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Penn State Child Molestation Case

In reply to all... yes, Penn State will be bad, ...for 2 years. In 2 years once PSU recruits realize as USC recruits did that they can sign on with PSU, redshirt a year and position themselves to be starters when the bowl ban is over they will go right back to Linebacker U and all the amenities and perks that a school like PSU are powerful enough to offer these kids.

PSU president just said that they were faced with either their current sanctions, or a 4 year death penalty. I think they deserved the latter.

Its not like Penn had a choice in which punishment it would get. I believe they were told this is what is going to happen and if you dont like it we can hit you with a 4 year death penalty.
I've defended JoePa throughout this entire time, but after reading that article even I raised my eyebrow. A very sad situation, indeed.
I'm convinced that he knew far more than anyone close to him or who supported him will ever admit. I think we're going to find that most if not all of the various "paths" that could be investigated around Joe Paterno have been quietly walled off by people trying to salvage his reputation and who are devoted to the schools cult. Unless those people missed something or made a mistake we're never going to find a genuine smoking gun that proves exactly how much he knew.

Instead we're going to have to use our own individual bull**** meters to parse the version of the story we get. That's fine by me. I'm convinced now that he was either profoundly retarded and incapable of feeding and dressing himself OR he's a ****ing liar. I'm sure it's one of the two.
I really should just stay away from this case, but latest insult to my intelligence is that Paterno did not know what "sodomy" was. Taking it to the illogical extreme, if he was that sheltered from the world, then yes I could buy that Joe Pa could be totaly unaware of something this horrible going on under his nose.

I don't believe that though. I mean see him not knowing what a "hot carl" or "tossing the salad" or a "london bridge" is. Sodomy is garden variety religious and legal term that has been used forever.
I really should just stay away from this case, but latest insult to my intelligence is that Paterno did not know what "sodomy" was. Taking it to the illogical extreme, if he was that sheltered from the world, then yes I could buy that Joe Pa could be totaly unaware of something this horrible going on under his nose.

I don't believe that though. I mean see him not knowing what a "hot carl" or "tossing the salad" or a "london bridge" is. Sodomy is garden variety religious and legal term that has been used forever.

I agree with you on Joe Paterno and the meaning of the word sodomy.

But, I have to admit, I do not know what any of the three terms in the bolded sentence refer to. That being said, if they are terms that refer to some sort of perverted sex acts, please feel free to not explain it to me.
I agree with you on Joe Paterno and the meaning of the word sodomy.

But, I have to admit, I do not know what any of the three terms in the bolded sentence refer to. That being said, if they are terms that refer to some sort of perverted sex acts, please feel free to not explain it to me.

They are and I won't.
"Spanier's statements have irreparably harmed (McQueary's) reputation for honesty and integrity, and have irreparably harmed (his) ability to earn a living, especially in his chosen profession of coaching football," the lawsuit said.
McQueary abandoned "honesty & integrity" by keeping it in house and keeping his job.

Nothing to damage, no case.
I agree. To hell with Mike McQueary. He threw away his integrity when he decided that the reputation of a football program was more important than justice. Screw him and screw that entire school. They are all acting like victims when it's their school's culture that helped to cover this up and perpetuate it for far too long.
Jerry Sandusky sentenced to at least 30 years

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) — Jerry Sandusky was sentenced Tuesday to at least 30 years in prison — effectively a life sentence — in the child sexual abuse scandal that brought shame to Penn State and led to coach Joe Paterno’s downfall.

A defiant Sandusky gave a rambling statement in which he denied the allegations and talked about his life in prison and the pain of being away from his family.

Three victims spoke, often fighting back tears. One looked Sandusky in the eyes at times during his statement.
A defiant Sandusky

That phrase just pisses me off. For this p.o.s. to be defiant just tells me that he's not sorry for what he did. I'd elaborate on what I hope happens to him, but that's probably bad form. I'm sure y'all can fill in the blanks.
This piece of filth had the stones to blame his VICTIMS and accused the first one who spoke up of being a "serial victim". What a tool. He deserves EVERYTHING that happens to him in prison.
I kind of wonder if prison doesn't become an eagerly anticipated playground for people with Sandusky's preferences??? I dunno.

He has preference for largely defenseless underage boys, not grown-ass harden criminals.
30 to 60 years huh? What's that, about 8 months to a year and 4 months per case that he was found guilty of???

While the fact that this evil person will effectively spend the rest of his life behind bars, the judge really, REALLY dropped the ball in sentencing. This sentence sends a horrible message IMO.
Sandusky is 68 years old and will serve a minimum of 30 years. He could potentially be eligible for release when he is 98.

