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McNabb will be released today by MIN

Donovan McNabb is perfectly capable of being a Trent Dilfer. That's all we need, a guy who can be a passing threat but won't turn the ball over. Given the situation in Minny, I would expect him to do much better here than he did up there. He still managed to get a decent passer rating despite only having Harvin to throw to.

I think he perfectly was capable of being a Trent Dilfer. But that's past tense. We'll just have to agree to disagree about who he is right now. Dude has looked terrible the past couple of seasons, and that goes beyond the team around him.

Concerns about his work ethic have been following him for years. And I've been a fan of his for awhile, so it's with disappointment that I post my observations about his current state.

That being said, I'd still take him over Delhomme.
have any of you guys seen McNabb play lately? Hes been awful, has been reported to have poor work habits and is a crappy leader. He's been on 3 teams in 3 years. He's taking the Randy 'I'm past my prime Moss world tour. I'll pass.

Under normal conditions I would totally agree with you, he's playing horribly!

But times aren't normal, being we are down to our third stringer at QB.

He's a West coast guy too, at least he could manage this offense.
I'd drop Delhomme in a second to pick up McNabb, but Kubes want touch him because of the Shanahan connection as other posters have stated.
Breaking News per John McClain.."Texans not interested in anyone who is not currently on their roster"

Dated and resubmitted every 5 minutes
If someone said who would you take to be your backup - Clemens, Delhomme or McNabb, I would go with Delhomme.

By no means is it an endorsement, but for this team, right now, I want a proven locker room professional with SB experience.
If someone said who would you take to be your backup - Clemens, Delhomme or McNabb, I would go with Delhomme.

By no means is it an endorsement, but for this team, right now, I want a proven locker room professional with SB experience.

Are you forgetting that Mcnabb has SB experience and a lot more playoff experience than Delhomme or any QB available. Mcnabb lost to the same dynasty team that Delhomme did in the SB in back to back seasons.
Are you forgetting that Mcnabb has SB experience and a lot more playoff experience than Delhomme or any QB available. Mcnabb lost to the same dynasty team that Delhomme did in the SB in back to back seasons.

Nope, but are you calling him a guy who can be a locker room leader?
Is McNabb applying for a job with the Texans in this half time interview? He´s trying to find a place with a good defense, great running game and weapons in the passing game...

I always had respect for McNabb, but it seemed like he lost his fire after he got traded. I wouldn`t hate signing him, but I really don`t know if he still got it in him. But he sure is the most talented QB out there...
I wish, but with Shanahan not liking him, Kubiak wouldn't touch him.

Andy Reid let him go for Kolb (whom he traded away).

Shanahan couldn't get him to play well (in our QB friendly system...) he benched him for Grossman to run a 2 min drill.

He couldn't manage a team with Adrian Peterson in the backfield.

I'm starting to think he is uncoachable. I've always thought Reid didn't have control of him & that (I have said before) is why they never won the big one. The QB/HC relationship was upside down.
McNabb comes off as being the guy who had it all, lost a little swagger, got dumped...and his ego has never recovered.

IMO, he's still pouting over being ran out of Philly. All those years of facing the critics and trying to say he'll prove them all to be wrong...and he can't get traction anymore in the NFL (with any team he's with) and so he's just given up.

He looked completely deflated in that halftime interview. Like he could give a **** about even being on TV right then and there. When Rich Eisen asked him what clubs he (McNabb) thought would put in a claim for him, McNabb says "All of them," then starts busting out laughing like Rick James at how he made a funny.

ESPN says it's official, nobody claimed him. Last chance: Negotiate a free agent contract with some team out there. I doubt there's any takers. I think the book on him is that he doesn't care and he wants it all handed to him.