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My only question is....

On the last drive, I don't think the play was designed to be an all or nothing home-run play. I think the idea was for AJ to draw Reed away and open up somebody else underneath and TJ just got rattled and tried to go for it all. I could be completely wrong, but that's what it looked like.
On the last drive, I don't think the play was designed to be an all or nothing home-run play. I think the idea was for AJ to draw Reed away and open up somebody else underneath and TJ just got rattled and tried to go for it all. I could be completely wrong, but that's what it looked like.

Either way, it worked... KW just needed to know he was a receiver and you have to locate the ball in order to catch it.
I agree with this.

I'm not defending Jacoby, nor do I care if he is on this team next year. but, he's not our #2 receiver, that guy hasn't shown up all year, but no one talks about that.

But, even with the Jacoby miff..... we were still in the game. We did not score 1 point in the second half.

for all I know, if it weren't for those early points "relaxing" the Ravens, we may not have scored all day playing the way we played.

We start the 2nd half, down by 4. The defense gets Baltimore off the field..... That was our game from then on. Whatever happened after that 3 & out (our defense forcing to start the 3rd Qtr) that's why we lost the game.

Blaming Jacoby for something that happened in the 1st qtr.... that's just scapegoating.

that's it in a nutshell.
Our D only allowed the Ravens 3 pts in the second half. The running game was working. The O-line kept the Ravens off of him. The youngster had all he needed to succeed. Guess the stage was a little too big for him yesterday.
On the last drive, I don't think the play was designed to be an all or nothing home-run play. I think the idea was for AJ to draw Reed away and open up somebody else underneath and TJ just got rattled and tried to go for it all. I could be completely wrong, but that's what it looked like.

Four go routes drummed up. how are you not supposed to go big on that play with no under routes? That was all on whomever called the play. Kubiak or Dennison got a little too smart for their own britches. **** the playcall for what otherwise was a very well called game.
that's it in a nutshell.
Our D only allowed the Ravens 3 pts in the second half. The running game was working. The O-line kept the Ravens off of him. The youngster had all he needed to succeed. Guess the stage was a little too big for him yesterday.

Their D only allowed 0 points in the second half. It's a moot point, we didn't do enough and it sucks.
I agree with this.

I'm not defending Jacoby, nor do I care if he is on this team next year. but, he's not our #2 receiver, that guy hasn't shown up all year, but no one talks about that.

But, even with the Jacoby miff..... we were still in the game. We did not score 1 point in the second half.

for all I know, if it weren't for those early points "relaxing" the Ravens, we may not have scored all day playing the way we played.

We start the 2nd half, down by 4. The defense gets Baltimore off the field..... That was our game from then on. Whatever happened after that 3 & out (our defense forcing to start the 3rd Qtr) that's why we lost the game.

Blaming Jacoby for something that happened in the 1st qtr.... that's just scapegoating.

If we can blame the loss on one offensive possession after forcing a 3 & out, then why can't we blame the loss on Jacoby Jones?

Why can't we just fast-forward to the last 5 minutes and just analyze what happens there? Since that's apparently the only time that matters?

I'm really sick of the "it happened in the 1st quarter so it doesnt matter" crap. Oh, they scored three runs off a bad call, but that was in the first inning. Oh, well, there was a terrible sequence of events that led to two personal fouls and a benching for the star player, but that was in the first quarter so it doesn't matter. Oh, that guy committed a dumb 5 minute major and the other team scored two goals, but that was in the first period so it doesn't matter.

Newsflash: **** matters no matter what time they happen in the game. Some things can be DEVASTATING early. Do I think we should have capitalized on one of those damn three and outs our defense forced? Sure. I was screaming all day. But to say the game "wasn't lost" on Jacoby's BLUNDER (arguably the worst blunder I've seen in Texans history), well, that's something I take exception with.
If we can blame the loss on one offensive possession after forcing a 3 & out, then why can't we blame the loss on Jacoby Jones?

Newsflash: **** matters no matter what time they happen in the game. Some things can be DEVASTATING early. Do I think we should have capitalized on one of those damn three and outs our defense forced? Sure. I was screaming all day. But to say the game "wasn't lost" on Jacoby's BLUNDER (arguably the worst blunder I've seen in Texans history), well, that's something I take exception with.

I don't think so. We weathered the bullsit of our "big stage jitters" in the first half. & I'm not blaming everything on one offensive possession. I'm saying everything in the second half, when we scored nothing.

It's a zero-zero game at the half, or at least should be treated that way. We're down by 4, that shouldn't "affect" our play-calling much at all, we're not in a "forced to throw" or "playing from behind" mentality for most of the second half.

Again, if those turnovers led to a route, like they did in the Patriots/Broncos game yeah, a first qtr mistake can very easily change the complexion of a game. But our defense kept us in it, pretty much negating the first half mistakes.

But we fell short in the second half. We didn't score one point. The defense held them to 3 if our offense scores one touchdown in that 30 minute period, it's a tie game.
That ball hit KDub in the shoulder. He should have caught that ball. I dont like or understand the call, but we had an opportunity to tie the game on the final play. It was t right call, Walters just has to make that catch, if it was Jacoby, I understand the hate, but it was our best hands guy & he choked.

This game, play-offs is about stepping up. Everybody is on Jacoby, but he's our 3rd WR. Kdub is #2 & he doesn't compare to other team's #2.

I understand everybody being upset that Jacoby hasn't stepped up & taken that spot. But what about the guy in that spot?