And of course if they ever put him into the general population, his projected longevity will fall rapidly. From what I understand, convicted felons do not like serving time with child molesters. That especially applies to those convicts that were molested as children themselves.
Sandusky is 68 years old and will serve a minimum of 30 years. He could potentially be eligible for release when he is 98.

And of course if they ever put him into the general population, his projected longevity will fall rapidly. From what I understand, convicted felons do not like serving time with child molesters. That especially applies to those convicts that were molested as children themselves.

More than likely he'll be shipped off to a minimum security unit where non-violent offenders serve time. I don't see the "crooked accountant" shanking his ass.
More than likely he'll be shipped off to a minimum security unit where non-violent offenders serve time. I don't see the "crooked accountant" shanking his ass.

Well that would be a tremendous injustice if that were to occur. How is child molestation "non-violent?"
More than likely he'll be shipped off to a minimum security unit where non-violent offenders serve time. I don't see the "crooked accountant" shanking his ass.

They said on the news last night that he would still be allowed to watch penn st football games. I think thats kind of fed
30 to 60 years huh? What's that, about 8 months to a year and 4 months per case that he was found guilty of???

While the fact that this evil person will effectively spend the rest of his life behind bars, the judge really, REALLY dropped the ball in sentencing. This sentence sends a horrible message IMO.

I agree. The part that really baffles me about this sort of thing is if you're going to send him away for what will effectively be a life sentence, then why not send the appropriate message as well? The guy is going to die in prison, so you may as well have sentenced him to a million years or something, just for the message it sends.

Of course, I'd have been OK with the death penalty as well.
In a perfect world, he'd be locked in a room with the families and victims for about a week. No escape, no rules.

By the time it was over he'd look like someone who had been in a fishbowl with piranhas.

In this case, I'd be rooting hard for the fish.
In a perfect world, he'd be locked in a room with the families and victims for about a week. No escape, no rules.

By the time it was over he'd look like someone who had been in a fishbowl with piranhas.

In this case, I'd be rooting hard for the fish.

Locked in a room with family members would be too emotional. Family members would be too quick and it would be too easy on him. He needs to be locked in a room with average "Joes" who would take pleasure in drawing out the finale!
Locked in a room with family members would be too emotional. Family members would be too quick and it would be too easy on him. He needs to be locked in a room with average "Joes" who would take pleasure in drawing out the finale!

Oh if he was only locked in a room with you and I .... if we can whoop six melonheads without you breaking a sweat .... imagine what we could do to an old pedophile.

Dread you want in brotha ?!
A maximum security prison is the very basic example of human existence . If these criminals judge a child molester as the lowest of the low , then who am I to interfere .
Oh if he was only locked in a room with you and I .... if we can whoop six melonheads without you breaking a sweat .... imagine what we could do to an old pedophile.

Dread you want in brotha ?!

If I said I wanted in on this action would it be twisted into police brutality by someone or would I get a free pass considering the pos sandusky is?:runaway:
If I said I wanted in on this action would it be twisted into police brutality by someone or would I get a free pass considering the pos sandusky is?:runaway:

Brother you would get a free pass from me ..... But it might be overkill. Hang'em High :choke:

(I always try to be fair with you , Im not one for a double standard)
Brother you would get a free pass from me ..... But it might be overkill. Hang'em High :choke:

(I always try to be fair with you , Im not one for a double standard)


(Begins gathering taser, asp baton, oc spray, steel toe boots, torch, gasoline, pliers...)
New court filing details former Penn State President Graham Spanier's alleged lies to Sandusky grand jury
The state attorney general’s office filed Friday what amounts to four pages detailing alleged lies told by former Penn State President Graham Spanier in his grand jury testimony from the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse probe.
Among the key points from Spanier’s claims at Strawberry Square that day:

  • When asked if there was any discussion about reporting the 2001 shower incident witnessed by former Penn State assistant football coach Mike McQueary to police, Spanier said “No.”
Emails discovered later in the probe contain a three-way discussion between Spanier, his then-senior vice president for finance and business Gary Schultz and Athletic Director Tim Curley seemingly going over the pros and cons of just such a move.

They ultimately decided against filing a report at that time.

  • Spanier said he was never been informed of an earlier, 1998 university police investigation of another shower room incident with Sandusky, then the longtime defensive coordinator to legendary head football coach Joe Paterno.
In that case, emails show that Schultz and Curley, Spanier’s co-defendants in what some have called a “conspiracy of silence,” had been keeping close tabs on the 1998 probe.

