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John Harris hired by Texans


Hall of Fame
Marc Vandermeer ‏@TexansVoice
Welcome @JHarrisFootball - new member of Texans Radio, TV and

Bill O'Brien's college teammate and principal in TheSidelineView gets a new gig with the home team.


John Harris is a football lifer, having spent his entire 38 years around the game as a coach's son, player, coach, writer, radio host, television guest and all-around football historian. Harris provides a perspective not many media members can—a thorough understanding of Xs and Os with the ability to communicate that love and understanding to readers and listeners.

After graduating as valedictorian and three-sport star at Lamar Consolidated HS in Rosenberg, TX, Harris played four years at Brown University, earning the 1993 Eugene C. Swift Award for determination, hard work and courage. He earned two varsity letters in his time on the legendary Brown campus. He decided to add a Masters in Accounting from University of Virginia to finish his well-rounded education in 2002.

In 1994, Harris started his coaching career at Episcopal High School in Jacksonville, Florida. In 1998, at the age of 26, Harris took over as head coach of the school's varsity squad and in three short years, he led them to the FHSAA playoffs for the first time in school history. He was voted District 6 Coach of the Year in 2000 after his team finished with the aforementioned playoff berth.

While coaching, Harris started his radio career in 1998 as a college football expert on SportsRadio 610 in Houston. He joined the early morning show for three years and eventually joined the #1 show in the city the "John and Lance Morning show" in 2002. Harris became a fixture on the morning show for the next five years, discussing college football and the NFL Draft. Harris also did guest hosting radio appearances in 20 different cities throughout the nation, including New Orleans, LA, Pittsburgh, PA, Palm Springs, CA and Raleigh, NC. Currently, Harris is Sporting News Radio's football expert, participating on a number of shows throughout the network's lineup.

Harris started writing for in 2003. He became a featured writer for one of the nation's most popular college football websites for the next four years. His Keys to the Game articles were featured on the front page throughout college football season. Throughout the past nine years, he has been the college football half of View from the Sideline. In 2010, Harris and Lance Zierlein combined to put together a 2010 "View from the Sideline" NFL Draft magazine and College and Pro Football Preview a Herculean feat for two "football" men.

In 2007, Harris started his full-time radio career co-hosting the Sean and John show on 1560 The Game. Through that show, Harris continued to build his football resume. In 2010, Harris was fully responsible for putting together the Rotary Lombardi Award Watch list and has been well received as the guest speaker at RLA functions the past two years. In 2011, Harris was the guest speaker for the Paul Bear Bryant Awards in Houston. Harris has been seen on numerous television shows throughout the city and even on NFL Network in 2007.
Well congrats John! Wonder if he will continue to occasionally appear on 1560 as Vandy does 610?
Looks like Harris's x-teammate from Brown took care of his friend. But I like Harris, I'm glad he got the job, and he knows his football.
Well congrats John! Wonder if he will continue to occasionally appear on 1560 as Vandy does 610?

Harris was let go by 1560 at the end of 2013. He's shown up on LZ's show on KBME a few time since then, but I don't know what else he's been up to in the interim.

He's a good football guy, and I'm glad to see him find what looks like a good gig. Best of luck John.
Well congrats John! Wonder if he will continue to occasionally appear on 1560 as Vandy does 610?

Doubt since the Texans radio station is 610. Harris at least has legitimate passion for the sport and works on pure analysis of the sport.
I've struggled to take the guy seriously since his total, epic meltdown at the Duane Brown pick.

I respect his insight and knowledge, but I am always hesitant to take anyone who is so emotional, almost capricious, seriously in analysis.

I think the whole Duane Brown thing is a microcosm of that.

Congrats to him, nonetheless.
I've struggled to take the guy seriously since his total, epic meltdown at the Duane Brown pick.

I respect his insight and knowledge, but I am always hesitant to take anyone who is so emotional, almost capricious, seriously in analysis.

I think the whole Duane Brown thing is a microcosm of that.

Congrats to him, nonetheless.

Did he really? The DB pick was, and still is, one of my favorite picks.
Did he really? The DB pick was, and still is, one of my favorite picks.

I don't think a lot of people were happy about that pick. Brown wasn't really in any of the discussions on the board as far as a first round pick. I remember one member who was particularly upset because "we could have had Rashard Mendenhall!!"
I don't think a lot of people were happy about that pick. Brown wasn't really in any of the discussions on the board as far as a first round pick. I remember one member who was particularly upset because "we could have had Rashard Mendenhall!!"

Oh God, I remember that. I was called an idiot because I wanted zero to do with Mendenhall. Actually, I want nothing to do with any RB before round 3. But he had ****ty RB written all over him.
Very happy for John Harris. Regardless how you feel about his takes and personality, there is no doubt in my mind that he loves football, and really wants to see the Texans succeed as an organization. And I stand behind that. Here's to hoping he continues to speak his mind, right or wrong, and doesn't feel the pressure from the front office to become a John McClain-like talking head for whatever Kool-Aid that they are trying to sell.
Not sure why some of yall seem a bit standoffish about the move. It makes sense to me, John has a history with the coach, the team and the city. He also knows a thing or two about football, and at this point he's no longer a rookie as a member of the media. As far as the DB thing goes, he's admitted over and over he was dead wrong, no one is 100% on their evaluations. If there was such a person, he wouldn't be working in the media. I like it, and look forward to it. :texflag:
Not sure why some of yall seem a bit standoffish about the move. It makes sense to me, John has a history with the coach, the team and the city. He also knows a thing or two about football, and at this point he's no longer a rookie as a member of the media. As far as the DB thing goes, he's admitted over and over he was dead wrong, no one is 100% on their evaluations. If there was such a person, he wouldn't be working in the media. I like it, and look forward to it. :texflag:
I totally get that and normally don't hold predictions against people--but when your delivery is soooo over-the-top you can't miss by that much.
Moderator: Welcome to another Texans live chat! Today's chat features Texans analyst John Harris (@JHarrisFootball on Twitter) as he'll take your questions. To submit a question, type it in the dialog box below.
Comment From GoTexan
What do you think about last night's trade? I don't know much about Akeem Dent.
John Harris: I like the deal. Look, as a backup QB, TJ wasn't going to impact the team in anyway unless another QB went down. Dent, at a minimum, can run down on special teams and at least give you some impact in an area that was deficient in 2013 (and in years before that)

Comment From SwattTeam
Were you surprised that TJ Yates had trade value? I thought the Texans were just going to cut him.
John Harris: I heard rumors that teams asked about TJ pre-draft, but obviously nothing was done at the time. I believe releasing him was the plan but teams starting calling and the official paperwork hadn't been filed. I'm not surprised that he had some value - he has some skills, but he just never found any consistency here.

Comment From TheU
Do you expect Andre back for training camp?
John Harris: I've got my fingers crossed, but I don't know how much leverage, if that's the right word, that he has in this situation. I know that Bill O'Brien wants him back, respects the heck out of him and would feature him in the passing game. So, if those are some of his worries, that should allay his fears.

Comment From QB Please
Does Fitz being named starter mean we won't see Tom Savage this season?
John Harris: Not at all - it's still going to be a competition and I've said this before and O'B said it's a long time from Sept. 7th. Long term, Savage is the guy, that's evident but he won't be the guy until he knows this offense inside and out and proves he can execute it at a rate better than any other QB on the roster. He's a tough, unflappable guy and the announcement of Fitz as the starter hasn't dampened his they shouldn't.

Comment From Guest
Are the texans looking at a 2-14 kind of year?
John Harris: Nah...everything in the world had to go wrong for the Texans to go 2-14. EVERYTHING. This will be a well coached team that plays hard and for each other. Health is key, as it is for all teams, but the defense will be improved but must create more turnovers. The AFC South isn't the toughest division in football so there's a chance to be competitive with just 8 or 9 wins. The Texans couldn't and weren't going to fix everything this offseason but they're making shrewd smart moves, even if the additions aren't names we're all familiar with at this point.

