He stone-walled a blitzing Owusa-Koramoah on a deep pass to Collins early. Beck would have gotten Stroud sacked on that playWhat I'm getting at is you can run 22 and still have basically 4 receiving threats and forcing teams to adjust to him in particular. That's what made Sharpe special. He has a wr coming out and played at 228. He wasn't some Gronk like te and Shanny/Kubes found a way to not only run effective, but have that mismatch. Jordan is too shifty for lbs and too strong for safeties. If he can stay healthy, he can be a chess piece out of old school base offense. Is he going to blow up players in the hole? No, but that's not needed. The modern run game is angle blocking and creating small seams. Even in limited chances, you can see his wiggle at the stem and his rac.