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Pastorini's take on Carr

:howdy: He was a victim of a bad club.Until they hired Sid Gillman the Oilers stunk.Talk about the Texans draft check out the early Oilers.The gem they did have was arguably the greatest safety of all time.But he was traded to the Redskins,thank God for the Texans.Back to Dante, Mr.Carr will never face the likes of the 70's Steelers.That in itself gives Pastorini a right to an opinion.
Bottle-O-Bud said:
Love Carr, but he is HOLDING THE BALL TOOOOO LONG!!! Sling that ball, try to put it to the open man or a place where only a Texan WR can cath it..... and live with the results. I am willing to admit that >30% of those sacks were Carr's fault.

when did our passing game revolve around a 3 step drop? it never has and a lot of the routes our recievers run take time to develop. aside from the quick hitch and the 1 - 3 slant routes we throw per game everything thrown to a reciever takes time...time our line hasnt provided.
the funny thing about this has been even though he has a low throwing position not many of his balls get batted down by d-lineman...mainly because he moves out of the pocket left and right...i thinik once we get stronger in the o-line department we might get to see how carr's throwing motion really will affect the game...but the main point is this...yeah his throwing motion is horrible...sometimes it looks like he's shot putting the ball to the recievers but what are we gonna do...bench him and draft another QB...i don't think so...get over it...he's throwing motion isn't the reason this team is losing more games than winning...both lines are
Hulk75 said:
Yep, griping about the THROWING MOTION of your 1st-player-taken QB is really off-base for a football forum... :um:

I don't know anyone who doesn't think he's a "great guy", but he's still got some mechanical issues to fix. While that's no big shock for a 3rd-year QB, it's not something to be ignored either.
I can remember a few of Carr's passes that have been batted up and then intercepted. While this happens to many QBs, everything that can be done SHOULD be done to prevent it. Never know when it might cost us a game that might cost us a chance at the playoffs one day. If players out of college already knew everything there is to know about the NFL, there wouldn't be any point of draft speculation. Anyone that thinks Carr is perfect and doesn't need to improve in any facet is just ignorant. This isn't a knock on Carr but a clear reality for just about every player in the league, veteran or rookie.
Bottle-O-Bud said:
Carr should be smart enought to 1-2-3 Release (even if nobody was open)..

Interception = living with it

so first you want carr to rewrite the offense? secondly, you want carr to dump off the ball no matter what? (huh?) and thirdly, despite being critical of carr for what you call holding on to the ball to long, a bad throwing motion, wont be critical of carr if he throws more interceptions?


and last time i checked a sack (5-10 yard loss) vs. an interception (change of possesion) favors the offense.

sack=living with it
I don't want my preacher to be my QB if he can't throw.Carr was picked #1 so he would be groomed along the way.Is anyone 75% sure Carrs the real deal.I was 80% after his first year. :whew
I agree, Carr is not performing like Peyton Manning. Wait....nobody is performing like Peyton Manning except....Peyton Manning. It's a little tough on Carr to compare him to a Hall of Fame Quarterback who just broke the single season record for touchdowns (and has a great running game + pass protection!). Carr was showing great progress early in the season when he had time to throw. When the pass protection began to fail later in the season, so did his numbers. He's not good enough at this point to overcome poor blocking, but when he gets good protection he is good enough to make things happen, IMO.
Bottle-O-Bud said:
Manning + see blitz =1-2-3 Ball out
Carr + see blitz = 1-2-3 Run away to sidelines

More like:

Manning + see blitz, thinks whoohoo I can (a) audible to a 10-15 yd pass in single coverage knowing my line will pick up the blitz, (b) audible to a deep pass in single coverage knowing my line will pick up the blitz or (c) audible to let Edge gash them since they are blitzing--nah, my OL has held up the last 150 plays, I am going with (a) or (b).

Carr + see blitz, thinks damn my OL has let the last 150 of these guys through I can (a) see if they pull off a fluke and give me some protection and if they don't run screaming for my life trying to make something happen or (b) audible to DD--screw it this is why I was picked number one and everyone on the MB complains everytime I audible to a running play, sigh, let's try it again--1 step, 2 steps, oh crud here they come again...thump, roll, pfft, spit grass out.
Vinny said:
Pastorini mentioned that side arm throwers have a hard time getting air under the ball and I was in agreement. Carr gets the ball down the field as well as anyone but I don't think he throws a great deep ball. That's pretty much what I am looking at.

Did you see the third play of the Titan game? The ball dropped out of the sky. :goodbad:
I wasn't refering to one pass or a few passes. Just as a general rule of thumb sidearm throwers do not get much air under the ball. Try it yourself if you don't believe me. I know DC has multiple arm angles, but he seems to keep throwing the ball from the side a bit too often.
Pastorini is a good analyst, but he wasn't half the quarterback that Carr is.... Go Sit in the Corner, Pastorini and shut-up! :loser
Honoring Earl 34 said:
:howdy: He was a victim of a bad club.Until they hired Sid Gillman the Oilers stunk.Talk about the Texans draft check out the early Oilers.The gem they did have was arguably the greatest safety of all time.But he was traded to the Redskins,thank God for the Texans.Back to Dante, Mr.Carr will never face the likes of the 70's Steelers.That in itself gives Pastorini a right to an opinion.
The Pastorini legacy continues.....People either loved him or hated him. Personally, I liked him. I wasn't too impressed with him after he left football. But I think that he was a good QB. I give him credit for intestinal fortitude. He spent alot of time looking at the ceiling of the Astrodome. He was like timex. He took a licking and kept on ticking. :boxing: