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McNabb Comments

VY's thoughts:

To play quarterback in the NFL, Vince Young said you must have thick skin and it doesn't matter if it's black or white.

While the Titan said he respects Philadelphia quarterback Donovan McNabb, he doesn't necessarily agree with his comments that black quarterbacks face more pressure and more criticism.

"That is his opinion. I really feel like myself, black or white quarterbacks, we all go through something because that is the life of a quarterback,'' Young said Wednesday. "You have to be able to handle all the pressure and you have to be able to handle the losses and you have to be able to handle the media saying this about you.

"If you can't handle it, then you have to get off that position and go play something else.''

McNabb, in an interview with HBO, said black quarterbacks face added pressure because there are fewer of them. He also said some people still don't want black athletes playing the position.

Young and McNabb are two of six black starting quarterbacks in the 32-team NFL. The others are David Garrard of Jacksonville, Steve McNair of Baltimore, Jason Campbell of Washington and Tarvaris Jackson of Minnesota. Byron Leftwich and JaMarcus Russell could start for Atlanta and Oakland, respectively, at some point this season.

Young's game has been scrutinized over the years, with questions about his throwing motion and his decision-making, but he's also been praised and last season he was NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year.

"I have a lot of respect for every quarterback that's in the NFL,'' Young said. "Everybody is going to have their opinions and this and that, but that is not my fight to fight.

"Right now over here with the Tennessee Titans, we are trying to go to the playoffs and we can't worry about all the other mess going on.''
I think any QB, regardless of color, is going to be dogged hard in Philly. McNabb needs to keep in mind that his team's city is different than most.
still waiting to hear what the hell he means by "a little differently."

also, first smart thing vince young has said yet!
The Philly fans eat their own so it must be very frustrating for him.

I think that's all he is. Frustrated. And sometimes one misspeaks under those circumstances.

He has a good life. He's blessed. Enjoy it Donovan!
still waiting to hear what the hell he means by "a little differently."

also, first smart thing vince young has said yet!

Just a guess, but I think he's talking about how a lot of white QB's are looked at with an optimistic eye as where a lot of black QB's are widely looked at as guilty until proven innocent. Kinda like our Texans. A lot of fans complained about how the Texans in general weren't given a fair shake, and the media was just "hating" on us. A lot of people in Houston still feel that ESPN has an east coast/west coast bias. And then you have the outsiders looking in saying, "well you guys suck". It's all about your perception.

But on another note why is it that Blacks represent a great majority of every position except QB ?

Are the white QB's in the leauge just better than their black counterparts ?

Do less blacks play the QB position ?

Are whites just better suited for the position ?

Are there just not a lot of good black QB's ?

I dunno.

I do think there is some relevance to what McNabb is saying, but as I've said all along, I don't think it applied to him in that case. I just don't think his comments should be dismissed as a fallacy.

If throughout your life, you hear crap about your race or your gender or whatever, and it effects you on the job, why should anyone feel the need to reconcile that?

For example...

I was paid thousands of dollars less for her first real job in a traditionally male field than a guy hired at the same time with lesser qualifications. My boss at that job was eventually fired because of his longstanding subtle racist/sexist actions when he finally crossed the line enough to get busted for it. He wasn't even the worst boss I had.

The worst boss was someone who once got busted for having sex at the workplace, got suspended, but then got promoted, and eventually became the VP of human resources of all things. He was a racist, sexist donkey snake.

It stinks to just want to do your job but be judged by stereotypes and treated worse because of your immutable characteristics. Am I a victim? No, I don't feel like am nor by telling you about this stuff am I trying to further my status as victim. I am just truth speaking.

I know that things are much better than they used to be, but I have to say that I was surprised by all the sexist crap I've encountered in my working career.

You might think that people speaking the truth as they see it on race are victimizing themselves and not reconciling things. But the flip side of that is nowadays, anyone who dares to bring up race in any context is just throwing the "race card." Some think what he was saying was ill-legitimate, so he is throwing the race card. And for him, he is just answering a question trutfully as he sees it. I would be more surprised if he never came across racist stuff than if he did.

Argh, this is why I don't like when the NSZ crosses over in the sports world at all. Football is more fun.

Perhaps I wasn't very clear in articulating my point...please allow me the benefit of a mulligan.

I agree, these things do have a profound affect on our lives, they interfere with our relationships, our on the job performance, and even our own self-image...That being said, I think we have to leave the door somewhat open to the fact that our perceptions might be incorrect.

I've borne my fair share of comments, criticisms, and judgements (and yes, some were ethnically motivated); but I choose to move on. In those cases, a defeatest attitude only provides a greater opportunity for harm. Hell, if I gave three piles of monkey crap about all the stuff that's been said about me, I'd have a bullet in my head. I choose to move on. I choose to believe that a large number of people don't care about what race/gender/ethnicity we are, and would never think of making critical judgements about us based upon those things. To think otherwise reflects a certain self-serving bias/resentment/intolerance of our own that needs to be removed from us if we are to be fully functioning and healthy individuals.

I think a prime example of this is found in the case of children who have been abused (speaking from personal experience here). For many, feelings of hatred and anger are [naturally] directed toward the perpetrator. Eventually, those feelings become burdensome wounds that mask the initial hurt. It becomes easy to fall into the trap of self-pity or suspicion, which serve only to alienate us from those whom we consider and judge to be guilty. The real healing only comes after forgiveness. When we fail to forgive, we bear not only the hurt, but the sense of alienation that goes along with it; but when we make a conscious decision to forgive, we experience freedom from that bondage, and in doing so, we find the ability to live lives rooted in those great gifts of love and compassion...and that, my friend, is what will change this f-ed up world that we live in.

Talking about racism and prejudice where it exists is a service to humanity, but I would submit that a greater service is done when we extend hospitality, love, and compassion to those who disagree with us most vehimently...yeah, even to those who have perpetrated such crimes against us. Allowing those wounds which have been inflicted upon us to turn into bitterness, malice, and resentment makes us perpetrators as well. The bottom line is that we don't choose our affliction...but we can choose how to respond. After the passing of time, hopefully, we choose to respond positively.

Hope that makes sense.

Edit: So yeah, I guess those folks who feel that they have been the victim of racism do indeed have to work harder (at least in the above regard) than those who don't...I get that, and frankly, I think it sucks. But I think we all eventually have to realize that we do have the opportunity to rise above, and I pray to that end that Mr. McNabb will do just that. Personally, it makes me want to root for him all the more.
I see valid arguments on boths sides, but the one thing I keep thinking is that I have not heard too much bad mouthing about McNabb in the nation media before this. Just about the most bad mouthed QB these days seems to be Rex Grossman.
Well, while i'm a black guy & Mcnabb is my favorite player in the league, i'm gonna say that he isn't totally off in what he said, but i have to believe that it's more of him bieng frustrated with the native Philly fan base, eagle organization & his current injury more than anything else. After 9 years there & enduring the criticism he has from those classless bums (not all) during GOOD years, you have to figure he's reached his cracking point, especially since things aren't going well now.

The guy wasn't wanted there from day 1, the organization hasn't exactly been giving him much to work with, TO has basically convinced everyone that he's the reason they lost the SB & to top it all off Kolb has looked good in what little action he's seen.

I would love to see him go to another team who is a solid starting QB away (Chi, miami, baltimore, Minn) from making some noise & help push them over the top, b/c IMO Philly & the eagles don't deserve him anymore.
I would love to see him go to another team who is a solid starting QB away (Chi, miami, baltimore, Minn) from making some noise & help push them over the top, b/c IMO Philly & the eagles don't deserve him anymore.

Dude, McNabb on the Bears is a scary proposition. I have little doubt that he'd get a ring out of that deal, if not more.
Dude, McNabb on the Bears is a scary proposition. I have little doubt that he'd get a ring out of that deal, if not more.

yeah, Lovie & company need to make that happen, it'd be the perfect set up for him. He'd be coming home, great D, decent weapons on offense & guaranteed division winner b/c the other teams are garbage. Plus he wouldn't be asked to pass the ball 7923404789 times like Andy Reid does.
Well, while i'm a black guy & Mcnabb is my favorite player in the league, i'm gonna say that he isn't totally off in what he said, but i have to believe that it's more of him bieng frustrated with the native Philly fan base, eagle organization & his current injury more than anything else. After 9 years there & enduring the criticism he has from those classless bums (not all) during GOOD years, you have to figure he's reached his cracking point, especially since things aren't going well now.

The guy wasn't wanted there from day 1, the organization hasn't exactly been giving him much to work with, TO has basically convinced everyone that he's the reason they lost the SB & to top it all off Kolb has looked good in what little action he's seen.

I would love to see him go to another team who is a solid starting QB away (Chi, miami, baltimore, Minn) from making some noise & help push them over the top, b/c IMO Philly & the eagles don't deserve him anymore.

I usually don't say much around here, but some things I have to respond to. Please do not lay this off on the fan base of the Eagles. Here is why.
The Eagles fans were asked to vote for a 75th anniversary team this year on the Eagles board. The best Eagle player of all time at his given position .
Over 600,000 votes were cast. The QB winner is D. McNabb over such people as hall of fame QB Norm Van Brocklin.
I usually don't say much around here, but some things I have to respond to. Please do not lay this off on the fan base of the Eagles. Here is why.
The Eagles fans were asked to vote for a 75th anniversary team this year on the Eagles board. The best Eagle player of all time at his given position .
Over 600,000 votes were cast. The QB winner is D. McNabb over such people as hall of fame QB Norm Van Brocklin.
you should post more often. great point.