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Kubiak: Keep or Fire?

Should Kubiak get one more year?

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Hall of Fame
i just want to simply see what kind of support he has at the moment. also apologies if this has been done already. havent been on here since last sunday (thankfully by the looks of it) :) and haven't seen it if its been done
I guess IF somehow all the cards fall into place, the Texans win their last 4, and the other wild card contenders lose and the Texans sneak into the playoffs I would support him coming back. I don't think it will happen, though, and while the team has improved, I don't feel that they can get the job done in crunch time.
I like the improvement I'm seeing on both sides of the ball. I think McNair is right, & we're a "player mindset" away from years of success.
You should make the pole public so we can see who votes for who. I voted no.

it is public... and i even considered letting people have multiple choices (especially for dexman);).. i dont see what anybody should be afraid of if its what they believe. i think he should def stay but can see why some would be against that
Since he's going to be here anyway, I'll say give him another year. That way I won't be disappointed when it happens.
I like the improvement I'm seeing on both sides of the ball. I think McNair is right, & we're a "player mindset" away from years of success.

If it was impossible to overcome David Carr, who was a single player on the entire team, then how can this team overcome the head coach who is over the WHOLE team and has the same problem David had (hitting a ceiling, and going no further)?

Kubiak should not get another year.

The list is long. He can't even watch critical points of the game. Weak.
Since he's going to be here anyway, I'll say give him another year. That way I won't be disappointed when it happens.

Hell he cant even watch important plays hows he going to handle that kind of presure next year? If we get off to a bad start he might go blind from stress.
I totally understand he's not going anywhere. I still voted to fire him now. That way next year I'll be well entrenched in the "I TOLD YOU SO!" crowd. Kubiak lost me this year.
If it was impossible to overcome David Carr, who was a single player on the entire team, then how can this team overcome the head coach who is over the WHOLE team and has the same problem David had (hitting a ceiling, and going no further)?

Kubiak should not get another year.

The list is long. He can't even watch critical points of the game. Weak.

David's problem was not "hitting a ceiling" David was snake bitten. If he would have made an effort to throw the ball down field when it was there, he would still be here. 3rd & 24, he was hitting the dump off even though he had options down the field. That's why he isn't here.

This team continues to improve every week, on the fundamentals. Look at Texans Chick post, where Football Outsiders re-assesses the team after 3/4ths of the season has gone by.

They are playing good sound football. If they keep it up, it will translate to wins.

If they continue to make the improvements that FO says they are making, we will win.
I think this poll is incomplete. Rather than just "Should Kubiak get one more year?", I think a 3rd option of "Extend Kubiak's contract" should have been included. I think it is completely unfair to Kubiak, the players, and the organization for Gary to walk the plank next season. Either he goes into the 2010 season with the complete confidence of the organization, or hire someone who will receive that confidence. What tiny speck of confidence I had in Kubiak's coaching ability was zapped in this latest 4 game nose dive.
This team continues to improve every week, on the fundamentals.
The Texans averaged 5.4 penalties/game over the 1st half of the season. The penalties ballooned to 9 per game in this 4 game skid.

If they hadn't been improving on the fundamentals every week, who knows just how high the penalty total would be?
I held out hope for Kubes as long as I could, but I always make sure I can
back up what I believe. Kubiak has ripped the foundation from my wishes
to keep him here. So, it is what it is.
He got me a pair of 99 spd/98 acc WRs plus a 99/90 CB in one draft in Madden 05 when I hired him.

I'm all for Kubes.

For now.
David's problem was not "hitting a ceiling" David was snake bitten. If he would have made an effort to throw the ball down field when it was there, he would still be here. 3rd & 24, he was hitting the dump off even though he had options down the field. That's why he isn't here.

This team continues to improve every week, on the fundamentals. Look at Texans Chick post, where Football Outsiders re-assesses the team after 3/4ths of the season has gone by.

They are playing good sound football. If they keep it up, it will translate to wins.

If they continue to make the improvements that FO says they are making, we will win.

David Carr was not snake-bitten.

He was (and still is) a guy who can't make his own luck. If he were to play a very bad defense, he's obviously going to survive. But he cannot read a defense, hence the dump-off passes that he just eventually convinced himself was "the only thing there for him."

It IS the perfect example of a guy who was never going to break out from the other NFL QBs and become one of the top tier guys.

As to the last sentence of your post: I firmly believe that even in the pro league of football, a collection of players is only as good as the support team around them (the coaches). Coaches cannot play the game for them, and must therefore be the eyes and ears behind the scenes--Scouting, doing film study until their eyes bleed, and then developing a SOUND game-plan for each and every opponent each and every week.

In college, you can dominate other teams just by having won the recruiting war. By having a few more studs than your opponent. At that level, the talent can beat anybody anywhere. In the NFL, the talent pool is fairly equal. You have a standout QB or WR or RB scattered here and there, but the majority of games are won by the teams who out-coach the opponent.

Frank Bush, in just his first year as our d-coord, is out-coaching Gary Kubiak's offense when it comes down to gameday strategy AND the implementation of the strategy.

I never dreamed the defense would garner my praise, and the offense would fail me so badly. But it is what it is.

David Carr hit his ceiling once defenses knew to throw exotic blitzes and stack 10 guys in the box as if they were blitzing all 10 of them and running only one safety back to cover our 4 receivers. Result: Drop back to a zone and either pick off the pass as David stumbled over himself in the face of a phantom blitz, or watch David run out of bounds and eat a needless sack.

Kubiak is also hitting that ceiling, TK.

You can see it. You don't want to see it, but it's there.
BTW, as of right now...29 say "he should be gone" and only 8 say "retain him."

That's not just one or two fans who have an axe to grind with Gurry Kubiak.

It's a vast majority.

Guys how long is a typical NFL career? I don't know the exact number of years it is and I'm sure that varies per position but Domanick Davis was here 4 years and only played 3 of them. Charles Spencer played a handful of games. These guys careers are brief to say the least. Any of them could be done in the blink of an eye.

At the same time this team makes decisions at a glacial pace. They take 5 years to decide that David Carr is as bad as everyone in human existence can see he is. Meanwhile the years go by and the players around him grow older. Andre Johnson turns 30 after next season. His career could be over in a single play. While we wait for all the stars (well behaved, god fearing respectful stars) to align the few we really have will grow old, go elsewhere, or go down.

We are too slow. Keeping Kubiak another year will be just another example of that.
I'm back on the fence.

I'd like to see a poll not of whether or not we want him back, but on if we think McNair will keep him. If the Texans do their usual thing and have a good December, I'd lay money on Kubiak being back next year.
Does anybody really think that if the Texans finish with a franchise best 9-7 record, Kubiak won't be our head coach next year? Really?
I'd like to see a poll not of whether or not we want him back, but on if we think McNair will keep him. If the Texans do their usual thing and have a good December, I'd lay money on Kubiak being back next year.

Me too.

I will say that Kubiak has the potential to be one SERIOUSLY good HC. I mean big time; but, it only shows when he knows the playoffs are out of reach. He needs to realize that it is HE who makes a fool of himself, because HE is soooooooo smart. :shades:
I'd like to see a poll not of whether or not we want him back, but on if we think McNair will keep him. If the Texans do their usual thing and have a good December, I'd lay money on Kubiak being back next year.

why? even the majority of the guys that want kubiak gone will admit if we have a good december, its pretty likely mcnair keeps him. doesnt mean they agree with it though
why? even the majority of the guys that want kubiak gone will admit if we have a good december, its pretty likely mcnair keeps him. doesnt mean they agree with it though

Just curious, is all. I'm in the wanting a new HC but don't think we'll get one camp.
I just keep thinking about the four or five games they had a chane to win and blew it that is what drives me away.
Keep him because the players want him to stay.

I don't know about football teams, but I know schools which is the same principle (pun intended). I know that when a beloved principal is changed and it isn't the principal's idea, the teachers are disgruntled to say the least. The younger the staff, the more rebellious the attitude against the new leadership.

