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No more "Neon" on CBS Pregame

DC_ROCK said:
He was horrible. He had no insight. Just a loudmouth vet.
The show has the potential to be very boring now without the loudmouth though. Will just have to wait I guess.
dirty steve said:
i wish ESPN would do the same with irvin.
I still dont understand what he was talking about when Roy Williams got drafted. Something about how he didnt have heart because he stayed in school so he could try to win a Championship.
DC_ROCK said:
He was horrible. He had no insight. Just a loudmouth vet.
I think you've just described every ex-player on these pregame shows. I do like Cris (Who stole my h?) Collinsworth on HBO, but the rest are just awful. Deion did give Terry a run for his money in the stupid jock department. So I guess that means that Terry will miss him.
I thought Deion did a good job. As for Irvin, I think he is there to add jokes to the set. His insight is nothing to write home about and his speaking is absolutely horrible. He really got in, based on his friendship with Deion!
I'm happy Deon is gone, he was really annoying. He was just a loudmouth, i don't know if he really tell any jokes but he was just loud. Fox is the king of the pregame show and Terry Bradshaw is really funny, they do all these funny skits and stuff, it's cool. I'm sure CBS can find someother loudmouth jock to fill Deon's place quickly.
CBS' pregame show just seems like a lame copy of everything Fox does--whether Fox does it well or not. I enjoy the Fox pregame but as soon as the yapping gets out of control I flip to ESPN to see actual highlights.

Wherever the FILM and ANALYSIS is playing, I'll watch...OK, unless Fox's weather report is on. :whistle:
I actually like Deion. I think the discussions of the CBS show were fun. Boomer and Deion went at it almost every week.

They'll just pop another ex player in there.
texans said:
thires a rumore goung around that shanon sharap is going to retive to take dieons spot. :fight:

I guess Shanon Sharpe is going to take Neon's place. Hopefully he will be better at it.

I heard the Neon was going to join Irvin on ESPN. So they could do a couple of lines, before they have to read their lines. :bag: