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Ray Lewis Retiring: “This will be my last ride”

Never even once said they weren't right up there with all the best of the best teams. .

Your words:

The Steel Curtain is not even in the top 3 much less the best ever.

:listening [/credibility]...

As far as the rest of your post, I know better than to go down that rabbit hole with you. You talk down to people instead of talking with them. I have no desire for your arrogant condescension when I know the ultimate outcome will be some lame attempts to belittle me and maybe an "agree to disagree" finality.

It's not worth my time, and quite frankly, your argument style bores me.

So have the last word. I wish I had kept my mouth shut in Ray's thread, because I've got tremendous respect for the guy and consider him in the G.O.A.T. conversation. My comments were merely to illustrate how badass he has been by comparing him to the best.
Your words:

:listening [/credibility]...

As far as the rest of your post, I know better than to go down that rabbit hole with you. You talk down to people instead of talking with them. I have no desire for your arrogant condescension when I know the ultimate outcome will be some lame attempts to belittle me and maybe an "agree to disagree" finality.

It's not worth my time, and quite frankly, your argument style bores me.

So have the last word. I wish I had kept my mouth shut in Ray's thread, because I've got tremendous respect for the guy and consider him in the G.O.A.T. conversation. My comments were merely to illustrate how badass he has been by comparing him to the best.

The truth sure do take a bite.
Hes supposedly close to a deal with ESPN... wonder if hes going to be wearing any white suits while hes on the air
Greatest Of All Time

Thanks, gtex

Which I just don't get because back in the day (going Grandpa Simpson here, "That was the style at the time....") being the goat was a bad thing. Nobody wanted to be the goat because that was the guy everyone blamed for the loss or whatever bad thing just happened.

Oh well, things change.

I was right there with ya, Herv. That's why I had to ask what it meant
Which I just don't get because back in the day (going Grandpa Simpson here, "That was the style at the time....") being the goat was a bad thing. Nobody wanted to be the goat because that was the guy everyone blamed for the loss or whatever bad thing just happened.

Oh well, things change.

Always love a Grandpa Simpson reference.

Goat and GOAT are still used and understood, just depends upon the context.

"I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too."