If Mario and his "Life Problems" are an indication of the youthful mentality of this team - and they are, after all, quite young with problems of the young - then changing coaches at this point could and probably would be seriously counterproductive.

Right now we have a bunch of players who aren't playing to their capabilities for whatever reasons - coaching or their minds being elsewhere or all of the above and then some - but at least they like their coach. Add a new set of coaches into an already not so good situation and you have disaster.

While I'm not so sure Kubiak can get these "kids" over the hump of average, I for sure know that if they don't want a new coach, they ain't getting over any hump.
Sorry I did not see this one. Thats why you mods get paid the big bucks.

I just wanted to gauge the feeling after the SEA game. Its funny that when I put up the poll a week ago it 65% - 35% in favor of dumping Kubes.

Then I see this one at almost 45 - 55.

The one from after the last game was 65% - 35% to keep him.
If Kubes got fired would anyone else rush in to grab the guy? No. He had his 4 years.

I doubt that he would get a job immediately, but he would join the list of guys who go coordinate for a few years, rehab the image and gets another shot down the road.
I doubt that he would get a job immediately, but he would join the list of guys who go coordinate for a few years, rehab the image and gets another shot down the road.

Kubiak would have no problem getting an OC job, he'd get offers for that. HC, don't know about that, but he wouldn't be unemployed for very long.
I'd say more games have been lost to boneheaded moves by the players than by the decision-making. AJ, Schaub, Cushing, and Ryans have all said as much.

Then it must be true.... who really thinks that they'd throw their coach under the bus?
Guys how long is a typical NFL career? I don't know the exact number of years it is and I'm sure that varies per position but Domanick Davis was here 4 years and only played 3 of them. Charles Spencer played a handful of games. These guys careers are brief to say the least. Any of them could be done in the blink of an eye.

At the same time this team makes decisions at a glacial pace. They take 5 years to decide that David Carr is as bad as everyone in human existence can see he is. Meanwhile the years go by and the players around him grow older. Andre Johnson turns 30 after next season. His career could be over in a single play. While we wait for all the stars (well behaved, god fearing respectful stars) to align the few we really have will grow old, go elsewhere, or go down.

We are too slow. Keeping Kubiak another year will be just another example of that.

IIRC he got through the first quarter before Dayne killed his career.
I doubt that he would get a job immediately, but he would join the list of guys who go coordinate for a few years, rehab the image and gets another shot down the road.

OC...yeah!I was talking HC. Definitely OC. But some guys don't get another chance...too many to mention
I haven't voted because I'm back on the fence.

The win this past Sunday showed me Kubiak has not lost the team. He challenged them and they responded. Now the argument can be made it is too little too late.

However, after a day and a half of thinking the situation over I keep waffling for these reasons:

1. Offense: This side of the has been absolutely devastated by injuries. Slaton, Pitts, Briesel, Daniels, Anthony. Despite all of that, the team is still competitive. Yes they are not getting 8-9 yards a carry on the ground. However, it has been shown that with a good balance, the running game is good enough to keep defenses honest.

2. Defense: Nuff said. Much improved even from the first 3 weeks of the season.

3. Special teams: What perfect timing for your clutch kicker to get the yips. WTG KB!

Now the knock on him has been some questionable game management skills. I think he can fix a big factor in this by firing his entire instant replay staff. Those guys are the most incompetent idiots I have seen. Who here was not yelling, "Run a $#%$! play!" after the Moats fumble in Indy?
Kubiak was all the way across the field and could not see it. It is the replay guys who should have been yelling into the headset.

Still I think he could have done a better job in certain situations. However, every coach makes stupid decisions at times *cough* Bellichick 4th and 2 *cough*.

What this team lacks is maturity and seasoning in critical game situations. The players keep spazzing out when the game is on the line? As a coach how do you fix that? Have the players learned any lessons this year?

The bottom line is this Kubiak and Smith have done a great job of building this roster for the future. This team is teetering on the edge of greatness.

If Kubiak is going to succeed as a head coach, I want it to be here.

Can Kubiak push them over the edge? I really don't know and that is my dilemma.