Comment From Guest
On the radio all I heard was that Keenum and Savage looked the best at throwing the ball. How is that that Fitzpatrick won the job then? Why was he even signed in the first place if we are trying to PROTECT the ball? He threw 96INT in 85 games. Please explain. Was there ever a wide open competition?
John Harris: Be careful of what you hear on the radio...that's all I'll say on that point. I've seen every practice and I can tell you that's not the situation. All four QB had moments of good and bad and I wouldn't say one was so much better than the others. Fitzpatrick is the guy for now but making the declaration just makes it appears that he was head and shoulders above the rest. He's the guy for now. That's all. Fitz knows that he has to cut down on his turnovers, the staff talked with him often about that. Can he? Sure. Will he? He better or O'B will hand the ball to Savage (when ready) or Case.

Comment From Nelson
Who has stood out the most on the WR's corps to you?
John Harris: This WR corps has grown on me. Hop's going to star. Posey has come a long way and is healthy. There's going to be a good competition at inside/slot WR between Mike Thomas, Alan Bonner and Keshawn Martin. Bonner has looked quick and explosive out of the slot - that position is made for him. O'B mentioned back in February that he didn't think a slot WR was here, but after OTA/mini-camp, I don't think that's a "worry" of his any longer. My long shot, so to speak, is EZ Nwachukwu - he's just made a ton of plays starting in rookie mini-camp, which he was allowed to participate in. Every day he makes an excellent catch or solid play. It's going to be tough to crack the WR roster, but if he continues to do it, he'll force the decision for O'B/Rick Smith

Comment From Guest
Any word on Andre?
John Harris: Unfortunately no - I held out hope for this week, but it's been very quiet. Not sure if that's good or bad.

Comment From Ryan Whatley
Would Case get the nod if he excels in the preseason games?
John Harris: As with all the QB...the guy that understands the playbook, executes it well, without turnovers and at a tempo that pleases George Godsey and Bill O'Brien will be the starter. Simply put. If that's Case, coming out of TC, then it'll be Case. Fitz will have first shot, but as I said, the declaration of Fitz as the starter won't mean anything if the other two QB dominate the pre-season.

Comment From Guest
will this offense be simmilar to what 49er are doing?
John Harris: No. More multiple in formations and personnel groupings. Will this offense hit people in the mouth and move the LOS like the 49ers? yes, that's the goal. But, O'B won't have as many move packages for his QB as Greg Roman has for his in SF...and with good reason.

Comment From paslawtx
To the real Johnny Football, will the offensive line be better this year?
John Harris: Ah, the $64k question...I think it will be and this is the ultimate key to this team's success. Xavier Su'a Filo will have rookie growing pains but he's indicative of the mindset change on that OL. He mows dudes down at the point of attack. Throw him into the mix. I know the question most people have is what about Derek Newton. Look, we won't know for sure until the pads go on, but he looks, well, unburdened. Physically, he looks more like he did as a rookie. The knee was an issue last year and really impacted his technique. Also, the change in run game focus/scheme will help him - there'll be more power and blast and isolation which will allow him to just fire off the football, as it will for all the OL. That'll help. There'll be some zone stuff too but just not as much as in previous years. If Newton's healthy, he'll be much better than last year. Good enough? I'll hold that analysis until the pads go on.

Comment From richard
from what I see now==they will miss MATT
John Harris: Nah, everyone needed to move on from the Schaub era.

Comment From NorwegianTexanFan
What role do you think Dent will have on the Texans roster? And can he compete for a starting job, possibly taking Brooks Reed out of the starting front 7?
John Harris: At a minimum on Dent, he competes for the spot next to a healthy Cushing with Brooks. If anything, it creates competition and provides flexibility. That's all O'B and this staff have talked about since getting here - there won't be any jobs just handed to people. So, the team traded a 4th QB for an ILB that can compete and at worst case impact special teams. I think the Jeff Tarpinian and Mike Mohamed are solid depth at that position so Dent isn't going to walk in and start or even be guaranteed a position. But, he adds depth to a position that still needs it, even with Brooks getting reps inside. Brooks will be on the field in some capacity.

Comment From Sean
John - you mentioned yesterday you like what you see in Alec Lemon - where do you see him fitting in going forward on the 53?
John Harris: I do like him and he seems to get more separation from DB than he got last year, but making the 53 is going to be tough. Could ultimately depend on what happens with Dre...because if you have 80, 10, 11 in the fold and carry three others probably Bonner as a fourth - there's a great competition for spots five and six. I can't remember how many they kept last year, but what hurts Lemon, so to speak, is that he's not a returner (like Keshawn Martin or Alan Bonner). He's good on special teams but if he were fast enough to be a returner, I'd say yes for sure.

Comment From DJ
Will we see Brennan Williams in training camp?
John Harris: I want to say Day One of training camp but microfracture surgery is a mot...well you know. He's been working out every day with the training staff but until he's there in pads, I won't truly believe based on the recovery time from that surgery.

Comment From richard
send foster packing and let Johnson go his way
John Harris: Uh, Foster is about to blow it up in this offense. From a skill position stand point, if he's healthy and he looks to be right now, he's going to flourish in this offense.
Chat cont'd
Comment From PhnzUp
Pure speculation here - With the trade for a LB it seems to me the team is addressing needs. WR is a 'need' if AJ retires or the swing an improbable trade. Any underground news about the Texans looking to add a WR prior to camp?
John Harris: Haven't heard, but the WR corps is better than O'B and this coaching staff originally thought. O'B's admitted as such. If a WR is added it won't be a big name but at that point, there are enough young players on the roster that have stood out at WR that are much cheaper than any vet that's signed (and provide just as much or more value).

Comment From Jason B
Do you think there is a chance that Keenum or Savage will beat out Fitzpatrick in training camp?
John Harris: There's definitely a chance but a tad unlikely. My gut says that if a move at QB happens it's later in the season if/when Fitz struggles.

Comment From Zach Hamilton
Any updates to Andre Johnson? Do you think he will ask to be traded or is everyone expecting him to suit up, be a team player, and help his team make a deep playoff run ?
John Harris: Nothing. Pretty quiet here. I know he's got his reasons and there's been much speculation about it but if/when he shows up, he'll be welcomed back, asked to work and ball out as he has for his entire career. He'll be featured in this offense, that I know. We all just need for him to make the right decision for him and make sure his mind is right - if there's any indecision but he comes back anyway, that can lead to problems. Be sure and buy in and this team will be better than he thinks.

Comment From PhnzUp
Dent is young (26 - 27) and has upside if Romeo can get it out of him. Texans won this trade
John Harris: both teams got value out of the deal to be honest. The Falcons backup QB are highly questionable, so to them, they gave up a player that they'd given up on and got one as insurance with playoff experience to back up Matt Ryan.

Comment From vman
can Bill O'Brian resurrect Fitzpatrick's career?
John Harris: It's about Fitz sticking to the's a good plan, just don't go rogue on the plan. There are weapons and a lot of different ways to hurt teams. Make quick decisions. Get the O out of bad plays. Let your offensive ballers make the plays. Do that and it'll be fine, resurrection if you want to call it that.

Comment From Guest
Who is Dent?
John Harris: Akeem Dent...former Falcons ILB - traded for TJ Yates last night.

Comment From Guest
Do you think Fitzpatrick has enough in him to make it to the playoffs? We have not had a lot of luck with trying to make backup QBs into starters...
John Harris: It's a good plan - he has to follow it and execute it weekly. He's cerebral enough to do that. When Kurt Warner went to Arizona, the NFL thought he was done. But, he got there with a vertical passing game, Larry Fitzgerald and got to the SB in a couple of years. Every situation is unique and Fitz's is definitely that. But, he's smart and mentally tough...if it doesn't go well, the Savage Plan is sitting on the shelf, ready to be unleashed.

Comment From Steve Dent (not Akeems relative)
Is there still a possibility of another QB being on the roster? It seems like this move may give Fitz an opportunity to show his metal for more reps and an extended look and then perhaps go Mallett hunting?
John Harris: Steve - is your middle name Akeem? Just checking. At this point, I wouldn't make any definite statements. I wouldn't rule anything out with this staff and GM, Mallett included. Could see anything happening, including me playing QB...well, okay, that's one definitely not going to happen item.

Comment From MonicaR
Do you see a future franchise QB in Savage?
John Harris: Love his cannon - he throws the ball so effortlessly. He seems unflappable during drills, even against the No. 1 pass rush. He needs consistency and time. Moving to three different areas hurt his overall development but extended time with this playbook/offense will do nothing but help him. This is one tough cat and I think the Texans got great value in the 4th round with him.

Comment From Andrew Stewart
Who has a bigger impact at WR this season; Devier Posey or Keyshawn Martin?
John Harris: Definitely a layered question, Andrew. But, I'll say Posey. Now that he's fully healthy, I think he can have a great season, with or without Dre being here (hope you're well my man)

Comment From Ecoello25
What can you tell us about JJ Watt and Clowney mini trainning camp sessions
John Harris: Before the surgery, the one thing that really stood out on JD (keep in mind w/out pads of course) was his ability to make up ground. He covered five yards in two steps. Dropping into coverage won't be an issue. Watt? Yeah, he's good. We won't see the full package w/Watt and JD until Sept. 7 but there's a creative plan there that Romeo Crennel has worked on for a while.

Comment From Mike
What's DRE waiting for. What's the purpose of his holdout?
John Harris: Not sure, all any of us in the media, around the team are doing is just speculating. I do know that he has a good relationship with Bill and that's a great starting point.

Comment From Guest
What's up with Louis Nix? Any updates on his recovery?
John Harris: Seemingly fine...doesn't appear as explosive yet but with no pads on, I think he's just holding back to be honest.

Comment From SinceCarrEra
with the probability of not having A.Jonhson back, should would be looking for another #1 receiver or is D.Hopkins up to the challenge?
John Harris: Nah. Hop's fine - this WR corps is better than people think. Now, w/out Dre, it's young. But, it'll get better by the week and keep in mind, Arian Foster is as much a part of the WR as he is the RB in this offense. And, he's good.

Comment From Nelson
How has Xavier looked with the first team O-line? Since he missed a lot of time finishing school.
John Harris: XSF is earning his stripes (if you catch my drift) - he missed ten days of installation, that was a killer. He did a ton of mental reps away from the team, but he'll need to earn one of those OL positions in July/August.

Comment From Guest
Andre Johnson speaks highly of him, but do you think this is a breakout year for Posey? Additionally, do you see him as a backup wide out or more of a slot receiver?
John Harris: I've been a huge Posey fan since his sophomore year at Ohio State. Learning his background and story recently was just awesome lately. He's ready to make a move in large part because he's finally healthy.

Comment From sailor_jones
Is there any chance of the Texans going after Brandon flowers?
John Harris: I'm sure the team will kick the tires, but he's going to be expensive and won't want to play the slot corner position (he didn't like doing that in KC last year).

Comment From Zach Hamilton
If Andre Johnson fails to stay with the team, would WR now be the biggest need for the Texans next offseason or would QB still be the biggest need ?
John Harris: Don't think WR is a massive need, to be honest.

Comment From Agent M7
I believe Dre wants to be here IF he gets a guarantee that he won't be a cap casualty next year. Otherwise, why suffer another yr w/no QB, risk injury, etc, & get dumped?
John Harris: Could be...would love to be a fly on the wall in his house to know for sure.

