl players Babin, williams and Mathis for instance), but the idea that Rick smith is a bwlow average GM is not an earthshattering idea.
Rick Smith has had his 3 years of grace. He's no Jokemarcus Russell, but he's no Aaron Rodgers, either. This is a deep, deep draft at positions we have a need at. Do or die time for the GM.
Rick Smith said:
"It doesn't get any better than this," Smith said of preparing for the draft. "(The draft is) the most impact I can make on our team short term and long term."

Smith and his staff of scouts have been working for months on their draft board. The coaches also are involved in an evaluation process that's heading down the homestretch.

What I really enjoy doing is finding rough gems like McMannis, Hill, Diles, Studdard, Frye, Okoye and the like. I really dig these unproven athletes b/c should one of them succeed and become a big success I can parlay that into a multi year big money contract extension for myself. And if they don't work out? Hey, I just say it's the coach's fault and start looking for his replacement. Either way I stay pretty busy all year round.

And he went on to say:

Rick Smith said:
"I want to know how the scouts and coaches have the players stacked. That way, when it comes time to make the decision, I'll be clear about how each scout and coach feels about the individual players. So that way when I reach for a player and he fails I have someone to blame it on. Accountability has always been one of my mottos. Always find someone else to hold accountable no matter the cost."
Why? What's Smith gonna do? Draft 4 Tight End's instead of 3?
He might get pissed and draft 8!!! :mcnugget:

There's no way a professional scouting team can have as many misses as the Texans have had. Smith must be convinced of his choices going in and only uses the scouting reports that reinforce his opinion.
He might get pissed and draft 8!!! :mcnugget:

There's no way a professional scouting team can have as many misses as the Texans have had. Smith must be convinced of his choices going in and only uses the scouting reports that reinforce his opinion.

Yup. It's on Rick and Gary. Bad judgement and not enough contacts/friends around the league hurt them greatly.
We're on our way.:texflag:

Mel Kiper Jr.

Yeah, I saw that. I think it's a bit of hyperbole but that's his job. I do think we could make the playoffs if we can address our deficiencies and Kubiak could stop being such a poor head coach.

You put Aso and Quinn on this team, we are legit. If you don't, we go 7-9 or worse.
He might get pissed and draft 8!!! :mcnugget:

There's no way a professional scouting team can have as many misses as the Texans have had. Smith must be convinced of his choices going in and only uses the scouting reports that reinforce his opinion.

But this means Rick and Gary would have to do their own homework.

Atleast Gary found time to go to the scouting combine this yr. So combine this and adding Wade as a defensive voice in the war room and theoretically the Texans could have their best draft since 2006.

But I wouldn't hold my breath.
Why does it matter? I'll defend Rick Smith and Gary Kubiak all I can because I believe in what they're doing. And I'll say it right here on this board. If the Texans don't make the playoffs this year I, TEXANRED, will go a day wearing a red dress, lipstick and high heels. That's how strongly I believe in the Rick Smith-led Texans organization.

Can give people the wrong impression, eh?
From the PFT series covering each team's needs.

Team needs: Houston TexansPosted by Evan Silva on April 22, 2011, 8:52 PM EDT

Jason Lisk of recently ran a piece that ranked Gary Kubiak as the worst coach in the NFL. We’ve always kind of liked Kubiak and respected his offensive mind, but the ranking is difficult to dispute. He’s been on the job for five years, and has zero playoff appearances. Kubiak hopes that changes with his defense now under the direction of Wade Phillips.

But Phillips needs some serious, serious help.

LB: The Texans ranked dead last in the league in pass defense last season. Part of it had to do with a secondary that can’t cover. Most of it was because Houston can’t rush the passer. Defensive end Mario Williams is the Texans’ only impact rusher, and few good defenses have just one double-digit sack threat. The Texans barely have two five-sack threats. Connor Barwin is an intriguing prospect, but he didn’t play last year and is coming off serious ankle surgery. We’d love to see what local product Von Miller could do in Phillips’ defense, but he won’t be there at No. 11. So the Texans will likely have to fall back with someone like Aldon Smith of Missouri.

DB: Kubiak and G.M. Rick Smith want to move cornerback Glover Quin to free safety. Trouble is, he was the team’s best corner a year ago, and CB is a considerably more valuable position. First-round pick Kareem Jackson’s confidence was obviously shot in his first season; few NFL corners performed more poorly or provided receivers with more cushion. The Texans have also cut ties with both of their starting safeties, Bernard Pollard and Eugene Wilson, so that too is a need position even with Quin potentially sliding “inside.” Frankly, the defensive backfield is a complete disaster.

NT: Phillips claims confidence that undersized Earl Mitchell can play the nose ala smallish Jay Ratliff, who excelled in Phillips’ scheme with the Cowboys. It’s purely a projection, however, and we suspect the Texans would be hard pressed to pass on Baylor nose tackle Phil Taylor if he’s available for them in the second round. This team will really struggle against the run if Mitchell can’t hold up as an every-down lineman. We’re not sure what Mitchell’s weight is now, but he was 6-foot-1, 294 at his Pro Day last year. He didn’t start a game as a rookie.

WR: We covered every level of the defense already. There’s an odd movement in Houston for the Texans to draft Julio Jones if he’s available at No. 11. It’s very hard to imagine them doing so, but behind Andre Johnson the team may be somewhat thin on receivers. Kevin Walter is just a guy, and Jacoby Jones is a free agent. Ultimately, this is a position the Texans can address later in the draft.

Overview: Another need spot is probably fullback, as All-Pro Vonta Leach, a free agent, recently indicated that the Texans won’t be retaining him. He’s one of the best in the business.

The Texans have a great offense. It’s legitimately Super Bowl-caliber. But they need major reinforcements on defense, and they know it. Look for 75-80 percent of Houston’s 2011 draft class to be devoted to defenders, followed by a couple of pricey free agent signings. Whenever those are allowed.
"2010 Houston Texans Draft (Rick Smith)

Round 1 – CB – Kareem Jackson – (Current Starter)

Round 2 – RB – Ben Tate - (IR as a Rookie)

Round 3 – DT – Earl Mitchell – (Eventual Starter)

Round 4 – ILB – Daryl Sharpton – (Backup)

Round 4 – TE – Garrett Graham – (4th String)

Round 5 – CB – Sherrick McManis – (Backup)

Round 6 – OG - Shelley Smith - (Backup)

Round 6 – KR - Trindon Holliday – (IR as a Rookie)

Round 7 – WR – Dorin DIckerson – (Backup)

Added – Matt Leinart, Wade Smith, Mark Anderson

Lost – Dunta Robinson, Rex Grossman, Ryan Moats"
