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Lance Z’s blog

Any word on how Smith performed AFTER the incident? Have a come apart and blow off steam, but be able to put it behind you and drive on. Otherwise, the attempt to "light a fire" backfired. Just pissing someone off is not always the best way to motivate them. Push the button, but push it wisely.:cool:

See my previous two posts.
Any word on how Smith performed AFTER the incident? Have a come apart and blow off steam, but be able to put it behind you and drive on. Otherwise, the attempt to "light a fire" backfired. Just pissing someone off is not always the best way to motivate them. Push the button, but push it wisely.:cool:

It appears the fences had been mended fairly quickly after it happened.

Maybe they got that stuff out of the way, early in camp, instead of having this occur in a game environment. This stuff in TC is easier to overcome than game 3 of the season.
See my previous two posts.

Thanks. I must've been typing when you were psoting yours. I don't really care how a coach motivates a player as long as it's effective and doesn't keep the player from learning. Some guys get all dramastic and sentimenstrual when they get their feelings hurt, then stop absorbing what the coach is rying to teach them.
Hey m5kwatts, I've never gave someone negative rep before but you were almost the first for going after LZ. Your obviously not a Gamer and haven't followed Lance the way some of us have. LZ has some of the best sources in the entire NFL. His football insight and intelligence is greater than any other sports writer or broadcaster in the city of Houston and its not that close either. If you would have followed Lance from his 610 days, you would know just how funny and entertaining he is. That's why some of his blog entries may seem odd to you. Its just Lance being Lance to me. You ought to tune into his morning show on 1560 AM or you can listen to it on the net live at

Bro, you do not give someone negative rep for that.

Anyway, I'm glad the situation seems to have been worked out. It was a low-blow in my opinion, though.
Grossman looks better than Schaub...AND Orly?

Anyone here, who has been to some of the sessions, think the same thing?
Still, that doesn't mean I have to agree with his analysis of the situation. It's camp, it's hot, and players and coaches are running hot. The time is now for a coach like Kollar to find out just how far he can push a player, and what buttons to push. Sounds like he got Smith fired up, and that may be necessary at some point in the season. A big part of coaching is playing motivational minds games with their players.

looks like you the other guys were on point, Lucky.

Assistant head coach/defensive line Bill Kollar
(on DE Antonio Smith's assessment that he might be the type of coach that players butt heads with but learn from) "What happens is that I'm the type guy where I'm wanting to try to get the most out of every player. Doesn't matter who it turns out to be. So to me, you've got to end up staying on the guys and rib them and keep on them to keep working, so there's no doubt about it. I end up having little confrontations here and there all the time [Geez, ya think?!] just for the simple fact that I'm trying to hit that live wire that's going to really end up getting them going. Again, it turns out to be really nothing to it at all, but I'm going to try my best to get every single player to play as good as he can play."
its all over. no real harm, no foul.
(it was still tacky though :D )
Maybe. First, I suggest learning what :sarcasm:is and how to use it.

Bro, you do not give someone negative rep for that.

Damn fellas. Okay, I'll fix it for y'all since I've been misunderstood:

Hey m5kwatts, I've never gave someone negative rep before but you were almost the first for going after LZ :sarcasm:

Damn, it was a joke. Do you guys get it now? It was a joke. Hardy, har, har! Y'all need to smoke a blunt and chill.
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Yeah, how much of that has to do with the defense they're going up against?

I posted on LZ's blog.

I said "Well, this is all in a safe environment so far. Wait until the bullets are real, and let's see how well Grossman does. David Carr was a great training camp QB, too, and he couldn't hold up when it went 'live' in the regular season."

In addition, Grossman could complete every pass and look like Joe Montana out there for the entire camp and preseason games....and he still ain't going to unseat Matt Schaub as the starter. That trade, and Kubiak's mindset of naming a starter and that's that!, will make sure that Schaub is the starter.
Grossman looks better than Schaub...AND Orly?

Anyone here, who has been to some of the sessions, think the same thing?

Absolutely not! I was there for the Sat. morning practice and Grossman looked, well gross. ;) He had one nice bomb to Jacoby over two defenders but that's all. Most of the time, his passes were inaccurate and would have been shot down if we were in duck hunting season.
Grossman looks better than Schaub...AND Orly?

Anyone here, who has been to some of the sessions, think the same thing?

I think this has more to do with Grossman throwing more deep balls in practice. They're calling plays to suit his abilities, which is vertical passing (he and Jacoby have been quite the combo because of this, Jacoby's best route is running straight anyways haha). Schaub has more touch than any of these guys and sometimes touch can be misconstrued for a "soft" throw or it lacks "zip"
Yeah, Lance Z didn't present the whole picture on that situation.

There was ZERO "need" for Kollar to tell Smith that the Cardinals would have won the Super Bowl if he had made a sack at a certain point in the game.