I thought KW missed it also but if you see in slow motion the ball was tipped at the last second. I agree and felt before the season started that WR was a very weak position. KW maybe 3 at best but no break away speed and quickness. Look at the other teams in the playoffs and their no.2 and compare KW. KW would probably not even be the NO. 3 on most of the teams.
2 minutes to play, 2 time outs, and Foster has 132 yards rushing, and our play is to throw the ball to the goal line. That's what I don't understand.

I think that's a legitimate question. I thought we got greedy there a couple of times and that's what really cost us the game.

We'll be back in the postseason next year and take care of business. This is the most "positive" I've felt following a loss that I can ever remember being.
I think that's a legitimate question. I thought we got greedy there a couple of times and that's what really cost us the game.

Yes, it's a legitimate question why they chose to heave it to AJ instead of run it on that 4th & 2. But they've already answered it though. The original call was a RUN for that 4th & 2. Yates made the read however on the coverage and changed it to throw it to Andre instead.
On that fateful play coming out of the two-minute warning, the Texans had a run called, but T.J. Yates was cleared to check to a deep pass to Andre Johnson if the Ravens presented him the right defense.

Baltimore did indeed, coming out in a single safety, meaning only one man was deep and he had to cover the entire field.

Yates thought the play was going for a touchdown when he released it, but safety Ed Reed saw the play develop, closed over the top of Johnson and made the interception inside the Ravens’ 5.

“He taught me a lesson on how to play football today,” Yates said. “He made a heck of a play.”

Coach Gary Kubiak didn’t have a problem with the check.

“The kid’s in the right place with the ball; he just didn’t hold Ed in the middle of the field,” Kubiak said. “Attacking coverage, you never know where the ball is going to go. That coverage told us to take the shot, playing one safety.”
the temptation to throw it down field was precipitated by outstanding OL protection, Yates had plenty of time & ability to step into the throw. If you ever watched him play while @ North Carolina this is what he does, difference was he didn't have Hakeem Nicks, who if you watched the Giants destroy Green Bay, was double/triple teamed yet still managed to make catch after catch, then separate for TD's.

I'm not sure this is the same Raven defense I drafted on my fantasy team but they did not have one sack on TJ? Texans OL kept him clean the entire game, those of us who sat threw 72 sacks in 02 know what I'm talking about. Stop & smell the :coffee:
Yes, it's a legitimate question why they chose to heave it to AJ instead of run it on that 4th & 2. But they've already answered it though. The original call was a RUN for that 4th & 2. Yates made the read however on the coverage and changed it to throw it to Andre instead.

So, if Yates has the ability to check from a run to a pass, surely Schaub does. I don't remember "seeing" the call change, which means our system to audible must be more subtle than what we all expect.

the temptation to throw it down field was precipitated by outstanding OL protection, Yates had plenty of time & ability to step into the throw. If you ever watched him play while @ North Carolina this is what he does, difference was he didn't have Hakeem Nicks, who if you watched the Giants destroy Green Bay, was double/triple teamed yet still managed to make catch after catch, then separate for TD's.

I'm not sure this is the same Raven defense I drafted on my fantasy team but they did not have one sack on TJ? Texans OL kept him clean the entire game, those of us who sat threw 72 sacks in 02 know what I'm talking about. Stop & smell the :coffee:

When Ed Reed cleared the middle of the field, he had OD for an easy 20+ yard gain in the middle of the field.
half the time Dre was playing DB

and walter was going for the ball he had his arms coming out but he had the angle wrong he thought the ball would come inside no behind his back

JJ had a dude doing a cartwheel in front of him so he had no chance :mariopalm:

i agree tho we had time for maybe 2 more plays before hail mary i dont get that
Kubiak just confirmed that on 4th and 2 they had always called pass and TJ read single safety which meant go for the Go Route according to play design
If we can blame the loss on one offensive possession after forcing a 3 & out, then why can't we blame the loss on Jacoby Jones?

Why can't we just fast-forward to the last 5 minutes and just analyze what happens there? Since that's apparently the only time that matters?

I'm really sick of the "it happened in the 1st quarter so it doesnt matter" crap. Oh, they scored three runs off a bad call, but that was in the first inning. Oh, well, there was a terrible sequence of events that led to two personal fouls and a benching for the star player, but that was in the first quarter so it doesn't matter. Oh, that guy committed a dumb 5 minute major and the other team scored two goals, but that was in the first period so it doesn't matter.

Newsflash: **** matters no matter what time they happen in the game. Some things can be DEVASTATING early. Do I think we should have capitalized on one of those damn three and outs our defense forced? Sure. I was screaming all day. But to say the game "wasn't lost" on Jacoby's BLUNDER (arguably the worst blunder I've seen in Texans history), well, that's something I take exception with.

If we let a screwup that happened 5 minutes into a 60-minute game take our 'nads, then we don't belong in the playoffs anyway.

You can keep holding on to that notion if you like, but I refuse to believe we're that weak. They've come thru way too much for me to believe they let that crush their spirit.
Had Yates completed that pass and then we score, there was a lot of time left on the clock to score for the Ravens to make a comeback. It was a completely stupid play to begin with and a horrible play call especially throwing to the side where Ed Reed is.
Tango, you're confused. The bomb to Andre that was intercepted by Reed was not on 4th and 2. The 4th and 2 came at the very end of the game where we heaved it to (presumably) Kevin Walter.

Both were atrocious calls.
Tango, you're confused. The bomb to Andre that was intercepted by Reed was not on 4th and 2. The 4th and 2 came at the very end of the game where we heaved it to (presumably) Kevin Walter.

Both were atrocious calls.