Spanier was copied on at least one of those emails – a recap from Schultz, who had been in regular communication with the Penn State police chief, noting that no charges would be filed and that the matter appeared to be closed.

  • In a matter sure to be hotly disputed at trial, Spanier testified he never knew the allegations against Sandusky were of a sexual nature. Spanier told the jurors he was told a staff member (McQueary) had witnessed “horsing around” in the showers that made that staff member uncomfortable.
McQueary has repeatedly testified that he told Paterno, and later Curley and Schultz, that he believed he was witnessing a sexual assault.

Spanier told grand jurors that message was never conveyed to him, and “I know better than to jump to conclusions about things like that.”

Prosecutors will likely hold that assertion up against the February 2001 e-mails in which the three former Penn State administrators discuss Sandusky’s “problem” and how best to handle it.

Spanier, at one point, signs off on Curley’s suggestion to not report to police or child welfare agencies and instead require that he seek professional help, calling it would be the “humane” way to proceed...
The Whistleblower's Last Stand

In Mike McQueary, some see a hero who brought down a monster. Others see a liar who railroaded a legend. At the upcoming trial that will close the book on the Jerry Sandusky scandal, Joe Paterno's former protégé will have the final word.
THE STAR WITNESS was anonymous, like each of Jerry Sandusky's victims.

He was described in the grand jury presentment only as "a Penn State graduate assistant." Anyone reading the 23-page presentment released on Nov. 4, 2011, would be horrified by the prosecution's version of what the witness said he saw a decade ago. In the locker room shower inside the Lasch Football Building on Penn State's campus, he stumbled upon...

Mike McQueary Allegedly Gambled While at Penn State, Told His Players He Was Abused as a Child According to ESPN

Ending to 1995 Penn State football game looks supsicious after McQueary gambling report
In 1995, Penn State... was a 20-point favorite over Rutgers in the game played at the Meadowlands...

McQueary, Penn State’s backup quarterback at the time, replaced starter Wally Richardson with just over a minute to play and the Nittany Lions leading 52-34.

Facing 2nd-and-7 at the Rutgers’ 42-yard line, most observers—including the TV announcers—were expecting McQueary to call a time-killing run up the middle. Instead, McQueary faked a handoff, dropped back and threw a deep pass to receiver Chris Campbell for a touchdown that put the Nittany Lions ahead by 25.

Replays show Paterno shaking his head after the score, and play-by-play man Ron Franklin described two Rutgers assistants looking at the Penn State bench with their arms out, “as if to say ‘why?’”

“I was looking for Pitts or someone else to run the clock down,” Franklin says after the play on the broadcast. “But they did not let that happen, and that’ll be discussed this coming week a little bit, maybe a lot.”

Graber was hot and confronted Paterno during the post-game handshake. Paterno responded with a hearty “bull****” and stormed off the field...

Nearly two decades later, what truly was behind McQueary’s decision is once again up for debate. An ESPN report on Monday put a spotlight on McQueary’s alleged gambling habit that included betting on Penn State games. From the report:

“One close college friend says he recalls that McQueary, as a junior and backup quarterback, bet on Penn State to cover an 8-point spread against Michigan State at Beaver Stadium in November 1996. The Nittany Lions won 32-29 on a late field goal, and McQueary, who was on the bench, lost his wager, the source said.

When McQueary’s gambling debts totaled thousands of dollars, his father paid them, several of McQueary’s former teammates said.

A close college friend said he urged McQueary to slow down the pace of his betting.

“It got pretty bad,” the friend said. “And it just kept snowballing and snowballing. He was very impulsive.”

A Penn State alumnus, who attended the university during McQueary’s playing days, told that there were rumors of the quarterback’s gambling at school, but said he never gave them much credence until seeing Monday’s report. That’s when he remembered the ending to the Penn State-Rutgers game...

Before This Week, the Most Un-Penn State Thing I Ever Saw Involved… Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary

This story keeps breeding more and more ugliness.
Don Van Natta Jr. @DVNJr
A total of 111 Penn State wins being restored were Joe Paterno's; one was Tom Bradley's.

Under the settlement, the July 2012 consent decree between PSU and the NCAA has been invalidated. Trial had been set for next month.

Filed to ESPN: A settlement of PA Senate Maj Leader Corman's lawsuit vs NCAA: All of Joe Paterno's vacated victories (112) will be restored.