That's not just a low blow, that's a relationship-breaker IMO.

100 fans or 1,000 fans, Lance Z needs to get on his blog and then also re-contact those concerned fans and tell them the context of the situation. If all Smith did was use bad language, then that was not the worse that could have happened.

An NFL player was just in a close Super Bowl loss, and a new coach tells him they would have won if he had made a specific play? Ouch.

That's no way for a new player and a new coach to build a team. And it forces all the defensive line players into an awkward position, too. That's a most unfortunate situation. We don't need that crap going on.

If you were there and witnessed it then you know how over the top his reaction was. Really? A dig about the Super Bowl causes you to get up in your coach's face and start coming after him like that? The language in front of fans is one thing, a complete lack of respect for your position coach is the other big problem. Any way you want to spin it, his actions are not considered acceptable in the NFL. He could have made a comment and that would have been it. He kept going with it. It was way too much. With that said, as I posted today, it looked like it was addressed and it is over with.
Any word on how Smith performed AFTER the incident? Have a come apart and blow off steam, but be able to put it behind you and drive on. Otherwise, the attempt to "light a fire" backfired. Just pissing someone off is not always the best way to motivate them. Push the button, but push it wisely.:cool:

He said something like "oh you want to let the MF'ing dog out?" and he lined up against Chris White for another rep. I was expecting Smith to freight train him, but Chris White pretty much stoned him. I didn't focus on Smith in the team drills after that. Look Smith is a talker. The Steelers offensive linemen said they have never heard a player trash talk that much ever. I get that. It is part of who he is. I had a problem with how weak his reps were on that series when he and Kollar went at it. Blow-ups are one thing, but I want to see him going hard all the time. He looked very good today when I watched him.
He said something like "oh you want to let the MF'ing dog out?" and he lined up against Chris White for another rep. I was expecting Smith to freight train him, but Chris White pretty much stoned him. I didn't focus on Smith in the team drills after that. Look Smith is a talker. The Steelers offensive linemen said they have never heard a player trash talk that much ever. I get that. It is part of who he is. I had a problem with how weak his reps were on that series when he and Kollar went at it. Blow-ups are one thing, but I want to see him going hard all the time. He looked very good today when I watched him.

Smith needs to talk less and act more. Especially if you get stoned twice by our third string center.

I know he had triple the amount of sacks than Weaver but he still only had 3.
Smith needs to talk less and act more. Especially if you get stoned twice by our third string center.

I know he had triple the amount of sacks than Weaver but he still only had 3.

Weaver wasn't bad at setting the edge against the run, he's just more of a 3-4 end. However, there is no comparison between the two when it comes to ability to disrupt from inside on passing downs. Smith is legit.
I personally hope the little confrontation early on, sets the tone for the whole season.. I readily admit that if I was in Smith's shoes I would be pissed at the comment but also understand that how many games in the NFL are won/lost by one play or that someone makes a play (I am not saying Smith lost the super bowl for the cardinals, it is still a team effort) but my thinking is that hopefully, Smith becomes a leader more with actions than talk..and if TJ or someone takes a play off in a game, there is a leader on the field that will say something..

I am hoping that with the comments that might have been said, hopefully others took notice.. and if it was a motivational tool .. what more could be said "make a play you win the superbowl" we have no one on the team that we could say that too.. I'd rather hear Kollar say that to smith than to tell someone," make that play and we go to the playoffs"

again I would take it personal but as it seems kollar and smith talked so who knows and hopefully it makes the DL better .. I like the fire even if it is a tad early
If you were there and witnessed it then you know how over the top his reaction was. Really? A dig about the Super Bowl causes you to get up in your coach's face and start coming after him like that? The language in front of fans is one thing, a complete lack of respect for your position coach is the other big problem. Any way you want to spin it, his actions are not considered acceptable in the NFL. He could have made a comment and that would have been it. He kept going with it. It was way too much. With that said, as I posted today, it looked like it was addressed and it is over with.

Yeah, that's pretty much it: Digging on someone, to that extreme, is wrong. Between opponents, it's trash talking and basic rah-rah stuff. When it's team member on team member, then it's over the top. It can destroy unity. Fast.

Let's me and you get in a public environment and see what happens when I question your manhood or start getting personal with you about your profession. The heat of the moment produces some wacky moments.

But the pitchfork and torch routine that ensued over your report is, IMO, a bit reactionary in its own way (just as Smith was reactionary).

This is grown men getting violent. This is manhood and heat of the moment. It's just going to happen--In public, in private, wherever.

And like I said: Better that it happened now, and not in game 3 of the reg season. Might be a blessing, as unfortunate as it was, that it happened when it did.
Yeah, that's pretty much it: Digging on someone, to that extreme, is wrong. Between opponents, it's trash talking and basic rah-rah stuff. When it's team member on team member, then it's over the top. It can destroy unity. Fast.