Comment From Germany
Hey greets from Germany? Is it realistic that Tom Savage will start after the bye week?
John Harris: Greetings from Houston...Could be - I've said before that Savage will take over when he's 1,000% solid on the playbook, wins every mental rep thrown at him, he's ready to execute said gameplan without hiccup and if Fitz struggles. Not sure the math adds up to after the bye week or not, but if Fitz struggles earlier, we could see the Savage Plan in play then.

Comment From Guest
Where does Akeem Dent fit in? Inside or outside?
John Harris: Inside.

Comment From AsleepT
How in the heck do you change the culture of of a lockerroom/team/organization in just 5 months??? Color me impressed!
John Harris: Got to stick to your guns, live the plan you're selling to the team and then connect with them. He's done that - but the proof will be seen in September/October - that's the true test

Comment From Chichi
Why did they trade to Yates
John Harris: Because they could get value for him in a trade as opposed to nothing by just outright releasing him.

Comment From Edward
Hello John and welcome to Houston. Everyone has 80 on their mind and rightfully so. How do you see the whole situation playing not only on coach but his mantra of team first. Will this hurt Dre's stock with the coach after this season if and when he comes back.
John Harris: appreciate it (I've lived in Houston on and off for over 30 years, but I appreciate the welcome). Anyhow, I don't know that Dre's stock is hurt with O'B. He gets what Andre is up against and is giving him the space that he needs. He'll coach up the guys that are here and if Dre's here, he give him the respect/coaching he deserves.

Comment From Guest
Who would backup Foster when he get hurt since Tate gone
John Harris: Andre Brown would get first crack, but Alfred Blue is good looking on the hoof. Don't rule out J. Grimes and D. Johnson - this group has potential. But, it won't matter if 23 goes down. He's the perfect chess piece in this offense.

Comment From CB40
Do you think that J.Clowney will help Texans ?
John Harris: He better or it's a waste of $22 million. (but between you and me, he's going to be fine)

Comment From DJ
Who has a better shot at making the 53, Dennis Johnson or Grimes?
John Harris: Oh, GREAT question...I like both - O'B likes both.True coin flipper that needs Pre-season to figure out, honestly. Both have made an impression in OTA/mini-camp and the staff likes both.

Comment From Guest
How is the kicking battle progressing? And is Shane Lechler the greatest punter ever?
John Harris: Kicking battle? Um...nothing to speak of at this point. And, yes, Shane is a bada--.

Comment From Alan
Hi, John. I watched most of Fitz games from last year. I have one concern. His passes seem hard and on a rope. No touch. Has it been difficult for the receivers to catch?
John Harris: Seemingly no - that's not been an issue that I've seen at all.

Comment From Tim
You think this D has a chance to be the best in the league? And do you Watt is going to be even better with at least a threat of someone else on the line getting to the QB? It was sad watching him all by himself last year, especially after Cush went down.
John Harris: 99 on his own last year was tough to watch, I agree. The rookies (Clowney, Nix and Pagan), a healthy Cush and a much improved Mercilus are the key. It can be an excellent defense and a diverse defense but rookie progress is much needed.

Comment From Flaco
Do you think you there building a good defensive line so they won't need a good quarterback or offense?
John Harris: Separate issue - O'Brien and this staff believe that you have to win on the lines to be successful in this league. Not every team can have a Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Seattle won by dominating on defense with a second year QB. It can happen in different ways.

John Harris: I so appreciate all of your questions and profusely apologize that I didn't get to them fingers are cramping up. Either way, I have to get to practice or O'B will call me out - don't think it won't happen. We'll do this again very soon.
Nwachukwu has something all of the Pats offenses have had in the past and the Texans offense currently lacks. Deep speed, he also has good hands and a great vertical. I can see him being used like Brady used Bethel Johnson.

WR's I see on the roster 80/10/11/Bonner/Nwachukwu and everybody else fighting it out for the WR6 spot if BOB decides to carry 6.