Let's me and you get in a public environment and see what happens when I question your manhood or start getting personal with you about your profession. The heat of the moment produces some wacky moments.

But the pitchfork and torch routine that ensued over your report is, IMO, a bit reactionary in its own way (just as Smith was reactionary).

This is grown men getting violent. This is manhood and heat of the moment. It's just going to happen--In public, in private, wherever.

And like I said: Better that it happened now, and not in game 3 of the reg season. Might be a blessing, as unfortunate as it was, that it happened when it did.

We all respond differently and I will admit that I usually take the players side when it comes to being understanding about heat of the moment stuff in comparison to real-world stuff. I can just tell you that standing a few feet away from it, there didn't appear to be any reason to snap that badly, but Antonio said today that things just kind of built up after being coached hard all day and playing hard all day.

I certainly don't regret writing what I did. It was a newsworthy incident in that it came off as the high-priced free-agent blatantly disrespecting his position coach and he did it in front of a bunch of fans. It got addressed, I'm over it personally. As I said, I've heard good things about him personally from people I trust. That doesn't mean that I like what went down on Saturday. Sunday was good though. Hopefully Monday and Tuesday the Texans all get better. The pitchforks and torches need to be put away, I agree.
I like the trash talking and getting into your opponents head on gameday. If it gives you an edge, use it. Finding yourself in a fair fight means you have bad tactics. I'm iffy on the TC thing with a coach. I see the bad in both sides. I've always tried to use the "praise in public, criticize in private" method when dealing with my subordinates. Then again, I'm not a coach or player in the NFL. Smith is on record saying he regrets that it happened in front of fans, so I'm letting it go.
OK, you wimps.

This is football and that is what football people are supposed to do. The coaches pick and the players cuss and the fans cuss and fight over it and the reporters write and complain about it--and now you guys are namby-pambying around, talking about how it'll all be alright; and you've even got Lance, who did the right thing, posting here and talkin' about future peace and tranquility on the practice field. :foottap:

Now I gotta get all stupid-poster sos you guys can cuss at me instead and get the dang testesosterone goin' again. :whip:
Geez, guys; go look at the babe thread or somethin'. :thisbig:

PS-Anybody know how to sweet-talk a recently split up 27 year old nurse, because I think I'm getting sick over her. I think I need serious physical therapy....and maybe some meds.
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We all respond differently and I will admit that I usually take the players side when it comes to being understanding about heat of the moment stuff in comparison to real-world stuff. I can just tell you that standing a few feet away from it, there didn't appear to be any reason to snap that badly, but Antonio said today that things just kind of built up after being coached hard all day and playing hard all day.

I certainly don't regret writing what I did. It was a newsworthy incident in that it came off as the high-priced free-agent blatantly disrespecting his position coach and he did it in front of a bunch of fans. It got addressed, I'm over it personally. As I said, I've heard good things about him personally from people I trust. That doesn't mean that I like what went down on Saturday. Sunday was good though. Hopefully Monday and Tuesday the Texans all get better. The pitchforks and torches need to be put away, I agree.

I chalk it up to two guys (Kollar and Smith) who are new to the team, and they both know that they were brought into the fold because McNair and Kubiak want FAST results in the area of dline pass rush.

They're in a pressure cooker, and they both messed up. I got nothing against giving a guy a hard time to motivate him, but the Super Bowl thing was akin to saying something about his mama.

Like you said: It's good that it got squashed. Sometimes a brother is born from adversity. That's testament to the job our team has done in making the team environment a healthy one: The tone has been set that there'll be no Steve Smith'ing going on.

Man, I am ready for preseason football already. For all the history baseball has, it ain't got nothing on pure American football.
Why are you so mad about it? I wasn't attacking you.

I'm not mad dude. I know you weren't attacking me. I just needed to clarify that I was only joking about giving the guy negative rep. I never neg rep anyone, not even Red Zone or Silver Oak and you know how controversial they can be at times.
OK, you wimps.

This is football and that is what football people are supposed to do. The coaches pick and the players cuss and the fans cuss and fight over it and the reporters write and complain about it--and now you guys are namby-pambying around, talking about how it'll all be alright; and you've even got Lance, who did the right thing, posting here and talkin' about future peace and tranquility on the practice field. :foottap:

Now I gotta get all stupid-poster sos you guys can cuss at me instead and get the dang testesosterone goin' again. :whip:
Geez, guys; go look at the babe thread or somethin'. :thisbig:

PS-Anybody know how to sweet-talk a recently split up 27 year old nurse, because I think I'm getting sick over her. I think I need serious physical therapy....and maybe some meds.

You should watch some Scrubs episodes. I'm sure the answer is in there somewhere.
I just read through this entire thread and all I can say is, holy **** we need football soon. :gun: